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Old Age Poems

These Old Age poems are examples of Age poems about Old. These are the best examples of Age Old poems written by international poets.

Premium Member I am Nineteen but I look Seventy Two
I am nineteen
but I look seventy-two
weird maybe
to those who are not here yet

in my heart I am singing and dancing
my arthritic ankles are laughing at...

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Categories: age,

There's always another tale to be told
Other reports that are yet to unfold 
Moving past edited headlines in bold
Maybe in small print or lost in...

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Categories: 10th grade, age, history,

Premium Member travel smarts
The old can travel and visit
Cool places some think exquisite
For our ebb and flow
Even fools should know
Requisite restroom where is it?...

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Categories: age, humor, nature, ocean,

Premium Member Scorn and Abuse
    Intention scorns inattention 

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Categories: abuse, age,

through the ages
Through the Ages

I'm back in the streets of my childhood
no, there is no fanfare I have lived long
in a place with warmer hearts
Here, where I...

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© Jan Hansen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: absence, abuse, age, courage,

Premium Member The Angst of Aging
I never thought much about growing old
While challenging the idea of “getting” old
A well-aged wine or cheese has merit
A well-aged man has wrinkles and nose...

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Categories: age, humor,

Premium Member Geezer Daydream
You may say I'm a homely old geezer,
ready for the glue factory or freezer.
Yet, in truth, while I make passes, uncouth,
my hopes of finding the...

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Categories: age, beauty, humor, silly,


Whoever succeeds in adopting a positive attitude towards old age, 

The passing of years, would not appear an earthly burden on him, 

But, heavenly bliss.


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Categories: age, earth, heaven,

Premium Member Dog face
They looked at me with doubt
The light had long gone out
I was long past my prime
Ripples in a pond subside over time

"That's him?", an onlooker...

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Categories: age, beauty,

Premium Member September Falls
Serene, the crisp of apple cider days
Each morning lightly misted. Its mystique  
Perhaps a guise to hide from eyes the ways
The pink hydrangeas rusted;...

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Categories: age, autumn, life, love,

Cold sweats, cold chains, old bets, old brains
Regrets refrain that i do it again
Heart beats, heart stops, heart skips and pops
Heart races and chases the...

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Categories: age, anger, anxiety, cry,

Something I Forgot to Tell You
I'm older now, older than most expect
 and looking back I must confess
 there are some things I do regret.

These senior years suddenly become

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© DM Babbit  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: age, love, time,

Like a kite in the summer sky
The signs were there, easy to see—  
A looming end, dark as night 
Yet she soared, an owl...

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Categories: 12th grade, marriage,

Premium Member The Person I Want to Be
I hope to be primarily
a man who suffers minim'lly.
Furthermore, I would hope to say,
I might improve another's day.
So, I do not harm yours truly,
or hurt other...

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Categories: age, relationship,

Premium Member Joan
She sits in the gloom of her freezing cold room
A room she can’t heat anymore
Her larder is bare but she never goes there
For she doesn’t...

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Categories: age, sad, winter,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things