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Radio Quotations

Radio quotations. Find, read, and share Radio quotations. These are the best examples of Radio quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left The time I am most powerful and in control of my life is when I drive my car. Whatever lonely feelings I have from the lack of communication with my husband disappear in no time flat. When the windows and the top are open with my favorite jazz station on the radio playing, nothing and nobody can touch me. Then I go home to the same relentless battle. Life can be a pisser Quote Right
Quote Left The car attachment cost me 100 bucks, so I can play music on my radio. Quote Right
Quote Left You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat. Quote Right
Quote Left Ronald Reagan has held the two most demeaning jobs in the country; President of the United States and radio broadcaster for the Chicago Cubs. Quote Right
Quote Left To be silent the whole day long, see no newspaper, hear no radio, listen to no gossip, be thoroughly and completely lazy, thoroughly and completely indifferent to the fate of the world is the finest medicine a man can give himself. Quote Right
Quote Left Having a thirteen-year-old in the family is like having a general-admission ticket to the movies, radio and TV. You get to understand that the glittering new arts of our civilization are directed to the teen-agers, and by their suffrage they stand or fall. Quote Right
Quote Left I like doing radio because it's so intimate. The moment people hear your voice, you're inside there heads, not only that, you're in there laying eggs. Quote Right
Quote Left Slogan of 105.9, the classic rock radio station in Chicago: 'Of all the radio stations in Chicago... we're one of them.' Quote Right
Quote Left If you sincerely desire a _truly_ well-rounded education, you must study the extremists, the obscure and 'nutty'. You need the balance! Your poor brain is already being impregnated with middle-of-the-road crap, twenty-four hours a day, _no matter what_. Network TV, newspapers, radio, magazines at the supermarket... even if you never watch, read, listen, or leave your house, even if you are deaf and blind, the _telepathic pressure alone_ of the uncountable normals surrounding you will insure that you are automatically well- grounded in consensus reality. Quote Right
Quote Left A reader who quarrels with postulates, who dislikes Hamlet because he does not believe that there are ghosts or that people speak in pentameters, clearly has no business in literature. He cannot distinguish fiction from fact, and belongs in the same category as the people who send checks to radio stations for the relief of suffering heroines in soap operas. Quote Right
Quote Left I was watching CNN during the riots of Los Angeles a couple of years ago and they were showing video footage of a mob looting a radio shack. Running out of the radio shack was hi-fis, video cameras and everything they could pick up. But the radio shack was right next to a Macintosh dealership which had powerbooks in the window. And it was untouched. So here these incredible valuable portable very, very powerful computers was sitting untouched behind an unbroken shop-window while the poor people steal Sony Walkmans. I felt that was so sad, and so indicative of our real problem. Quote Right
Quote Left Being plied with fine food always puts me in mind of the slammer, cause the food was jumpin' in there too--high in fat but nice and salty. You know what the worst deprivation in there was My music. Radio belonged to my cell mate, the Blonde Hammer. He was into that jazz-fusion thing at the time. I tell you what, enough Spyro Gyra and you're hoping you'll get killed in a knife fight. Quote Right
Quote Left Hey, what do you think drives all this grey matter up here Electricity. It's brain waves surfing on synaptic junctions. If your radio can go out because of sun spots, why can't your cerebellum It's all a matter of reception and it seems to me these signals are going to get crossed somehow. It's all logical. Quote Right
Quote Left Continuous unremitting darkness has been known to send some people into an emotional tailspin, so the management here at KBHR radio suggests locking away the firearms. The desire to stick that 45 between the teeth can get pretty strong at times, so why invite temptation. Quote Right
Quote Left The difference between listening to a radio sermon and going to almost like the difference between calling your girl on the phone and spending an evening with her. Quote Right
Quote Left Grade school is the snooze button on the clock-radio of life. Quote Right
Quote Left We fight our way through the massed and leveled collective safe taste of the Top 40, just looking for a little something we can call our own. But when we find it and jam the radio to hear it again it isn't just ours -- it is a link to thousands of others who are sharing it with us. As a matter of a single song this might mean very little; as culture, as a way of life, you can't beat it. Quote Right
Quote Left Most women spend their early to mid twenties chasing after bad boys and ignoring the decent ones. Then when they are finally ready to settle down, they find out that the nice guy who they kept shooting down, figuring he'd be there later, is now taken. Quote Right
Quote Left To understand the latest discovery about how the universe began, it helps to go back to the saga of the pigeon poop. In 1964, two radio astronomers at Bell Labs were working on an antenna for the new Telstar communications-satellite system. But no matter where Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson pointed the horn-shaped antenna, it picked up a hiss. Some kibitzers suspected that bird droppings in the antenna might be responsible, so the astronomers shoveled out the guano and shooed away the birds. Still the hiss. Scientists at Princeton University eventually traced the sound to a somewhat more distant source: the hiss was radiation left over from the cosmic fireball in which the universe was created. Quote Right
Quote Left Gayle and I have said for years it's a shame other people couldn't be in on the conversation sometimes. It will be about what's going on in the world, and just us talking about it the way we talk about it, as girlfriends. . . . I think that Gayle and Oprah reality radio is going to be a huge hit. Quote Right
Quote Left Miracles: You do not have to look for them. They are there, 24
7, beaming like radio waves all around you. Put up the antenna, turn up the volume - snap... crackle... this just in, every person you talk to is a chance to change the world...
Quote Right
Quote Left Miracles You do not have to look for them. They are there, 24 7, beaming like radio waves all around you. Put up the antenna, turn up the volume - snap... crackle... this just in, every person you talk to is a chance to change the world... Quote Right
Quote Left If it weren't for Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of television, we'd still be eating frozen radio dinners. Quote Right
Quote Left He was a guy who really liked Sinatra, stuck at this alternative-rock radio station, ... So we had the character record his own versions of these (alternative) songs. That was the original inspiration for Cheese. Quote Right
Quote Left Radio is a bag of mediocrity where little men with carbon minds wallow in sluice of their own making. Quote Right
Quote Left It was a fluke that between Christmas and New Year's of 1945 and 1946, I put my books down, turned on the radio and heard the worst drama I had ever heard, ever. It got my dander up because I had done some speaking and a little bit of acting. Quote Right
Quote Left Well, Adam, it's my guess that the old-fashioned political campaign in a few years will be as extinct as the dodo. It'll be all TV and radio, ... Quote Right
Quote Left Oh, and here comes Caddick to bowl again from the pavilion end again... well, I don't suppose he'll mind if I read the scores between his balls. Quote Right
Quote Left I spent many a summer early morning with the radio very low, half sleeping and half listening. Quote Right
Quote Left Carter Don't you ever touch a black man's radio, boy You can do that in China but you can get your ass killed out here, man. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Radio

Quote Left Just posted a song on Youtube Thought You Were Leaving I hope you enjoy Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs