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Capital Quotations

Capital quotations. Find, read, and share Capital quotations. These are the best examples of Capital quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders, to which no criminal's deed, however calculated can be compared. For there to be an equivalency, the death penalty would have to punish a criminal who had warned his victim of the date at which he would inflict a horrible death on him and who, from that moment onward, had confined him at his mercy for months. Such a monster is not encountered in private life. Quote Right
Quote Left The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us. Quote Right
Quote Left Projectile - n. the final arbiter in international disputes. Formerly these disputes were resolved by physical contact of the disputants with such arguments as the rudimentary logic of the times would supply - sword, spear, and so forth. With the growth of prudence in military affairs the projectile came more and more into favor, and is now held in high esteem by all. Its capital defect ( in Bierce's day ) has been that it requires personal attendance at the point of launch. Quote Right
Quote Left What then is capital punishment but the most premeditated of murders, to which no criminal's deed, however calculated it may be, can be compared? For there to be an equivalence, the death penalty would have to punish a criminal, who had warned his victim of the date at which he would inflict a horrible death on him, and who from that moment onward had confined him at his mercy for months. Such a monster is not encountered in private life. Quote Right
Quote Left There are many religious-based social issues that are so hard for society to address right now things like abortion and capital punishment they're better left for another time, ... It Takes a CEO: Leading with Integrity. Quote Right
Quote Left It is essential that there should be organization of labor. This is an era of organization. Capital organizes and therefore labor must organize. Quote Right
Quote Left I can make a firm pledge, under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes. Quote Right
Quote Left It is no secret that the Palestinian people have the ambition that these negotiations will enable them to live in their own independent state with the boundaries of June 4, 1967, and with its capital Jerusalem. Quote Right
Quote Left The gallows were used to punish criminals, for instance the pharoahs would chop off people's heads and impale their bodies on poles for birds to eat and the Bible says that one of the reasons Jesus came was so that would not happen anymore because he lifted some sort of curse. Quote Right
Quote Left Nobility is a graceful ornament to the civil order. It is the Corinthian capital of polished society. Quote Right
Quote Left Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never be again. And what do we teach our children? We teach them that two and two make four, and that Paris is the capital of France. When will we also teach them what they are? We should say to each of them: Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move. You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel. And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is, like you, a marvel? You must work, we must all work, to make the world worthy of its children. Quote Right
Quote Left After World War I the resentment of the working class against all that it had to suffer was directed more against Morgan, Wall Street and private capital than the government. Quote Right
Quote Left Industry has operated against the artisan in favor of the idler, and also in favor of capital and against labor. Any mechanical invention whatsoever has been more harmful to humanity than a century of war. Quote Right
Quote Left To that high Capital, where kingly Death Keeps his pale court in beauty and decay, He came. Quote Right
Quote Left The consistent anarchist should be a socialist, but a socialist of a particular sort. He will not only oppose alienated and specialized labor and look forward to the appropriation of capital by the whole body of workers, but he will also insist that this appropriation be direct, not exercised by some elite force acting in the name of the proletariat. Some sort of council communism is the natural form of revolutionary socialism in an industrial society. It reflects the intuitive understanding that democracy is largely a sham when the industrial system is controlled by any form of autocratic elite, whether of owners, managers, and technocrats, a vanguard party, or a State bureaucracy. Quote Right
Quote Left There is timing in the whole life of the warrior, in his thriving and declining, in his harmony and discord. Similarly, there is timing in the Way of the merchant, in the rise and fall of capital. All things entail rising and falling timing. You must be able to discern this. Quote Right
Quote Left Oh, order! Material order, intellectual order, moral order! What a comfort and strength, and what an economy! To know where we are going and what we want; that is order. To keep ones word, to do the right thing, and at the right time: more order. To have everything under ones hand, to put ones whole army through its manoeuvres, to work with all ones resources: still order. To discipline ones habits and efforts and wishes, to organize ones life and distribute ones time, to measure ones duties and assert ones rights, to put ones capital and resources, ones talents and opportunities to profit: again and always order. Order is light, peace, inner freedom, self-determination: it is power. To conceive order, to return to order, to realize order in oneself, around oneself, by means of oneself, this is aesthetic and moral beauty, it is well-being, it is what ought to be. Quote Right
Quote Left We are pleased to continue our partnership with York Street Capital. This expanded capital commitment helps to fill the growing need for junior capital driven by strong buyout markets and record levels of private equity fundraising. Through York Street, we are providing broader financing alternatives to companies and equity sponsors at a time when flexible junior capital solutions are an important component in financing both buyouts and corporate expansion. We believe that York Street will continue to generate superior returns and provide attractive co-investment opportunities for Teachers' Private Capital. Quote Right
