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Floor Quotations

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Quote Left Draw a crazy picture,Write a nutty poem,Sing a mumble-gumble song,Whistle through your comb.Do a loony-goony dance'Cross the kitchen floor,Put something silly in the worldThat ain't been there before. Quote Right
Quote Left Morning Is Yellow Like A Desk Is Square He always wanted to explain things. But no one cared. So he drew. Sometimes he would draw and it wasn't anything. He wanted to carve it in stone or write it in the sky. He would lie out on the grass and look up in the sky. And it would be only him and the sky and the things inside him that needed saying. And it was after that he drew the picture. It was a beautiful picture. He kept it under his pillow and would let no one see it. And he would look at it every night and think about it. And when it was dark, and his eyes were closed, he could still see it. And it was all of him. And he loved it. When he started school he brought it with him. Not to show anyone, but just to have with him like a friend. It was funny about school. He sat in a square brown desk Like all the other square brown desks And he thought it should be red And his room was a square brown room. Like all the other rooms. And it was tight and close. And stiff. He hated to hold the pencil and chalk, With his arm stiff and his feet flat on the floor. Stiff. With the teacher watching and watching. The teacher came and spoke to him. She told him to wear a tie like all the other boys. He said he didn't like them. And she said it didn't matter. After that they drew. And he drew all yellow and it was the way he felt about morning. And it was beautiful. The teacher came and smiled at him. 'What's this?' she said. 'Why don't you draw something like Ken's drawing? Isn't it beatiful?' After that his mother bought him a tie. And he always drew airplanes and rocket ships like everyone else. And he threw the old picture away. And when he lay alone looking at the sky, It was big and blue and all of everything, But he wasn't anymore. He was square inside. And brown. And his hands were stiff. And he was like everyone else. And the things inside him that needed saying didn't need it anymore. It had stopped pushing. It was crushed. Stiff. Like everything else. Quote Right
Quote Left I've also always been fascinated by weddings... those surreal performances where the audience plays an integral part -- the joy, the sadness, the passion... all unfolding firstly in a house where God is served and ultimately in a house where beer is served... the knife inserted ritually into the virginal white cake to reveal the dark fruity interior... that ugly pagan concept of the father handing over his daughter to her new master... the mothers crying because they're losing a daughter, the page boys crying because they have to wear such stupid clothes... those embarrassing speeches and drunken uncles on the dance floor... Quote Right
Quote Left Under the general name of Commodity, I rank all those advantages which our senses owe to nature. This, of course, is a benefit which is temporary and mediate, not ultimate, like its service to the soul. Yet although low, it is perfect in its kind, and is the only use of nature which all men apprehend. The misery of man appears like childish petulance, when we explore the steady and prodigal provision that has been made for his support and delight on this green ball which floats him through the heavens. What angels invented these splendid ornaments, these rich conveniences, this ocean of air above, this ocean of water beneath, this firmament of earth between? this zodiac of lights, this tent of dropping clouds, this striped coat of climates, this fourfold year? Beasts, fire, water, stones, and corn serve him. The field is at once his floor, his work-yard, his play-ground, his garden, and his bed. Quote Right
Quote Left Some primal termite knocked on wood; and tasted it, and found it good. That is why your Cousin May fell through the parlor floor today. Quote Right
Quote Left We set basketball back about 100 years in the first half. They shut down everything we tried to do and we shut down everything they tried to do. So in the second half, I played dumb. I told the kids to spread the floor, don't run any sets and just play basketball. Quote Right
Quote Left Thus have the gods spun the thread for wretched mortals that they live in grief while they themselves are without cares for two jars stand on the floor of Zeus of the gifts which he gives, one of evils and another of blessings. Quote Right
Quote Left Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December, And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.... Quote Right
Quote Left With all of my power of living I am forced to lie on the floor. Quote Right
Quote Left Delores breezed along the surface of her life like a flat stone forever skipping along smooth water, rippling reality sporadically but oblivious to it consistently, until she finally lost momentum, sank, and due to an over- dose of flouride as a child which caused her to suffer from chronic apathy, doomed herself to lie forever on the floor of her life as useless as an appendix and as lonely as a five-hundred pound barbell in a steroid-free fitness center. Quote Right
Quote Left Wildness and silence disappeared from the countryside, sweetness fell from the air, not because anyone wished them to vanish or fall but because throughways had to floor the meadows with cement to carry the automobiles which advancing technology produced.... Tropical beaches turned into high-priced slums where thousand-room hotels elbowed each other for glimpses of once-famous surf not because those who loved the beaches wanted them there but because enormous jets could bring a million tourists every year Quote Right
Quote Left American consumers have no problem with carcinogens, but they will not purchase any product, including floor wax, that has fat in it. Quote Right
Quote Left We may be through with the past, but the past is not through with us. Ideas of the Stone Age exist side by side with the latest scientific thought. Only a fraction of mankind has emerged from the Dark Ages, and in the most lucid brains, as Logan Pearsall Smith has said, we come upon nests of woolly caterpillars. Seemingly sane men entrust their wealth to stargazers and their health to witch doctors. Giant planes throb through the stratosphere, but half their passengers are wearing magic amulets and are protected from harm by voodoo incantations. Hotels boast of express elevators and a telephone in every room, but omit thirteen from all floor and room numbers lest their guests be ill at ease. Quote Right
Quote Left She used to drag her mattress besider her low window and lie awake for a long while, vibrating with excitement, as a machine vibrates from speed. Life rushed in upon her through that window - or so it seemed. In reality, of course, life rushes from within, not from without. There is no work of art so big or so beautiful that is was not once all contained in some youthful body, like this one which lay on the floor in the moonlight, pulsing with ardor and anticipation. Quote Right
