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Period Quotations

Period quotations. Find, read, and share Period quotations. These are the best examples of Period quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left The future of humanity is uncertain, even in the most prosperous countries, and the quality of life deteriorates; and yet I believe that what is being discovered about the infinitely large and infinitely small is sufficient to absolve this end of the century and millennium. What a very few are acquiring in knowledge of the physical world will perhaps cause this period not to be judged as a pure return of barbarism. Quote Right
Quote Left For Americans war is almost all of the time a nuisance, and military skill is a luxury like Mah-Jongg. But when the issue is brought home to them, war becomes as important, for the necessary period, as business or sport. And it is hard to decide which is likely to be the more ominous for the Axis -- an American decision that this is sport, or that it is business. Quote Right
Quote Left It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all doing direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. Quote Right
Quote Left Earnings growth has been surprisingly low for drug stocks and there is more of that to come as we go through a cycle of patent expirations. But I think the stocks are close to being washed out and if you have patience they will do quite well over a longer period of time. Quote Right
Quote Left By law of periodical repetition, everything which has happened once must happen again and again -- and not capriciously, but at regular periods, and each thing in its own period, not another's and each obeying its own law. Quote Right
Quote Left Childhood: the period of human life intermediate between the idiocy of infancy and the folly of youth - two removes from the sin of manhood and three from the remorse of age. Quote Right
Quote Left Is the human species a cancer on the planet?' American Anthropology Society's Symposium Organizer, Dr. Warren Hern, physician and epidemiologist, said that aerial and satellite views of urban centers taken over a period of years bore a striking similarity to images of cancerous tissue invading the healthy surrounding tissue. He added that in many parts of the world the increase in human numbers is rapid and uncontrolled, that it invades and destroys habitats, and that by killing off many species it reduces the differentiation of nature.' Quote Right
Quote Left What's really important in life Sitting on a beach Looking a television eight hours a day I think we have to appreciate that we're alive for only a limited period of time, and we'll spend most of our lives working. That being the case, I believe one of the most important priorities is to do whatever we do as well as we can. We should take pride in that. Quote Right
Quote Left I admit to having worn suede and leather pants myself for a while, but you just never feel clean, and it's degenerate, anyway, to wear animal skins.... So I went back to bluejeans after my degenerate period. Quote Right
Quote Left The shortest unit of time in the multiverse is the New York Second, defined as the period of time between the traffic lights turning green and the cab behind you honking. Quote Right
Quote Left Softly and kindly remind yourself, I cannot own anything. It is a valuable thought to keep in mind as you struggle to improve your financial picture, worry about investments, and plan how to acquire more and more. It is a universal principle which you are part of. You must release everything when you truly awaken. Are you letting your life go by in frustration and worry over not having enough? If so, relax and remember that you only get what you have for a short period of time. When you awaken you will see the folly of being attached to anything. Quote Right
Quote Left We're really just trying to take that real slow. The biggest thing to me is make sure he's healthy at the end of this period. Hopefully, he'd be full speed by June when we get going with the summer program, if in fact he does get that sixth year. Quote Right
Quote Left Well, youth is the period of assumed personalities and disguises. It is the time of the sincerely insincere. Quote Right
Quote Left And they kind of left to find a guitar player at the very end, so you know, I don't really take it as any slight that I wasn't able to play on the record. It's flattering just to play with them period. Quote Right
Quote Left Youth is the period in which a man can be hopeless. The end of every episode is the end of the world. But the power of hoping through everything, the knowledge that the soul survives its adventures, that great inspiration comes to the middle-aged. Quote Right
Quote Left We who have lived before railways were made belong to another world. It was only yesterday, but what a gulf between now and then! Then was the old world. Stage-coaches, more or less swift, riding-horses, pack-horses, highwaymen, knights in armor, Norman invaders, Roman legions, Druids, Ancient Britons painted blue, and so forth -- all these belong to the old period. But your railroad starts the new era, and we of a certain age belong to the new time and the old one. We who lived before railways, and survive out of the ancient world, are like Father Noah and his family out of the Ark. Quote Right
Quote Left The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century. Quote Right
Quote Left The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century. Politics Quote Right
Quote Left We seem to be going through a period of nostalgia, and everyone seems to think yesterday was better than today. I don Quote Right
Quote Left A revolution does not last more than fifteen years, the period which coincides with the flourishing of a generation. Quote Right
Quote Left Remember how often you have postponed minding your interest, and let slip those opportunities the gods have given you. It is now high time to consider what sort of world you are part of, and from what kind of governor of it you are descended; that you have a set period assigned you to act in, and unless you improve it to brighten and compose your thoughts, it will quickly run off with you, and be lost beyond recovery. Quote Right
Quote Left Of all the barbarous middle ages, that which is most barbarous is the middle age of man! it is -- I really scarce know what; but when we hover between fool and sage, and don't know justly what we would be at -- a period something like a printed page, black letter upon foolscap, while our hair grows grizzled, and we are not what we were. Quote Right
Quote Left A hundred years ago, the electric telegraph made possible - indeed, inevitable - the United States of America. The communications satellite will make equally inevitable a United Nations of Earth; let us hope that the transition period will not be equally bloody. Quote Right
Quote Left It struck him really that he had never so lived with her as during this period of her silence; the silence was a sacred hush, a finer clearer medium, in which her idiosyncrasies showed. Quote Right
Quote Left And it's going to be tough to do because he went almost 11 years without losing a conference game. That's not going to happen now. The times have changed and I think it was probably a period that will never be duplicated in this conference again. Quote Right
Quote Left It is amusing to discover, in the twentieth century, that the quarrels between two lovers, two mathematicians, two nations, two economic systems, usually assumed insoluble in a finite period should exhibit one mechanism, the semantic mechanism of identification -- the discovery of which makes universal agreement possible, in mathematics and in life. Quote Right
Quote Left The easiest period in a crisis situation is actually the battle itself. The most difficult is the period of indecision--whether to fight or run away. And the most dangerous period is the aftermath. It is then, with all his resources spent and his guard down that an individual must watch out for dulled reactions and faulty judgment. Quote Right
Quote Left There is a period of life when we swallow knowledge of ourselves and it becomes either good or sour inside. Quote Right
Quote Left The industry is undergoing a significant period of consolidation, and we felt that consolidation might hinder our ability to participate in the industry. Quote Right
Quote Left Everybody has accepted by now that change is unavoidable. But that still implies that change is like death and taxes it should be postponed as long as possible and no change would be vastly preferable. But in a period of upheaval, such as the one we are living in, change is the norm. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Period

Quote Left Sleepless another night, I hasten to empty my pen of all ink -- to add a period on this present journey, already feeling the insurmountable pressure of a new unimaginable. Quote Right
Quote Left You inspire me to reach for the stars! To yield in life if I must, but never, ever stop. Not mark my life with periods, but with exclamation marks! Loving you more and more each day! Quote Right
Quote Left Quote and four line poetry: There is a hole in the hearts of those missing loved ones... It cannot be filled with endless longing; It cannot be filled with wishing and hoping; It cannot be filled. Period. © Michelle Morris, 2020 Quote Right
Quote Left Periods of absolute happiness are brief and fragile. Quote Right
Quote Left *Opportunity comes but once they said* I never gainsaid that but that quote only worked for past periods *I think we are now surrounded by opportunities it never comes once by often it just that we need to train our eyes to see them* *Paciolo Pen Saint theorized* Quote Right
Quote Left Changing ones thunder (destiny) is another strongest thing in man's world. It strike and lightening may be nipped in the bud via supplication It strike and lightening may never go under vicissitude because it an ordained strike that has been issued in the preserved tablet. It strike and lightening may change in tone not in your period, perhaps the next generation, maybe another generation, maybe another generation. So is how trespasses visits to. Paciolo Pen saint??? Quote Right
Quote Left "Creating the kind of connections between people that lead to collective civic action, political expression, community dialogue, shared cultural experiences". Quoted in "Connected by a Thread: Arts Territory Exchange Residency in Sustainable Practice" by Gudrun Filipska, CSPA Quarterly periodical (January 25, 2019). Quote Right
Quote Left The fruits of the tree one to many eat from which is not morally right; some aware some unaware of what they do is not good for themselves. So when those say join them live amongst them. How much more will the same be true for any who do join them. Acceptance don't make wrong right. Period.... Enjoy!!!! Quote Right
Quote Left One elevator going down, one elevator going up; hopefully all enjoying our rides....Period!! Enjoy!!!! Quote Right
Quote Left i went on date with a woman and she told me she had a probationary period of 3 months. i said i am fine with that as my probationary period is 6 months. Quote Right
Quote Left Love is staring at your laptop for long periods of time desperately trying to think of creative ways to get a woman to notice you. Quote Right
Quote Left they say in the future people will stop using periods its because of kids on social media i don't think so there will always be professional and proper writing that is what I tell them XO Quote Right
Quote Left I lack common sense in some places, but maybe that leaves room for innovation. Common sense is only 'common' depending on the way you live and what you experience, as with lifestyles being so diverse in the current time period. I do believe to have common sense, one would be very knowledgeable. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs