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Best Poems Written by Anitha Jayasankar

Below are the all-time best Anitha Jayasankar poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Our Rainbow of Love

My love, do you ever know...

In your moments of hushed silence, 
I am your sound;

You are the rhythm
of the symphonic waves
in the vast sea 
of my romantic verses;

Jasmine blooms, fresh, I am
and you, the thread, 
together stringed, we become
fragrant garlands
that adorn and purify
our sacred sanctuary of love;

When you form the visible arc, 
I become the invisible arc
of our vibrant rainbow of love;

My love, don't you know...

You hold the key to my
Paradise of Love-
there, in a spot, so beautiful, 
I sit sprinkling my romantic ink, 
my heart beating fast
as I await your arrival, 
when thrush nightingales
sing ballads of love
and a soft zephyr 
tickles and whispers into my ears
that you are on your way
to meet me.

Come, my love, without further delay
forget all the petty tiffs we had and
unlock the door to my paradise. 
Hold me in your arms, so that
our eyes would meet
with gazes deep:
domes of black and white 
will then become verses of love

As I would read 
my own muses, so deep
in your eloquent eyes, 
and you, in mine, 
so magical and dreamy that moment be
when the wheel of time
would stop for some time

For us...

Just for us...

Copyright © Anitha Jayasankar | Year Posted 2022

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Can You Imagine

Can You Imagine

In Our Planet

If one fine day..
All trees are given a chance to speak-
What will they speak to us?:
'What have you EGOISTIC humans 
Caused to our ENVIRONMENT?'

If one fine day..
Mother Earth is given a voice
What will She say? 
Her thunderous voice will echo
From her outer atmosphere:
'Stop polluting me NOW or

If one fine day..
All the money in the world is
Equally distributed
Amongst everyone
Then there will be:

If one fine day..
Our planet follows this rule:
Total darkness henceforth. 
But only those that show humanity
Be blessed to see radiance of light:
'There will be NO INHUMANITY'

If one fine day..
All employers take this decision-
The only qualification needed 
To acquire a job is-
'Good Character':
'Then parents will NEVER FAIL
Into their children'

If one fine day..
The infinite universe stoops down 
To say something to us from above
What would that be?: 
'To every human being out there
Prancing with pride:
You are NOTHING but
In an ENDLESS desert. 
So, stop being ARROGANT!'

Copyright © Anitha Jayasankar | Year Posted 2021

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"From deep within my heart
I always catch the scent
Of my beloved. How can I
help but follow the fragrance? ~ Rumi

There is something in you that I see
that churns the calmness of my mind's sea
Is it the beauty of your lovable self, so pure
that I pine to be caged in your heart, secure?

Wings of hours flap fast when you are near, 
but, away from me as you glide, I fear
the slow strides of time - hours long - longer than my
endless waves of emotions of love, I sigh!

Oh my beloved... 

The true loving essence of your being is the treasure, 
I safeguard in my heart: I love you beyond measure;

In a faraway land, as you sparkle in fame, 
In my dream, I just wish... 
to be the perfect strong hardwood frame
for the graceful photo of your soul - my twin flame.

Date: 07/21/2022
Submitted for: Rhyme Rumi Quote Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Sotto Poet
No. of words: 127

Copyright © Anitha Jayasankar | Year Posted 2022

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Friends Are Like Stars

Friends are like stars
Steady, glittery and bright
Embossed perfectly
With their yellow-white
To the black velvet
Of our dreary minds
Adorning them with
Eternal sparkles of light
Inspiring us with their
Deep keen insights -
Each one unique
Of it's own kind;

Friends are like stars
Luminous and lustrous
Radiating rays of hope
When in darkness we grope
As life's harried hassles
Leave us doomed and baffled
Eclipsing the brightness and
Cheeriness of our souls -
Each one glinting
With its warm glow.

