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Weapon Quotations

Weapon quotations. Find, read, and share Weapon quotations. These are the best examples of Weapon quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Quote Right
Quote Left It is a commonplace that the history of civilisation is largely the history of weapons. In particular, the connection between the discovery of gunpowder and the overthrow of feudalism by the bourgeoisie has been pointed out over and over again. And though I have no doubt exceptions can be brought forward, I think the following rule would be found to be generally true that ages in which the dominant weapon is expensive or difficult to make will be ages of despotism, whereas when the dominant weapon is cheap and simple, the common people have a chance. Thus, for example, tanks, battleships and bombing planes are inherently tyrannical weapons, while rifles, muskets, long-bows and hand-grenades are inherently democratic weapons. A complex weapon makes the strong stronger, while a simple weapon --so long as there is no answer to it-- gives claws to the weak. Quote Right
Quote Left We believe the baseball bat is the murder weapon. Quote Right
Quote Left Probably it is impossible for humor to be ever a revolutionary weapon. Candide can do little more than generate irony. Quote Right
Quote Left Through all these new, imaginative, and creative approaches to the problem of sharing our earth with other creatures there runs a constant theme, the awareness that we are dealing with life with living populations and all their pressures and counter pressures, their surges and recessions. Only by taking account of such life forces and by cautiously seeking to guide them into channels favorable to ourselves can we hope to achieve a reasonable accommodation between the insect hordes and ourselves. The current vogue for poisons has failed utterly to take into account these most fundamental considerations. As crude a weapon as the cave man's club, the chemical barrage has been hurled against the fabric of life a fabric on the one hand delicate and destructible, on the other miraculously tough and resilient, and capable of striking back in unexpected ways. These extraordinary capacities of life have been ignored by the practitioners of chemical control who have brought to their task no high-minded orientation, no humility before the vast forces with which they tamper. The control of nature is a phrase conceived in arrogance, born of the Neanderthal age of biology and philosophy, when it was supposed that nature exists for the convenience of man. The concepts and practices of applied entomology for the most part date from that Stone Age of science. It is our alarming misfortune that so primitive a science has armed itself with the most modem and terrible weapons, and that in turning them against the insects it has also turned them against the earth. Quote Right
Quote Left In the face of intense monitoring and overwhelming American military superiority, any belligerent move by Hussein against a neighbor, even the smallest nuclear test (necessary before weapons construction), a tangible threat to use a weapon of mass destruction, or sharing this technology with terrorist organizations would be suicidal, ... But it is quite possible that such weapons would be used against Israel or our forces in response to an American attack. Quote Right
Quote Left Commonly they must use their feet for defense whose only weapon is their tongue. Quote Right
Quote Left HATCHET, n. A young axe, known among Indians as a Thomashawk.O bury the hatchet, irascible Red, For peace is a blessing, the White Man said. The Savage concurred, and that weapon interred, With imposing rites, in the White Man's head. --John Lukkus Quote Right
Quote Left We may find in the long run that tinned food is a deadlier weapon than the machine-gun. Quote Right
Quote Left If the Iraqi regime is able to produce, buy or steal an amount of highly enriched uranium a little larger than a single softball, it could have a nuclear weapon in less than a year. Quote Right
Quote Left There is no nonsense so gross that society will not, at some time, make a doctrine of it and defend it with every weapon of communal stupidity. Quote Right
Quote Left The two most precious things this side of the grave are our reputation and our life. But it is to be lamented that the most contemptible whisper may deprive us of the one, and the weakest weapon of the other. Quote Right
Quote Left As we approach the new millennium, we see how much remains to be done to give our young and future generations a better world to live in: a more peaceful society with a healthier, cleaner environment and a pattern of sustainable development which seeks to eradicate poverty. Education is the single most powerful means to improve the quality of life... the single most powerful weapon against poverty and intolerance. Education builds a culture of peace ... it empowers human beings, both young and adult, to be effective in their chosen sphere of activity ... education in its essence, opens doors to both personal and social development. Quote Right
Quote Left No matter how one approaches the figures, one is forced to the rather startling conclusion that the use of firearms in crime was very much less when there were no controls of any sort and when anyone, convicted criminal or lunatic, could buy any type of firearm without restriction. Half a century of strict controls on pistols has ended, perversely, with a far greater use of this weapon in crime than ever before. Quote Right
Quote Left Punishing the prostitute promotes the rape of all women. When prostitution is a crime, the message conveyed is that women who are sexual are bad, and therefore legitimate victims of sexual assault. Sex becomes a weapon to be used by men. Quote Right
Quote Left As the senior Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, I have seen nothing that says Saddam Hussein has nuclear capability -- to either develop a weapon or to launch it, and certainly not to launch it to the United States. Quote Right
Quote Left Gratitude is a fickle thing, indeed. A person taking aim presses the weapon to his chest and cheek, but when he hits, he discards it with indi... Quote Right
Quote Left Wit is a weapon. Jokes are a masculine way of inflicting superiority. But humor is the pursuit of a gentle grin, usually in solitude. Quote Right
