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New Poetry Form - The BELL

by John Anderson

The BELL is a new poetry form that combines a visual image in the layout with a counter-point 'hammer' or message in the ending.

the bell 

The BELL is an elongated version of a Cinquain, but is much simpler only requiring syllable counts. The Ninette form (nine lines with syllables increasing and then decreasing) is very similar to the BELL form, but lacks its shape and form.  

The BELL has 9 lines and rigid syllable count of 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 2, 1, respectively. There can be more than one stanza. 

It is formatted with centre alignment to highlight the bell shape. The last two lines are the 'hammer' that rings the BELL. This is where the counter-point or 'sting' lies. It is similar in some ways to the 'Cutting’ Word of a Haiku (It cuts the stream of thought and suggests a link to something that follows or for the reader to contemplate).  

The 'argument' or idea is developed and built-up with the sequence of 7 longer lines, followed by the 'hammer'.

The BELL sounds very well when recited.

However, it is not meant to always related to bell or sounds. The topic can be anything at all.


Bell is Cup


bell is

a cup upside

down, shaped to resonate

a chime and ring, when hammer strikes

the bell cup, and makes it ring its key note

big bells make deep guttural gongs,

small bells



What Love is


Goes on


Love seeks healing, not hurt

Love is patient, never quits

You can keep trust in love when everthying else fails

Love your family, friends, county



Book: Shattered Sighs