Date: 08/08/2022
For Simile Contest 
Sponsor: Hilo Poet

Copyright © Anitha Jayasankar | Year Posted 2022

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Ultramarine Blue Sky: a Personification

I lay prone above the surface of the earth:
a boundless expanse of ultramarine blue, 
gazing at every living and nonliving thing, 
the air so clean and pure.

Where are they? 
cotton pieces that loiter around
like fluffy soft white bunnies
that scurry around
scattering and wandering playfully:
clouds that float with fleecy wings
oh.. I do not see them today! 

It is a beautiful early evening;
As no clouds to obstruct my view, 
from above, I could catch a glimpse of
many a poetic mind: dreamy and forlorn
lying on their back in the grass, here and there
within corners of the earth, 
staring blank at my vast serene blue 
when waves of woes were crashing 
at the rocky edges of their mind -
and into a deep trance, they enter.

To ease their distress, 
I whisper into the ears of the infinite seas, 
to send gentle cool breeze their way
and wake them up from their reverie
with a gentle kiss in their gloomy eyes, 
igniting embers of hope in their dreary mind.

As they open their eyes
and wake up from their trance
with many a fresh thoughts to pen -
their muse gets charged
by the charm of my
ultramarine blue inspiration: I become
their unbounded diary of blue pages, 
as they now sprinkle their inspired ink
on my vast blue expanse with their
bright gleaming perceptive eyes.

Date: 11/14/2021
2022 Poetry Marathon Mile 19 Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Mark Toney

"U" Contest, New Poems Only Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Constance La France

Copyright © Anitha Jayasankar | Year Posted 2021

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Paper Boats

(Dedicated to one of my childhood friends)

You were one of those charming lilies
that bloomed, so fresh, in my springtime pond;
when my homesick wings of longings flutter and soar, 
and my mind alights 
on the periphery of the playparks of the past,
I reminisce all the little fun we had 
along with our other friends -
as we strolled through the narrow trails 
in the verdant flowery meadow
that sprawled near our school
during the tender years of our lives.
The giggles and the laughter 
the chuckles and the chatter -
those shrieks and the squeals
that baffled even the needles of time 
to forget their own pace 
and hop and waltz along with us.

Then roads diverged, new air we breathed
as we took new paths to pursue our purposes in life.
Years later, you arrived once very near my place
yet we could not connect and get ourselves to meet.

That day when we talked on the phone 
and I heard your voice after a very long time,
my mind leapt for joy and soaked for some time 
in a summer drizzle of rainbow memories -
of those I had long forgotten
as you reminded them to me in our chat -
they linger on like pleasant petrichor. 
Later, I tried to recollect and sing our childhood songs
rhyming it perfect with the 
unrhyming clamor of our choruses.

When commitments in work and family responsibilities 
seem to have rusted the gate to my nostalgic dam -
your call was the key to open it - and when creaking opened
wistful emotions gushed forth
to form an ocean of yearnings
to be a child once more.

You revived the puddles of my mind with paper boats 
that carry leaves, stems, and flowers of fond memories.
I felt like a gleeful kite in the vast blue, 
fleeing for a moment from the humdrum day.

You will forever be the same charming lily
adorning my little lake of most treasured blossoms.
My bestie, my soul-sis.

Copyright © Anitha Jayasankar | Year Posted 2023

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This Is Who I Am

Wife of Jayasankar, mother of Ashwin
I love creativity, to feel the soul of nature, my muse, and music
I admire every little thing in nature

I keep myself happy by doing things I love to do
To friends, I am loyal
I try to give them my love and support

When I happen to breathe in the polluted air of deception and hypocrisy
and am stressed, 
I relax, breathe out and sing a soulful song to de-stress myself
The warmth of the smile of cute babies
and their innocent babbles
soothes me at once, when perturbed

I am in awe of God's marvellous creations, 
and the universal appeal that babies of all species hold

I am kind, tender and a romantic at heart
I am cheerful, happy and feel others' pain

I fear lizards, interacting with sly, duplicitous people, dreadful diseases, and a world when all green gone

I would like to fly high in my dreams, uninterrupted, to a perfect paradise and bask in its beauty and peace
I would like to dream more, write more and my voice be heard
I would like to seek the soul of Ultimate Universal Truth.

