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Sake Quotations

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Quote Left I love you the more that I believe you have liked me for my own sake and for nothing else. Quote Right
Quote Left Let my name stand among those who are willing to bear ridicule and reproach for the truth's sake, and so earn some right to rejoice when the victory is won. Quote Right
Quote Left Must, bid the Morn awake! Sad Winter now declines, Each bird doth choose a mate; This day's Saint Valentine's. For that good bishop's sake Get up and let us see What beauty it shall be That Fortune us assigns. Quote Right
Quote Left There is always the danger that we may just do the work for the sake of the work. This is where the respect and the love and the devotion come in --that we do it to God, to Christ, and that's why we try to do it as beautifully as possible. Quote Right
Quote Left Romantic love, in pornography as in life, is the mythic celebration of female negation. For a woman, love is defined as her willingness to submit to her own annihilation. The proof of love is that she is willing to be destroyed by the one whom she loves, for his sake. For the woman, love is always self-sacrifice, the sacrifice of identity, will, and bodily integrity, in order to fulfill and redeem the masculinity of her lover. Quote Right
Quote Left The pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, an almost fanatical love of justice, and the desire for personal independence - these are the features of Jewish tradition that make me thank my stars that I belong to it. Quote Right
Quote Left We always compare our labor with its results. We do not devote more effort to a given task if we can accomplish it with less; nor, when confronted with two toilsome tasks, do we choose the greater. We are more inclined to diminish the ratio of effort to result, and if, in so doing, we gain a little leisure, nothing will stop us from using it, for the sake of additional benefits, in enterprises more in keeping with our tastes. Man's universal practice, indeed, is conclusive in this regard. Always and everywhere, we find that he looks upon toil as the disagreeable aspect, and on satisfaction as the compensatory aspect, of his condition. Always and everywhere, we find that, as far as he is able, he places the burden of his toil upon animals, the wind, steam, or other forces of Nature, or, alas! upon his fellow men, if he can gain mastery over them. In this last case, let me repeat, for it is too often forgotten, the labor has not been lessened; it has merely been shifted to other shoulders. Quote Right
Quote Left The herd seek out the great, not for their sake but for their influence; and the great welcome them out of vanity or need. Quote Right
Quote Left As we look over the list of the early leaders of the republic, Washington, John Adams, Hamilton, and others, we discern that they were all men who insisted upon being themselves and who refused to truckle to the people. With each succeeding generation, the growing demand of the people that its elective officials shall not lead but merely register the popular will has steadily undermined the independence of those who derive their power from popular election. The persistent refusal of the Adamses to sacrifice the integrity of their own intellectual and moral standards and values for the sake of winning public office or popular favor is another of the measuring rods by which we may measure the divergence of American life from its starting point. Quote Right
Quote Left Then whisper by that holy spring, Where for her sake I would have died,... Quote Right
Quote Left Abused as we abuse it at present, dramatic art is in no sense cathartic; it is merely a form of emotional masturbation. It is the rarest thing to find a player who has not had his character affected for the worse by the practice of his profession. Nobody can make a habit of self-exhibition, nobody can exploit his personality for the sake of exercising a kind of hypnotic power over others, and remain untouched by the process. Quote Right
Quote Left I eat to live, to serve, and also, if it so happens, to enjoy, but I do not eat for the sake of enjoyment. Quote Right
Quote Left If we would build on a sure foundation in friendship, we must love friends for their sake rather than for our own. Quote Right
Quote Left What I am doing is more important than a movie or audio of me doing it. Technology should never be used for technology's sake, but the application of technology to enhance learning, I am all for. Quote Right
Quote Left Abused as we abuse it at present, dramatic art is in no sense cathartic it is merely a form of emotional masturbation. It is the rarest thing to find a player who has not had his character affected for the worse by the practice of his profession. Nobody can make a habit of self-exhibition, nobody can exploit his personality for the sake of exercising a kind of hypnotic power over others, and remain untouched by the process. Quote Right
Quote Left Men are never really willing to die except for the sake of freedom: therefore they do not believe in dying completely. Quote Right
Quote Left He would stab his best friend for the sake of writing an epigram on his tombstone. Quote Right
Quote Left In the cold change which time hath wrought on love (The snowy winter of his summer prime), Should a chance sigh or sudden tear-drop move Thy heart to memory of the olden time; Turn not to gaze on me with pitying eyes, Nor mock me with a withered hope renewed; But from the bower we both have loved, arise And leave me to my barren solitude! What boots it that a momentary flame Shoots from the ashes of a dying fire? We gaze upon the hearth from whence it came, And know the exhausted embers must expire: Therefore no pity, or my heart will break; Be cold, be careless--for thy past love's sake! Quote Right
Quote Left I'd rather use the nuclear bomb...Does that bother you I just want you to think big, Henry, for Christ's sake. to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on escalating the Vietnam War Quote Right
Quote Left Who could deny that privacy is a jewel? It has always been the mark of privilege, the distinguishing feature of a truly urbane culture. Out of the cave, the tribal teepee, the pueblo, the community fortress, man emerged to build himself a house of his own with a shelter in it for himself and his diversions. Every age has seen it so. The poor might have to huddle together in cities for need's sake, and the frontiersman cling to his neighbors for the sake of protection. But in each civilization, as it advanced, those who could afford it chose the luxury of a withdrawing-place. Quote Right
Quote Left Works of art, in my opinion, are the only objects in the material universe to possess internal order, and that is why, though I don't believe that only art matters, I do belive in Art for Art's sake. Quote Right
Quote Left There is a very real danger of our drifting into an attitude of contempt for humanity. We know quite well that we have no right to do so, and that it would lead us into the most sterile relation to our fellow-men. The following thoughts may keep us from such a temptation. It means that we at once fall into the worst blunders of our opponents. The man who despises another will never be able to make anything of him. Nothing that we despise in the other man is entirely absent from ourselves. Why have we hitherto thought so intemperately about man and his frailty and temptability? We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer. The only profitable relationship to others -- and especially to our weaker brethren -- is one of love, and that means the will to hold fellowship with them. God himself did not despise humanity, but became man for men's sake. Quote Right
Quote Left My best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake. Quote Right
Quote Left Competitors are moving quickly in terms of product development and market penetration. These competitors can potentially sacrifice profits in the smart-phone segment for the sake of greater market penetration. Quote Right
Quote Left The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only justification of his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue and value. Do not confuse altruism with kindness, good will or respect for the rights of others. These are not primaries, but consequences, which, in fact, altruism makes impossible. The irreducible primary of altruism, the basic absolute, is self-sacrifice - which means: self-immolation, self-abnegation, self-denial, self-destruction - which means: the self as a standard of evil, the selfless as a standard of the good. Quote Right
Quote Left Nor will this overwhelming tendency to do wrong for wrong's sake, admit of analysis, or resolution into ulterior elements. It is a radical, a ... Quote Right
Quote Left One of the proofs that the taste of flesh is not natural to man is the indifference which children exhibit for that sort of meat, and the preference they all give to vegetable foods, such as milk-porridge, pastry, fruits, etc. It is of the last importance not to de-naturalize them of this primitive taste and not to render them carnivorous, if not for health reasons, at least for the sake of their character. For, however the experience may be explained, it is certain that great eaters of flesh are, in general, more cruel and ferocious than other men. This observation is true of all places and of all times. Quote Right
Quote Left Good Friends, for Jesus sake forebear To dig the dust enclosed here Blest be the man who spares these stones And cursed be the man who moves my bones Quote Right
Quote Left It is certainly not lions and wolves that we eat out of self-defense; on the contrary, we ignore these and slaughter harmless, tame creatures without stings or teeth to harm us, creatures that, I swear, Nature appears to have produced for the sake of their beauty and grace. But nothing abashed us, not the flower-like tinting of the flesh, not the persuasiveness of the harmonious voice, not the cleanliness of their habits or the unusual intelligence that may be found in the poor wretches. No, for the sake of a little flesh we deprive them of sun, of light, of the duration of life to which they are entitled by birth and being. Quote Right
Quote Left So long as man remains free he strives for nothing so incessantly and so painfully as to find something to worship...What is essential is that all may be together in it. The craving for community worship is the chief misery of...all humanity. For the sake of common worship they've slain each other with the sword. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Sake

Quote Left No one who loves is ever entirely forsaken – perhaps by man, but never by God~ Our Eternal! Quote Right
Quote Left Everything we want to learn, must be for the sake of improving our lives and the world we live in. February 2024. Quote Right
Quote Left Sea Mai tides es liye aata hai kyu ki manushay sap chod diya Karo or duties Karo sharm bhooth kar liya calo vapas aasaketey Ho ya Mai jaou Sagar manthan khata hai purani baat hai. Om bole Jagdish bajantri Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left Ja Zafar tera Khana kharab teray tattay gaib ho Jan takay tun sari Zindagi kadi muth na maar saken hahaha. Quote Right
Quote Left For the sake of our offspring, we will keep fighting for the Freedom and Justice as long as we can still breathe. Quote Right
Quote Left And to the Universe … for the sake of little things … and heartbeats … and precious breaths … thank you - Gregory Richard Barden, Monday, August 3, 2020, 11:58 PM, Littlejohn Island, Yarmouth, ME Quote Right
Quote Left In any book, we read among thousands of lines, not for the sake of reading, but to find that one meaningful message. September 2021. Quote Right
Quote Left Many mothers bear tortures and agonies not for the sake of their husbands but their children Quote Right
Quote Left Boxers punched their opponents to get money and fame but they never punched evil for the sake of good. Quote Right
Quote Left Change for change sake is ignorance. Quote Right
Quote Left Creating words for the sake of creating words is a waste of time ... Truth is not wordy. Paul Lake Quote Right
Quote Left For the sake of someone else's... Never lose hope. 11/7/17 Quote Right
Quote Left Living for the sake of living, is nothing in contrast to the prospect of living for the sake of loving to live. Quote Right
Quote Left My Smile is interned in your Smile for sake return it. Quote Right
Quote Left I'm not always right but for the sake of discussion, I'd rather you risk being wrong than prove disagreeable. Quote Right
Quote Left May thy selfish hour be the best of thee to forsake doing just ordinary but extraordinary. Quote Right
Quote Left It is our job to bring light to the dark, to bring a smile to the sad, to bring food to the hungry and to bring Love to the forsaken.. Quote Right
Quote Left Love takes. Love doesn't give. If you think anyone is capable of altruism, you're wrong. When you think you love someone and want to do something for them, you're not going to do that for their own sakes. It's actually for your own sake. Quote Right
Quote Left It's cruel to take any persons virginity just for the sake of taking it. Quote Right
Quote Left Trust is an emblem we must always wear for the sake of humanity. Love is a path we must tread, for many tread the path of 'the other'. But if we learn the basics of the other end, why not learn the basics of love? Quote Right
Quote Left For the sake of comfort, beating oneself while trying to kill a mosquito does not always stop one from trying again, so for fulfillment sake, do not give up. Quote Right
Quote Left True friend stand by you all time but a fake friend uses you and forsakes you when you needed the most. Quote Right
Quote Left "I imagined away many hours, as the fireplace grew cold, but I always returned to bed, for my own mind’s sake." Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs