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Colour Quotations

Colour quotations. Find, read, and share Colour quotations. These are the best examples of Colour quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left You will hear thunder and remember me, And think: she wanted storms. The rim of the sky will be the colour of hard crimson, And your heart, as it was then, will be on fire. That day in Moscow, it will all come true, when, for the last time, I take my leave, And hasten to the heights that I have longed for, Leaving my shadow still to be with you. Quote Right
Quote Left For a hundred years I breathe and live, the flower of beauty and the bread of kindness. I am your friendly shade in the noonday heat of summer, and I stand pencilled against the winter twilight, a silhouette for dreams. At dawning in the spring I am filled with song, the host to a thousand birds, and I decorate the autumn with pageantry and colour. Then comes the woodsman with his axe. And still I serve. I am the timber that builds your boat; the rafters of your cathedrals; the choirstalls of your church enriched by the magic of the carver's fingers. I am the beam that holds your house; the door of your homestead, and the lintel too. I am the handle of your hoe; the wood of your cradle; the bed on which you lie; the board of your table and the board for your bread. When I am living, harm me not. When I am dead, respect me and use me kindly. Quote Right
Quote Left is the perfect type of art. Music can never reveal its ultimate secret. This, also, is the explanation of the value of limitations in art. The sculptor gladly surrenders imitative colour, and the painter the actual dimensions of form, because by such renunciations they are able to avoid too definite a presentation of the Real, which would be mere imitation, and too definite a realisation of the Ideal, which would be too purely intellectual. It is through its very incompleteness that art becomes complete in beauty, and so addresses itself, not to the faculty of recognition nor to the faculty of reason, but to the aesthetic sense alone, which, while accepting both reason and recognition as stages of apprehension, subordinates them both to a pure synthetic impression of the work of art as a whole, and, taking whatever alien emotional elements the work may possess, uses their very complexity as a means by which a richer unity may be added to the ultimate impression itself. Quote Right
Quote Left This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin colour, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals. 'Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. 'My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike. Quote Right
Quote Left Let's just say that if complete and utter chaos were lightning, he'd be the sort to stand on a mountain in a thunderstorm wearing wet copper armour and shouting 'All gods are bastards'. Quote Right
Quote Left A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanging, it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in colour and content according to the circumstances and time in which it is used. Quote Right
Quote Left Shut your eyes, wait, think of nothing. Now, open them ... one sees nothing but a great coloured undulation. What then? An irradiation and glory of colour. This is what a picture should give us ... an abyss in which the eye is lost, a secret germination, a coloured state of grace ... loose conciousness. Descend with the painter into the dim tangled roots of things, and rise again from them in colours, be steeped in the light of them. Quote Right
Quote Left A million flies can't be wrong - Eat shit. Seen under it written in a different colour: A billion humans can't be wrong - Don't eat shit Quote Right
Quote Left People can have the Model T in any colour--so long as it's black. Quote Right
Quote Left There is something terribly morbid in the modern sympathy with pain. One should sympathise with the colour, the beauty, the joy of life. The less said about life's sores the better. Quote Right
Quote Left Alfred Nobel stipulated that no distinction of race or colour will determine who received of his generosity. Quote Right
Quote Left In our lives there is a simple colour, as on an artists palatte, which provides the meaning of life and art. it is the colour of love. Quote Right
Quote Left Although I am basically self taught, I consider Debussy my teacher - the most important elements are colour, light and shadow. Quote Right
Quote Left A colour is a physical object as soon as we consider its dependence, for instance, upon its luminous source, upon other colours, upon temperatures, upon spaces, and so forth. Quote Right
Quote Left Who blows death's feather? What glory is colour? I blow the stammel feather in the vein.... Quote Right
Quote Left White... is not a mere absence of colour; it is a shining and affirmative thing, as fierce as red, as definite as black... God paints in many colours; but He never paints so gorgeously, I had almost said so gaudily, as when He paints in white. Quote Right
Quote Left Dear Bertie, You asked me before where I went. And I want to tell you. I went to a place where nothing's right, where every moment's backwards, every sky's without colour, without hope. I tried to come back, Bertie. But I got lost. And while I was gone, I met you. And I didn't even have the courage to realize I was home. A wise friend of mine told me 'we all have our homes', and now I know it's true. I hope you get this letter, Bertie. I figure I got 75 chances. Cause if you do you'll know that in the end, that's where I was. I found home, Bertie. I found you. I hope you can find your's soon. Get there - as fast as you can. And write me when you do. Love, Joe. Quote Right
Quote Left The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love colour the most. Quote Right
