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Cost Quotations

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Quote Left The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run. Quote Right
Quote Left Hobbies cost money but interests are free. Quote Right
Quote Left We have had extraordinary requests. We rented Concorde for a private birthday party to go to the Bahamas -- it cost $1 million each way. Quote Right
Quote Left The car attachment cost me 100 bucks, so I can play music on my radio. Quote Right
Quote Left It is possible to regulate watercourses over any given distance without embankment works; to transport timber and other materials, even when heavier than water, for example ore, stones, etc., down the centre of such water-courses; to raise the height of the water table in the surrounding countryside and to endow the water with all those elements necessary for the prevailing vegetation. Furthermore it is possible in this way to render timber and other such materials non-inflammable and rot resistant; to produce drinking and spa-water for man, beast and soil of any desired composition and performance artificially, but in the way that it occurs in Nature; to raise water in a vertical pipe without pumping devices; to produce any amount of electricity and radiant energy almost without cost; to raise soil quality and to heal cancer, tuberculosis and a variety of nervous disorders... the practical implementation of this ... would without doubt signify a complete reorientation in all areas of science and technology. Quote Right
Quote Left You can make these things for cheap. This one cost $35 million. You make $70 million on 'The Wedding Planner,' you're dancing in the streets. You make $70 million on 'Sahara' (which cost $130 million), you're not dancing in the streets. Quote Right
Quote Left Luke 14:28: 'Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?' (NIV)

For which of you, wishing to build a farm building, does not first sit down and calculate the cost [to see] whether he has sufficient means to finish it? (AMP)

For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? (KJV)

