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Best Poems Written by Coral Urbina

Below are the all-time best Coral Urbina poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Bagpipe Songs

On the Isle of Skye, water runs down the Cuillin mountains into waterfall streams
It's a beautiful and tranquil place
Where the local fairies live, play and dream

A red-bearded Scotsman walks from his village
He carries his beloved bagpipes in hand
He heads to the magical Fairy Pools
To play for the fairies hiding among the heather stalks growing in the lush  green land

Clad in a kilt of dark blue and green
They know it's their friend that's come to play
His emotional bagpipe songs are the only things
That make them emerge from their hideaway

The fairies love the skirl of the bagpipes
It brings their soul delight
Their tiny wings flutter with joy and elation
While they surround him in flight

When he's finished playing, he reaches into his horsehair sporran
Hanging from his waist
To feed the fairies bits of wild-grown raspberries
They absolutely love their taste

He will come back to play for them soon on another day
They love their friend in the blue and green kilt
With his beloved bagpipes and the songs that he will play

Copyright © Coral Urbina | Year Posted 2021

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Little gingerbread
fresh out of the oven now
smell the cinnamon

Copyright © Coral Urbina | Year Posted 2021

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Sea Turtle

little sea turtle
racing toward the ocean waves
its new life begins.

Copyright © Coral Urbina | Year Posted 2021

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Purple Heart: In Honor of My Father

I was a young man at the age of nineteen
When I was sent to a country on the other side of the world that I had never seen. 

I was trained as an infantry soldier
With an M-16 rifle on my back;
And given an M-79 grenade launcher
In case of enemy ambush or attack. 

Along with my Brothers In Arms, I fought in Cambodia and in the Highlands of the Vietnam jungles;
As soldiers, we were always faced with threats and struggles. 

One unfortunate day, I was ambushed and shot with an enemy soldier’s rifle
His bullet struck and went through my arm;
At first, I didn’t know I was hit; perhaps my body was in denial. 

Eventually, intense pain set in, the blood began to pour; 
My lieutenant made the call for a medavac helicopter
To take me to a hospital so that I could be treated and cared for. 

For my wounds sustained as a result of enemy action
I was awarded the solemn distinction of The Purple Heart;
My life has been forever changed 
Because of this war in which I had to take part. 

Flashbacks still haunt me in my head
Wounded, yes, but I thank God that I’m not dead. 

As soldiers, we fight for our country and sometimes we make a great sacrifice;
As Purple Heart recipients, it’s our bodies that have to pay that ultimate price.

Copyright © Coral Urbina | Year Posted 2023

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Billy Bob Brown

There once was a goat named Billy Bob Brown

Who sang horribly off-key when he danced through town. 

One day while singing, someone grabbed a long pole,

And pushed Billy Bob into a large hole,

Now Billy Bob no longer sings as he dances around.

Copyright © Coral Urbina | Year Posted 2023

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Lavender Fields

Purple lavender
Grows in a large open field
The field smells so good

Copyright © Coral Urbina | Year Posted 2021

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Blood Diamonds

Blood diamonds
Look translucent against your skin
You delight in the shine of the diamonds
Yet the only shine we see is the shine of a machete
A quick flash
A slicing slash
Slashing into flesh and bone
A hand is gone

Blood diamonds
You use them to adorn your body and give you prestige and status
We are trapped and oppressed
So that you can look well-dressed
Mining these blood diamonds
Lives lost
A blood diamond miner's life is filled with fear and intimidation
Our minds and thoughts don't belong to us, they are marred
Our bodies are marked, worn, and scarred

Blood diamonds
Our wrists drip crimson red
While your wrists drip with diamonds white
So, I ask you...
Would you continue wearing blood diamonds
If you knew the truth and story behind our struggle and plight?

Copyright © Coral Urbina | Year Posted 2021

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Tears On the Iron Rail

Bodies crammed shoulder to shoulder
Packed in wooden cattle cars
Their destination to them unknown;
Men, women, and children,
Old, young, and grown.

Bodies standing crowded and pressed against each other
Hearts filled with fear and despair;
Their screams and sobs of anguish and agony
Pierce the stifling air.

Their hearts and minds filled with uncertainty and sorrow,
Not knowing where they will be this time tomorrow.

There is worry and heartache all around
Misery and confusion abound.

History books may have stories that can educate and tell
But only God knows how many tears were shed on the iron rail.

Copyright © Coral Urbina | Year Posted 2021

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A Childs Prayer

How shall I wish upon a star
When it’s twinkling glow from my window
Seems so far?

I sit alone 
Afraid and lonely,
Wondering when the angels will bring me light; 
Lord, I pray to You,
Please be with me and protect me throughout the night. 

Make tomorrow a better day,
Help me do right from wrong;
So that my mommy and daddy will not yell and curse at me
All day long. 

Lord, I know that You love me,
My Bible says You do;
I hope someday soon,
My mommy and daddy will love me too.

Copyright © Coral Urbina | Year Posted 2023

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Unrequited Love

For you, I feel a deep and amorous affection 
From you, I am overlooked and irrelevant;
For you, I desire a loving relationship 
From you, I feel rejection. 

I wish you acknowledged me whenever I’m around
I wish my presence would make you joyfully aware;
When you don’t reciprocate my salutations,
I begin to feel despair. 

There’s an aura about you that to me is absolute perfection 
For you, I have a great admiration;
Anytime I can be near you,
It gives me sensations of euphoria and elation. 

For you, I have such a romantic longing 
I want to be the love of your life;
I know you could make me feel adored
I know you could give me a feeling of belonging. 

I wish I existed in your life 
As you do in mine; 
To have you by my side
Would be absolutely wonderful and divine. 

I wish you had the same sentiments for me as I have for you
We could take this unrequited love and make it a genuine love between us…
Oh, how I wish you desired that too.

Copyright © Coral Urbina | Year Posted 2022


Book: Reflection on the Important Things