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It was the occurrence after a lifetime in the mire. He, Bernard Hulu, met a girl she couldn’t remember her name but she still opened his mind to the possibility within.
“Is it waves that make the sea, or is it the beach?” He asked this plethora of goodness, positive energy and smarts (the girl).
“if god wills it, it can be either or both.”
He thought on that for a few seconds before replying. “So it’s good to the universe this blessing of three. Right?”
“I’m more of a God-faring woman than a witch but the number three has power.”
It was like his mind exploded but he held together irregardless of gravity and he could feel his unconscious mind filling up the extra space. What was he becoming? A big headed alien? But he still felt undeniably human in his lust for the girl. He leaned in to kiss her.
“I’m still married but if you want a kiss have your mind manifest a new girl, unmarried, who will kiss you.”
A look of shock overcame his unusually calm demeanor and he spoke as if sentient for his mind was growing by the second.
“I can manifest that?” she smile.
“You can manifest anything if you really want it.”
He leaned back and looked at the facts. Indeed he could manifest anything a turn of momentum in a Patriots game of Red Sox game. He could visualize a puck shot on goal that went in and it would manifest. Did he really have the power? Did we all have the power if our minds were expanded opened to the unexplainable could it be done?
“I gotta catch my bus.”
“if I manifested a spaceship will you leave your husband and go with me?”
She laughed. “Sure! See you tomorrow.”

He tossed and turned like he couldn’t get comfortable on a bed of thorns. He had a fever and was sweating so much his mouth was parched. He must have woken up delirious half a dozen times. Each time he went to the kitchen and drained down a glass of water.
In the morning he was drenched in sweat and not so fever senile. While he showered he had a thought that all sickness crime and mayhem was an infection of some sort and all infections could be cured.
He showered first then shaved not knowing it was midday he opened the window curtain to let out steam. He looked out and nearly fell down from the glare of reflected light.

He stepped out on his back porch still dumb from the glare. As he looked he could see it dissipate and a few seconds later he could see it for what it was. A shiny space ship that was deflecting itself. Was this for his benefit?
Could it be?
Had this 100x stronger brain truly have manifested this?
As he watched in amazement at the change he couldn’t help but wonder was this his? and How did it get here?
As surely as the ship arrived out of his mind it seemed to be sentient or psychic for a ramp came out. He questioned if he should come aboard. His mind now outside was wandering and he could not control it to keep it on the question.
“Yes.” Came the voice not sparkling or solemn yet full of air. So was it at peace? He went aboard.
The inside was actually roomy with two couches and one bed. He sat down at the kitchen table in hunger.
“I detect that you are shocked and a little hungry.” Not a question but a subtle statement of fact. “how about steak and eggs.”
He smiled at the thought of an old favorite.
“Sure.” But the tubes had come down before he got out the one word answer.
“How did you know?”
“You emitted pleasing pheromones.”
“oh.” He did?
Irregardless the meal was great.
Then he remembered the conversation with the girl and it seemed a thousand years ago and a thousand miles away.

“Go get her.” He didn’t have to say where for somehow the ship knew what he meant. Befor he could finish the words they were there, him and his new friend of a spaceship.
“Teleportation device activated.”
“What!? No! Let me out!” screamed the twenty year old girl as she was sucked into the bottom of the ship.
“Sir I am sorry but this crowded area you will most likely lose possession of this ship.”
On the viewscreen appeared a shot of the city block below. The people had gathered to look at the not-so-alien craft hovering above their street. The cars stopped, the vendors stared and more than a couple of drinks were spilled.

She was on board.

“What the hell? You know im married! What do you just going to take me away from my family?”
“No. I…”
“I mean I didn’t think of that.”
“Well maybe you should think before you kidnap someone. What are you gonna do now probe me anally?”
“No!” shocked he thought for a second. “I mean unless you are into that sort of thing.”
“OMG! Shut up! I’m not divorcing my husband for you.”
“Let me speak. You know…”
“Shut up.”
“No sir I will not. I have identified several M-Class planets in the area and I will make you a picnic and have you back by five.”
“Eastern standard time.”
“Well duh.” She said no relaxing her tight skimpy shorts showing off her great legs. She was playing with her belly button ring that was showing now that she moved up her spaghetti strap shirt to the base of her breasts.
“Ok let’s go.” He said and looked at her.
“What the hell? Why not?”
“Good. Prepare for flip space.”
“Whatever the hell that means.”
“Its reversing the polarity of a distance of space creating a vacuum of time where speed is constant and travel is conceivably possible faster that light.”
“Like a wormhole?” He asked.
“No more like a ripple in time.”

“You know this is kind of nice.” She said her belly full and nearly drunk on space ship wine.
“Yeah.” He said putting his arm around her.
“You know if there was anyone that I wouldn’t mind fucking on another planet it would be you.” She said and kissed him.
He pulled back. “What about your husband?”
“He doesn’t have a spaceship.” The tall blue and purple grass waved in the wind as they made love long into the afternoon. The alien constellation’s above blinked a universal recognition.

Back aboard the ship she was growing irritable. “What the hell is taking so long?” she said
“sir there is something you should see.” Said the AI
“Well what’s that?” He asked.
“Take a look outside.”
He walked down the ramp to the matted grass below.
“What am I looking for here?”
“Turn around.”
He did and what he saw were four crates but he couldn’t see inside. What was it? Humans? Animals?
“Well look inside.”
He did and he was astonished to see a 4’x4’x4’ crate filled with a Jackson Pollak style painting made out of many colors of pearls.
Quickly he looked into the second. Gold.
And the third… Gems.
And the third. “Silver.”
“No platinum.“ She corrected him.
“How much is all this worth?”
“The pearls alone are priceless as are the amassing of gems but the gold and platinum should give you high hundreds of millions.”
“Wanna leave your husband now.?”
“Only if we can live here I don’t want to see anything that reminds me of him.”
“Ah Ah Ah Ah.” Came a sound like metal scratching like fork on plate.
“The fuck was that?” Asked the girl.
“I think it was laughter.”
“Correct sir.”
“We will work on that.”
They both smiled and laughed and the ship held its tongue.


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Book: Reflection on the Important Things