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Foot Quotations

Foot quotations. Find, read, and share Foot quotations. These are the best examples of Foot quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Fair flower, that dost so comely grow, Hid in this silent, dull retreat, Untouched thy honied blossoms blow, Unseen thy little branches greet; ...No roving foot shall crush thee here, ...No busy hand provoke a tear. By Nature's self in white arrayed, She bade thee shun the vulgar eye, And planted here the gaurdian shade, And sent soft waters murmuring by; ...Thus quietly thy summer goes, ...Thy days declinging to repose. Smit with those charms, that must decay, I grieve to see your future doom; They died--nor were those flowers more gay, The flowers that did in Eden bloom; ...Unpitying frosts, and Autumn's power ...Shall leave no vestige of this flower. From morning suns and evenign dews At first thy little being came: If nothing once, you nothing lose, For when you die you are the same; ...The space between, is but an hour, ...The frail duration of a flower. Quote Right
Quote Left (1) Do not let your children make toys out of flies/butterflies or birds. Such behavior results in injury to living creatures, but also it arouses in young hearts an impulse to cruelty and murder. Stories illustrative of the commandments: (2) The wife of a soldier named Fan was tuberculous and close to death. She was ordered to eat the brains of 100 sparrows as a remedy. When she saw the birds in the cage, she sighed and said: 'Must it be that 100 living creatures are to be killed that I may be healed? I would rather die than permit them to suffer.' She opened the cage and allowed them to fly away. Afterwards she recovered from her illness. (3) Tsao-Pin lived in a ruined house. His children begged him to have it repaired. He answered: 'In the cold winter the cracks in the walls and the space between the tiles and between the stones provide a shelter and a refuge to all kinds of living creatures. We should not endanger their lives.' (4) Wu-Tang used to take his son hunting with him. One day they came upon a stag that was playing with its young one. Tang took an arrow and killed the young one. The frightened stag ran off with a cry of anguish. When Tang concealed himself the stag returned and licked the wounds of its fawn. Tang again drew his bow and killed it. He then saw another stag and sent an arrow towards it, but the arrow was deflected and pierced his son. Tang threw his bow away and tearfully embraced his dead son, when he heard a voice from the air: 'Tang, the stag loved its fawn as much as you loved your son.' (5) Meng-tse praises King Suan of Tsi because of his compassion in freeing an ox that was to be sacrificed at the dedication of some bells. Such a sentiment, he says, should suffice to make one king of the world. Monastic Taoism & Kan-Ying-P'ien. From the commandments for monks: (1st): Thou shalt kill no living thing nor do injury to its life. (2nd): Thou shalt not consume as food the flesh and blood of any living creature. (34th): Thou shall not strike or whip domestic animals. (35th): Thou shall not intentionally crush insects and ants with thy foot. (36th): Thou shalt not play with hooks and arrows for thine own amusement. (37th): Thou shalt not climb into trees to remove nests and to destroy the eggs. (63rd): Thou shalt not catch birds and quadrupeds with snares and nets. (64th): Thou shalt not frighten and scare away birds that are brooding on their nests. (68th): Thou shalt not dig up during the winter months animals hibernating in the earth. (112th): Thou shalt not pour hot water on the ground in order to exterminate insects and ants. Quote Right
Quote Left Here at the fountain's sliding foot, Or at some fruit-tree's mossy root,... Quote Right
Quote Left It demands great spiritual resilience not to hate the hater whose foot is on your neck, and an even greater miracle of perception and charity not to teach your child to hate. Quote Right
Quote Left The sense of an entailed disadvantage -- the deformed foot doubtfully hidden by the shoe, makes a restlessly active spiritual yeast, and easily turns a self-centered, unloving nature into an Ishmaelite. But in the rarer sort, who presently see their own frustrated claim as one among a myriad, the inexorable sorrow takes the form of fellowship and makes the imagination tender. Quote Right
Quote Left And when the Salmon seeks a fresher stream to find; (Which hither from the sea comes, yearly, by his kind,) As he towards season grows; and stems the watry tract Where Tivy, falling down, makes an high cataract, Forc'd by the rising rocks that there her course oppose, As tho' within her bounds they meant her to inclose; Here when the labouring fish does at the foot arrive, And finds that by his strength he does but vainly strive; His tail takes in his mouth, and, bending like a bow That's to full compass drawn, aloft himself doth throw, Then springing at his height, as doth a little wand That bended end to end, and started from man's hand, Far off itself doth cast, so does that Salmon vault; And if, at first, he fail, his second summersault He instantly essays, and, from his nimble ring Still yerking, never leaves until himself he fling Above the opposing stream. Quote Right
Quote Left Mickey Mouse to a three-year-old is a six-foot-tall RAT! Quote Right