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Quote Left Superstition is foolish, childish, primitive and irrational -- but how much does it cost you to knock on wood? Quote Right
Quote Left The better work men do is always done under stress and at great personal cost. Quote Right
Quote Left Why do Jewish divorces cost so much? They're worth it. Quote Right
Quote Left The better work men do is always done under stress and at great personal cost. Quote Right
Quote Left ...Federal aid promotes the idea that federal school money is 'free' money, and thus gives the people a distorted picture of the cost of education. I was distressed to find that five out of six high school and junior college students recently interviewed in Phoenix said they favored federal aid because it would mean more money for local schools and ease the financial burden on Arizona taxpayers. The truth, of course, is that the federal government has no funds except those it extracts from the taxpayers who resided in the various States. The money that the federal government pays to State X for education has been taken from the citizens of State X in federal taxes and comes back to them, minus the Washington brokerage fee. Quote Right
Quote Left No vision and you perish No Ideal, and you're lost Your heart must ever cherish Some faith at any cost. Some hope, some dream to cling to, Some rainbow in the sky, Some melody to sing to, Some service that is high. Quote Right
Quote Left If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside. Quote Right
Quote Left The graduate with a Science degree asks: 'Why does it work?' The graduate with an Engineering degree asks: 'How does it work?' The graduate with an Accounting degree asks: 'How much will it cost?' The graduate with a Liberal Arts degree asks: 'Do you want fries with that?' Quote Right
Quote Left 'Reader! are you with the man-stealers in sympathy and purpose, or on the side of their down-trodden victims? If with the former, then are you the foe of God and man? If with the latter, what are you prepared to do in their behalf? Be faithful, be vigilant, be untiring in your efforts to break every yoke, and let the oppressed go free. Come what may - cost what it may - inscribe on our banner which you unfurl to the breeze, as your religious and political motto: 'NO COMPROMISE WITH SLAVERY! NO UNION WITH SLAVE HOLDERS!'' Quote Right
Quote Left Animals have these advantages over man: they never hear the clock strike, they die without any idea of death, they have no theologians to instruct them, their last moments are not disturbed by unwelcome and unpleasant ceremonies, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills. Quote Right
Quote Left The one regret I have about my own abortions is that they cost money that might otherwise have been spent on something more pleasurable, like taking the kids to movies and theme parks. Quote Right
Quote Left Any attempt at a rational discussion of the economic realities of government-controlled medical care is almost certain to run up against the trump card of the political left: The Poor. The image that is often invoked is that of the elderly poor, forced to choose between food and medical treatment. Who could be so heartless as to abandon them to the vagaries of the free market? This has proved to be a very effective political strategy for extending government power, not only over medical care but also over housing and other sectors of the economy.The phoniness of this argument becomes apparent the moment you suggest that money be set aside specifically for dealing with the special problems of the poor, rather than bringing whole sectors of the economy under the dominance of politicians, bureaucrats and judges. The amount of money needed to take care of the poor is often some minute fraction of what sweeping new government programs cost. But, while big government liberals are willing to use the poor as human shields in their political battles, their more basic strategy is to proclaim that everyone has a right to some basic need that they want the government to provide. As a matter of practical politics, programs for the poor alone do not have as large a constituency as programs to give everybody some benefit, so that we can all have the illusion of getting something for nothing Quote Right
Quote Left Extrapolating from one species to another is fraught with uncertainty... For almost all of- the chemicals tested to date, rodent bio-assays have not been cost-effective. They give limited and uncertain information on carcinogenicity, generally give no indication of mechanism of action, and require years to complete.' [They are] 'rarely the best approach for deciding whether to classify a chemical as a human carcinogen. Quote Right
Quote Left Now you will recieve us! We do not ask for your poor or your hungry. We do not want your tired and sick. It is your corrupt we claim! It is your evil that will be sought by us. With every breath we shall hunt them down. Each day we will spill their blood, 'till it rains down from the skies! Do not kill, do not rape, do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace! These are not polite suggestions. These are codes of behavior and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost! There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over, into true corruption, into our domain. For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three and on that day YOU WILL REAP IT! And will send you to whatever god you wish. Quote Right
Quote Left People who use their erudition to write for a learned minority... don't seem to me favored by fortune but rather to be pitied for their continuous self-torture. They add, change, remove, lay aside, take up, rephrase, show to their friends, keep for nine years and are never satisfied. And their futile reward, a word of praise from a handful of people, they win at such a cost -- so many late nights, such loss of sleep, sweetest of all things, and so much sweat and anguish... their health deteriorates, their looks are destroyed, they suffer partial or total blindness, poverty, ill-will, denial of pleasure, premature old age and early death. Quote Right
Quote Left If repression has indeed been the fundamental link between power, knowledge, and sexuality since the classical age, it stands to reason that we will not be able to free ourselves from it except at a considerable cost. Quote Right
Quote Left One of the primary difficulties in deploying WLAN technology in branch offices and retail stores is the lack of onsite IT expertise to manage the network. In order to be successful, branch and retail WLAN solutions must deliver several capabilities; strong centralized management, wide-ranging integrated functionality for security and voice, a highly reliable implementation, and competitive pricing for cost-effective deployment to a large number of sites. Aruba's new additions to the Mobile Edge portfolio meet all of these needs. Quote Right
Quote Left It is not enough for theory to describe and analyze, it must itself be an event in the universe it describes. In order to do this theory must partake of and become the acceleration of this logic. It must tear itself from all referents and take pride only in the future. Theory must operate on time at the cost of a deliberate distortion of present reality. Quote Right
Quote Left Men expect that religion should cost them no pains, that happiness should drop into their laps without any design and endeavor on their part, and that, after they have done what they please while they live, God should snatch them up to heaven when they die. But though the commandments of God be not grievous, yet it is fit to let men know that they are not thus easy. Quote Right
Quote Left We've all heard the stories about people cutting their pills in half, choosing between paying for drugs and paying for food, or forgoing the medications altogether. These folks shouldn't be faced with these choices at all. It's time that Congress help high-risk pools, consumers, employers and state legislatures control the rising cost of healthcare. Quote Right
Quote Left All the big corporations depreciate their possessions, and you can, too, provided you use them for business purposes. For example, if you subscribe to the Wall Street Journal, a business-related newspaper, you can deduct the cost of your house, because, in the words of U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger in a landmark 1979 tax decision: 'Where else are you going to read the paper? Outside? What if it rains?' Quote Right
Quote Left I couldn't tell fact from fiction, Or if the dream was true My only sure prediction In this world was you. I'd touch your features inchly Beard love and dared the cost, The sented spiel reeled me unreal And I found my senses lost. Quote Right
Quote Left If music in general is an imitation of history, opera in particular is an imitation of human willfulness; it is rooted in the fact that we not only have feelings but insist upon having them at whatever cost to ourselves. The quality common to all the great operatic roles, e.g., Don Giovanni, Norma, Lucia, Tristan, Isolde, Br?nnhilde, is that each of them is a passionate and willful state of being. In real life they would all be bores, even Don Giovanni. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Cost

