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                                     Copyright © | Year Posted 2018








     PROLOGUE:: There are some people who worship money. It is the entirety of their true identity. For them to be without money makes them feel inferior especially amongst societies ever growing millionaires. They will do anything to get their hands on the hard work of others. Older men who have sweated and labored their entire lives to aquire their riches, the material wealth and the things that these "gold diggers" do not have for themselves. 
      These  money hungry individuals known as gold diggers: a phrase coined in reference (mostly to the woman) who associates with or marries a man chiefly for material gain and sometimes will even kill for their money,  just like a black widow spider. Men can also be gold diggers, yet rare.
    PREFACE: My name is Nora Schmidt. I was a civilian's private investigator for many years. I was often hired by families to investigate gold diggers and sometimes worked closely with the local authorities if the case ended up also involving murder. Later I held a detective's badge at the local Sheriff department. It was my career that I achieved from my stepping stone career as a private investigator, and the detective position at the Sheriff's Department was my dream job.  
     My last name of Schmidt often brought a chuckle every time I solved a case. My fellow detective brothers would congratulate me by saying "Your the Schmidt, Nora!" ...but I really was..."Nora Schmidt" and yes I could  really solve cases, so I would just laugh and say "alright guys!"
     I personally feel very sorry for any soul who is so desperate to be someone or something that they are not, that they feel the need to take from others by way of conning and conniving their way into a clueless persons life, taking everything from that person. Formed from the sheer pleasures of greed,  Amelia Darling (she did the unthinkable) in order to flaunt a few more bucks in her delusional mind and to the world (that she was a millionaire). She also hid deep dark secrets and an illness that was masked by her deep desire for money.
     She was the true epitome of a gold digger. She never knew that I knew everything, yes everything, and that one day I would turn her and her cohorts in.
The case of Booker and Amelia Boldman would be my most memorable case, before I retired.  
(This is a hurttwor'x fiction novel based on my knowledge of the inner workings of a real life gold digger).
  * I had a dream last night that visited me during my fitful sleep. I dreamt that I was a little girl flying (on a white marshmallow cloud) high above my childhood home. The winds were spitting frozen pellets of snow like daggers at me.  From above, a winter sky drew clouds of grey . Behind me a tornado was chasing all of my family. I was in a state of moral panic, should I save myself or them? Who would save me If I should turn around? In the next scene I'm in a dirt basement with cobwebs everywhere. A black widow spider is holding my entire family captive. I'm petrified of spiders and I freeze from fear, until the summer thaw. esq~Nora Schmidt.


1.                                        _____BOOKER and AMELIA_____
     Booker was snoring, after all he was an elderly man in his seventies.  Amelia his wife of nearly one year and nearly half of his age nudged him, "you're snoring again."...she said. She glanced down at the beautiful pink diamond ring resting on her almost youthful and slender finger. Booker rolled over and fell back into a deep sleep. 
     Amelia met Booker at a local bar. Before that purposeful meeting, Nora had stalked him. She found out from a friend of hers (who was a local realtor) that Booker was very well off. He had just purchased a home in the country and the land that the five thousand square foot home sat on was well worth more than the home itself. 
     Amelia followed Booker from his business (as a land developer) to the bar he frequented after a day at the office. She already had her enticing plan etched into her greedy brain.  She wore her tightest pants and a low cut sweater that drew attention to her curves. Her hair was long and dark, it showed signs of thinning and was streaked with blonde high-lights, so as to capture any little glimpse of light to frame her deceptive face. Her eyes overly caked and  smothered in come-hither make up. Her cheap perfume permeated every step she took.  She carried herself with an arrogant and confident stride as she entered the crowded establishment. The air smelled of men and women overly perfumed and desperate, hiding their true intentions behind lingering cigarette smoke, loud music and drunken promises.
     Booker was sitting at the pull up bar enjoying his favorite after work drink- A Rum Tiki  (aka) The Painkiller Cocktail. Booker was in the British Navy when he was young and in his day this drink was developed when the British Royal Navy patrolled the seas and the sailors were allowed a daily rum ration. It is made from pineapple, orange, coconut and a very bold rum. The drink is actually quite delicious and Booker was sitting enjoying his first Pain killer Cocktail when Amelia scooted in next to him, at the bar. 
     "Hi"...Amelia said, leaning forward as she slid onto the bar stool.  Booker was about to order another cocktail when his train of thought was interrupted. "Don't I know you from somewhere?" ...the cliche words poured from Amelia's overly made mouth. "No, I don't think so"..Booker responded, taking a much closer look. "I know, I have seen you at my best friends real estate office, I'm Amelia"...she rushed to introduce herself. "Maybe, could be, I'm Booker." 
     There were many more meetings like this over the course of several months and many drinks, too. Booker was always taken aback by Amelia's over powering illusion, that she so carefully created, and what he genuinely thought was trust and love from Amelia, that looked into his aging eyes. Little would he know that the trust and love he thought he saw was actually the relection of a greedy, conning and disturbed (middle aged) woman who would stop at nothing to get her hands on his wealth and home. All the while her real true love sat and waited for her, hidden from society, beneath the depths of deprevation. He was waiting, just waiting.
2.                       _____SLEEPING PILLS FOR DINNER_____
     It was a hot summer's day and the wedding guest were arriving early to be able to get out of the Arizona heat and take comfort in Booker's air conditioned mansion. Amelia got her man and she soon would get what she was really after. Just like all the men before Booker, she would soon tire of playing the doting wife and that would be the beginning of the end for Booker, as well.
     Booker and Amelia decided to get married on his sprawling estate, admidst his family and friends and Amelia's one true friend  named Lorna. Amelia had a family consisting of two brothers and a sister, but they loathed her and she had not seen any of them for many years. The loathing of their younger sister "Amelia" stemmed from her secret mental illness that she also so cleaverly hid from Booker. Amelia was a psychopath. A person with a psychopathic mental disorder doesn't have a conscience. If she lies to you in order to steal your money, she wont feel any moral qualms. Though she may pretend to. Psychopaths also observe others and then act the way they do so their not "found out."
     Amelia had done many bad, yet conscionable things towards her siblings, without even bating an eye at them. Her morals were totally out of check. She lied, she stole, she conned and was not loved nor trusted by any of them. Her one and only true love, much like her, and who was involved in scams and thefts with her. He lived off of the misfortunate dealings that others had  involved themselves in with Amelia. His name was Marshall and he was always in the background waiting for the crumbs she would throw his way.
        Amelia never told Booker about her family and of course never about Marshall. She claimed herself as an only child to him. Lorna, who was as wicked as her best friend Amelia, yet not harboring any (true) mental illness, other than greed,  enjoyed the game of what they called rolling old men. So...all during Amelia and Bookers courtship Lorna was right there backing up her best friend, even if it meant lying to Booker and his family and agreeing with everything that Amelia claimed. 
     Most of the wedding guest that showed up had never met Amelia. Her and Bookers engagement was short, they were to be married just three months after meeting at that bar, on purpose.
     "Do you- Mr. Booker Blaze Goldman take- Miss Amelia Darlene Darling as your lawfully wedded wife? To love, honor and cherish through sickness and in health, for the rest of your days, until death you should part?"..."I do" said Booker. The preacher an old friend of Bookers asked Amelia the same in front of friends, family and God. Before she could say "I do," one of the wedding guests coughed really loud.  Everyone turned, but no one claimed the interruption. The preacher proceeded and the newly married couple was applauded (half -heartedly by all) as the preacher introduced them as Mr. and Mrs. Goldman.
     There was a strange guest that converged upon the wedding party at the reception. He was a burly man with long hair, he sported an unkept beard and wore sunglasses the entire time. He spoke sparingly to the wedding party and Booker took note of the situation. "Hi...and you are?" Booker asked as he approached the stranger. "Oh my goodness!" Amelia screeched..."cousin Marshall...what are you doing here?"  Booker looked at both of them, dumbfounded. This certainly was the first he had heard of her cousin named "Marshall" and he surely didn't remember them inviting him. 
     *Well, this is where my last case begins. With an older man who overdosed on sleeping pills. His stomach was pumped at the hospital, his autopsy report said that he died of an unintentional dose of sleeping pills. He had been married all of six months. His name was Johnathan Charles Avery - age of seventy-eight and his wife was listed as Noel Diane Avery-age of forty-nine.  I was not able to determine (just yet) that this case would lead me to another case of  a murderous gold digging wife, and that this same case would intertwine with that  particular case. The two cases would stupefy me as I ended my career as a detective. 
     I called Mr. Thomas's  family to inform them that their loved one had passed away. I felt their was more to this particular case as I hung up the phone. Sometimes my job sucked, especially during moments like this. His family was devastated and felt their was more to the story. The autopsy report came back as undetermined.
     Most states recognize five causes of death: undetermined, natural, homicide, suicide and accidental. When a medical examiner classifies the cause of death as "undetermined" it is when he doesn't understand "intent" at the conclusion of an autopsy or if he can't say for sure what caused the death. Also the intent would mean that the medical examiner could not say for sure it was the intention of a suicide (for example). So in accordance with legal standards the cause of death is listed as undetermined. 
     An accidental overdose of prescription drugs is often listed as undetermined, even when homicide is suspected.  Unlike a violent gunshot wound that causes a death, a homicide is always listed, once suicide is overruled. A violent death is easier to prove as a homicide,  than a poisoning or overdose.           
     * I reached for my melatonin, I could not sleep. I had another bad dream...this time I was an old man lying in a hospital bed. The seeker of death and my angel were playing a card game of life or death above my decaying body. I was barely hanging on as the seeker played the winning hand of death. esq~Nora Schmidt.


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Book: Shattered Sighs