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Foundation Quotations

Foundation quotations. Find, read, and share Foundation quotations. These are the best examples of Foundation quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the 'Universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security. Quote Right
Quote Left A moment's thought shows that man's feeling of isolation has no foundation, biologically or sociologically. We grow out of the Universe, we are an expression of it. The iron in our blood comes from the high temperature fusion of stars. We constantly interact with our environment. The force of gravity keeps our feet upon the earth and has a vital effect upon our metabolism. The air we breathe comes form the seas and the leaves, and the sun allows the process to take place. Society gives us all that makes us human our culture, our symbols, our concepts and our values. Without society, the notion of the individual would have no meaning. Quote Right
Quote Left In every power, of which taste is the foundation, excellence is pretty fairly divided between the sexes. Quote Right
Quote Left The health of the people is really the foundation upon which all their happiness and all their powers as a state depend. Quote Right
Quote Left Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. referring to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon Quote Right
Quote Left If we would build on a sure foundation in friendship, we must love friends for their sake rather than for our own. Quote Right
Quote Left It’s utterly impossible for me to build my life on a foundation of chaos, suffering and death. I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness, I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too, I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and tranquility will return once more. Quote Right
Quote Left Sexism is the foundation on which all tyranny is built. Every social form of hierarchy and abuse is modeled on male-over-female domination. Quote Right
Quote Left With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity. Quote Right
Quote Left Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time; the need for mankind to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love. Quote Right
Quote Left This must all work as a spin off effect of our historic achievement of qualifying for the 2006 World Cup. And we must ensure that a solid foundation is put in place to ensure ongoing success in all spheres of international competition. Quote Right
Quote Left Generosity is another quality which, like patience, letting go, non-judging, and trust, provides a solid foundation for mindfulness practice. You might experiment with using the cultivation of generosity as a vehicle for deep self-observation and inquiry as well as an exercise in giving. A good place to start is with yourself. See if you can give yourself gifts that may be true blessings, such as self-acceptance, or some time each day with no purpose. Practice feeling deserving enough to accept these gifts without obligation-to simply receive from yourself, and from the universe. Quote Right
Quote Left I am responsible for everything except for my very responsibility, for I am not the foundation of my being. Therefore everything takes place as if I were compelled to be responsible. I am abandoned in the world... in the sense that I find myself suddenly alone and without help, engaged in a world for which I bear the whole responsibility without being able, whatever I do, to tear myself away from this responsibility for an instant. Quote Right
Quote Left The foundation of true holiness and true Christian worship is the doctrine of the gospel, what we are to believe. So when Christian doctrine is neglected, forsaken, or corrupted, true holiness and worship will also be neglected, forsaken, and corrupted. Quote Right
Quote Left Why Paul God already had called twelve apostles of the kingdom Although Judas had fallen in transgression, the seat of his apostolic office was filled by Matthias preceding the day of Pentecost. Insofar as Paul was unconverted at the time, he could not have possibly fulfilled the qualificatios set down by the Holy Spirit to be numbered with the twelve (Acts 121-26). Of course, there are many dispensationalists who would agree with this interpretation, but teach that God ordained Paul to be the thirteenth apostle of the kingdom. Perhaps you have heard the saying, 'They jumped out of the frying pan into the fire.' In other words, we have gone from bad to worse, which is certainly the case with this view. the number twelve is stamped throughout the pages of prophecy, thus eliminating the possibility of a thirteenth apostolic office (Matt. 1928 cf. Rev. 12-21). What logical explanation then can we give for Paul's apostleship Before the foundation of the world, God foreordained that He would raise up a new apostle to reveal His eternal purpose for the parenthetical age of Grace in which we now live. Hence, Paul says 'But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by His grace, to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the heathen Gentiles...' (Gal. 115.16). When God temporarily rolled up the building plans of prophecy and placed them aside, He made known a secret set of plans. With this program came a completely new set of blueprints. According to the counsel of His will, He had predetermined to call Paul as the masterbuilder of the project. So then, the instructions for our building program are found in Paul's epistles. Little wonder the apostles says 'I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.' (1 Cor. 310). It is essential to use Pauline constructio materials (grace doctrines), simply because someday soon the Building Inspector will examine our workmanship to determine if we followed His codes. Quote Right
Quote Left Without a doubt the greatest injury of all was done by basing morals on myth. For, sooner or later, myth is recognized for what it is, and disappears. Then morality loses the foundation on which it has been built. Quote Right
Quote Left As people enable themselves to achieve one or two goals for the year that are most meaningful, they will find power, peace of mind, and confidence in their abilities because they have achieved what they set out to accomplish. Your commitment to achieving what matters most will become the foundation for tremendous accomplishments and contributions. You will become the change you seek to make. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Do get involved in animal rights, YES... BUT: pace yourself! Don't assume you will end these atrocities tomorrow! Lots of people with lots of more knowledge before have been working over hundred years to end this obscenity. Do take time to play! Celebrate frequently the beauty that does exist despite the world's brutality. Do unite with others who share your views. Every individual who gets involved takes a single stone from the enslaving wall until one day the wall must inevitably crumble and fall! While many animals and many of us will not live to see that day, we are working to help build the foundation for the activists of tomorrow who'll continue our work. Our torch must not be allowed to fall to the ground, but passed from generation to generation without a stop until that glorious day of animal liberation arrives! Tomorrow's activists will remember the early animal soldiers with respect and affection.' Quote Right
Quote Left In the school of political projectors, I was but ill entertained, the professors appearing, in my judgment, wholly out of their senses; which is a scene that never fails to make me melancholy. These unhappy people were proposing schemes for persuading monarchs to choose favorites upon the score of their wisdom, capacity, and virtue; of teaching ministers to consult the public good; of rewarding merit, great abilities, and eminent services, of instructing princes to know their true interest, by placing it on the same foundation with that of their people; of choosing for employment persons qualified to exercise them; with many other wild impossible chimeras, that never entered before into the heart of man to conceive; and confirmed in me the old observation, that there is nothing so extravagant and irrational which some philosophers have not maintained for truth. Quote Right
Quote Left In early childhood you may lay the foundation of poverty or riches, industry of idleness, good or evil, by the habits to which you train your children. Teach them right habits then, and their future life is safe. Quote Right
Quote Left ... in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation consisting ... Quote Right
Quote Left God, who in creating saw that His creation was good, is the source of joy for all creatures, and above all for humankind. God the Creator seems to say of all creation: 'It is good that you exist.' And His joy spreads especially through the 'good news,' according to which good is greater than all that is evil in the world,,,, Creation was given and entrusted to humankind as a duty, representing not a source of suffering but the foundation of a creative existence in the world. Quote Right
Quote Left Of all that is good, sublimity is supreme. Succeeding is the coming together of all that is beautiful. Furtherance is the agreement of all that is just. Perseverance is the foundation of all actions. Quote Right
Quote Left The larger research programs that the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health are sponsoring require a machine like this to manage such large amounts of data. Quote Right
Quote Left The pink ribbon is an official trademark of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, and as such the foundation has the exclusive rights to use the mark in Canada and authorize its use by others. We haven't authorized the use by this coalition who's doing this campaign and it's something we're concerned about and we are investigating. Quote Right
Quote Left Instead of helping his cause, Mayor Newsom has set back the same-sex marriage agenda and laid the foundation for the pro-marriage movement to once and for all win this battle to preserve traditional marriage, Quote Right
Quote Left What we call real estate - the solid ground to build a house on - is the broad foundation on which nearly all the guilt of this world rests Quote Right
Quote Left When God temporarily rolled up the building plans of prophecy and placed them aside, He made known a secret set of plans. With this program came a completely new set of blueprints. According to the counsel of His will, He had predetermined to call Paul as the masterbuilder of the project. So then, the instructions for our building program are found in Paul's epistles. Little wonder the apostles says 'I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon' (1 Cor. 310). It is essential to use Pauline construction materials (grace doctrines), simply because someday soon the Building Inspector will examine our workmanship to determine if we followed His codes. Quote Right
Quote Left The only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to be laid in religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty Quote Right
Quote Left I have witnessed the tremendous energy of the masses. On this foundation it is possible to accomplish any task whatsoever. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Foundation

Quote Left A thirst for knowledge is the foundation for all forms of success. Quote Right
Quote Left “You can build, a firm foundation, with the bricks, others, have thrown at you.” - William Darnell Sr Quote Right
Quote Left I have build my foundation with life's bricks; I exist. I am me. And that has been enough. Quote Right
Quote Left Most beliefs are based on a foundation of a fear. Confront your fear, remove it and your belief will collapse. Quote Right
Quote Left Dreamers think success is a one hit wonder; successful people know success is built one step at a time many times over. Building a solid foundation ultimately creates more future successes. – Andreas Simic Quote Right
Quote Left What we plan today is the foundation of our future, stop and ponder: the prospective if your wisdom will amaze you. Quote Right
Quote Left If you should find yourself at rock bottom don't give up. For there's no better place to rebuild,than on a solid foundation. Quote Right
Quote Left Racism has no scientific foundation. All the research shows people from every racial and ethnic group are EQUALLY ill-equipped for Life in the Modern World. Quote Right
Quote Left When building a structure, Upon a foundation of deceit . . . Its collapse will be imminent, And its failure complete. Quote Right
Quote Left There's limits to what smart people know, even thought they know a lot. Stupidity, however isn't limited by the observable laws and properties of the world around us, because stupidity has no foundation based on the world around us. Stupidity is mental oblivion. Totally unlimited. Quote Right
Quote Left Our mother earth was created to save and exalt mankind. She is our foundation. Her battles against sin, war and pollution are as real as ours. Her works, labors and fruits are a testament of her love for us and God. Praise be to our God for our Grand Mother Earth, Eden, and all the Lord's creations upon her! Quote Right
Quote Left "A person with good Heart is like a strong foundation of a house. As the first one stays humble, the second is invisible". Quote Right
Quote Left I proceed in hope of days to come with the firm conviction that the victories of my tomorrows shall stand tall on the foundations built during this the season of my pain Quote Right
Quote Left Don't let your foundation become your quicksand. Quote Right
Quote Left Peace, love and unity, the philosophical foundations of Africa. Death, suffering, animosity, strife and clumsy leadership, the philosophical realizations of Africa Quote Right
Quote Left Focus and determination is the foundation to a brightest future Quote Right
Quote Left To honor and love the family is where all dignity starts. It is the foundation of civilization. To disrespect the family unit it to disrespect life, security and love. Quote Right
Quote Left "Build A New Foundation Of Life, Though The Power Of Jesus Christ" Quote Right
Quote Left Truth is the foundation of a civilized society. Quote Right
Quote Left the circumstances and the destiny together play crucial role for our foundation. What we decide does not mean will always happen, so be content with what you are Quote Right
Quote Left If you build your house on rock you have a firm foundation forever. If you build a house on sand you have a beach house, when can I visit? Quote Right
Quote Left Rock bottom is a solid foundation on which to rebuild your life. Quote Right
Quote Left Comparison over success is meaningless because success is the result of purpose, above all others foundation was built for them by their parents and others have to start from scratch. Quote Right
Quote Left when life throws you bricks, build a strong foundation Quote Right
Quote Left Best builders begin with the foundation, Vision plus Principles equal to greatness Quote Right
Quote Left If I had A Million words to say the Only One that would matter is Love...After All Friendships Foundation must be firmly rooted.Love Yourself then Love A Friend... Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things