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Screen Quotations

Screen quotations. Find, read, and share Screen quotations. These are the best examples of Screen quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left He always looked forward to the evening drives through the centre of Shanghai, this electric and lurid city, more exciting than any other in the world. As they reached the Bubbling Well Road he pressed his face to the windshield and gazed at the pavements lined with night-clubs and gambling dens, crowded with bar-girls and gangsters and rich beggars with their bodyguards. Crowds of gamblers pushed their way into the jai alai stadiums, blocking the traffic in the Bubbling Well Road. An armoured police van with two Thompson guns mounted in a steel turret above the driver swung in front of the Packard and cleared the pavement. A party of young Chinese women in sequinned dresses tripped over a child's coffin decked with paper flowers. Arms linked together, they lurched against the radiator grille of the Packard and swayed past Jim's window, slapping the windshield with their small hands and screaming obscenities. Nearby, along the windows of the Sun Sun department store in the Nanking Road, a party of young European jews were fighting in and out of the strolling crowds with a gang of older German boys in the swastika armbands of the Graf Zeppelin Club. Chased by the police sirens, they ran through the entrance of the Cathay Theatre, the world's largest cinema, where a crowd of Chinese shopgirls and typists, beggars and pickpockets spilled in the street to watch people arriving for the evening performance. As they stepped from their limousines the women steered their long skirts through the honour guard of fifty hunchbacks in mediaeval costume. Three months earlier, when his parents had taken Jim to the premiere of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, there had been two hundred hunchbacks, recruited by the management of the theatre from every back alley in Shanghai. As always, the spectacle outside the theatre for exceeded anything shown on its screen. Quote Right
Quote Left There is not a flower or bird in sight, only a small screen on which lines are moving, while the child sits almost motionless, pushing at the keyboard with one finger. As a learning environment, it may be mentally rich, but it is perceptually extremely impoverished. No smells or tastes, no wind or bird song (unless the computer is programmed to produce electronic tweets), no connection with soil, water, sunlight, warmth, the actual learning environment is almost autistic in quality, impoverished sensually, emotionally, and socially. Quote Right
Quote Left pixel, n.: A mischievous, magical spirit associated with screen displays. The computer industry has frequently borrowed from mythology: Witness the sprites in computer graphics, the demons in artificial intelligence, and the trolls in the marketing department. Quote Right
Quote Left It seems to me the book has not just aesthetic values-- the charming little clothy box of the thing, the smell of the glue, even the print, which has its own beauty. But there's something about the sensation of ink on paper that is in some sense a thing, a phenomenon rather than an epiphenomenon. I can't break the association of electric trash with the computer screen. Words on the screen give the sense of being just another passing electronic wriggle. Quote Right
Quote Left We live in a world ruled by fictions of every kind -- mass merchandising, advertising, politics conducted as a branch of advertising, the instant translation of science and technology into popular imagery, the increasing blurring and intermingling of identities within the realm of consumer goods, the preempting of any free or original imaginative response to experience by the television screen. We live inside an enormous novel. For the writer in particular it is less and less necessary for him to invent the fictional content of his novel. The fiction is already there. The writer's task is to invent the reality. Quote Right
Quote Left Getting ahead in a difficult profession -- singing, acting, writing, whatever -- requires avid faith in yourself. You must be able to sustain yourself against staggering blows and unfair reversals. When I think back to those first couple of years in Rome, those endless rejections, without a glimmer of encouragement from anyone, all those failed screen tests, and yet I never let my desire slide away from me, my belief in myself and what I felt I could achieve. Quote Right
Quote Left It's no mystery why many of us in the media can't get enough of the fabricators Jayson Blair and Stephen Glass, the latter of whom concocted more than a score of bogus feature stories for the New Republic (and who wrote for other magazines, including this one, once) in the mid-1990s. Anyone--journalist, student, academic--who has ever stared at a blank screen, their brains grinding emptiness, and thought, How can I fill this hole? knows that in those desperate moments before a deadline, almost anyone can do almost anything: make stuff up, plagiarize, scribble senseless half-truths. Quote Right
Quote Left My movie is born first in my head, dies on paper; is resuscitated by the living persons and real objects I use, which are killed on film but, placed in a certain order and projected on to a screen, come to life again like flowers in water. Quote Right
Quote Left We see daily that our lives are terrible and little, without continuity, buyable and salable at any moment, mere blips on a screen, that this ... Quote Right
Quote Left On TV people look at your hair and then they look at your skin, and then they look at your clothes, and by the time they're listening to what you're saying, you're off the screen. Quote Right
Quote Left The Internet is like a vault with a screen door on the back. I don't need jackhammers and atom bomb to get in when I can walk through the door. Quote Right
Quote Left A wide screen just makes a bad film twice as bad. Quote Right
Quote Left I believe that organic sex, body against body, skin area against skin area, is becoming no longer possible, simply because if anything is to have any meaning for us it must take place in terms of the values and experiences of the media landscape. What we're getting is a whole new order of sexual fantasies, involving a different order of experiences, like car crashes, like travelling in jet aircraft, the whole overlay of new technologies, architecture, interior design, communications, transport, merchandising. These things are beginning to reach into our lives and change the interior design of our sexual fantasies. We've got to recognize that what one sees through the window of the TV screen is as important as what one sees through a window on the street. Quote Right