Quote Left Don't hate people because they are of a different colour, race or sexual orientation. Hate them because, despite outward appearances, they are all human and that in itself is a terrible crime. Quote Right
Quote Left Every form is a base for colour, every colour is the attribute of a form. Quote Right
Quote Left Sin is the only real colour element left in modern life. Quote Right
Quote Left Something told Dorothy she wasn't in Kansas anymore. Maybe it was the colour of the sky; maybe it was the smell in the air; maybe it was the road sign that said, 'Welcome to Missouri.' Quote Right
Quote Left Mere colour, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways. Quote Right
Quote Left The old chains on her bosom do not rise, do not glow when she breathes, nor change colour. Quote Right
Quote Left Circumstances ... give in reality to every political principle its distinguishing colour and discriminating effect. The circumstances are what... Quote Right
Quote Left One should absorb the colour of life, but one should never remember its details. Details are always vulgar. Quote Right
Quote Left Any colour - so long as it's black. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Colour

Quote Left Roses have natural defense, It does not prick when handled with care, Its colours are a warm reflection of pure love. If you are looking for a rose without thorns, clearly it's not a rose you are looking for. Quote Right
Quote Left " The tissues of the life to be we weave with Colours all our own, and in the Fields Of Destiny we reap as we have sown " - R. J. Campbell Quote Right
Quote Left You are like a white light, placid behind the prism of shyness, but full of colours when you break free <3 Quote Right
Quote Left Evaluation of life-worth is coloured by the legacy for which your existence is immortalized or bastardized. Quote Right
Quote Left Life is beautiful with colours No wonder the rainbow Has seven Quote Right
Quote Left Colours dance before our eyes, starbursts take us up and down through tunnels rollercoaster rides home - sex, love, birth, death, all through spectral colours, life sensual senses something electric, close and far away, in the green and blue dance. Quote Right
Quote Left Colours dance before our eyes starbursts take us up and down through tunnels rollercoaster rides home - sex, love, birth, death, all through spectral colours, life sensual senses something electric, close and far away, in the green and blue dance. Quote Right
Quote Left Soon when your wings regains strength You shall fly so high as if the force of gravity Has lost its power. The glitters from your colourful sterling wings Shall be seen as the stars possessed By the book of possibilities Quote Right
Quote Left Some awfy solitary nostalgia so with customery worlds colours and brushes- No! It's not enough. still my sketch best suits in your ashes. .. Quote Right
Quote Left I am a great painter In this game called life So I paint it in colours that suit my taste And when the brush slips and paints out of place I correct that mistake To a whole different shade Quote Right
Quote Left Autumn reveals all her colours before Winter breezes in and tries to kiss you with her cold lips... Quote Right
Quote Left Smiles not colour, values not religion, love not gender, unite us. Quote Right
Quote Left God cares not of the hue of man's skin only the colour of his heart within Quote Right
Quote Left Life is like a canvas, the variety brush strokes and colours depict your life experiences. Quote Right
Quote Left My mind's a minefield. To traverse it and make it out in one piece is a victory I'm trying to avoid. Let me load my paint gun with more colour. Reloading artillery now. Quote Right
Quote Left everything people go through affects me 10x more, and that is a positive and a negative thing, when i am sad, i am depressed, when i am happy i am elated, when i am in love i express it, my feelings are like art, and how people exaggerate things on a painting or in an art piece. when trying to show saddness they use a dark, cool pallete, when they portray happiness they use warm, vibrant colours Quote Right
Quote Left If you decide to fall apart, make sure you do so in colourful smithereens Quote Right
Quote Left Autumn is so beautiful in its own way as it decorates land below you with different colours and textures. Quote Right
Quote Left Sometimes the storms of life crash wildly against our minds, tears rain down and pool together in lakes of sorrow. And darkness falls slowly over us on a shroud of decay. Then something happens - the wind changes, the clouds break and light suddenly shines on the failing mist to reveal an arc of colours long forgotten. And it reminds us that true beauty can still grow from true sadness; that some of the most wonderful things in life are born from the depths of despair. Quote Right
Quote Left "Your love turns my grey rainbow to colour" Quote Right
Quote Left I too, am the colour of God; open your heart and you will this. Quote Right
Quote Left Each person is a palette of colourful paint, and marriage should never be about mixing all the colours into one dull solution. Quote Right
Quote Left "Everyone has their own palette. The colours they decide to use are their choice, no one else's." Quote Right
Quote Left Serindipity is not a cue to colourful life infact needs meaningful strokes to make it more fulfilling Quote Right
Quote Left When your life becomes dark buy some bright colour and paint it Quote Right
Quote Left With every positive seed sowed we increase the chances of a bright and colourful garden. Quote Right
Quote Left When I look at him , at her , and them , I do not see different skin-tone colours, I see hearts that beat alike ,and the most beautiful rainbow . Quote Right
Quote Left Skin colour only matters to those who see with their eyes and not with their hearts. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs