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Best Poems Written by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Below are the all-time best Dr. Robert Ippaso poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Has Our World Gone Mad

I’m confused 
At times bemused
By the turn society’s taking,
Sexuality so complex
Gender needing further context
All my preconceptions breaking.

Are cows good
On this we brood
Carbon footprint the new quandary,
Should we fly
Or cycling try
A simpler world I recall fondly.

Left or Right
The current fight
Politicians all grandstanding,
Little caring
Of our hearts and minds demanding.

To take part
Is quite an art
Every word now needing measure,
Opinions rue
So fast to sue
No surprise the past I treasure.

Copyright © Dr. Robert Ippaso | Year Posted 2020

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Now Here Comes Their Bleating - In Trump's Own Words Upon Acquittal

So many words, such boring waffle
Posturing peacocks, whispering snakes,
Actions so twisted doubtful if lawful
A bunch of connivers, dithering flakes.

In the House which they rule
They pointed and frowned
Lectures unending as if back at school,
Comments unwelcomed, arguments drowned.

Then to the Senate the matter was sent
Pelosi's grandstanding the Media in tow,
Swaying opinion her only intent
Her hands animated, her face all aglow.

But Mitch was just waiting,
Lurking, knives drawn,
Biding his time skillfully baiting,
For he had the Queen, they just the Pawn.

Here comes their bleating
Lost sheep wailing foul
They accuse us of cheating
Which makes me just howl.
Boy I like winning
It's such a huge high,
I so can't stop grinning
While watching them cry.

Now the deal's done
This farce put to bed,
I'll continue to stun
As I forge way ahead

They thought they could win
By playing the part
But if acting's a sin
I've mastered that art.

Another four years 
Of me and my tribe,
No matter their tears
To me they'll subscribe.

Copyright © Dr. Robert Ippaso | Year Posted 2020

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Is Our Arrogance So Strong - In the Wake of the Corona Virus

Are those tears of sorrow or pure wrath,
God’s anger at mankind
Put on earth to tread his path,
Just to see us stumbling blind.

Little knowing, quite uncaring
Of our world so full of life,
Wanton damage truly glaring,
Callous actions clearly rife.

Have we suddenly forgotten,
Is our arrogance that strong,
That we too were once downtrodden,
But a cog in nature’s throng.

Now we act as Lord and Master,
Spitting sentence with huge swaths,
Destruction fostered ever faster
Life’s fabric swarmed by human moths.

Time to pause, soak in the wonder
At Earth’s bounty in all it’s forms, 
Embrace God’s gift and stop the plunder,
Live our lives by Nature’s norms.

Copyright © Dr. Robert Ippaso | Year Posted 2020

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20 Politicians Standing On a Wall - An Allegory of the Democratic Debates

Twenty politicians standing on a wall  
Oh what fun to see some fall,
Blabber, blabber, rue the day
They talk and talk but little say.

Yet they shout and argue too
About what I challenge you
To then repeat what they have said,
The mere thought just blows my head.

Each loves the sound of their own voice
And stand before us all by choice,
To have us judge who it shall be
With each one saying, me me me.

But like Pied Piper with his flute
The call to watch we can’t refute,
We sit and stare, comment and whine
As some just flounder past the line.

Yet for one the end is sweet
The entire cake they’ll get to eat,
Battered, bruised and mighty sore
Now almost at that White House door.

Copyright © Dr. Robert Ippaso | Year Posted 2019

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The Quiet Assassin - the Fight For Our Lives

Tension palpable, one can cut it with a knife
As the quiet assassin glides with unfettered ease,
Wreaking mayhem, misery and strife,
Choosing victims from anyone he sees.

No border, boundary, wall to hold
This wily master of his trade,
His mere presence causing misery untold,
Scant protection from his voracious blade.

We can but hold our loved ones tight
In private prayer and contemplation,
Hoping, wishing with all our might
To yet defeat this aberration.

Is this punishment deserved,
Are we the ones to hold the blame
For having nature so disturbed,
For playing God in all but name.

Do we now reap what we have sown,
Our failing clear for all to see,
Could we truly not have known
And simply left our Earth just be.

Copyright © Dr. Robert Ippaso | Year Posted 2020

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The Fools Think I'M Overtweeting - In Trump's Own Words

They don’t get it, bunch of fools
Don’t they see how the media drools
Over each and every tweet
Crafted not to be discreet.

Are they blind to my great skill
Of bending media to my will,
Time and again I pull that trick,
And they fall over like a brick.

My strategy’s sublime there’s no denial
Prepped as a lawyer does for trial,
I make a case and sell it strong,
Daring them to call me wrong.

And once they do they’re in my trap
For all their energy I sap,
Each falling over like ten pins
To call out loud my litany of sins.

Oh dear God isn’t that great
How so easily they bait,
Puffed like Adders full of bluster
Regaling me with countless hours of laughter.

But with their faces ever redder
I’m invariably the header,
For my words to sing out loud,
To my all adoring crowd.
So on I go merrily tweeting
On a veritable shoestring,
The investment now all theirs
Fully answering my prayers.

Copyright © Dr. Robert Ippaso | Year Posted 2019

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The Rat - In Trumps Own Words

Cohen’s a snitch, an eel,
A despicable squeal,
Why I once trusted this horrible man,
This sniveling lawyer whose life is a sham,
Is simply beyond me a momentary lapse,
Yet one more sharp pain that my energy saps.
And while this all irks, stealing my time,
I revel in knowing the payback’s sublime.
His next stop a cell, depressing and cramped,
The perfect abode for this creep to be dumped.
As for these democrats digging for dirt
Little they realize their pistols just squirt,
I’ve the bazooka loaded and primed
Waiting to fire at the moment best timed,
So let them all revel while they still can
For I am the gale force to their puny fan.

Copyright © Dr. Robert Ippaso | Year Posted 2019

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Your Truth - a Conversation With Christine Blasey Ford

Tell me your story, leave out no fact,
I’ll pose my questions with sympathy and tact,
You’re a brave woman with a pure heart,
If you’re now ready, breathe deeply and we’ll start.

You were fifteen, vulnerable and shy
Discovering life as every day went by,
Protected by the hearth of community and home,
Your world a few square miles from which you did not roam.

And then one day your confidence was shorn,
A callous act from which a pattern of anxiety was born;
Your silent tears prove anguish knows no bounds,
But I must be sure your memory has grounds.

The boy was Brett of that you have no doubt?
“The very one whose name from every rooftop I will shout.”
And yet for thirty years you didn’t tell a soul?
“My sadness couldn’t breathe from the innocence he stole.”

I’m told your friends know nothing of this day?
“I’m filled with sorrow as its pure truth that I now say.”
Your memory is shaky as to what happened when and where?
“Not a day goes by that anguish I don’t share.”

I can’t begin to feel the way you clearly do,
But looking in your eyes I see the terror’s true.
None can forgive the actions of this heel
That from his deed he could your joy so steal.

Whilst we can’t know it was the man you claim,
No doubt one did your soul unjustly maim;
Your trauma known, your burden shared
And through your truth a lesson clearly aired.

Copyright © Dr. Robert Ippaso | Year Posted 2019

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Game Fishing In Florida

An art or a sport
Some whisper a ‘crazy obsession’,
And like Golf where age won't cut short
At least our pastime won't lead to depression.

A hook and a line
Much patience, sun balms,
No rush when your world is sublime
With glistening waters and a horizon of wavering palms.

They ask what we do
Long hours surveying the sea,
So little they know for amidst all that blue
Lies the quest that only we see.

That adrenalin rush
A shout or a curse, the rod twitching possessed,
Tranquility broken no semblance of hush
All steely resolve now hard pressed

Arms aching, back breaking
Reel screaming the line pulling so deep,
Fish gaining, strength failing
Maybe this task is too steep.

We win some, we lose some
The joy’s in the chase not the catch,
No matter the outcome no semblance of glum
And for this feeling there’s simply no match.

Copyright © Dr. Robert Ippaso | Year Posted 2022

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Hi I'M Kamala and I'M Misunderstood

I cackle and I giggle
I'm a friendly sort of gal
And when I’m quite excited
I'll give a little twirl.

Why would all this be funny
As It's simply who I am
Just a smart and chatty lady
Not a sour old boring man?

The job I do is tiresome
Cleaning up after my boss
Helping prompt him and remind him
For he's often at a loss.

People need to understand
As the ‘Spare’ it's really tough
If you harbor any doubts
Ask Prince Harry just how rough.

We poor souls haven't a rudder
A proper job to give us strength
Maybe why we're such a target
Nipped and pricked with every breath.

The sad part is I'll never be
The leader only I can clearly see
The first woman to Preside
The gig I thought was meant for me.

But what the heck let's have some fun
Doing the little that I do
A skill of mine if truth be told
As often I simply haven't got a clue.

Copyright © Dr. Robert Ippaso | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs