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Dead Quotations

Dead quotations. Find, read, and share Dead quotations. These are the best examples of Dead quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left I drink to our ruined house, to the dolor of my life, to our loneliness together; and to you I raise my glass, to lying lips that have betrayed us, to dead-cold pitiless eyes, and to the hard realities; that the world is brutal and coarse, that God, in fact, has not saved us. Quote Right
Quote Left April is the cruellest month, breedingLilacs out of the dead land, mixingMemory out of desire, stirringDull roots with spring rain.Winter kept us warm, coveringEarth in a forgetful snow, feedingA little life with dried tubers. Quote Right
Quote Left The word was born in the blood, grew in the dark body, beating, and took flight through the lips and the mouth. Farther away and nearer still, still it came from dead fathers and from wondering races, from lands which had turned to stone, lands weary of their poor tribes, for when grief took to the roads the people set out and arrived and married new land and water to grow their words again. And so this is the inheritance; this is the wavelength which connects us with dead men and the dawning of new beings not yet come to light. Quote Right
Quote Left Where the voice of the wind calls our wandering feet, Through echoing forest and echoing street, With lutes in our hands ever-singing we roam, All men are our kindred, the world is our home. Our lays are of cities whose lustre is shed, The laughter and beauty of women long dead; The sword of old battles, the crown of old kings, And happy and simple and sorrowful things. What hope shall we gather, what dreams shall we sow? Where the wind calls our wandering footsteps we go. No love bids us tarry, no joy bids us wait: The voice of the wind is the voice of our fate. Quote Right
Quote Left You have conquered, and I yield. Yet, henceforward art thou ... dead to the World, to Heaven and to Hope! In me didst thou exist—and, in my ... Quote Right
Quote Left Anger as soon as fed is dead. 'Tis starving makes it fat Quote Right
Quote Left Girls blush, sometimes, because they are alive, half wishing they were dead to save the shame. The sudden blush devours them, neck and brow; They have drawn too near the fire of life, like gnats, and flare up bodily, wings and all. What then? Who's sorry for a gnat or girl? Quote Right
Quote Left I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again. Quote Right
Quote Left Each dead child coiled, a white serpent, One at each little Pitcher of milk, now empty. Quote Right
Quote Left Anger as soon as fed is dead- 'Tis starving makes it fat. Quote Right
Quote Left To the person in the bell jar, blank and stopped as a dead baby, the world itself is a bad dream. Quote Right
Quote Left Our dead brothers still live for us and bid us think of life, not death -- of life to which in their youth they lent the passion and glory of Spring. As I listen, the great chorus of life and joy begins again, and amid the awful orchestra of seen and unseen powers and destinies of good and evil, our trumpets, sound once more a note of daring, hope, and will. Quote Right
Quote Left I would not that death should take me asleep. I would not have him merely seize me, and only declare me to be dead, but win me, and overcome me. When I must shipwreck, I would do it in a sea, where mine impotency might have some excuse; not in a sullen weedy lake, where I could not have so much as exercise for my swimming. Quote Right
Quote Left These be three silent things: The Falling snow... the hour before the dawn... the mouth of one just dead. Quote Right
Quote Left Had he and I but met By some old ancient inn, We should have sat us down to wet Right many a nipperkin! But ranged as infantry, And staring face to face, I shot at him as he at me, And killed him in his place. I shot him dead because-- Because he was my foe, Just so: my foe of course he was; That's clear enough; although He thought he Quote Right
Quote Left I went to a party, Mom, I remembered what you said, You told me not you drink and drive, Mom, So i drank sprit instead I felt really proud inside, Mom, The way you said I would. I didn?t drink and drive, Mom, Even though the others said i should I know i did the right thing, Mom I know you are always right. Now the party is finally ending, Mom, As everyone drives out of sight. As i got into my car, Mom, I knew i would get home in one piece Because of the way you raised me, Mom, So responsible and sweet. I started to drive away, Mom, But as I pulled onto the road The other car didn?t see me, Mom, And it hit me like a load. As I lie here on the pavement, Mom, I hear the police say, The other guy was drunk, Mom, And now I?m the one who will pay. I?m laying here dying, Mom, I wish you would get here soon. How come this happened to me, Mom? My life bursted like a ballon. There is blood all around me, Mom, Most of it is mine. I here the paramedics say, Mom, I?ll be dead in a short time. I just wanted to tell you, Mom, I swear i didn?t drink It was the others, Mom, The others didn?t think He didn?t know where he was going, Mom, He was parably at the same party as I, the only difference is, Mom He drank and I will die. Why do people drink, Mom? It can ruin my whole life. I?m feeling sharp pains now, Mom, Pains just like a knife. The guy who hit me is walking, Mom, I don?t think it?s fair. I?m lying here dying, Mom, While all he can do is stare. Tell my brother not to cry, Mom, Tell daddy to be brave. And when I get to heaven, Mom, Write ?Daddy?s Little Girl? on my grave. Someone should have told him, Mom, Not to drink and drive. If only they have taken the time, Mom I would still be alive. My breath is getting shorter, Mom I?m becoming very scared. Please don?t cry for me, Mom Because when i needed you, you were always there. I have one last question, Mom, before i say good-bye. I didnt ever drink, Mom So why am I do die? This is the end, Mom, I wish I could look you in the eyes, To say these final words, Mom, I love you, and Good-bye. Quote Right