Quote Left "Kindness costs nothing. Today, say or do something nice. Give a little kindness away." Quote Right
Quote Left Take moksha vairagya for one mantra no money free of cost just for gutay Pooja Aghori mhabharamnad 3 lakhs and one goat Quote Right
Quote Left Peace, so much less costly than war -- yet we allow fear and lack of empathy to impoverish spirit. Quote Right
Quote Left One of our more costly decisions is to allow someone else to cause us to react uncharacteristically. Don't stoop to their level. Don't become what you hate. Quote Right
Quote Left "Can peace and tyranny coexist? There comes a time to resist, not peace at any cost. For the oppressed, peace is already lost." from the poem "Peace" by Max Burchett Quote Right
Quote Left Knowledge can be given freely but understandings costly. Quote Right
Quote Left At some point, you have to let go of the “value” of how other people see you, for if you do not, it is at great personal cost to yourself – I say this with 'some' wisdom and further contemplation, that in doing all this, you are not harming another living human being or creature. Quote Right
Quote Left At some point, you have to let go of the “value” of how other people see you, for if you do not, it is at great personal cost to yourself – I say this with 'some' wisdom and further contemplation, that in doing all this, you are not harming another living human being or creature. Quote Right
Quote Left Death is a consequence of living. It's a price we all have to pay someday, so we have to make sure to live a life worth the cost. Quote Right
Quote Left Life and death. We are on loop. Many of us are surviving our own breech birth, after initial entry, in mysterious ways. Eventually, whatever the play or cost, light appears in one form or another. Much Love. Because Love is all that matters in this world for humanity to make Light, see Light. And that is what this world and humanity needs most. (Leanne Lovejoy-Burton as LadyLabyrinth) Quote Right
Quote Left Life and death. We are on loop. Many of us are surviving our own breech birth, after initial entry, in mysterious ways. Eventually, whatever the play or cost, light appears in one form or another. Much Love. Because Love is all that matters in this world for humanity to make Light, see Light. And that is what this world and humanity needs most. Quote Right
Quote Left In life, just as in business, anything with value has a price ... and that price has a cost. Quote Right
Quote Left "Do other happy ...and if u feel happy back... this is real happiness... ..BUT... Never ever do other happy the cost of ur happy hour... it will go Waste......" Quote Right
Quote Left I may have on pretty shoes; but not do envy their luster. You don't know the price I've paid, and what I've had to suffer. All I've lost, the incredible cost, of wearing these, my shiny shoes, I found out that living a life without Christ Jesus, is a price greater than a life to lose. Quote Right
Quote Left Creatives I Admire (Part 2) - Those creatives who have experienced, 'going over the edge', have plummeted to the depths of despair, loneliness, emotional and physical pain, are the ones who have the greatest appreciation for beauty and love, and an understanding of the cost paid for loss; and while some do not survive the plunge, their experiences make us understand what it truly is to be ‘human’. Those are the writers/creatives who I gravitate to and admire. Quote Right
Quote Left Creatives I Admire (Part 2) - Those creatives who have experienced, 'going over the edge', have plummeted to the depths of despair, loneliness, emotional and physical pain, are the ones who have the greatest appreciation for beauty and love, and an understanding of the cost paid for loss; and while some do not survive the plunge, their experiences make us understand what it truly is to be ‘human’. Those are the writers/creatives who I gravitate to and admire. Quote Right
Quote Left For sure! "To thine own self...." That may cost one, Job, Fame and Money...but it will never impoverish one's spirit. Quote Right
Quote Left Life lessons are free yet School is Costly. Quote Right
Quote Left Failure is costly. What you fail to do now may cost you much more to do it later. Obey God while you still can Study while you still have energy in your bones. Do what you gotta do before failure hits. It's expensive!!! Quote Right
Quote Left Make progress, don't think about what it costed you. July 2021. Quote Right
Quote Left The pain of love is this: the parting after the kiss; the train steaming from the station whistling abnegation; each interstate’s bleak white bar that vanishes under your car; every hour and flower and friend that cannot be saved in the end; dear things of immeasurable cost ... now all irretrievably lost. (Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left "Everything comes at a cost, and at a cost, everything." Quote Right
Quote Left We can always make one mistake in life that could cost us a lot. Be thankful if you escaped that mistake because ignoring your instincts leads you on a downward spiral. Quote Right
Quote Left Pense comigo nessa definição. Eu creio sinceramente que inflação é quando você paga sessenta reais pelo corte de cabelo quando você costumava receber por cinco quando tinha cabelo. Mais do que isso. A inflação deve ser medida pela diferença entre a quantidade de dinheiro que o governo gasta e a quantidade que ele tem a coragem de arrecadar. Quote Right
Quote Left Desde sempre a Presença de espírito e a coragem na angústia, é mais do que suficiente para alcançar o êxito. É fato que muitas pessoas de coragem sempre carregam pequenas poções de bom senso. Entretanto as pessoas boas costumo viver com fome de coragem por falta de atrevimento. Em tudo Presença de Espírito e coragem fazem mais e melhor. Quote Right
Quote Left One of the most costly decisions is allowing someone else to control our reactions. Quote Right
Quote Left Prosperidade para sempre é feita e costurada com muitos “agoras”. Nunca existiu ou vai existir maior luz no caminho da pessoa que deseja ser feliz e próspera do que o agora. É o agora que faz a pessoa próspera, nunca é aquilo que ela pensa. Para ter “bons agoras” a pessoa deve acreditar e desacreditar a cada instante. É isso que faz o agora ser ágil e fácil. Quote Right
Quote Left When a person, group or party, by any and all means necessary, seek to gain, secure and remain in Power, at any and all costs, a true and functional Democracy of, by and for the People, ceases to exist. Quote Right
Quote Left Desde sempre é assim: uma pessoa de sucesso tem o costume de fazer tudo àquilo que as pessoas preferem nunca fazer. Cerca de 10% por cento das pessoas pensam que pensam; e os outros 88% por cento preferem morrer a pensar. A conclusão é o resultado de soma. Simples assim. Quote Right
Quote Left Liberte-se: viva hoje sem culpa. Diga para sí: estou livre agora para me desligar do que costumava ser. Se você não fizer as pazes com o seu passado, ele vai continuar a aparecer no seu presente. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs