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Read I Love You Poems Online



Love is the source of reality
That gave birth to all source
Of creation and recreation
A soul to soul connection 
Heart to heart feelings.
You truly love a person
Only when you're aware of their flaws
But yet feelings never changed.
The greatest of love is to 
Give all of you without expectations
For expectations comes with disappointment.
The best love is the kind that awakens 
The soul and makes us reach for more.
A heart once broken
Is always afraid to love again,
For one to truly love without fear
You have to go with your mind and heart
Without your eyes 
For love is a thing of the Unknown.
The unknown you can only 
Participate with your mind and heart,
For your eyes only beholds
The physical beauty alone.
People with purpose don't love the body
But soul,  
Your purpose is love.
For a man dies for what 
He loves knowingly or unknowingly.
Love makes a man a baby
And a baby a man.
Love without pain 
Is love without gain.
Every time we make 
The decision to love someone, 
We open ourselves to great suffering, 
Because those we most love cause us
Not only great joy but also great pain.
The greatest pain comes from leaving.
If we want to avoid the suffering of leaving, 
We will never experience the joy of loving.
Because love goes from nothing
To something and from something
To everything.
Love is not anything but everything
To live by or with, day by day.
Love is a medicine 
It illuminates the heart
It heals all traumas
It floods your mind 
With positive thoughts for more.
It rewires your brain
To align or resonate only
With uplifting and creative fluids
Love is not just a word
It's the greatest force
In the whole Universe
It connects and unites all
LOVE is inevitable just as death. 
It take us on a flight
Invisible to others
To a destination 
Where true bliss and harmony is found.

Copyright © Desire Obaroyeregbe Agbeyiwa Ikoyo


Book: Shattered Sighs