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Disappointment Quotations

Disappointment quotations. Find, read, and share Disappointment quotations. These are the best examples of Disappointment quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love. Quote Right
Quote Left We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. Quote Right
Quote Left The sudden disappointment of a hope leaves a scar which the ultimate fulfillment of that hope never entirely removes Quote Right
Quote Left The ideal of brotherhood of man, the building of the Just City, is one that cannot be discarded without lifelong feelings of disappointment and loss. But, if we are to live in the real world, discard it we must. Its very nobility makes the results of its breakdown doubly horrifying, and it breaks down, as it always will, not by some external agency but because it cannot work. Quote Right
Quote Left The sudden disappointment of a hope leaves a scar which the ultimate fulfillment of that hope never entirely removes. Quote Right
Quote Left We are like sculptors, constantly carving out of others the image we long for, need, love or desire, often against reality, against their benefit, and always, in the end, a disappointment, because it does not fit them. Quote Right
Quote Left Death affords those who are left an opportunity to reevaluate everything. And though we would give all we have to defer that opportunity, it exists anyway. It allows us to see the flimsiness of our expectations, to realize there is not expectation without disappointment; it allows us the possibility to being more sensitive, more vulnerable, to let others support us, and to notice the integrity and love often left unobserved in life's fast pace. Mainly, it gives us the chance to live life in the present. Quote Right
Quote Left The simple solution for disappointment depression Get up and get moving. Physically move. Do. Act. Get going. Quote Right
Quote Left I think the age of disappointment is coming much earlier, where an adult figure -- a parent, a teacher or something -- truly disappoints you for the first time, at a much earlier age. I think when I was young, it happened in my late teens. I think today it's happening when you're 8 or 9 or 10 years old. And I think it's everlasting. Quote Right
Quote Left When I hear so much impatient and irritable complaint, so much readiness to replace what we have by guardians for us all, those supermen, evoked somewhere from the clouds, whom none have seen and none are ready to name, I lapse into a dream... I see children playing on the grass, ...they are restive and quarrelsome; they cannot agree to any common plan; their play annoys them; it goes poorly. And one says, let us make Jack the master; Jack knows all about it; Jack will tell us what each is to do and we shall all agree. But Jack is like all the rest; Helen is discontented with her part and Henry with his, and soon they fall again into their old state. No, the children must learn to play by themselves; there is no Jack the master. And in the end slowly and with infinite disappointment they do learn a little; they learn to forbear, to reckon with anther, accept a little where they wanted much, to live and let live, to yield when they must yield; perhaps, we may hope, not to take all they can. But the condition is that they shall be willing at least to listen to one another, to get the habit of pooling their wishes. Somehow or other they must do this, if the play is to go on; maybe it will not, but there is no Jack, in or out of the box, who can come to straighten the game. Quote Right
Quote Left Lose/Win people bury a lot of feelings. And unexpressed feelings come forth later in uglier ways. Psychosomatic illnesses often are the reincarnation of cumulative resentment, deep disappointment and disillusionment repressed by the Lose/Win mentality. Disproportionate rage or anger, overreaction to minor provocation, and cynicism are other embodiments of suppressed emotion. People who are constantly repressing, not transcending feelings toward a higher meaning find that it affects the quality of their relationships with others. Quote Right
Quote Left Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything Quote Right
Quote Left The compensations of calamity are made apparent to the understanding also, after long intervals of time. A fever, a mutilation, a cruel disappointment, a loss of wealth, a loss of friends, seems at the moment unpaid loss, and unpayable. But the sure years reveal the deep remedial force that underlies all facts. Quote Right
Quote Left The misery of the middle-aged woman is a gray and hopeless thing, born of having nothing to live for, of disappointment and resentment at having been gypped by consumer society, and surviving merely to be the butt of its unthinking scorn. Quote Right
Quote Left Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything. Quote Right
Quote Left Educational television should be absolutely forbidden. It can only lead to unreasonable disappointment when your child discovers that the letters of the alphabet do not leap up out of books and dance around with royal-blue chickens. Quote Right
