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Emotion Quotations

Emotion quotations. Find, read, and share Emotion quotations. These are the best examples of Emotion quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those we have personality and emotion know what it means to want to escape from these things. Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity: the emotion is contemplated till, by a species of reaction, the tranquillity gradually disappears, and an emotion, kindred to that which was the subject of contemplation, is gradually produced, and does itself actually exist in the mind. Quote Right
Quote Left The true meaning of religion is thus not simply morality, but morality touched by emotion. Quote Right
Quote Left They look for a victim to chivy, and howl him down, and finally lynch him in a sheer storm of sexual frenzy which they honestly imagine to be moral indignation, patriotic passion or some equally allowable emotion, it may be an innocent Negro, a Jew like Leo Frank, a harmless half-witted German; a Christ-like idealist of the type of Debs, an enthusiastic reformer like Emma Goldman. Quote Right
Quote Left Wit is the epitaph of an emotion. Quote Right
Quote Left A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later. Quote Right
Quote Left We all start out with the same alphabet. We are all unique. Talent is not the most important thing --- discipline and dedication are. Craft can be learned but desire and longing are innate. Despite the demands of school and just being young, try to write SOMETHING every day --- a description, a captured emotion, a simile, a metaphor. Read, for crying out loud! A writer must read the way a ball player must go to the ballfield every day to practice. Everything is possible in this world of ours--- and so's publication. Quote Right
Quote Left BABE or BABY, n. A misshapen creature of no particular age, sex, or condition, chiefly remarkable for the violence of the sympathies and antipathies it excites in others, itself without sentiment or emotion. There have been famous babes; for example, little Moses, from whose adventure in the bulrushes the Egyptian hierophants of seven centuries before doubtless derived their idle tale of the child Osiris being preserved on a floating lotus leaf.Ere babes were invented The girls were contended. Now man is tormented Until to buy babes he has squandered His money. And so I have pondered This thing, and thought may be'T were better that Baby The First had been eagled or condored. --Ro Amil Quote Right
Quote Left Museums and art stores are also sources of pleasure and inspiration. Doubtless it will seem strange to many that the hand unaided by sight can feel action, sentiment, beauty in the cold marble; and yet it is true that I derive genuine pleasure from touching great works of art. As my finger tips trace line and curve, they discover the thought and emotion which the artist has portrayed. Quote Right
Quote Left He's such a quiet kid. That was the most emotion we've seen out of him all year. I think he was waiting for this moment to go in and compete against Shaquille. I had the same thing when I first came into the league (in 1996) and competed against Michael (Jordan). Quote Right
Quote Left On occasions, after drinking a pint of beer at luncheon, there would be a flow into my mind with sudden and unaccountable emotion, sometimes a line or two of verse, sometimes a whole stanza, accompanied, not preceded by a vague notion of the poem which they were destined to form a part of.... I say bubble up because, so far as I could make out, the source of the suggestions thus proffered to the brain was the pit of the stomach. Quote Right
Quote Left Emotion is primarily about nothing and much of it remains about nothing to the end. Quote Right
Quote Left There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion. Quote Right
Quote Left I thought the Billie Holiday comparison was beautiful. I think, Wow, what a wonderful, creative, helpful spirit. She's someone who wanted to help others by sharing her emotion. That's what I do, too, so I think that's a great comparison. Quote Right
Quote Left Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime Quote Right
Quote Left The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear - fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety. Quote Right
Quote Left The first and simplest emotion which we discover in the human mind, is curiosity. Quote Right
Quote Left The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. So to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that which is impenetretrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms-this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness. Quote Right
Quote Left In describing the Mound-builders no effort has been made to paint their costume, their modes of life or their system of government. They are presented to the reader almost exclusively under a single aspect, and under the influence of a single emotion. It matters not to us whether they dwelt under a monarchical or popular form of polity; whether king or council ruled their realms; nor, in fine, what was their exact outward condition. It is enough for us to know, and enough for our humanity to inquire, that they existed, toiled, felt and suffered; that to them fell, in these pleasant regions, their portion of the common heritage of our race, and that around those ancient hearth-stones, washed to light on the banks of the far western rivers, once gossiped and enjoyed life, a nation that has utterly faded away. Quote Right
