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Best Poems Written by Ng Rippel

Below are the all-time best Ng Rippel poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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not a dim voice in the back of your head
not wisdom and words from those who are dead
not just some long forgotten equation
not a bandage over an abrasion
not a blessing bestowed on the masses
not sweet talk meant for much sweeter lasses

not idle chatter in small sleepy towns
not the sounds of footsteps making their rounds
not thunder and lightning rolling on high
not the sound of a small child asking why
random unhurried changing arrangements
the constant flow of human engagements

momentary matters none of which last
all become echoes of that which is past

Copyright © Ng Rippel | Year Posted 2022

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My Creed

existence unfolding layer by layer
persistence gradually turning into prayer
knowledge transforms into salvation
producing incantations to avoid stagnation
fulfilling that which was religious need
understanding the universe becomes my creed

Copyright © Ng Rippel | Year Posted 2021

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promise may be both a blessing and curse
sometimes turning into something far worse
potential the symbol for higher things
beyond the grasp of most human beings

entering such an uneven bargain
few do willingly pick up the burden
where any result short of final goal
makes an individual less than whole

pressing beyond standard deviations
brought down by weight of old expectations
having become the fly-in-the-ointment
can’t avoid looks of clear disappointment

all but a game of another's making
freedom lies within the role's forsaking

Copyright © Ng Rippel | Year Posted 2022

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gotta hurry, little time for chatter
not on-deck, always the current batter
pendulum swinging at a hastened pace
as if existence were a non-stop race

skip over letters go straight for the words
type of education most find absurd
continue to grind no matter how stressed
pushing onward, no need to stop and rest

haunted by thoughts, being chased by the past
knowing that nothing here ever long lasts
forever shifting gears without a clutch
as if evolution were in a rush

armed with statistics most find mind-numbing
crashing head-on into what's forthcoming

Copyright © Ng Rippel | Year Posted 2022

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The Infinite

no use dwelling on recent past
not much here really long lasts
rocks, planets, asteroids and stars
this existence briefly is ours
all soon becoming grist for change
eternity moves out of range

there was never a beginning 
there is no definitive end
slow evolving onward spinning
the infinite only extends

beyond interstellar foundations
the good, sublime, complex and bad
just how many iterations
has our universe by now had

focus remains on here and now
when imaginations allow
drifting above, out and beyond
what civilizations have spawned
to nether realms of infinite
where all becomes ambivalent
seems much too much to comprehend
everything endlessness portends

Copyright © Ng Rippel | Year Posted 2022

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Fair Warning

stealthily hiding behind gray white mists
wispy smoke rising heavenward in twists
within caldera red hot lava boils
menacing flora, fauna and topsoils
beware if ground beneath feet starts to quake
creating distance the best choice to make

don't count on Planet Earth being your friend
always has potential to bring our end
please try not to take it personally
planets must do what comes naturally
do not expect any introduction
even for events of  mass destruction

universe does what universes do
adapting to the results falls on you

Copyright © Ng Rippel | Year Posted 2022

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Three For Free




Copyright © Ng Rippel | Year Posted 2022

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A Small Part of the Story of Being

having arrived at this juncture
of learning the man made structure
of creations, gods, demons and time
and various situations not quite so sublime
where nothing under the sun appears to be new
let us take a moment to focus upon that which seems true

thirteen billion years or so ago
our universe began to grow
from a tightly bound bundle of particles
to what now seems extremely remarkable
one small slight insignificant transaction
turning into a continuous chain reaction
churning, igniting, expanding,flowing to create space 
and all the ingredients which would make the human race

from a foaming, combustible, ubiquitous cosmic plasma
to galaxies and quasars which would eventually interest NASA
more heavenly chaos for nine billion years
until the formation of our solar system began to appear
one billion more for our planet to cool down
allowing chemical reactions in a heat vent to abound
creating uncountable, squirming first-to-life amoebas
which over 2 billion years would mutate into creatures filling our seas 

800 million years back carbon dioxide falling by chance
led to a 300 million year process which created the plants
seducing some of the sea’s creatures
to exit the ocean and live on the beaches
one complete orbit around the galaxy more
the dinosaurs went from real to beings of yore
an asteroid’s sudden impact sealing their fate
only for insects, birds and smaller animals was it not too late

but an evolutionary instant ago
the first upright apes entered the show
taking six to  nine million years longer
to evolve into those first humans which we now ponder
those first two hundred thousand years for a back and forth humanity being quite rough
survival, an every hour challenge for even those who had proved themselves the most tough
the past ten thousand years of human history
to most are something of a lesser mystery
from caves, to huts, to primitive houses, human life took on more appeal
as mankind spread across continents domesticating animals, using the wheel

natural disasters, marauding carnivores, pestilence all took their toll
as human inhumanity to humans continued to play an even more worrisome role
ignoring the ever expanding universe’s part in providing for the entire situation
gods and religions arose for emotional support  and to misinform about the creation
internal combustion engines wrought trains, planes, pollution and automobiles
electricity brought lights, appliances, communication devices and newsreels
making that which had been such a difficult life so much easier with many empty hours to fill
with theories, fantasies, movies, books, sporting events and making mountains out of mole hills
wars still being fought much too often as advanced nations began exploring the cosmos
better medicines to fight viruses and nuclear weapons which threaten to turn humanity into compost

churning wheels, internal combustion engines, coal-fired power plants
fires burning everywhere, environmental protections much too scant
human activity creating a rapidly expanding carbon footprint
threatening to leave our planet's fragile environment totally spent
three billion years of evolutionary progress
now being positioned for full egress
dirty air and water, flora and fauna beginning to die
all could be gone in the blink of eternity's eye

so here we now are
a species having come very far
would be such a shame 
with no humans around to blame
for allowing meaningless grievances and willful ignorance
to threaten the opportunity for continued human existence

Copyright © Ng Rippel | Year Posted 2020

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Day of the Dead

weep not when we die
don't let your life go awry
for the time was nigh
attributes were diminished
the mortal course now  finished

words were all written
no longer need to fit in
worry what's twitten
opinions will not long last
as all existence shall pass

never born-again
but a human with a pen
human among men
back to whence everything came
no more demons left to tame

now no need for shame
care who or what is to blame
life ends all the same
good, bad, rich, poor, or wiser
death, the great equalizer

don't feel bad for me
what I was, has been set free
beyond slights or fees
through eternity we schlep
in evolution's next step

Copyright © Ng Rippel | Year Posted 2022

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Night Watch

search for oddities
into space and time we squeeze
eons can be seen
through highly polished mirrors
on bitter cold night so clear

'The Accident' morphs
dim mysterious brown dwarf
skimming stellar turf
leaving possibilities 
constitutes dark energies

lustrous Milky Way
is where we reside today
facing come what may
dusty gas, huge black holes hide
where galactic center glides

interstellar bliss
where supernovas exist
fireworks not to miss
proves the cosmos are alive
eternity will survive

for the non-earth bound
cosmic microwave background
has now hung around
over fourteen billion years
since Great Expansion appeared

sky watching sessions
cosmic history lessons
answering questions
when the universe was born
how our galaxy was formed

sitting in the dark
with conditions often stark
tracing heaven's arc
watching the vast cosmos flow
where true dreamers choose to go

Copyright © Ng Rippel | Year Posted 2022


Book: Shattered Sighs