Quote Left The opening of a foreign trade, by making them acquainted with new objects, or tempting them by the easier acquisition of things which they had not previously thought attainable, sometimes works a sort of industrial revolution in a country whose resources were previously undeveloped for want of energy and ambition in the people: inducing those who were satisfied with scanty comforts and little work, to work harder for the gratification of their new tastes, and even to save, and accumulate capital, for the still more complete satisfaction of those tastes at a future time. Quote Right
Quote Left Boys are capital fellows in their own way, among their mates; but they are unwholesome companions for grown people. Quote Right
Quote Left May those who oppose capital punishment for humans extend that protection to animals as well . May those who oppose germ and other biological warfare work to end the unconscious biological warfare unwittingly waged on those who eat animal products. Those who are prolife would logically become vegetarian. Those who are prochoice would not want to impose their wills upon the body of a cow, sheep or pig. Quote Right
Quote Left High office teaches decision making, not substance. It consumes intellectual capital it does not create it. Most high officials leave office with the perceptions and insights with which they entered they learn how to make decisions but not what decisions to make. Quote Right
Quote Left Books constitute capital. A library book lasts as long as a house, for hundreds of years. It is not, then, an article of mere consumption but fairly of capital, and often in the case of professional men, setting out in life, it is their only capital. Quote Right
Quote Left The great dialectic in our time is not, as anciently and by some still supposed, between capital and labor; it is between economic enterprise and the state. Quote Right
Quote Left The mounting burden of taxation not only undermines individual incentives to increased work and earnings, but in a score of ways discourages capital accumulation and distorts, unbalances, and shrinks production. Total real wealth and income is made smaller than it would otherwise be. On net balance there is more poverty rather than less. Quote Right
Quote Left Boys are capital fellows in their own way, among their mates but they are unwholesome companions for grown people. Quote Right
Quote Left May those who oppose capital punishment for humans extend that protection to animals as well . May those who oppose germ and other biological warfare work to end the unconscious biological warfare unwittingly waged on those who eat animal products. Those who are pro-life would logically become vegetarian. Those who are pro-choice would not want to impose their wills upon the body of a cow, sheep or pig. Quote Right
Quote Left It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts. Quote Right
Quote Left Science is a capital or fund perpetually reinvested; it accumulates, rolls up, is carried forward by every new man. Every man of science has a... Quote Right
Quote Left In order to form correct habits, we should seek the company of persons of sound moral and religious influence. We should constantly bear in mind that we may be fitting to inhabit the heavenly courts. The precious hours of probation are granted that we may remove every defect from the character; and we should seek to do this, not only that we may obtain the future life, but that we may be useful here. Young men and women should regard a good character as a capital of more value than gold or silver or stocks. It will be unaffected by panics and failures, and will bring rich returns when earthly possessions shall be swept away. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Capital

Quote Left I would rather starve than eat from the palm of a capitalist society. Quote Right
Quote Left "Do you wonder if Mar-a-Logo will be the new capital of the confederacy?" Kevin Lawrence Jan 2021 Quote Right
Quote Left A capitalist regime is more likely to produce these narcissistic behaviours in its citizens compared to a socialist country. – Mwanandeke Kindembo Quote Right
Quote Left Capitalism plugs along because of bookkeeping. Quote Right
Quote Left Nasceu um novo sistema econômico. Quem viver verá. O sistema econômico que já está aí entre as Gerações millennials a “Zsss” é um sistema forte e capaz de flutuar entre uma parte do dia no mercado capitalista e na outra parte do dia na economia compartilhada e de relacionamentos. É o novo sistema que encontra valor na interação com a economia de compartilhamento em muitos níveis. Agora, à beira de um futuro que pode representar um tremendo salto à frente para a humanidade. Quem viver vai ver. Quote Right
Quote Left Most nations are cringing under the onslaught of capitalism. Today, democracy is the government of the capitalists, for capitalists and by capitalists. --Vincent Van Ross Quote Right
Quote Left Capital letters and full stops, question marks, commas, colons and semi-colons, exclamation and quotation marks... OLE!!!! Quote Right
Quote Left "My thoughts on capital punishment? Let me put it this way. To lose my freedom would be worse than death. That's just me though. I put too much value on freedom." Quote Right
Quote Left If you had not been such vicious and greedy capitalist pigs, there would have been no communism and Communists! Quote Right
Quote Left I read 'My Struggle' by Adolf Hitler, and I did not become a Nazi. I read 'The Capital' by Karl Marx, and I did not become a Communist. I read 'The Holy Bible' by God, and I did not become a Christian. Quote Right
Quote Left Communism through social revolution seems no more possible, now we have to achieve that through capitalism in good hand. Quote Right
Quote Left If capitalism makes you suffer then communism will definitely starve you to death ! Quote Right
Quote Left Liberalism without boundaries is a disease. Conservatism without conscience is a plague. Capitalism without empathy is the father of both. Quote Right
Quote Left In life, God will always give a window of opportunity to be prosper. What will determine whether you prosper or not is the ability to know and capitalize on the opportunity once the window opens for it MAY NEVER open again. Quote Right
Quote Left The only thing worse than godless communism is godless capitalism. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things