A resident of Maharashtra, India

Date: 07/11/2021
Inspired by 'This Is Who I am' Poetry Contest sponsored by Milton Hankins

Copyright © Anitha Jayasankar | Year Posted 2021

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Notes of Life

"In my fragile little ship, I sail, sail
In the tempestuous sea of life
Dodging life's pressures, to doldrums outlast"~ by poet

Breathing in and out the notes of life, 
from first cry to last sigh, you sing
you sing.... unbeknownst
unbeknownst to you as to
what tunes and notes of life
you will be singing.. 

but you keep singing... taking cues
taking cues from the
rhythm of the twirl of time. 

As you warble to the ticking of time
a melody is created 
and the moment becomes lovely -
when your hum is harmonious to
the rhythm, tempo, and dynamics of life. 

Listening to that melody - so sweet, 
buds of love and peace bloom straightaway
in vibrant colours
to savour and celebrate 
the beautiful moment:
a moment as beautiful 
as the sweet smile of a child
and as peaceful as the 
stillness of a meditation hall. 

At times, your voice cracks 
you sing outside the range
hitting the wrong note... 

you slip down the stairs
the last step extending down to
the hassles and hard times of life... 

like a banana peel
in an already slippery road, 
like a dust in the eye
that blurs your vision, 
like that of a Wordle game
that leaves you totally clueless. 

Such wrong notes
in your song of life
leave you in dismay

like a torn page in a book:

you get dejected, dispirited, and disheartened

and a confused state of mind follows. 

But you know you should not stop
you need to ignore the wrong note you struck

not a wince, blink or a pause.. 

you have to just move

on and on... 

and get your mojo back
to continue carolling
the rest of your notes of life
in accordance to the 
rhythm of time...

Date: 02/24/2022
'F' form - Free verse - New - Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Constance La France
Theme Chosen: Life
First Place

Poem Of The Day on 02/24/2022

Copyright © Anitha Jayasankar | Year Posted 2022

Details | Anitha Jayasankar Poem

Bask In Your Own Glow

I write upon the fluttering pages of your mind, 
My words of hope to make your spirit soar:
Reveal your inner light and charm, 
When dark gloom and grief sows
Seeds of despair, never let them your soul pursue
and grow; pluck them out and away you throw.

I write upon rustling leaves of your thoughts that flow 
From the tree of your heart, my words anew
To ease your unease and repose:
When dreadful storms do harm
Your mind's cool ocean, let pearls of peace cast ashore, 
And help you smile at warm sunrise behind.

I write upon those empty spaces that I find
In your fragile heart, my words to implore
You to be ever poised and calm:
When endless waves of woes
Try to inundate you, never let them drown you. 
Bask in the brightness of your own glint glow.

Date Written: 02/01/2021
2022 Poetry Marathon Mile 11 Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Mark Toney

Submitted for: My Invented Form I Write Upon Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Constance La France
Syllables: 12/10/8/6/12/10; 12/10/8/6/12/10; 12/10/8/6/12/10.

Submitted for: Your Personal Favorite No. 2 Poetry Contest
Sponsor: L Milton Hankins

Copyright © Anitha Jayasankar | Year Posted 2021

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Just August

It's just August and I can't wait
to ramble with you through the countryside
that sparkles in a fresh glossy green cover;
After long spells of rain, the sun gently peeks out, 
and green leaves glisten in soft sunlight;
Aw the rain drops on large banana leaves
like beads of pearls strewn about, shining.

Date: 08/09/2022
For Just August Contest
Sponsor: Andrea Dietrich

Copyright © Anitha Jayasankar | Year Posted 2022


Book: Shattered Sighs