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Logic Quotations

Logic quotations. Find, read, and share Logic quotations. These are the best examples of Logic quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Peaceableness toward enemies is an idea that will, of course, continue to be denounced as impractical. It has been too little tried by individuals, much less by nations. It will not readily or easily serve those who are greedy for power. It cannot be effectively used for bad ends. It could not be used as the basis of an empire. It does not afford opportunities for profit. It involves danger to practitioners. It requires sacrifice. And yet it seems to me that it is practical, for it offers the only escape from the logic of retribution. It is the only way by which we can cease to look to war for peace. ... Peaceableness is not passive. It is the ability to act to resolve conflict without violence. If it is not a practical and practicable method, it is nothing. As a practicable method, it reduces helplessness in the face of conflict. In the face of conflict, the peaceable person may find several solutions, the violent person only one. Quote Right
Quote Left Histories make men wise poets, witty the mathematics, subtle natural philosophy, deep moral, grave logic and rhetoric, able to contend. Quote Right
Quote Left A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it. Quote Right
Quote Left The notion of this universe, its heavens, hells, and everything within it, as a great dream dreamed by a single being in which all the dream characters are dreaming too, has in India enchanted and shaped the entire civilization. The ultimate dreamer is Vishnu floating on the cosmic Milky Ocean, couched upon the coils of the abyssal serpent Ananta, the meaning of whose name is Unending. In the foreground stand the five Pandava brothers, heroes of the epic Mahabharata, with Draupadi, their wife: allegorically , she is the mind and they are the five senses. They are those whom the dream is dreaming. Eyes open, ready and willing to fight, the youths address themselves to this world of light in which we stand regarding them, where objects appear to be distinct from each other, and an Aristotelian logic prevails, and A is not not-A . Behind them a dream-door has opened, however, to an inward, backward dimension where a vision emerges against darkness... Quote Right
Quote Left ...That we must never forgive would seem to follow from the same stern logic. For if we forgive, it will be a sign to those in the future that they can act without fear of punishment, and that the world has a moral escape valve labeled 'forgiveness' that permits evil not only to survive but to thrive...Forgiveness becomes a 'weak' virtue, one that Christians seem particularly prone to champion, and one that always carries the possibility of condoning, rather than constricting, the spread of evil. Quote Right
Quote Left I demand that my books be judged with utmost severity, by knowledgeable people who know the rules of grammar and of logic, and who will seek beneath the footsteps of my commas the lice of my thought in the head of my style. Quote Right
Quote Left The logic of worldly success rests on a fallacy: the strange error that our perfection depends on the thoughts and opinions and applause of other men! A weird life it is, indeed, to be living always in somebody else's imagination, as if that were the only place in which one could at last become real. Quote Right
Quote Left Humor is something that thrives between man's aspirations and his limitations. There is more logic in humor than in anything else. Because, you see, humor is truth. Quote Right
Quote Left Projectile - n. the final arbiter in international disputes. Formerly these disputes were resolved by physical contact of the disputants with such arguments as the rudimentary logic of the times would supply - sword, spear, and so forth. With the growth of prudence in military affairs the projectile came more and more into favor, and is now held in high esteem by all. Its capital defect ( in Bierce's day ) has been that it requires personal attendance at the point of launch. Quote Right
Quote Left Murder is a horror, but an often necessary horror, never criminal, which it is essential to tolerate in a republican State. Is it or is it not a crime? If it is not, why make laws for its punishment? And if it is, by what barbarous logic do you, to punish it, duplicate it by another crime? Quote Right
Quote Left This coffee plunges into the stomach...the mind is aroused, and ideas pour forth like the battalions of the Grand Army on the field of battle.... Memories charge at full gallop...the light cavalry of comparisons deploys itself magnificently; the artillery of logic hurry in with their train of ammunition; flashes of wit pop up like sharp-shooters. Quote Right
Quote Left It is a myth, not a mandate, a fable not a logic, and symbol rather than a reason by which men are moved. Quote Right
Quote Left Another distinguished critic has agreed with Gide--that old lady in the anecdote who was accused by her niece of being illogical. For some time she could not be brought to understand what logic was, and when she grasped its true nature she was not so much angry as contemptuous. 'Logic! Good gracious! What rubbish!' she exclaimed. 'How can I tell what I think till I see what I say?' Her nieces, educated young women, thought that she was pass Quote Right
Quote Left I hope you become confortable with the use of logic wihout being deceived into concluding that logic will inevitably lead you to the correct conclusion. Quote Right
Quote Left Logic and fact keep interfering with the easy flow of conversation. Quote Right
Quote Left Since its inception 25 years ago, EPA [the US Environmental Protection Agency] has applied the same logic to hundreds of other substances, extrapolating from high levels in animal studies to arrive at acceptable levels for humans. But that approach, say scientists both inside and outside the federal government, may no longer be the best way to safeguard public health...EPA's new emphasis on molecular data is based on a growing body of evidence that extrapolations from megadoses can provide a misleading picture of the effects of low-level exposure. Chloroform is a good example. EPA's current strict standards were derived from a study in which mice developed liver tumors after exposure to massive daily doses of chloroform pumped into their stomachs over several months. However, those findings may not be relevant to human exposures, according to a paper picked by the Society of Toxicology as the best published last year in its journal. Quote Right
Quote Left It is not enough for theory to describe and analyze, it must itself be an event in the universe it describes. In order to do this theory must partake of and become the acceleration of this logic. It must tear itself from all referents and take pride only in the future. Theory must operate on time at the cost of a deliberate distortion of present reality. Quote Right
Quote Left You know, I was gonna get sick or I was gonna get injured or something. The only choice I had, the only thing I could control, was when and how and where that was going to happen. So, I made a rope. And I went up to the summit to hang myself. But, I had to test it, you know. Course. You know me. And the weight of the log snapped the limb of the tree, and I couldn't even kill myself the way I wanted to. I had power. over. nothing. And that's when this feeling came over me like a warm blanket. I knew, somehow, that I had to stay alive. Somehow. I had to keep breathing, even though I had no reason to hope, and all my logic said that I would never see this place again. So, that's what I did. I stayed alive. I kept breathing. And then, one day that logic was proven all wrong because the tide came in, gave me a sail. And now here I am. I'm back. In Memphis, talking to you. I have ice in my glass. And I've lost her all over again. I'm so sad that I don't have Kelly. But I'm so grateful that she was with me on that island. And I know what I have to do now. And, I keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring? Quote Right
Quote Left The more I work with the body, keeping my assumptions in a temporary state of reservation, the more I appreciate and sympathize with a given disease. The body no longer appears as a sick or irrational demon, but as a process with its own inner logic and wisdom. Quote Right
Quote Left I cannot tell by what logic we call a toad, a bear, or an elephant ugly; they being created in those outward shapes and figures which best express the actions of their inward forms. Quote Right
Quote Left As records of courts and justice are admissible, it can easily be proved that powerful and malevolent magicians once existed and were a scourge to mankind. The evidence (including confession) upon which certain women were convicted of witchcraft and executed was without a flaw; it is still unimpeachable. The judges' decisions based on it were sound in logic and in law. Nothing in any existing court was ever more thoroughly proved than the charges of witchcraft and sorcery for which so many suffered death. If there were no witches, human testimony and human reason are alike destitute of value. Quote Right
Quote Left To argue that we humans are capable of complex multifarious thought and feeling, whereas the sheep's perception is probably limited by lowly sheepish perceptions, is no more to the point than if I were to slaughter and eat you on the grounds that I am a sophisticated personality able to enjoy Mozart, formal logic and cannibalism, whereas your imaginative world seems confined to True Romances and tinned spaghetti. Quote Right
Quote Left Grammar and logic free language from being at the mercy of the tone of voice. Grammar protects us against misunderstanding the sound of an uttered name; logic protects us against what we say have double meaning. Quote Right
Quote Left Droll thing life is—that mysterious arrangement of merciless logic for a futile purpose. The most you can hope from it is some knowledge of ... Quote Right
Quote Left Science is simply common sense at its best--that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic. Quote Right
Quote Left Man has such a predilection for systems and abstract deductions that he is ready to distort the truth intentionally, he is ready to deny the evidence of his senses only to justify his logic. Quote Right
Quote Left Logic is in the eye of the logician. Quote Right
Quote Left Mathematics is, as it were, a sensuous logic, and relates to philosophy as do the arts, music, and plastic art to poetry. Quote Right
Quote Left If we are on the outside, we assume a conspiracy is the perfect working of a scheme. Silent nameless men with unadorned hearts. A conspiracy is everything that ordinary life is not. It's the inside game, cold, sure, undistracted, forever closed off to us. We are the flawed ones, the innocents, trying to make some rough sense of the daily jostle. Conspirators have a logic and a daring beyond our reach. All conspiracies are the same taut story of men who find coherence in some criminal act. Quote Right
Quote Left People often say that humans have always eaten animals, as if this is a justification for continuing the practice. According to this logic, we should not try to prevent people from murdering other people, since this has also been done since the earliest of times. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Logic

Quote Left It seems both champions and diamonds... are forged by fire through great pressures, whether geological or geographical, in nature and intent. Quote Right
Quote Left For sure, women have compassion, often defying logic and reason, not oblivious too, nor ignorant of...but rooted heart-fully, more deeply then men, in firmament of selfless love. Quote Right
Quote Left Envy is fought with astuteness; the slick reason logically, avoiding pitfalls that might entrap them and make them forfeit the scope they fought relentlessly for. Quote Right
Quote Left As someone who tends to be logical I know that love is always the opposite. Quote Right
Quote Left Money is numbers, numbers are logic. Don’t get caught up in a paper charade. Quote Right
Quote Left Zafar Bhai uses ad hominem logical fallacy against his critics. Quote Right
Quote Left Wrongly perceived truth will engender its own faulty logic Quote Right
Quote Left Logic are but emotions handled properly. June 2022. Quote Right
Quote Left To unfold the mystery that lies within wisdom and truth, look midway between logic or reason and insight or intuition. Bill Baker April 12, 2022 Quote Right
Quote Left Feminists are ideological hypocrites. Oh equality for the sexes except when it comes to actual equality. Quote Right
Quote Left Correctness and logic are two different things. May 2018. Quote Right
Quote Left Man is not a biological term, but of character. May 2018. Quote Right
Quote Left "Through basic biology and human embryology, based upon the known fact that 100% human DNA is formed at the very moment of conception, we can logically conclude that taking the life of any unborn persons at any stage of the mother's pregnancy, is not only murder, but it is a societal and an amoral abomination, to the highest level and degree." Quote Right
Quote Left Criminal mind does not need logic. Quote Right
Quote Left Spiritual progress mean Psychological Ascension. Quote Right
Quote Left After rajat reaction of eye exercise ain mashaq trataka. IPRG cells affects regions of the brain and trigger abnormal physiological and psychological functions. Quote Right
Quote Left We lose, we feel insulted, humiliated, depressed, revengeful just because we wait to react. Concentrate on finding a solution which is correct, logical in the given situation. Deal with it as a case study. If we keep aside our ego and remain focused, such distractions will automatically vanish. Not every body should have equal importance in one's life. Quote Right
Quote Left Each of God’s miracles has a logical explanation according to the atheist but how does one explain the existence of the atheist to God? Quote Right
Quote Left Belief is not in the head; but the heart, and faith is not in the logic; but the love. Quote Right
Quote Left Thoughts doesn't need to be perfect or logical it just need to be understood . Quote Right
Quote Left Theological preaching fills the head with graceless knowledge, The Holy Spirit ministration fills the heart and the Soul and give the Life promised by Christ. Quote Right
Quote Left There is nothing that has done more havoc to the rain of revival than the illusion of "modernism and theological liberalism" Liberalism sets itself as another gospel but not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Quote Right
Quote Left Challenge me physically and I will blame my stance, challenge me ideologically and I will blame my ignorance Quote Right
Quote Left From a young age a child should be taught to fear absolutely nothing; think logical but fear nothing. Quote Right
Quote Left The society is homogeneous in a sense that more pertinent resources determine how wealthiest we are. We breathe the same air, use water of similar compositions and undergo similar physiological processes. So, currency and possessions make us only rich. We risk losing the riches but all of us are permanently wealthier and naturally endowed Quote Right
Quote Left Sincerity no longer has relevance for it has been hijacked by logic. - Mark Miller Quote Right
Quote Left When your faith is blinded by logic, you doubt the validity of the truth because what can we do when only half of ourselves are at the doorsteps to His love? Quote Right
Quote Left Meditation is the art of silencing the boisterous logical mind so that one may hear the timid voice of the heart. Quote Right
Quote Left 'does anybody know what we are living for ?' 'we are only a moment in time ' Well..........Is there anything more fulfilling, calming and satisfying too than the realization and deep comprehension of the magical self-assembly of biological organisms.Don't just take it for granted. Quote Right
Quote Left In people's ideological blindness one may gain insight. Quote Right

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