Quote Left Let me make sure I've got this right. One night in December - in the middle of the rainy season - Joseph returns home from work and announces to his wife, Mary (a young lass of thireteen or fourteen in her ninth month of pregnancy) that they must immediately depart for Bethlehem in order to fulfill some vague scriptural prophecy. It's a journey of over one hundred and thirty kilometers that passes through some of the most treacherous and hostile territory in all of Jerusalem. However, Mary, despite being jerked and jostled on the back of a jackass and struggling on foot through thick muck and mire, manages to complete this arduous trek without hemorrhaging, breaking her water, or using harsh language. No doubt this has to be another one of those take it on 'faith' stories, right? Quote Right
Quote Left For ten years Caesar ruled with an iron hand. Then with a wooden foot, and finally with a piece of string. Quote Right
Quote Left And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: / And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, / And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. Quote Right
Quote Left A little girl can be sweeter (and badder) oftener than anyone else in the world. She can jitter around, and stomp, and make funny noises that frazzle your nerves, yet just when you open your mouth she stands there demure with that special look in her eyes. A girl is Innocence playing in the mud, Beauty standing on its head, and Motherhood dragging a doll by the foot. Quote Right
Quote Left The first question which you will ask and which I must try to answer is this, What is the use of climbing Mount Everest? and my answer must at once be, It is no use. There is not the slightest prospect of any gain whatsoever. Oh, we may learn a little about the behaviour of the human body at high altitudes, and possibly medical men may turn our observation to some account for the purposes of aviation. But otherwise nothing will come of it. We shall not bring back a single bit of gold or silver, not a gem, nor any coal or iron. We shall not find a single foot of earth that can be planted with crops to raise food. It's no use. So, if you cannot understand that there is something in man which responds to the challenge of this mountain and goes out to meet it, that the struggle is the struggle of life itself upward and forever upward, then you won't see why we go. What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy. And joy is, after all, the end of life. We do not live to eat and make money. We eat and make money to be able to enjoy life. That is what life means and what life is for. Quote Right
Quote Left One should not stand at the foot of a sick person's bed, because that place is reserved for the guardian angel. Quote Right
Quote Left Set the foot down with distrust on the crust of the world -- it is thin. Quote Right
Quote Left ... with her shoulders as bare as a building, with her thin foot and her thin toes,... Quote Right
Quote Left The first promise exchanged by two beings of flesh was at the foot of a rock that was crumbling into dust; they took as witness for their cons... Quote Right
Quote Left To see life from the perspective of intuition is to have vision. To see life from the perspective of intuition is to see life from the perspective of wholeness. It is to understand that life is basically one and that we are part of life. While the intellect can only see the details, intuition sees the whole. To see life from the perspective of intuition is like looking at life from the summit of the mountain, whereas seeing life only from the perspective of intellect is like looking at life from the foot of the mountain. Through learning to listen to our intuition, we learn to be in contact with the Whole. Quote Right
Quote Left 'I am the bubble gum that sticks in your hair!' 'I am the ingrown toenail on the foot of crime!' 'I am the itch you cannot reach!' 'I am the paper cut that ruins your day!' 'I am the parking meter that expires while you shop!' 'I am the plot-twist in the 2nd reel!' 'I am the terror that flaps in the night!' 'I am the weirdo who sits next to you on the bus!' 'I am the winged scourge that pecks at your nightmares!' 'I am the wrong number that wakes you at 3 am!' Quote Right
Quote Left The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land. Quote Right
Quote Left Governor Rell believes we should not give one foot of ground to potential drug dealers. Quote Right
Quote Left Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today? Quote Right
Quote Left Gunnery Sargeant Hartmann: 'How tall are you Private?' Private Cowboy: '5 foot 9 Sir'. Gunnery Sargeant Hartmann: '5 foot 9? I didn't know they could stack shit that high... are you trying to squeeze an inch in on me somewhere?' Quote Right
Quote Left The hand and foot that stir not, they shall find Sooner than all the rightful place to go; Quote Right
Quote Left That devilish Iron Horse, whose ear-rending neigh is heard throughout the town, has muddied the Boiling Spring with his foot, and he it is that has browsed off all the woods on Walden shore, that Trojan horse, with a thousand men in his belly, introduced by mercenary Greeks! Where is the country's champion, the Moore of Moore Hall, to meet him at the Deep Cut and thrust an avenging lance between the ribs of the bloated pest? Quote Right
Quote Left Because the results are expressed in numbers, it is easy to make the mistake of thinking that the intelligence test is a measure like a foot ruler or a pair of scales. It is, of course, a quite different sort of measure. Intelligence is not an abstraction like length and weight; it is an exceedingly complicated notion - which nobody has yet succeeded in defining. Quote Right
Quote Left I first saw President Reagan as a foot, highly polished brown cordovan wagging merrily on a hassock. I spied it through the door. It was a beautiful foot, sleek. Such casual elegance and clean lines! But not a big foot, not formidable, maybe a little ...frail. I imagined cradling it in my arms, protecting it from unsmooth roads. Quote Right
Quote Left A conservative sees a man drowning 50 feet from shore, throws him a 25 foot long rope, and tells him to swim to it. A liberal throws him a rope 50 feet long, then drops his end and goes off to perform another good deed. Quote Right
Quote Left Certainties are arrived at only on foot. Quote Right
Quote Left Or, my scrofulous French novel / On grey paper with blunt type! / Simply glance at it, you grovel / Hand and foot in Belial's gripe. Quote Right
Quote Left If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Foot

Quote Left “The footprint of progress must never trample upon the footprint of nature. And so human advancement must never overshadow or destroy nature upon which all life depends.” - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Quote# 30 Looking at the footsteps of others are great, But walking in them means yours will never be seen. by Zyrool Quote Right
Quote Left It’s not the steps that you take — but the footprints you leave Quote Right
Quote Left Writers leave our poetic footprints behind in our words. Quote Right
Quote Left Only a moment did you stay but you left a footprint in my life. Quote Right
Quote Left A whisper stirred my mind, my heart and my soul: And led my footsteps down a silent path: To a door at the end of a garden: And reaching out . . . I opened it. Quote Right
Quote Left Take lesson from the Elders. Their experience helps us to follow their footsteps or not follow their footsteps. Quote Right
Quote Left 'I am so sorry my dear Future generation, in the name of progress, I am sorry that our footprint became a sinkhole and not a garden' By Christen Kuikoua Quote Right
Quote Left Joe Montana was Joe Cool, but he was also Joe Clutch. — Michael R. Burch (Keywords/Tags: football, sports, Joe Montana, cool, clutch) Quote Right
Quote Left Blessed is he whom has never seen a church or heard the word but walks in the foot steps of sons and saviors by instinct alone Quote Right
Quote Left - Winds and waves might erase your footprints, but Who could the prints of love, wipe out? - Quote Right
Quote Left "Live to leave a mark, the footprints of the greatest" Quote Right
Quote Left Commitment is like putting your foot in the ocean of life, if it is not all the way in, you are not committed." Quote Right
Quote Left In football, you win with defense . . . but you lose without offense. Quote Right
Quote Left One foot in the boat, one foot in the canoe, and you end up in the river. — Native American proverb, translation by Michael R. Burch, keywords/tags: Native American, water, river, vacillation, fence-sitting Quote Right
Quote Left What is life? The flash of a firefly. The breath of a winter buffalo. The shadow scooting across the grass that vanishes with sunset. —Blackfoot saying, translation by Michael R. Burch, keywords/tags: Native American, translation, life, nature Quote Right
Quote Left Truth: Why should I care if it isn't happening to me? You should care because if the shoe was on the other foot you would want someone to care for you. Quote Right
Quote Left there is no hope; therefore i became invulnerable to love. now even god cannot move me: nothing to push or shove, no foothold. so let me live out my remaining days in clarity, mine being the only nativity, my death the final crucifixion and apocalypse, as far as the i can see... ('no foothold' by michael r. burch) Quote Right
Quote Left If you have to die poor at least do not die like a candle, Leave a footprint my friend. Quote Right
Quote Left "You're barefoot and still tripping over those laces." Quote Right
Quote Left “Follow the footsteps of our faithful friend Let the light of Christ shine bright to life's end.” Quote Right
Quote Left You could better navigate this world alone as a deaf and mute rather than having the whispers and mindsets of fools manipulating your footsteps! Quote Right
Quote Left "Marriage is like a football player and a baseball player on a soccer field trying to play hockey and never making a hole in one." Quote Right
Quote Left You learn everything you need to know in life when you learn to walk. When you fall, crying doesn't help. You pull yourself back up regain your balance and put one foot in front of the other. There's no need for reverse because there ain't no going back. Quote Right
Quote Left Despite what commentators say nobody is ever saved by the woodwork in football, hitting the post or bar means you missed the target. Quote Right
Quote Left From her tiny hands to her rosy cheeks sprout love innocence and a blessing sec per sec , min to min, hr by the hr, day to day, to last a lifetime. Malaya Footracer is her name. The first baby Navajo Superhero, watch out she's bigger than life?? also in Sequels to "AMNESIA'S NIGHTLY MASSACRE'S " ? Quote Right
Quote Left To The Poets In Me- Written all for not* Why edit the knot* His inkings for naught* Poems lost in a thought* Resigned to being taught* His lefties are taut* A righty is sought* He foots all he's got* Quote Right
Quote Left Each Face a Story,every Road Foot Prints of life, every Dream seeks tomorrow, every Man needs a Loving wife... Quote Right
Quote Left Football is all year round, Rugby is for the winter, cricket is for the summer, and tennis, well tennis is so boring countries share it out to only have endure just 2 weeks a year Quote Right
Quote Left at the foot of the ladder, a monkey fell~ six stories of rungs and she rings his bell~ he sat picking daisies off his fallen spell~ hands cupping petals of air being his quell~ poor little monkey's a shaken as hell~ his eyes run circles around the pink pastel~ as shocked onlookers stand visual at his well~ in his cage, his cousin's saddened at their shell~at the foot of the ladder, a zoo's a cell~ Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs