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Expectation Quotations

Expectation quotations. Find, read, and share Expectation quotations. These are the best examples of Expectation quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left The sudden disappointment of a hope leaves a scar which the ultimate fulfillment of that hope never entirely removes. Quote Right
Quote Left It is in fact hard to find a single, common solid neoplasm [cancer] where management and expectation of cure has been markedly affected by animal research. Most human cancers differ from the artificially produced animal model Quote Right
Quote Left The approval of the public is to be avoided like the plague. It is absolutely essential to keep the public from entering if one wishes to avoid confusion. I must add that the public must be kept panting in expectation at the gate by a system of challenges and provocations. Quote Right
Quote Left Life is so constructed that an event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation. Quote Right
Quote Left The expectation that every neurotic phenomenon can be cured may, I suspect, be derived from the layman's belief that the neuroses are something quite unnecessary which have no right whatever to exist. Whereas in fact they are severe, constitutionally fixed illnesses, which rarely restrict themselves to only a few attacks but persist as a rule over long periods throughout life. Quote Right
Quote Left People read the papers not in the hopes of learning something new, but in the expectation of being told what they already know. This is a form of living death. Its apotheosis is the daily poll in USA Today, which informs us what percentage of a small number of unscientifically selected people called a toll number to vote on questions that cannot possibly be responded to with a yes or no . Quote Right
Quote Left What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet. Quote Right
Quote Left The psychological context of dream-contents consists in the web of associations in which the dream is naturally embedded. Theoretically we can never know anything in advance about this web, but in practice it is sometimes possible, granted long enough experience. Even so, careful analysis will never rely too much on technical rules; the danger of deception and suggestion is too great. In the analysis of isolated dreams above all, this kind of knowing in advance and making assumptions on the grounds of practical expectation or general probability is positively wrong. It should therefore be an absolute rule to assume that every dream, and every part of a dream, is unknown at the outset, and to attempt an interpretation only after carefully taking up the context. We can then apply the meaning we have thus discovered to the text of the dream itself and see whether this yields a fluent reading, or rather whether a satisfying meaning emerges. Quote Right
Quote Left Death affords those who are left an opportunity to reevaluate everything. And though we would give all we have to defer that opportunity, it exists anyway. It allows us to see the flimsiness of our expectations, to realize there is not expectation without disappointment; it allows us the possibility to being more sensitive, more vulnerable, to let others support us, and to notice the integrity and love often left unobserved in life's fast pace. Mainly, it gives us the chance to live life in the present. Quote Right
Quote Left We love to expect, and when expectation is either disappointed or gratified, we want to be again expecting. Quote Right
Quote Left Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. Quote Right
Quote Left A man's delight in looking forward to and hoping for some particular satisfaction is a part of the pleasure flowing out of it, enjoyed in advance. But this is afterward deducted, for the more we look forward to anything the less we enjoy it when it comes. Quote Right
Quote Left Expect nothing, live frugally on surprise. Quote Right
Quote Left I saw that all beings are fated to happiness: action is not life, but a way of wasting some force, an enervation. Morality is the weakness of the brain. Quote Right
Quote Left For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, / According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. Quote Right
Quote Left We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake . . . by an infinite expectation of the dawn, which does not forsake us in our soundest sleep. I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor. Quote Right
Quote Left It strikes me as gruesome and comical that in our culture we have an expectation that man can always solve his problems. This is so untrue that it makes me want to cry--or laugh. Quote Right
Quote Left It has been conventional practice to test potential carcinogens using highly inbred strains of rodents. The rationale was the supposed superior reproducibility of results compared with those obtained from wild-type animals. However, that assumption can be questioned. At least three examples of genetic drift of inbred strains can be cited... Lifetime expectation [in an inbred strain of mice] of developing one or another form of neoplasm ['spontaneous tumour'] had risen from 10 to 80 percent. Quote Right
Quote Left I have no expectation of making a hit every time I come to bat. What I seek is the highest possible batting average. Quote Right
Quote Left A cathedral, a wave of storm, a dancer's leap, never turn out to be as high as we had hoped. Quote Right
Quote Left The greatest loss of time is delay and expectation, which depend upon the future. We let go the present, which we have in our power, and look forward to that which depends upon chance, and so relinquish a certainty for an uncertainty. Quote Right
Quote Left Most of the things we do, we do for no better reason than that our father's have done them or our neighbors do them, and the same is true of a large part than what we suspect of what we think. Quote Right