Quote Left A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later Quote Right
Quote Left Literary criticism can be no more than a reasoned account of the feeling produced upon the critic by the book he is criticizing. Criticism can never be a science: it is, in the first place, much too personal, and in the second, it is concerned with values that science ignores. The touchstone is emotion, not reason. We judge a work of art by its effect on our sincere and vital emotion, and nothing else. All the critical twiddle-twaddle about style and form, all this pseudoscientific classifying and analyzing of books in an imitation-botanical fashion, is mere impertinence and mostly dull jargon. Quote Right
Quote Left I would not unduly praise the virtue of restraint. It is often merely temperamental. But it is not always a sign of coldness. It may be pride. There can be nothing more humiliating than to see the shaft of one's emotion miss the mark of either laughter or tears. Nothing more humiliating! And this for the reason that should the mark be missed, should the open display of emotion fail to move, then it must perish unavoidably in disgust or contempt. Quote Right
Quote Left We must believe that emotion recollected in tranquillity is an inexact formula. For it is neither emotion, nor recollection, nor without distortion of meaning, tranquillity. It is a concentration, and a new thing resulting from the concentration of a very great number of experiences which to the practical and active person would not seem to be experiences at all; it is a concentration which does not happen consciously or of deliberation. These experiences are not recollected and they finally unite in an atmosphere which is tranquil only in that it is a passive attending upon the event. Quote Right
Quote Left The evidence of the emotions, save in cases where it has strong objective support, is really no evidence at all, for every recognizable emotion has its opposite, and if one points one way then another points the other way. Thus the familiar argument that there is an instinctive desire for immortality, and that this desire proves it to be a fact, becomes puerile when it is recalled that there is also a powerful and widespread fear of annihilation, and that this fear, on the same principle proves that there is nothing beyond the grave. Such childish proofs are typically theological, and they remain theological even when they are adduced by men who like to flatter themselves by believing that they are scientific gents... Quote Right
Quote Left Lose/Win people bury a lot of feelings. And unexpressed feelings come forth later in uglier ways. Psychosomatic illnesses often are the reincarnation of cumulative resentment, deep disappointment and disillusionment repressed by the Lose/Win mentality. Disproportionate rage or anger, overreaction to minor provocation, and cynicism are other embodiments of suppressed emotion. People who are constantly repressing, not transcending feelings toward a higher meaning find that it affects the quality of their relationships with others. Quote Right
Quote Left As if it was an injury, teams have to overcome adversity. What you see is a team that's very spiritual and plays with a purpose. We were playing with lots of emotion and a lot of intensity. What I like about it is it's consistent. It was a complete, total team effort. Quote Right
Quote Left To any intelligent being, there is no emotion more important than hope. Individually or collectively, we must hope that the future will be better than the past, that our offspring, and theirs after them, will be a bit closer to an ideal society, whatever our perception of that might be... It is at those times when we feel we are contributing to that ultimate end... we feel true elation. Quote Right
Quote Left So long as men are compassionate to such a degree that they cannot hear a fly struggling in a spider's web without emotion it can never be reasonably maintained that it is their natural impulse to wound and kill the dumb animals, or to butcher one another in what is called the field of honour. Quote Right
Quote Left I have to confess that I had gambled on my soul and lost it with heroic insouciance and lightness of touch. The soul is so impalpable, so often useless, and sometimes such a nuisance, that I felt no more emotion on losing it than if, on a stroll, I had mislaid my visiting card. Quote Right
Quote Left There are moments in life, when the heart is so full of emotion That if by chance it be shaken, or into its depths like a pebble Drops some careless word, it overflows, and its secret, Spilt on the ground like water, can never be gathered together. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Emotion

Quote Left Be emotionally transparent with your own self. To know.. this where you want to be.......... Switch gears n drive thru the directions you wanna be. Quote Right
Quote Left Life is a story; with chapters and of being possessed by emotions along the way. Quote Right
Quote Left The power of Christianity is in the heart. If you don’t believe in your heart that the Kingdom of God is a seed, you end up defeated in your mind, will, emotions and circumstances, Quote Right
Quote Left Easiest identifiable emotion comes from heart though relations exists in various forms. The community prefers to remain delude with easiest option available. Glamour, the most dominating illusion some how slips out of celluloid screens and transforms every single being. Aligned with traditions and seen with respect, refurbished with is much beyond. Every life is a rhapsody deserving legacy... short yet beautiful... may we make it! Quote Right
Quote Left The quicksand of anticipation — the fire below A changing experience — is not an experience of change Captive of emotion — prisoner of deceit Quote Right
Quote Left Disrespect is the sum total of how a person rates you, a true reflection of their perception of who you are. So no matter how flimsy or insignificant disrespect is, I will not tolerate it. I respect people regardless of age, gender or status and I expect nothing less in return. Once I perceive any iota of disrespect I will respectfully remove myself from the scene to protect my emotional health and preserve my self esteem Quote Right
Quote Left Respect and fear are different emotions. Respect is a feeling of admiration and esteem towards someone or something, often based on their abilities, qualities, or achievements. It involves recognizing and valuing the worth and autonomy of another person or entity. Quote Right
Quote Left Deep love goes beyond verbal expression; it's the silent understanding, the unspoken connection, and the shared emotions. -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Never get attached to someone you love. It will ruin you. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. Quote Right
Quote Left Deep love goes beyond verbal expression; it's the silent understanding, the unspoken connection, and the shared emotions. -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Falling in love is like falling in a well where you only experience deepness of emotions. Quote Right
Quote Left O Moon! The creator of my character, the treasure of my emotions; here I come along with the Supreme Charioteer in form of coiled life force in the spine, to surrender to you and provide me strength and wisdom. Lord Krishna, my dearest companion hold me strong; you are the only one upon whom I can count. Quote Right
Quote Left Intelligence is extremely emotional coz emotions analyse and rise. The chariot of emotions move in right directions isn't always destined. Righteousness alone qualifies to be the ideal charioteer. Lord Krishna... The subconscious charioteer in form of coiled life force in the spine, always resides..... It's just that inspite of being focused upon gazing the world, we got to look with in n shine. Quote Right
Quote Left Pity those who value diversity over freedom, and emotion over truth. Quote Right
Quote Left Life is an adventure live the ultimate adventure Explore the inner you. Bring your emotions and feelings into the light You Can only be you. Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry often distills complex ideas and emotions into simple yet powerful language. Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry provides a unique platform for individuals to express their deepest emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry, is the tapestry of emotions woven with words. Each verse a brushstroke on the canvas of the soul, revealing the beauty and depth of human experience. Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry is the language of the soul, a canvas where emotions paint their most vibrant hues. Each verse, a brushstroke, weaves a tapestry of feelings, thoughts, and dreams. Quote Right
Quote Left Unexpected connection, unbreakable bond, unforgettable bliss, countless laughs, and unconditional love are what make relationship so special. Sometimes there are unreasonable fights and unexplainable emotions, but the undeniable truth is that our hearts remain inseparable. We create unimaginable memories, make forgivable mistakes, and cherish the moments we share. It's all part of the beautiful and sometimes unpredictable journey of life and love. Quote Right
Quote Left Allow yourself to feel any kind of emotion!!! You are a human afterall. Quote Right
Quote Left In poetry what is triggered by emotion must generate emotion. Quote Right
Quote Left Everything we perceive is based on a number of variables, including our senses, emotions, mental and physical health, life experiences and the influences of others. But, our intuition is our higher self and knowledge in action. Quote Right
Quote Left What comes first; fact or emotion? Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry should trigger emotion, stimulate thought, and showcase a command of craft. Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry is a pure image of emotion, that shows the invisibility. Quote Right
Quote Left We are incharge of our emotional state. Evolve to become emotionally independent. Quote Right
Quote Left "The poet's pen weaves magic through ink and paper, illuminating the ordinary with extraordinary hues. With each stroke, worlds unfurl and emotions ignite, inviting hearts to dance in the realm of verse." Quote Right
Quote Left EMOTIONS Love & Pain Two powerful forces Depending on the vulnerability of the situation, it makes you stronger or weaker, good or bad, feel dead or alive. BUT THE SPIRIT TO FOLLOW IT THROUGH IS A CHOICE THAT DEFINES YOUR SOUL Quote Right
Quote Left Silage of emotions carry capacity of displaying misty delusion; that's where the values find grace, that's where resolutions help . Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs