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Liberation Quotations

Liberation quotations. Find, read, and share Liberation quotations. These are the best examples of Liberation quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left ''Violence' vs. Passivism: Last Century's 'Underground Railroad' illegally helped human slaves escape from bondage. They recognized the laws that legalized slavery were morally wrong and should not be legitimized with compliance. They risked their own freedom by violating the property rights of slave owners and leading slaves to freedom. Today, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) risk their freedom to liberate innocent animals that are immorally abused/injured/murdered by actions that violate the property rights of animal abusers. Animals are covertly removed from danger and placed in foster care facilities. Torturing equipment like stereotaxic devices/decapitators/restraining devices, etc. are damaged or destroyed to prevent their further use. No human or non-human animal is ever harmed in any way.' Quote Right
Quote Left Not being tense but ready. Not thinking but not dreaming. Not being set but flexible. Liberation from the uneasy sense of confinement. It is being wholly and quietly alive, aware and alert, ready for whatever may come. Quote Right
Quote Left A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the 'Universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security. Quote Right
Quote Left There are those who will say that the liberation of humanity, the freedom of man and mind is nothing but a dream. They are right. It is the American Dream. Quote Right
Quote Left Reason transformed into prejudice is the worst form of prejudice, because reason is the only instrument for liberation from prejudice. Quote Right
Quote Left There was this huge world out there, independent of us human beings and standing before us like a great, eternal riddle, at least partly accessible to our inspection and thought. The contemplation of that world beckoned like a liberation. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Do get involved in animal rights, YES... BUT: pace yourself! Don't assume you will end these atrocities tomorrow! Lots of people with lots of more knowledge before have been working over hundred years to end this obscenity. Do take time to play! Celebrate frequently the beauty that does exist despite the world's brutality. Do unite with others who share your views. Every individual who gets involved takes a single stone from the enslaving wall until one day the wall must inevitably crumble and fall! While many animals and many of us will not live to see that day, we are working to help build the foundation for the activists of tomorrow who'll continue our work. Our torch must not be allowed to fall to the ground, but passed from generation to generation without a stop until that glorious day of animal liberation arrives! Tomorrow's activists will remember the early animal soldiers with respect and affection.' Quote Right
Quote Left 'It's disheartening that animal people criticize societies that enlist the help of actors or organize creative acts like 'I'd rather go naked than wear fur,' to increase public awareness to our cause. These are great/courageous ideas which time has come! Liberation of animals is REVOLUTION - not elegant performance/ intellectual competition. We should do most anything to advance the animal rights cause. All the bickering may make the one step forward... TWO STEPS BACKWARD???' Quote Right
Quote Left Opportunities abound, not just to avoid making mistakes in the marketplace - which animals pay for with their lives - but to say and do even small things that will make a huge difference in how animals are treated and viewed. Act on the adage, 'All that evil needs to triumph is for enough good people to do nothing.' Wherever you are, if you see something wrong, put yourself in the animal's place and speak up! There are always other people who hold the same view but are waiting for someone else to go first. That someone is you. Even the terminally shy can be shameless salespeople, planting animal rights seeds in others' minds without even speaking to them! In restaurants talk loudly to your companion about how the vegetarian food is the best! On crowded elevators, discuss how 'Sarah' lost 30 pounds since she stopped eating chicken and fish! There is no 'one true way' to animal liberation - all that matters is that you are doing something. Don't fret over failures! REMEMBER: Every single act brings animal liberation that much closer! Quote Right
Quote Left The main object of a revolution is the liberation of man... not the interpretation and application of some transcendental ideology. Quote Right
Quote Left It's as if we think liberation a fixed quantity, that there is only so much to go around. That an individual or community is liberated at the expense of another When we view liberation as a scarce resource, something only a precious few of us can have, we stifle our potential, our creativity, our genius for living, learning and growing. Quote Right
Quote Left A car crash harnesses elements of eroticism, aggression, desire, speed, drama, kinesthetic factors, the stylizing of motion, consumer goods, status -- all these in one event. I myself see the car crash as a tremendous sexual event really: a liberation of human and machine libido (if there is such a thing). Quote Right
Quote Left Liberation is an ever shifting horizon, a total ideology that can never fulfill its promises. It has the therapeutic quality of providing emotionally charged rituals of solidarity in hatred -- it is the amphetamine of its believers. Quote Right
Quote Left At no previous period has mankind been faced by a half-century which so paradoxically united violence and progress. Its greater and lesser wars and long series of major assassinations have been strangely combined with the liberation of more societies and individuals than ever before in history, and by the transformation of millions of second-class citizens -- women, workers and the members of subject races -- to a stage at which first-rate achievement is no longer inhibited even if opportunities are not yet complete. Quote Right
Quote Left It's interesting that we're in jail and the murderers are outside. (The Animal Liberation Front includes industrial agents of vivisection, fur, meat trades etc, who seek to involve the group in the tarbrush of violence and to deflect rivers of energy into sand. The best way to change animal suffering in the world is to stop eating and using animals and to convince others. Nevertheless, God has a different work for each soul, different drummer thoughts for each mind, freedom of conscience and freedom to disobey civilly.) Quote Right
Quote Left Enlightenment is a sublime word, if one goes back to its meaning; it means illumination of the spirit through truth, liberation from the shadows of error, or uncertainty, of doubt. Enlightenment is, in its deepest meaning, the transfiguration ( Verkl Quote Right
Quote Left Whatever the movements of the soul, the spirit, the sensibility that are manifested in one's work, and whether the state is one of anguish or even despair, one's art inevitably bears the sign of... this liberation, this sublimation which evokes in us a finished form. Quote Right
Quote Left Governing sense, mind and intellect, intent on liberation, free from desire, fear and anger, the sage is forever free. Quote Right
Quote Left Madness need not be all breakdown. It may also be break-through. It is potential liberation and renewal as well as enslavement and existential death. Quote Right
Quote Left In darkest night, blessed God, be near us and those in captivity for whom we pray. Quiet their hearts from fear and despair with the comfort of your presence. Keep them in hope and good courage. Turn the hearts and hands of their captors from violence and hate. Speedily bring those we love to liberation and homecoming. And do not forsake us in the time of waiting and great distress, we pray through Jesus your child, who also was led captive and in whom our souls find eternal freedom. Amen. Quote Right
Quote Left What is the seal of liberation?—No longer to be ashamed in our own presence. Quote Right
Quote Left When you can use dirty words in every situation with everyone, that's a real big liberation. Quote Right
Quote Left Animal Liberation Front (ALF). The moderates in our movement have precious little basis for reprehending those who raid laboratories or engage in 'ecotage'. To paraphrase Seneca - 'Extremism in the cause of compassion is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.' Quote Right
Quote Left Christian theology provides some of the best arguments for respecting animal life and for taking seriously animals as partners with us within God's creation. It may be ironical that this tradition, once thought of as the bastion of human moral exclusivity, should now be seen as the seed-bed for a creative understanding of animal liberation. Quote Right
Quote Left The liberation of animal life can only be achieved through the radical transformation of human consciousness and the overthrow of the existing power structure. Quote Right
Quote Left The steps toward the emancipation of women are first intellectual, then industrial, lastly legal and political. Great strides in the first two... Quote Right
Quote Left Women's Liberation is just a lot of foolishness. It's the men who are discriminated against. They can't bear children. And no one's likely to do anything about that. Quote Right
Quote Left What will happen to sex after liberation? Frankly, I don't know. It is a great mystery to all of us. Quote Right
Quote Left Whether we regard the Women's Liberation movement as a serious threat, a passing convulsion, or a fashionable idiocy, it is a movement that mounts an attack on practically everything that women value today and introduces the language and sentiments of political confrontation into the area of personal relationships. Quote Right
Quote Left Children's liberation is the next item on our civil rights shopping list. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Liberation

Quote Left Like a river's flow, forgiveness cascades, Washing away resentment's dark shades, It breaks the chains that bind the heart, Granting liberation, a brand-new start. Quote Right
Quote Left Soul liberation It's the product of the price paid for freedom, To rewrite the script. Quote Right
Quote Left The ones who deem themselves kings but do nothing but corrupt society in the name of liberation are fools of hypocrisy. Quote Right
Quote Left I read this in C.S. Lewis's autobio titled 'Surprised By Joy'. It is one of the most profound sentences I've ever come across: 'The hardness of GOD is kinder than the softness of men, and His compassion is our liberation.' Quote Right
Quote Left It is not ignorance alone that's the cause of fatuity nor the chasm between the intellects and non intellects but rather the capacity to have a soul, choices and deliberation. It is rather incomprehensible to be utterly vacuous and be complacent with it... Quote Right
Quote Left Liberation only feed those that are mentally liberated Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things