Quote Left There is only one sure means in life of ensuring that you are not ground into paste by disappointment, futility and disillusion and that is always to ensure, to the utmost of your ability, that you are doing it solely for the money. Quote Right
Quote Left Silence is the universal refuge, the sequel to all dull discourses and all foolish acts, a balm to our every chagrin, as welcome after satiety as after disappointment; that background which the painter may not daub, be he master or bungler, and which, however awkward a figure we may have made in the foreground, remains ever our inviolable asylum, where no indignity can assail, no personality can disturb us. Quote Right
Quote Left Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone. Quote Right
Quote Left The simple solution for disappointment depression: Get up and get moving. Physically move. Do. Act. Get going. Quote Right
Quote Left Anytime you suffer a setback or disappointment, put your head down and plow ahead. Quote Right
Quote Left Parents are sometimes a bit of a disappointment to their children. They don't fulfill the promise of their early years. Quote Right
Quote Left It is cruel, you know, that music should be so beautiful. It has the beauty of loneliness and of pain: of strength and freedom. The beauty of disappointment and never-satisfied love. The cruel beauty of nature, and everlasting beauty of monotony. Quote Right
Quote Left Don't fall in love with politicians, they're all a disappointment. They can't help it, they just are. Quote Right
Quote Left . . . you know nothing about Hope, that immortal, delicious maiden forever courted forever propitious, whom fools have called deceitful, as if it were Hope that carried the cup of disappointment, whereas it is her deadly enemy, Certainty, whom she only escapes by transformation. Quote Right
Quote Left Resilency is an important factor in living. The winds of life may bend us. To courageously straighten again after our heads have been bowed by defeat, disappointment and suffering is the supreme test of character. Quote Right
Quote Left Every disappointment gives you opportunity to make another appointment. Quote Right
Quote Left If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment Quote Right
Quote Left Anxiety is the poison of human life; the parent of many sins and of more miseries. In a world where everything is doubtful, and where we may be disappointed, and be blessed in disappointment, why this restless stir and commotion of mind? Can it alter the cause, or unravel the mystery of human events? Quote Right
Quote Left Disappointment is a sort of bankruptcy - the bankruptcy of a soul that expends too much in hope and expectation. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Disappointment

Quote Left Quote: Disappointments, Heartaches and Pain, are all parts of life. Just remember that, Time Heals and the Heart will adjust. by Zyrool Quote Right
Quote Left "Striving to be humble and expecting nothing is less disappointments. Quote Right
Quote Left On disappointments avoid seeing yourself in others and stop expecting anything from them. Quote Right
Quote Left Love, loss and disappointment always hit hardest on meaningful days which should be comprised of joy and fond remembrance—Robert Gorelick Quote Right
Quote Left "Disappointment should never become an end point to our goal It should be a directing point to reach our goal" Quote Right
Quote Left Learn to handle disappointments well. They are going to be a greater part of life and thats something you can't change #Poetic_Ra*_Quotes ???? Quote Right
Quote Left Expectations always leads to disappointments The higher you expect something, the more you get disappointed. Quote Right
Quote Left A pessimist is more likely an effect of past experiences, the collection of pains and pangs dripped from disappointments; failures; mistakes and rejections pulsing through fears to the window of the soul. Quote Right
Quote Left Wishes are the seeds of disappointment and promises are the soil there grow in. Quote Right
Quote Left Don't hope. Then you'll never know disappointment. Quote Right
Quote Left Understand life it be the realization of disappointments and dreams. Quote Right
Quote Left my eyes tearfuly blinded with anger of disappointment Quote Right
Quote Left Death will come as gentle as a windswept cloud, yet disappointment will surround you like a shroud. Quote Right
Quote Left A life without expectations is a life without disappointment Quote Right
Quote Left 'Expectation and Disappointments walks together, If you have expectation you will be disappointment' Quote Right
Quote Left What we call love is the only love which is a love which has everything, every disappointment every failure, and even betrayal, but in the end a love so deep with a simple desire for ever lasting companionship turns into fulfilled love. 6-16-15 Quote Right
Quote Left We are all too young to let disappointments become disasters. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things