Quote Left these heroic happy dead who rushed like lions to the roaring slaughter... Quote Right
Quote Left The My Lai soldier lifts me up again and again and lowers me down with the other dead women and babies... Quote Right
Quote Left For a hundred years I breathe and live, the flower of beauty and the bread of kindness. I am your friendly shade in the noonday heat of summer, and I stand pencilled against the winter twilight, a silhouette for dreams. At dawning in the spring I am filled with song, the host to a thousand birds, and I decorate the autumn with pageantry and colour. Then comes the woodsman with his axe. And still I serve. I am the timber that builds your boat; the rafters of your cathedrals; the choirstalls of your church enriched by the magic of the carver's fingers. I am the beam that holds your house; the door of your homestead, and the lintel too. I am the handle of your hoe; the wood of your cradle; the bed on which you lie; the board of your table and the board for your bread. When I am living, harm me not. When I am dead, respect me and use me kindly. Quote Right
Quote Left If wild my breast and sore my pride, I bask in dreams of suicide, If cool my heart and high my head I think "How lucky are the dead." Quote Right
Quote Left (1) Do not let your children make toys out of flies/butterflies or birds. Such behavior results in injury to living creatures, but also it arouses in young hearts an impulse to cruelty and murder. Stories illustrative of the commandments: (2) The wife of a soldier named Fan was tuberculous and close to death. She was ordered to eat the brains of 100 sparrows as a remedy. When she saw the birds in the cage, she sighed and said: 'Must it be that 100 living creatures are to be killed that I may be healed? I would rather die than permit them to suffer.' She opened the cage and allowed them to fly away. Afterwards she recovered from her illness. (3) Tsao-Pin lived in a ruined house. His children begged him to have it repaired. He answered: 'In the cold winter the cracks in the walls and the space between the tiles and between the stones provide a shelter and a refuge to all kinds of living creatures. We should not endanger their lives.' (4) Wu-Tang used to take his son hunting with him. One day they came upon a stag that was playing with its young one. Tang took an arrow and killed the young one. The frightened stag ran off with a cry of anguish. When Tang concealed himself the stag returned and licked the wounds of its fawn. Tang again drew his bow and killed it. He then saw another stag and sent an arrow towards it, but the arrow was deflected and pierced his son. Tang threw his bow away and tearfully embraced his dead son, when he heard a voice from the air: 'Tang, the stag loved its fawn as much as you loved your son.' (5) Meng-tse praises King Suan of Tsi because of his compassion in freeing an ox that was to be sacrificed at the dedication of some bells. Such a sentiment, he says, should suffice to make one king of the world. Monastic Taoism & Kan-Ying-P'ien. From the commandments for monks: (1st): Thou shalt kill no living thing nor do injury to its life. (2nd): Thou shalt not consume as food the flesh and blood of any living creature. (34th): Thou shall not strike or whip domestic animals. (35th): Thou shall not intentionally crush insects and ants with thy foot. (36th): Thou shalt not play with hooks and arrows for thine own amusement. (37th): Thou shalt not climb into trees to remove nests and to destroy the eggs. (63rd): Thou shalt not catch birds and quadrupeds with snares and nets. (64th): Thou shalt not frighten and scare away birds that are brooding on their nests. (68th): Thou shalt not dig up during the winter months animals hibernating in the earth. (112th): Thou shalt not pour hot water on the ground in order to exterminate insects and ants. Quote Right
Quote Left Whatever your life's work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better. Quote Right
Quote Left I swear to keep the dead upon my mind,/Disdain for all time to be overglad./Among spring flowers, under summer trees./By chilling autumn water... Quote Right
Quote Left But true love is a durable fire In the mind ever burning Never sick, never old, never dead From itself never turning. Quote Right
Quote Left I was lucky enough to see with my own eyes the recent stock-market crash, where they lost several million dollars, a rabble of dead money that went sliding off into the sea. Never as then, amid suicides, hysteria, and groups of fainting people, have I felt the sensation of real death, death without hope, death that is nothing but rottenness, for the spectacle was terrifying but devoid of greatness... I felt something like a divine urge to bombard that whole canyon of shadow, where ambulances collected suicides whose hands were full of rings. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Tis easy enough to be pleasant, When life flows along like a song; But the man worth while is the one who will smile when everything goes dead wrong. Quote Right
Quote Left A cry of bitter dead men who will never Attend a gentle maker of musical joy. Quote Right
Quote Left All these places have their moments - with lovers and friends - I still can recall some are dead and some are living - in my life I've loved them all. Quote Right
Quote Left With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children, England mourns for her dead across the sea. Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of spirit, Fallen in the cause of the free. Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres. There is music in the midst of desolation And a glory that shines upon our tears. They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. They mingle not with laughing comrades again; They sit no more at familiar tables of home; They have no lot in our labour of the day-time; They sleep beyond England's foam. But where our desires are and our hopes profound, Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight, To the innermost heart of their own land they are known As the stars are known to the Night; As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust, Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain, As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness, To the end, to the end, they remain. Quote Right
Quote Left We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race and the human race is filled with passion. Medicine, law, business, engineering... these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love... these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, 'O me! O life!...of the questions of these recurring, of the endless trains of the faithless...of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life? Answer. That you are here...that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse.' That the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be? Quote Right

Member Quotes About Dead

Quote Left Death has already defeated the living. I’ve never heard a dead man say he wishes he could live a little… Quote Right
Quote Left "Silence is deadlier than a sharp tongue." Quote Right
Quote Left Some of the respected people ask me how we get pain when Our soul is amar body destroyed into the ashes you make your stupid thoughts I just asked are you dead or alive because three naama one is ashes second is your body which is sucking giving unnecessary demand of health third is when you leave think are you alive after that how much will be the pain because since from birth it happens. With love all Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left In the dead of winter I walk the college campus With a spring in my step And a thirst for knowledge Quote Right
Quote Left Tax why need tax beasts in jungle hunt and eat and dead. Crocodile Jagdish bajantri Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left But maa kamakhya Devi Jaya Kishore I am dead you just need to be strong. Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left Time is in Jadu tona durga kalki is dead she is shadow that is why black magic said tranta time is only in hand it's only hell.stiuactions Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left When you find yourself on a dead end street take a detour. Quote Right
Quote Left Thinking of Xanadu while Kubla is dead, this is a delusion of our youths; in haste, today. Quote Right
Quote Left "With long strides thou stridest over Heaven" - Book Of The Dead Quote Right
Quote Left "It is said and now I believe, only the dead have seen the end of war." from the poem "Ukraine" by Max Burchett. Quote Right
Quote Left About Drugs: "Victims seeking a way to battle their demons, the drug becomes a demon itself, then finally, the addicts' only friend, their deadly companion to life’s end." from the poem "Abyss of Addiction" by Maxwell "Max" Burchett Quote Right
Quote Left EMOTIONS Love & Pain Two powerful forces Depending on the vulnerability of the situation, it makes you stronger or weaker, good or bad, feel dead or alive. BUT THE SPIRIT TO FOLLOW IT THROUGH IS A CHOICE THAT DEFINES YOUR SOUL Quote Right
Quote Left Dead leaves lay still until the wind takes them here and there: even the last flower is withered: yet, yet there is a beauty in decay. Quote Right
Quote Left “What’s worse than a dead body is a dead soul in a live body.” Quote Right
Quote Left Know they not that they are dead outside the Living Word?! Heartfelt poets pen with such profound inkling. Quote Right
Quote Left They were all unresponsive dead as dead could be. Somebody had won but it wasn't me. Enders game in play. 1 2 3 CHECK MATE. SON - OF - A - GUN!! HAA!! Quote Right
Quote Left A dead man has many friends. Quote Right
Quote Left Their leaves lay dead and the wind scatters each here and there. Now, the trees are silent bones. Yet, there is a beauty in their stillness. Quote Right
Quote Left The leaves lay dead and still and the wind takes them here and there, even, the last flower has withered. Yet, there is a beauty in decay. Quote Right
Quote Left The deadliest and most addictive drug in America is a gun. Quote Right
Quote Left When my muse ignites, verse that excites, then you have me dead to rights - I'm a poet! Quote Right
Quote Left Living amongst dead people is very difficult. You can't be like them, you can't differ..... When the deads rule, there's no option left. The only possibility is that be upright, be good and don't expect at all. Quote Right
Quote Left Not dead yet. Quote Right
Quote Left The "cessationist" are a group of dead men who tries to Limit the operations of God by time, men who grew from seminaries devoid of power, who for reasons of not prevailing in their "upper room" gave up the idea of the Holy Ghost discarding the operation of the spirit for the excesses of a few, denying Truth preaching theology without Power. Quote Right
Quote Left The fake is so big that the real is hidden, but remember that it is not dead. Quote Right
Quote Left Sometimes we catch them out of the corners of our eyes— the pale dead. After they have fled the gourds of their bodies, like escaping fragrances they rise. Once they have become a cloud’s mist, sometimes like the rain they descend; they appear, sometimes silver like laughter, to gladden the hearts of men... ('Sometimes the Dead' by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left Walk with me now, among the transfixed dead who kept life’s compact and who thus endure harsh sentence here—among pink-petaled beds and manicured green lawns. The sky’s azure, pale blue once like their eyes, will gleam blood-red at last when sunset staggers to the door of each white mausoleum, to inquire— What use, O things of erstwhile loveliness? ('Completing the Pattern' by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left William Blake had no public, and yet he’s still read. His critics are dead. ('A Passing Observation about Thinking Outside the Box' on the role of poets in living beyond death, by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left “We are all eaters of dead things.” Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs