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Ideology Quotations

Ideology quotations. Find, read, and share Ideology quotations. These are the best examples of Ideology quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Prepare to meet (sisters, brothers) the brash and terrible weather; the pains; the bruising; the collapse of bestials, idols. Quote Right
Quote Left Under the rule of the free market ideology, we have gone through two decades of an energy crisis without an effective energy policy. Because of an easy and thoughtless reliance on imported oil, we have no adequate policy for the conservation of gasoline and other petroleum products. We have no adequate policy for the development or use of other, less harmful forms of energy. We have no adequate system of public transportation. Quote Right
Quote Left Pornographers are the enemies of women only because our contemporary ideology of pornography does not encompass the possibility of change, as if we were the slaves of history and not its makers. Pornography is a satire on human pretensions. Quote Right
Quote Left Since the 1960s, we have seen the failure of the melting pot ideology. This ideology suggested that different historical, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds could be subordinated to a larger ideology or social amalgam which is America. This concept obviously did not work, because paradoxically America encourages a politics of contestation. Quote Right
Quote Left Common-sense is part of the home-made ideology of those who have been deprived of fundamental learning, of those who have been kept ignorant. This ideology is compounded from different sources: items that have survived from religion, items of empirical knowledge, items of protective skepticism, items culled for comfort from the superficial learning that is supplied. But the point is that common-sense can never teach itself, can never advance beyond its own limits, for as soon as the lack of fundamental learning has been made good, all items become questionable and the whole function of common-sense is destroyed. Common-sense can only exist as a category insofar as it can be distinguished from the spirit of inquiry, from philosophy. Quote Right
Quote Left What persuades men and women to mistake each other from time to time for gods or vermin is ideology. One can understand well enough how human beings may struggle and murder for good material reasons -- reasons connected, for instance, with their physical survival. It is much harder to grasp how they may come to do so in the name of something as apparently abstract as ideas. Yet ideas are what men and women live by, and will occasionally die for. Quote Right
Quote Left All official institutions of language are repeating machines: school, sports, advertising, popular songs, news, all continually repeat the same structure, the same meaning, often the same words: the stereotype is a political fact, the major figure of ideology. Quote Right
Quote Left The main object of a revolution is the liberation of man... not the interpretation and application of some transcendental ideology. Quote Right
Quote Left If you look at the course of western history you'll see that we're slowly granting basic rights to everyone. A long time ago only kings had rights. Then rights were extended to property-owning white men. Then all men. Then women. Then children. Then the mentally retarded. Now we're agonizing over the extension of basic rights to homosexuals and animals. We need to finally accept that all sentient creatures are deserving of basic rights. I define basic rights as this --the ability to pursue life without having someone else's will involuntarily forced upon you. Or, as the framers of the constitution put it, the ability to have 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness'what criteria can you justify denying basic rights to any living thing? Realize that by whatever criteria you employ someone could deny basic rights to you if they objected to your species, sexual preferences, color, religion, ideology etc. Would you eat your housecat, or force a mentally retarded child to ingest oven cleaner? If not, then why is it ok to eat cows and test products on sentient animals? I believe that to knowingly commit actions that cause or condone suffering is reprehensible in the extreme.I call upon you to be compassionate and treat others as you want to be treated. If you don't want to be beaten, imprisoned, mutilated, killed or tortured then you shouldn't condone such behavior towards anyone, be they human or not. Quote Right
Quote Left People in places many of us never heard of, whose names we can't pronounce or even spell, are speaking up for themselves. They speak in languages we once classified as exotic but whose mastery is now essential for our diplomats and businessmen. But what they say is very much the same the world over. They want a decent standard of living. They want human dignity and a voice in their own futures. They want their children to grow up strong and healthy and free. Quote Right
Quote Left Liberation is an ever shifting horizon, a total ideology that can never fulfill its promises. It has the therapeutic quality of providing emotionally charged rituals of solidarity in hatred -- it is the amphetamine of its believers. Quote Right
Quote Left Remember the rights of the savage, as we call him. Remember that the happiness of his humble home, remember that the sanctity of life in the hill villages of Afghanistan, among the winter snows, is as inviolable in the eye of Almighty God, as can be your own. Quote Right
Quote Left Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a particular decade. It is a perpetual process embedded in the human spirit. Quote Right
Quote Left Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell. Quote Right
Quote Left Religion is confining and imprisoning and toxic because it is based on ideology and dogma. But spirituality is redeeming and universal. Quote Right
Quote Left Faith in God's revelation has nothing to do with an ideology which glorifies the status quo. Quote Right
Quote Left History is strewn with the wrecks of nations which have gained a little progressiveness at the cost of a great deal of hard manliness, and have thus prepared themselves for destruction as soon as the movements of the world gave a chance for it. Quote Right
Quote Left There are no more ideologies in the authentic sense of false consciousness, only advertisements for the world through its duplication and the provocative lie which does not seek belief but commands silence. Quote Right
Quote Left There is no religion in which everyday life is not considered a prison; there is no philosophy or ideology that does not think that we live in alienation. Quote Right
Quote Left It is possible to lead astray an entire generation, to strike it blind, to drive it insane, to direct it towards a false goal. Napoleon proved this. Quote Right
Quote Left Totalitarianism is never content to rule by external means, namely, through the state and a machinery of violence; thanks to its peculiar ideology and the role assigned to it in this apparatus of coercion, totalitarianism has discovered a means of dominating and terrorizing human beings from within. Quote Right
Quote Left Every sign is subject to the criteria of ideological evaluation. The domain of ideology coincides with the domain of signs. They equate with one another. Wherever a sign is present, ideology is present, too. Everything ideological possesses semiotic value. Quote Right
Quote Left Admiration of the proletariat, like that of dams, power stations, and aeroplanes, is part of the ideology of the machine age. Quote Right
Quote Left We must conclude that it is not only a particular political ideology that has failed, but the idea that men and women could ever define themselves in terms that exclude their spiritual needs. Quote Right
Quote Left Whoever today speaks of human existence in terms of power, efficiency, and historical tasks is an actual or potential assassin. Quote Right
Quote Left Judge Ginsburg's selection should be a model—chosen on merit and not ideology, despite some naysaying, with little advance publicity. Her tr... Quote Right
Quote Left Ideologies have no heart of their own. They're the whores and angels of our striving selves. Quote Right
Quote Left Ideology, politics and journalism, which luxuriate in failure, are impotent in the face of hope and joy. Quote Right
Quote Left Ideology has shaped the very sofa on which I sit. Quote Right
Quote Left You have your ideology and I have mine. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Ideology

Quote Left An ideology should not be a political platform. Quote Right
Quote Left History has shown us that those who feel superior by ideology, religion, or force...bad things happen. Quote Right

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