Quote Left Books won't stay banned. They won't burn. Ideas won't go to jail. In the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost. The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas. Quote Right
Quote Left The chief weapon of sea pirates, however, was their capacity to astonish. Nobody else could believe, until it was too late, how heartless and greedy they were. Quote Right
Quote Left Murphy's Laws of Combat When in doubt, empty your magazine. Never forget that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder. If your attack is going well, then it's an ambush. Try to look uninportant because the bad guys may be low on ammo. The enemy diversion you are ignoring, is the main attack. The easy way is always mined. Friendly fire - isn't. If the enemy is in range - SO ARE YOU. Things that must be together to work, usually aren't shipped together. Tracers work both ways. The only thing more accurate than incoming fire is incoming friendly fire. Make it tough for the enemy to get in, and you can't get out. Professional soldiers are predictable, but the world is full of amateurs. Murphy was a grunt. Quote Right
Quote Left Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from the inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves. Quote Right
Quote Left Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harms we do, we do to ourselves. Quote Right
Quote Left As a nuclear power - as the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon - the United States has a moral responsibility to act. Quote Right
Quote Left All military type firearms are to be handed in immediately... The SS, SA and Stahlhelm give every respectable German man the opportunity of campaigning with them. Therefore anyone who does not belong to one of the above named organisations and who unjustifiably nevertheless keeps his weapon... must be regarded as an enemy of the national government. Quote Right
Quote Left We have always said that in our war with the Arabs we had a secret weapon-no alternative. Quote Right
Quote Left Temper is a weapon that we hold by the blade. Quote Right
Quote Left And having wisdom with each studious year, in meditation dwelt, with learning wrought, and shaped his weapon with an edge severe, sapping a solemn creed with solemn sneer. Quote Right
Quote Left It is suggested that, in domestic violence at least, the presence or absence of a firearm, or of any other type of weapon, is of far less importance to the outcome than the passion generated in the attacker. The man who has lost control will cause serious injuries in many cases, quite irrespective of the weapon he uses and regardless of the certainty of detection and punishment. Quote Right
Quote Left Wit is a weapon. Jokes are a masculine way of inflicting superiority. But humour is the pursuit of a gentle grin, usually in solitude. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Weapon

Quote Left In the Battle of the Sexes I just call a truce or surrender if I ever hope to fire my weapon! Quote Right
Quote Left Racism is a weapon they use against us. Quote Right
Quote Left Love...or absence of love, is all powerful. Atomic weapons can annihilate the body...but only love can make or break a spirit. Quote Right
Quote Left Your weapon discusses its uses when you are alone, maybe you don't hear. Quote Right
Quote Left When you weaponize empathy you lose trust. Quote Right
Quote Left Arsenic,cyanide,strychnine and thallium are supari killers silent weapons. Quote Right
Quote Left Never go to war until you have heard both sides, When you do, You may turn your weapon on the instigator Quote Right
Quote Left They have not understood that war brings only death, not glory. Putin has the wisdom of a madman. Zelensky fights him with the weapons Biden sends him. Can he understand that Ukraine will be reduced to dust when he'll have no weapons left? Quote Right
Quote Left Afghanistan is the hub of drugs and weapons. Quote Right
Quote Left Supari killers use nerve chemical as silent weapon. Quote Right
Quote Left "Love is the most powerful weapon. It can heal the broken yet steal one's life from it's grief." Quote Right
Quote Left There is no need to use weapons of mass destruction against a country if that country has dummy politicians. Quote Right
Quote Left "Silence is a weapon by itself " ~~~Taimee Catakaw Quote Right
Quote Left Money, weapons, connections, drugs, fake people, fake sims, fake accounts, fake number plates, hypocrisy and bad intentions are pillars of underworld mafia. Quote Right
Quote Left The greatest weapon against war is Peace, the best weapon against hate is Love, against evil, the weapon of Good, and in all of these things is God. Thus, the God of Peace, Love, and Good, will always prevail. Quote Right
Quote Left Mind games are not about reeling in the catch, holding for the glory seen in pictures or the feel good feel from knowledge after throwing the fish back in, mind games are about not freeing a creature from your control when it has a hook through its face, the fear is having the weapon not using Quote Right
Quote Left In the Battle of the Sexes, I just call a truce or surrender if I ever hope to fire my weapon! Quote Right
Quote Left A battle can be fought in different forms and won, besides using military weapons. Quote Right
Quote Left Life is a war the end of a war is the beginning of another always equip thyself with weapons Quote Right
Quote Left My one hope is that humanity will prevail over hate. The only weapon needed is an open heart and an open mind. Quote Right
Quote Left Books! Best weapons in the world! Arm yourself! Quote Right
Quote Left SILENT is most powerful weapon Quote Right
Quote Left A man's most valuable weapons are his words. Embracing a well-controlled vocabulary acts as an infinite artillery of ammunition to fend off any battle. Quote Right
Quote Left An empty broken heart, is a dangerous weapon Quote Right
Quote Left T- Terminate The Lie R- Restoring My Truth U- Unit With God TH- This Is My Weapon! Quote Right
Quote Left Baseball bats and steel pipes are useless the only real weapons that I use are my words. Quote Right
Quote Left Words are weapons, choose your ammunition carefully. Quote Right
Quote Left Charm is the ultimate weapon. Quote Right
Quote Left Love is only weapon against any type of hate. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs