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Gruesome Poems - Poems about Gruesome

Gruesome Poems - Examples of all types of poems about gruesome to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for gruesome.
Premium Member Gruesome
Mary, Mary, ever so scary No one your garden does mow Your plots with flowers so wild Beneath each plot a dead child Providing food for every rose Where those bodies do decompose Never have you been detected Nor ever by...Read the rest...
Categories: gruesome, horror,
Form: Rhyme
The Charcoal Man; Part Two
The Charcoal Man; Part Two She went as silent as a night with petrified crickets. It blinked. Then before any of us could comprehend what was going on it swiftly grabbed her by the arm and...Read the rest...
Categories: gruesome, dark, death, evil, grave,
Form: Free verse

The Charcoal Man; Part One
Readers note; Wrote this story concept five years ago. Have an additional fifty pages if interest spikes. The Charcoal Man; Part One Cohen & I were sitting in class whilst Mrs. Knooman picked up a withered piece...Read the rest...
Categories: gruesome, analogy, anxiety, assonance, class,
Form: Free verse
Anger Beast
ANGER BEAST Anger is a crooked path to lead the feet astray, Thru tangled brush and thorny weeds, To scratch the skin away. Anger is a gruesome knife grinding at the heart, It twists and turns with disregard 'Til pain cannot...Read the rest...
Categories: gruesome, analogy, anxiety, conflict, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Gruesome Humans
Evil People Dark and Lethal Tortures Ensures Nurtures Murders Sadist Misfit Inflicts Pain hits Ill-treat Repeat Abuse Amuse Fun kill Sick thrill Nasty Ghastly Ugly Fugly Gruesome Humans 19.08.22 * Two cats, one a kitten, were found dead in a basement carpark in London, with horrific injuries. I won't give the details but all the signs were of...Read the rest...
Categories: gruesome, abuse, evil, people,
Form: Footle

G-ruesome E-pidemic's R-aging L-ink I-mplements E-eriness T-o R-abidly I-nfect N-ations I-n D-irt's A-trocious D-isease Topic: Birthday of Gerlie Trinidad (June 20) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: gruesome, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Gruesome Grime
G-ruesome grime in contagion I-mplements morbid mystery; G-risly germs of outbreak I-nfect the troubled humanity. S-tealth silence of onerousness E-mploys the brutal bacteria, R-abid risk applies ailment, A-ttacking the crowded area. J-ust defeat the hazard, O-n this perilous time; S-top...Read the rest...
Categories: gruesome, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Gruesome Epidemic
A-ilment's B-rutality E-mploys G-ruesome E-pidemic A-s L-ethal R-isk A-pplies M-ystery I-n R-abidity's E-eriness Z-one Topic: Birthday of Abegeal E. Ramirez (May 09) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: gruesome, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Gruesome Outbreak
L-ung A-ilment U-ses R-abid A-ttack A-s G-ruesome O-utbreak R-apidly I-mplements L-ink's L-ethal A-ssault Topic: Birthday of Sis. Laura Agorilla (May 03) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: gruesome, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Gruesome Infection
G-ruesome I-nfection L-ets B-rutal E-pidemic's R-abid T-hreat C-ontagiously A-ttack B-y E-mploying L-ink's I-nvisible Z-one A-trociously Topic: Birthday of Gilbert R. Cabeliza (May 03) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: gruesome, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Gruesome Link
M-ysterious E-pidemic L-ets O-utbreak D-eliver Y-ucky P-andemic A-nd N-astiness A-s G-ruesome L-ink I-nfects M-outh A-trociously Topic: Birthday of Melody A. Panaglima (April 23) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: gruesome, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Gruesome Images Shared
It is a sickening time for most of us... When the internet exposes the worst in us.. Without a doubt many of us recoil in horror... When a video clip shows us images of mass murder... When the ...Read the rest...
Categories: gruesome, betrayal, community, hate, humanity,
Form: Narrative
Gothicly Gruesome
Eerie winds sending shivers down my spine As the clouds cover the moon You say, I will come back soon You say, I will come back soon 1,2,3 as I walk down the street, I believe that these pumpkins...Read the rest...
Categories: gruesome, autumn, beautiful, birth, body,
Form: Free verse
Gruesome War
This day time,is all about money and greed, No matter who they hurt,guaranteed. All this confusion,what's wrong and what's right, Temper's flare,that is about to ignite. All the love and caring in this world seems to be gone, All the...Read the rest...
Categories: gruesome, war,
Form: Rhyme
Her Cold, Gruesome Mentality
I looked in her eyes and all I saw was plastic. The look of unreality; something not alive. She tried to hold him; she tried to care. She couldn’t help the fact that she was never really there. The...Read the rest...
Categories: gruesome, teenmay,
Form: Blank verse

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