Quote Left I hate it when people pray on the screen. It's not because I hate praying, but whenever I see an actor fold his hands and look up in the spotlight, I'm lost. There's only one other thing in the movies I hate as much, and that's sex. You just can't get in bed or pray to God and convince me on the screen. Quote Right
Quote Left Because I was promoted as a sort of a siren and played all those sexy broads, people made the mistake of thinking I was like that off the screen. They couldn't have been more wrong. Quote Right
Quote Left The futility of everything that comes to us from the media is the inescapable consequence of the absolute inability of that particular stage to remain silent. Music, commercial breaks, news flashes, adverts, news broadcasts, movies, presenters -- there is no alternative but to fill the screen; otherwise there would be an irremediable void. That's why the slightest technical hitch, the slightest slip on the part of the presenter becomes so exciting, for it reveals the depth of the emptiness squinting out at us through this little window. Quote Right
Quote Left Ready comprehension is often a knee-jerk response and the most dangerous form of understanding. It blinks an opaque screen over your ablility to learn. The judgemental precedents of law function that way, littering your path with dead ends. Be warned. Understand nothing. All comprehension is temporary. Quote Right
Quote Left There is never finality in the display terminal's screen, but an irresponsible whimsicality, as words, sentences, and paragraphs are negated at the touch of a key. The significance of the past, as expressed in the manuscript by a deleted word or an inserted correction, is annulled in idle gusts of electronic massacre. Quote Right
Quote Left I think it's probably honest to say that there's a certain powerful stillness that I remember admiring tremendously as I grew up. And that would be Spencer Tracy... and Bogart and that particular approach to the work. The stillness, the economy, the grace of that work, so they would have been then, my heroes on the screen. Quote Right
Quote Left It can take quite a while for a Web page to appear on your screen. The reason for the delay is that, when you type in a Web address, your computer passes it along to another computer, which in turn passes it along to another computer, and so on through as many as 5 computers before it finally reaches the work station of a disgruntled U.S. Postal Service employee, who throws it in the trash. Quote Right
Quote Left Laughter on American television has taken the place of the chorus in Greek tragedy. In other countries, the business of laughing is left to the viewers. Here, their laughter is put on the screen, integrated into the show. It is the screen that is laughing and having a good time. You are simply left alone with your consternation. Quote Right
Quote Left My name is Brian Green by birth. Austin was made up by my parents when I was nine, because there was another Brian Green in the Screen Actors Guild. Quote Right
Quote Left It's just a general pull-back in the technology sector... Every name I cover is unfortunately in the red. I don't think I have a green name on my screen today. Quote Right
Quote Left There's a good deal in common between the mind's eye and the TV screen, and though the TV set has all too often been the boobtube, it could be, it can be, the box of dreams. Quote Right
Quote Left In a way, staring into a computer screen is like staring into an eclipse. It's brilliant and you don't realize the damage until it’s too late. Quote Right
Quote Left We are concerned that the push to measure quality will become just a smoke screen to cut costs and to reduce the resources devoted to health care. Quote Right
Quote Left For me, it was more a dramatic shift to go from the stage to the screen. Quote Right
Quote Left There is no worse screen to block out the Spirit than confidence in our own intelligence Quote Right
Quote Left This is the awe-inspiring universe of magic: There are no atoms, only waves and motions all around. Here, you discard all belief in barriers to understanding. You put aside understanding itself. This universe cannot be seen, cannot be heard, cannot be detected in any way by fixed perceptions. It is the ultimate void where no preordained screens occur upon which forms may be projected. You have only one awareness here — the screen of the magi: Imagination! Here, you learn what it is to be human. You are a creator of order, of beautiful shapes and systems, an organizer of chaos. Quote Right
Quote Left You can still have chemistry on screen without getting on with the person. But it just makes your job a lot easier if you don't have to gird your loins, if that's not quite the right phrase, every time you're going to do a scene with that person. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Screen

Quote Left Easiest identifiable emotion comes from heart though relations exists in various forms. The community prefers to remain delude with easiest option available. Glamour, the most dominating illusion some how slips out of celluloid screens and transforms every single being. Aligned with traditions and seen with respect, refurbished with is much beyond. Every life is a rhapsody deserving legacy... short yet beautiful... may we make it! Quote Right
Quote Left Pornography is deeper than sex on a screen. just like any content pornography speaks to some truths about who we are, fears hopes and dreams. I can make this argument that pornography offers a true moment of honesty to ourselves. Because why the hell is a video titled Horny BBW Step Mom Gets Fucked Like a Slut By Her Young Stepson have 1.6 million views. Quote Right
Quote Left God created the real, the wizard behind the screen, spiritual archetypes He created in six days -- if He says so, fine with me -- could have been six seconds -- He is God! Evolution is not the master, it is the reflection of what is and all that can be -- Infinite! Quote Right
Quote Left "I see clouds as a movie in the sky, ever changing scenes on a world wide screen." Quote Right
Quote Left The star of one's heart seen in dreams, is the star of sleeps silver screen. Quote Right
Quote Left I finally realized why some of our best actors are so dislikable off screen -- I think it is self realization, and a desperate need to escape.... Quote Right
Quote Left YOU are a work of art... Excellence shows even if it is simply written on a screen and not seen with the eye, it is ever viewed more clearly with the heart! Quote Right
Quote Left What is outside that window? the child cried I was wandering is the screen you watch really that pacifying? who are we in this busy world what pain we cause is it our own? Quote Right
Quote Left “Death is the screen to be lifted up to view the gardens of the perpetual life.” --Mustofa Munir Quote Right
Quote Left Only two things Carry On a Screenwriter which are Words and Music Quote Right
Quote Left Love like your on the movie screen, don't hold anything back Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs