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Increase Quotations

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Quote Left The heavens forbid But that our loves and comforts should increase Even as our days do grow! Quote Right
Quote Left Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned his back on silence. Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life, contemplation, meditation. Tooting, howling, screeching, booming, crashing, whistling, grinding, and trilling bolster his ego. His anxiety subsides. His inhuman void spreads on like a gray vegetation. Quote Right
Quote Left The clubs voted overwhelmingly in favor of the World Baseball Classic. It also has the full support of our partners, the Major League Baseball Players Association and the International Baseball Federation. The Clubs, the MLBPA and the IBAF all realize that the goal of the tournament -- to grow the game and to increase interest in the sport worldwide -- is in the long-term best interests of the game. Quote Right
Quote Left Human memory is a marvelous but fallacious instrument. The memories which lie within us are not carved in stone; not only do they tend to become erased as the years go by, but often they change, or even increase by incorporating extraneous features. Quote Right
Quote Left I am among those Americans whose ancestors include men and women from many different European countries. The proportion of Americans of this type will steadily increase. I do not believe in hyphenated Americans. I do not believe in German-Americans or Irish-Americans; and I believe just as little in English-Americans. I do not approve of American citizens of German descent forming organizations to force the United States into practical alliance with Germany because their ancestors came from Germany. Just as little do I believe in American citizens of English descent forming leagues to force the United States into an alliance with England because their ancestors came from England. Quote Right
Quote Left Since factory farming exerts a violent and unnatural force upon the living organisms of animals and birds in order to increase production and profits; since it involves callous and cruel exploitation of life, with implicit contempt for nature, I must join in the protest being uttered against it. It does not seem that these methods have any really justifiable purpose, except to increase the quantity of production at the expense of quality—if that can be called a justifiable purpose. Quote Right
Quote Left You have it easily in your power to increase the sum total of this world's happiness now. How? By giving a few words of sincere appreciation to someone who is lonely or discouraged. Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the re Quote Right
Quote Left Forced from home, and all its pleasures, afric coast I left forlorn; to increase a stranger's treasures, o the raging billows borne. Men from England bought and sold me, paid my price in paltry gold; but, though theirs they have enroll'd me, minds are never to be sold. Quote Right
Quote Left Is the human species a cancer on the planet?' American Anthropology Society's Symposium Organizer, Dr. Warren Hern, physician and epidemiologist, said that aerial and satellite views of urban centers taken over a period of years bore a striking similarity to images of cancerous tissue invading the healthy surrounding tissue. He added that in many parts of the world the increase in human numbers is rapid and uncontrolled, that it invades and destroys habitats, and that by killing off many species it reduces the differentiation of nature.' Quote Right
Quote Left Remorse is virtue's root; its fair increase are fruits of innocence and blessedness. Quote Right
Quote Left It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential. Quote Right
Quote Left I can make a firm pledge, under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes. Quote Right
Quote Left Although milk consumption may increase the risk of ovarian cancer, this cancer is relatively uncommon. In contrast, there is strong evidence that milk consumption (and a high intake of calcium, which is found in milk) may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, which is a much more common cancer than ovarian cancer. Consumption of low-fat milk might also lower the risk for other diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Quote Right
Quote Left In Europe, we're seeing a wave of so-called economic patriotism. Protectionism is pernicious, pervasive, the ill-conceived political response to globalization and on the increase. Quote Right
Quote Left Anyone may so arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible. He is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes. Quote Right
Quote Left There is one and only one social responsibility of business-to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud. Quote Right
Quote Left Beyond a critical point within a finite space, freedom diminishes as numbers increase. ...The human question is not how many can possibly survive within the system, but what kind of existence is possible for those who do survive. Quote Right
Quote Left I believe that if we really want human brotherhood to spread and increase until it makes life safe and sane, we must also be certain that there is no one true faith or path by which it may spread. But it is not easy to banish the notion that there can be universal brotherhood just as soon as everybody gives up his faith and accepts ours. That day may never come, for the richness of human diversity cannot be abolished any more than Mars or Jupiter. Difference is the nature of life, it is part of our moral Universe. Without difference, life would become lifeless. Quote Right
Quote Left If architects want to strengthen a decrepit arch, they increase the load that is laid upon it, for thereby the parts are joined more firmly together. So, if therapists wish to foster their patients' mental health, they should not be afraid to increase that load through a reorientation toward the meaning of one's life. Quote Right
Quote Left The most important, and indeed the truly unique, contribution of management in the 20th century was the fifty-fold increase in the productivity of the MANUAL WORKER in manufacturing. The most important contribution management needs to make in the 21st century is similarly to increase the productivity of KNOWLEDGE WORK and the KNOWLEDGE WORKER. Quote Right
Quote Left Habits are formed by the repetition of particular acts. They are strengthened by an increase in the number of repeated acts. Habits are also weakened or broken, and contrary habits are formed by the repetition of contrary acts. Quote Right
Quote Left As one's gifts increase, his friends decrease. Quote Right
Quote Left Knowledge always desires increase; it is like fire, which must first be kindled by some external agent, but which will afterward propagate it. Quote Right
Quote Left Will power is only the tensile strength of one's own disposition. One cannot increase it by a single ounce. Quote Right
Quote Left To desire and strive to be of some service to the world, to aim at doing something which shall really increase the happiness and welfare and virtue of mankind - this is a choice which is possible for all of us; and surely it is a good haven to sail for. Quote Right
Quote Left Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to be ever more highly structured and to struggle against entropy. Quote Right
Quote Left The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a glowing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing, it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is sort of a Divine accident. Quote Right
Quote Left 'It's disheartening that animal people criticize societies that enlist the help of actors or organize creative acts like 'I'd rather go naked than wear fur,' to increase public awareness to our cause. These are great/courageous ideas which time has come! Liberation of animals is REVOLUTION - not elegant performance/ intellectual competition. We should do most anything to advance the animal rights cause. All the bickering may make the one step forward... TWO STEPS BACKWARD???' Quote Right
Quote Left Remember, when life throws you lemons... genetically re-engineer the lemon tree to eliminate taste compatability issues, using the profits to increase personal gain and eventually dominate the citrus market. Quote Right
Quote Left A country survives its legislation. That truth should not comfort the conservative nor depress the radical. For it means that public policy can enlarge its scope and increase its audacity, can try big experiments without trembling too much over the result. This nation could enter upon the most radical experiments and could afford to fail in them. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Increase

Quote Left When I heal, the price of admission will increase. Quote Right
Quote Left Charity is more than financial gain, It increases the true state of existence Quote Right
Quote Left "Charity is far away more than financial increase it's a true state of existence". Quote Right
Quote Left Only two winners in war, if one can call it that -- both heaven and hell increase their populations. Quote Right
Quote Left An increase in accuracy is an increase in honesty. Val John Jennings Quote Right
Quote Left An increase in accuracy is an increase in honesty. Val John Jennings Quote Right
Quote Left An increase in accuracy is an increase in honesty. Val John Jennings Quote Right
Quote Left An increase in accuracy is an increase in honesty. Val John Jennings Quote Right
Quote Left If the perception you assume is too distant from reality, just wasting time contemplating and transcending into foolish reasoning: brace yourself, it's time for a bitter dosage of awareness. Not confronting the problems you avoid for fear of the outcome can swerve your attention somewhere else and increase your fright. Quote Right
Quote Left Falcons have a brilliant plumage, they stand out from other beautiful birds. Admire them to increase your appreciation for these wonderful creations. Quote Right
Quote Left As sounds created havoc around my peripheral, loudness increased , as it also decreased I felt deceased but at least I'm not a feast More like a beast Quote Right
Quote Left A dragon if trapped in shoal water will likely be ridiculed by shrimps Similarly, a tiger in a plain has increased risks of being bullied by dogs Quote Right
Quote Left An increase in accuracy is an increase in honesty. Quote Right
Quote Left Gradually, the extent of agreement in our disagreements increased to a level of creating an illusion of agreement!! Quote Right
Quote Left Anger devalues your image. Words merged with values increases your status in life. Quote Right
Quote Left Smiling increases the property value of your Face! Quote Right
Quote Left With every positive seed sowed we increase the chances of a bright and colourful garden. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things