Quote Left A master can tell you what he expects of you. A teacher, though, awakens your own expectations. Quote Right
Quote Left Man's real life is happy, chiefly because he is ever expecting that it soon will be so. Quote Right
Quote Left High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation. Quote Right
Quote Left That is a good book which is opened with expectation, and closed with delight and profit. Quote Right
Quote Left That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. Quote Right
Quote Left Putting on the spectacles of science in expectation of finding an answer to everything looked at signifies inner blindness. Quote Right
Quote Left Let us be about setting high standards for life, love, creativity, and wisdom. If our expectations in these areas are low, we are not likely to experience wellness. Setting high standards makes every day and every decade worth looking forward to. Quote Right
Quote Left If pleasures are greatest in anticipation, just remember that this is also true of trouble. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Expectation

Quote Left Kindness has no expectations. Quote Right
Quote Left “The secret of eternal youth is to stay young in one’s own heart. Outer appearances may fade like an old photograph or painting of one’s life but the inner appearance can shine with a radiance of hope, expectation, childlike optimism and dreams. Old with wisdom but young with wonder.” Quote Right
Quote Left People are often saddened of how they do not get to live their lives as per their expectations; a checklist to be precise. I however go along with what life throws at me, then write them down in my list and then tick them off. Now that is life. Quote Right
Quote Left "Negative expectation brings negative forces and positive expectation brings positive forces" Quote Right
Quote Left There is a glaring disparity between expectation and reality. Quote Right
Quote Left If we happen to awake in midsleep and don't see stars: we must expect a rainy sky and lessen our expectations. Quote Right
Quote Left We live amidst expectations and confusion. We demand understanding and reciprocation. We face ignorance and manipulations. We win $ we lose...... The fight, the pleasure, the fear, everything is within... We are ruled by emotions . Let the ruler be positive and progressive. Because happiness and contentment is the state with in.. Quote Right
Quote Left Your dedication should be high in altitude, expectation should be low in attitude for being the best in the multitude ! Quote Right
Quote Left You may think that you are running out of time, Only to find out you are actually chasing after the expectations of the Society And missing out on being you in the process. The clock runs on it's pace, competing with nothing and waiting for nobody's approval. Be confident that you are where you supposed to be Anything and anybody else might as well adjust to your pace. Quote Right
Quote Left the most difficult of attachments is true love. It requires one to give their all without benefit of expectation. Quote Right
Quote Left Expectations always leads to disappointments The higher you expect something, the more you get disappointed. Quote Right
Quote Left You don’t have to live to their expectations Quote Right
Quote Left Expectations are a product of the mind. The wishful psyche imagines a certain outcome but its usually not the one we envisioned. When you learn to accept this reality, responding & adjusting are added to your skill set. Two vital traits we need. Forever. Quote Right
Quote Left "When people see smart, they expect smart and I don't want to live up to such kind of expectation" Quote Right
Quote Left Make sure you accomplish what any other people have never accomplished, don't just live to people expectations. Quote Right
Quote Left The less we seek perfection, the easier is to accept ourselves; having flairs makes us more human, but with deep consciousness, we discover that being perfect applies to those having unrealistic expectations of themselves. Quote Right
Quote Left Unmet expectations damage the immune system. Quote Right
Quote Left "Are you made in the image of? Or are you shaped from the imagined expectations of others?" Quote Right
Quote Left Exceed expectations that people set for us. Anthony Durbin 1986 - 2008. Quote Right
Quote Left There is never an expectation to keep up your "image", If that image is your true self. Quote Right
Quote Left If you blow air in a balloon with expectation of it becoming a parachute, Firstly, it is your inability not to be able to afford a parachute, secondly it's your mistake to expect balloon become a parachute. So, stop complaining about the balloon and work on yourself !! Quote Right
Quote Left Beautiful Expectations of Faith Quote Right
Quote Left Nobody really understands love. Certainly not the poets. Love defies understanding because it is never the same for any of us. It seems to be Universal. It seems to be Timeless. But, those are just illusions because, even though it's something we all experience, it's also something we all experience differently. Love is an individual experience, filtered by our own lives and expectations. No one truly understands it because it's invariably a very different thing for each of us. Quote Right
Quote Left Expectations always hurt Quote Right
Quote Left Pivoting human ascent , by lumbering felonious act to the environment, is a bionic expectation. Quote Right
Quote Left A life without expectations is a life without disappointment Quote Right
Quote Left my expectations did a great job eating up our beautiful relation Quote Right
Quote Left 'Expectation and Disappointments walks together, If you have expectation you will be disappointment' Quote Right
Quote Left sometimes things happen totally opposite to our expectations, but when we look back after a decade or so, that happened was more appropriate to our life Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs