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Department Quotations

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Quote Left 'Fox Urine: This horrifically produced product is marketed as a way to keep deer out of gardens, but experts say it doesn't work. On urine-collection 'farms,' foxes, coyotes, raccoons and other animals are crammed into tiny cages. They live on feces-encrusted wire cage floors so their urine can be collected in trays below. On one such 'farm,' PETA investigators found animals with open infected wounds and exposed bones. Most huddled together in fear, but others had gone 'cage-crazy' and circled endlessly, seeking a way to comfort themselves. Some chewed and mutilated their own flesh. Owners then killed them for their fur by using agonizing anal electrocution. Some sporting goods stores sell urine collected from deer crammed into tiny pens for use by hunters to mask their human odor and to lure bucks to the hunters' tree stands. Be a 'deer' - and ask managers of local gardening, department and sporting goods stores NOT to sell bottled urine.' Quote Right
Quote Left Crowley had been extremely impressed with the warranties offered by the computer industry, and had in fact sent a bundle Below to the department that drew up the Immortal Soul agreements, with a yellow memo form attached just saying: 'Learn, guys.' Quote Right
Quote Left He always looked forward to the evening drives through the centre of Shanghai, this electric and lurid city, more exciting than any other in the world. As they reached the Bubbling Well Road he pressed his face to the windshield and gazed at the pavements lined with night-clubs and gambling dens, crowded with bar-girls and gangsters and rich beggars with their bodyguards. Crowds of gamblers pushed their way into the jai alai stadiums, blocking the traffic in the Bubbling Well Road. An armoured police van with two Thompson guns mounted in a steel turret above the driver swung in front of the Packard and cleared the pavement. A party of young Chinese women in sequinned dresses tripped over a child's coffin decked with paper flowers. Arms linked together, they lurched against the radiator grille of the Packard and swayed past Jim's window, slapping the windshield with their small hands and screaming obscenities. Nearby, along the windows of the Sun Sun department store in the Nanking Road, a party of young European jews were fighting in and out of the strolling crowds with a gang of older German boys in the swastika armbands of the Graf Zeppelin Club. Chased by the police sirens, they ran through the entrance of the Cathay Theatre, the world's largest cinema, where a crowd of Chinese shopgirls and typists, beggars and pickpockets spilled in the street to watch people arriving for the evening performance. As they stepped from their limousines the women steered their long skirts through the honour guard of fifty hunchbacks in mediaeval costume. Three months earlier, when his parents had taken Jim to the premiere of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, there had been two hundred hunchbacks, recruited by the management of the theatre from every back alley in Shanghai. As always, the spectacle outside the theatre for exceeded anything shown on its screen. Quote Right
Quote Left On the whole our armed services have been doing pretty well in the way of keeping us defended, but I hope our State Department will remember t... Quote Right
Quote Left pixel, n.: A mischievous, magical spirit associated with screen displays. The computer industry has frequently borrowed from mythology: Witness the sprites in computer graphics, the demons in artificial intelligence, and the trolls in the marketing department. Quote Right
Quote Left The family is asking Scott to tell everything he knows and to fully cooperate with the Modesto Police Department. And if Scott has nothing to hide, they ask him to prove that. Quote Right
Quote Left I guess I hope the police department will overlook it. I think they know as well as I do that the public's safer if they spend the night in the shelter rather than under a bridge. Quote Right
Quote Left The Banquet Committee chose to honor Trent Schulze for this award because of his knowledge, understanding and dedication to this department. No one's absence is felt more than when Trent has to be away from his job. He works with the budget, training, and many other projects that are too numerous to list, while always willing to help anyone with their own job. He is very much appreciated by everyone within out department. Quote Right
Quote Left Americans consume, on average, 51 pounds of chicken every year, 15 pounds of turkey, 63 pounds of beef, 45 pounds of pork, 1 pound of veal, and 1 pound of lamb. 'More than ever,' reports our U.S. Department of Agriculture, 'we are a nation of meat eaters.' And now, with help from Dr. Atkins and his wonder diet, we have millions of consumers gorging themselves on nothing but flesh, one excess to correct their other excesses -- no thought whatever of taking their portion of meat even if we grant that meat production and the sufferings involved are necessary. Quote Right
Quote Left Most Americans don't have any idea how well the Department of Agriculture protects the grower at the expense of the consumer. When a chemical is banned from use, a farmer or livestock operator who has the chemical in stock has a choice: either to lose money by disposing of the product, or to use it and take the risk of getting caught breaking the law. How severe is that risk? Well, if you use a banned product in your cattle feed, you have to face the prospect that the government is going to inspect one out of every 250,000 carcasses. They will test this carcass not for all banned substances, but just for a small fraction of them. And even if they detect some residue of a banned substance, and even if they're able to trace the carcass to the ranch that produced it, the guilty rancher is likely at most to receive a stern letter with a strongly worded warning. I never met a rancher who suffered in any way from breaking any regulation meant to protect the safety of our meat. The whole procedure is, in short, a charade. Quote Right
Quote Left Let there be no mistake: The Department of Justice will not tolerate acts of violence or discrimination against people in this country based on their national origin, religion or race, Quote Right
Quote Left In light of the rising frequency of human/grizzly bear encounters, the Montana Department of Fish and Game is advising hikers, backpackers, hunters, and fishermen to take extra precautions and keep alert for bears. We advise outdoorsmen to wear noisy little bells on their clothing so that the bears are not startled unexpectedly by a human's presence. We also advise outdoorsmen to carry pepper spray with them in case of an encounter with a bear. It is also a good idea to watch for fresh signs of bear activity. Outdoorsmen should recognize the difference between black bear poop and grizzly bear poop. Black bear poop is smaller and contains lots of berries and squirrel fur. Grizzly bear poop smells like pepper and has little bells in it. Quote Right
Quote Left Large department stores, with their luxuriant abundance of canned goods, foods, and clothing, are like the primary landscape and the geometrical locus of affluence. Streets with overcrowded and glittering store windows...the displays of delicacies, and all the scenes of alimentary and vestimentary festivity, stimulate a magical salivation. Accumulation is more than the sum of its products: the conspicuousness of surplus, the final and magical negation of scarcity...mimic a new-found nature of prodigious fecundity. Quote Right
Quote Left It's satisfying to know that the U.S. Department of Education recognizes the expertise of our faculty and has selected us to lead the way in improving mathematics teacher recruitment, preparation and support. Quote Right
Quote Left The track record of this administration on homeland security, its inadequate funding, its bureaucratic dysfunction at the Department of Homeland Security, as evidenced most tragically in [hurricane] Katrina but in many other similar inst�­ances over the past four and a half years, does not create an atmosphere of confidence. Quote Right
Quote Left Our intention at this time, and that of the Department of Health and Human Services, is to have enough vaccine available so that anybody who needs it will get it, ... Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer. Quote Right
Quote Left How Kennedy knew the precise drop in milk consumption in 1960, the percentage rise in textile imports from 1957 to 1960 and the number of speeches cleared by the Defense Department is not quite clear, but anyway, he did. He either overwhelmed you with decimal points or disarmed you with a smile and a wisecrack. Quote Right
Quote Left The principal mission of the National Security Coordination Council will be to ensure a more seamless coordination of all functions of the department relating to national security, particularly our efforts to combat terrorism, Quote Right
Quote Left The person I love would never wear fur. Fur just makes me think of shallow women who have no conscience. The fur industry belongs to a time when people were selfish beyond belief. If you were some ancient tribal cheiftain, and there was not a department store nearby 350 years ago, I'd understand. But now, we have synthetic fibers,and it's not necessary. The elitism of fur makes me wanna puke. Quote Right
Quote Left I know of no department of natural science more likely to reward a man who goes into it thoroughly than anthropology. There is an immense deal to be done in the science pure and simple, and it is one of those branches of inquiry which brings one into contact with the great problems of humanity in every direction. Quote Right
Quote Left Although most of us know Vincent van Gogh in Arles and Paul Gauguin in Tahiti as if they were neighbors -- somewhat disreputable but endlessly fascinating -- none of us can name two French generals or department store owners of that period. I take enormous pride in considering myself an artist, one of the necessaries. Quote Right
Quote Left You should never pick up a newspaper when you're feeling good, because every newspaper has a special department, called the Bummer Desk, which is responsible for digging up depressing front-page stories with headlines like DOORBELL USE LINKED TO LEUKEMIA Quote Right
Quote Left I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph. Quote Right
Quote Left California, the department store state. Quote Right
Quote Left If what you are claiming is true, I would have shouted it from the rooftops. I would have gone to the authorities, the FBI, the police, the Democratic (Party) anybody that would listen. I wouldn't depend on one guy with the Department of Transportation. Quote Right
Quote Left As today's indictment makes clear, the Department of Justice will prosecute those who jeopardize the nation's security by mishandling classified, sensitive information important to the war on terrorism, Quote Right
Quote Left The attorney general's repeated refrain was, 'Trust us' - we have all the necessary checks and balances within NSA and the Justice Department. Quote Right
Quote Left One of the chief duties of the fan is to engage in arguments with the man behind him. This department of the game has been allowed to run down fearfully. Quote Right
Quote Left If there is not probable cause that a citizen is knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence gathering activities for, or on behalf of, a foreign power which may involve a violation of federal law, then (the Justice Department) will not recommend that the application be presented to the Court, Quote Right
Quote Left It's been the most 'un-fun,' and it's been one nightmare after another. It's like I'm working for the fire department, just putting out fires every day. But I've been through springs like that before, and the season starts, and then I'm in a pennant race all year. Hopefully that's what happens here. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Department

Quote Left "We are fact checking through the Department of Mis-education.' Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things