Quote Left It doesn't require any particular bravery to stand on the floor of the Senate and urge our boys in Vietnam to fight harder, and if this war mushrooms into a major conflict and a hundred thousand young Americans are killed, it won't be U. S. Senators who die. It will be American soldiers who are too young to qualify for the senate. Quote Right
Quote Left The white youth of today have begun to react to the fact that the American Way of Life is a fossil of history. What do they care if their old baldheaded and crew-cut elders don't dig their caveman mops? They couldn't care less about the old, stiff-assed honkies who don't like their new dances: Frog, Monkey, Jerk, Swim, Watusi. All they know is that it feels good to swing to way-out body-rhythms instead of dragging across the dance floor like zombies to the dead beat of mind-smothered Mickey Mouse music. Quote Right
Quote Left I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It should be repealed and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying. Quote Right
Quote Left You cannot attain and maintain physical condition unless you are morally and mentally conditioned. And it is impossible to be in moral condition unless you are spiritually conditioned. I always told my players that our team condition depended on two factors -- how hard they worked on the floor during practice and how well they behaved between practices. Quote Right
Quote Left In a room on the floor below, Sunless, cooler—a brimming Saucer of wax, marbly and dim— I have lit what's left of my life. Quote Right
Quote Left I think their experience kicked in and overwhelmed us a bit tonight, ... We kept fighting back and did some great things with our execution. Our inexperience on defense hurt us, as they were spreading the floor extremely well and getting good looks at the basket. Quote Right
Quote Left I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, 'I'm going to mop the floor with your face.' I said, 'You'll be sorry.' He said, 'Oh, yeah? Why?' I said, 'Well, you won't be able to get into the corners very well.' Quote Right
Quote Left Ace In Vegas, everybody's gotta watch everybody else. Since the players are looking to beat the casino, the dealers are watching the players. The box men are watching the dealers. The floor men are watching the box men. The pit bosses are watching the floor men. The shift bosses are watching the pit bosses. The casino manager is watching the shift bosses. I'm watching the casino manager. And the eye-in-the-sky is watching us all. Quote Right
Quote Left She's got a very bright future. She's a very talented young lady who understands the game of basketball and the team concept. She understands her strengths and the strengths of the people around her. You want somebody like her out on the floor playing for you. Quote Right
Quote Left They were big and little creatures. Some were hairy with long, thin tails, and some had noses long as pokers. Some had bulging eyes and some had 20 toes. In they came -- crashing through the door, sliding down the chimney, crawling through the windows. They shouted and cried. They banged pots and pans. They twirled their tails and tapped their toes upon the wooden floor. He watched as the trolls gobbled the food and threw the plates and drank everything in sight. They continued to shout and scream, to scratch the walls and pound the floors and slap their tails upon the table. The tiny trolls were the worst of all. They screamed at the top of their lungs and pulled each others' tails. Quote Right
Quote Left I was very familiar with him and Eddie [Jones] and Rick Brunson, ... I just know what he's about. He's a steady basketball player, rarely makes mistakes on the floor. Quote Right
Quote Left It's just dirty basketball. It's plain, outright, dirty basketball. I don't mind the competition, someone going at me on both ends of the floor ... but when guys start throwing elbows and kick you when you're down, that's dirty basketball and I don't respect guys like that. Quote Right
Quote Left Maurice Oh yeah, I started out mopping the floor just like you guys. Then I moved up to washing lettuces. Now, I'm working the fat fryer. Pretty soon I'll make assistant manager, and that's when the big bucks start rolling in. Quote Right
Quote Left I was very familiar with him and Eddie (Jones) and Rick Brunson, ... I just know what he's about. He's a steady basketball player, rarely makes mistakes on the floor. Quote Right
Quote Left If I had to select one quality, one personal characteristic that I regard as being most highly correlated with success, whatever the field, I would pick the trait of persistence. Determination. The will to endure to the end, to get knocked down seventy times and get up off the floor saying, 'Here comes number seventy-one!' Quote Right
Quote Left Please don't throw cigarette butts on the floor, the cockroaches are getting cancer. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Floor

Quote Left There is a place it’s different for each of us, where your monsters lie.. Mines and endless hotel and the doors are red with baby blue wallpaper lining the hallways. My philosophical question and answers produce a key, and I am greeted by a mirror, no reflection, my hair raises a tumble begins, and a ripple across the surface revealing the monster I face inside, then I go to wonderland but… Idk how to explain it, just when it’s over the pen hit the floor and woke me up, ink is in the page. Quote Right
Quote Left "I fall in her love, from the fourth floor, as rain falls from a cloud towards the dry Earth, her beloved." Quote Right
Quote Left Christ, how I miss you!, though your parting kiss is still warm on my lips. Now the floor is not strewn with your stockings and slips and the dishes are all stacked away. You left me today... and each word left unspoken now whispers regrets. ('Absence Makes...' by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left Regret is the little sister of death. She comes and stays forever, and runs her fingers through your hair, until it drops to the floor. Quote Right
Quote Left Husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, lovers of forever; It takes two to dance... but after the musicians play, even if one leaves the floor, the other is not allowed to stop, as then the musicians would have nothing left to do. Quote Right
Quote Left "Optimism applies the floorwork, whereto, there is no ceiling" - May 25, 2019 Commentary 'Charlieku' by Early Jae Quote Right
Quote Left One bottle Two bottle Three bottle Four How many pills till I hit the floor? Quote Right
Quote Left When I saw my blood scattered in the floor, I saw you holding a knife. Quote Right
Quote Left There is no more honest way to find yourself than in the middle of a dance floor. Quote Right
Quote Left They that pace the floor are far from lazy. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs