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Building Quotations

Building quotations. Find, read, and share Building quotations. These are the best examples of Building quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Socrates: Would this habit of eating animals not require that we slaughter animals that we knew as individuals, and in whose eyes we could gaze and see ourselves reflected, only a few hours before our meal? Glaucon: This habit would require that of us. Socrates: Wouldn't this [knowledge of our role in turning a being into a thing] hinder us in achieving happiness? Glaucon: It could so hinder us in our quest for happiness. Socrates: And, if we pursue this way of living, will we not have need to visit the doctor more often? Glaucon: We would have such need. Socrates: If we pursue our habit of eating animals, and if our neighbor follows a similar path, will we not have need to go to war against our neighbor to secure greater pasturage, because ours will not be enough to sustain us, and our neighbor will have a similar need to wage war on us for the same reason? Glaucon: We would be so compelled. Socrates: Would not these facts prevent us from achieving happiness, and therefore the conditions necessary to the building of a just society, if we pursue a desire to eat animals? Glaucon: Yes, they would so prevent us. Quote Right
Quote Left The four building blocks of the universe are fire, water, gravel and vinyl. Funny Quote Right
Quote Left We started the week with the dedication of the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Medical Building in our honor on the campus of the Eisenhower Medical Center, and we are thrilled to be ending the week with the announcement of a continuation of our 42-year relationship with Chrysler during which we have raised nearly $42 million for charity in our community. We look forward to an exciting future with our title sponsor, Chrysler, which is and continues to be the longest running sponsor-tournament relationship on the PGA TOUR. Quote Right
Quote Left The ideal of brotherhood of man, the building of the Just City, is one that cannot be discarded without lifelong feelings of disappointment and loss. But, if we are to live in the real world, discard it we must. Its very nobility makes the results of its breakdown doubly horrifying, and it breaks down, as it always will, not by some external agency but because it cannot work. Quote Right
Quote Left When I Grow Up When I grow up, I wonder if people will be more afraid to cry than they are to die. Will I be able to see a rainbow in a small-filled sky. Will there be any trees left, if not how will the planet survive. Will there be a website at When I grow up, if I got bored and had nothing to do and me and my son built a canoe and water that was once blue would be so poluted it would give us the flu. Will a thousand dollars be enough for a shoe. Will I have to be like you, letting money make the decision for everything that I do. When I grow up, will the existance of dolphins and whales just be a story I tell, starting with Once upon a time and ending with where did we fail. Will adults be the hammer and nail. Will schools be next door to jails. Will the truth be illegal for sale. When I grow up, will people be on the news for anything besides killing. Will those drug dealers still be outside of my building. Will they ever learn how to love or are they still afraid of the feeling. Will tv and music videos still raise America's children. Will students go home from school in a bullet proof bus. What if children had no one to trust, that would hurt me so much and i just want to be happy, when i grow up. Quote Right
Quote Left If a patron buys from an artist who needs money (needs money to buy tools, time, food), the patron then makes himself equal to the artist; he is building art into the world; he creates. Quote Right
Quote Left Luke 14:28: 'Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?' (NIV)

For which of you, wishing to build a farm building, does not first sit down and calculate the cost [to see] whether he has sufficient means to finish it? (AMP)

For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? (KJV)

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Quote Left There is a tower in the Emperor's palace called the Tower of Heroes: a black tower which rises high into the sky like a spike. At the summit of that tower hangs the Bell of Lost Souls. It is an ancient thing, massive as a building and adorned with dark runes, its peal like the scream of an anguished god. It is tolled but once when a great hero of the Imperium dies. Its wailing moan of grief lasts long and reaches the ears of millions, and its tones penetrate the unifying ether of humanity turning the thought of countless billions towards mankind's loss. Quote Right
Quote Left Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church and State. Quote Right
Quote Left A just laicism allows religious freedom. The state does not impose religion but rather gives space to religions with a responsibility toward civil society, and therefore it allows these religions to be factors in building up society. Quote Right
Quote Left The result of what Kennedy did can be understood by analogy. It is as if he created a building named, 'A man on the moon in ten years,' and inside the building he put offices for all the various ideas, positions, notions and people that had to do with space flight. The first office inside the front door of the building in 1961 would have been called, 'it can't be done.' This office would have been inhabited by the skeptics and the cynics.A content or position is threatened by any opposite position. Given two opposing positions, only one can survive. On the other hand, a context gives space to, it literally allows, it even encourages, positions that are apparently the opposite. In fact, the most important position in a newly-created context is the position which appears to oppose the context. Quote Right
Quote Left And of the other things death is a new office building filled with modern furniture, A wise thing, but which has no purpose for us. Quote Right
Quote Left We have our little theory on all human and divine things. Poetry, the workings of genius itself, which, in all times, with one or another meaning, has been called Inspiration, and held to be mysterious and inscrutable, is no longer without its scientific exposition. The building of the lofty rhyme is like any other masonry or bricklaying: we have theories of its rise, height, decline and fall -- which latter, it would seem, is now near, among all people. Quote Right
Quote Left There is the happiness which comes from creative effort. The joy of dreaming, creating, building, whether in painting a picture, writing an epic, singing a song, composing a symphony, devising new invention, creating a vast industry. Quote Right
Quote Left I took a look around the office. ... I walked out and closed the door behind me. I knew that I would not be back there again. (On leaving the Executive Office Building) Quote Right
Quote Left I go into my library, and all history unrolls before me. I breathe the morning air of the world while the scent of Eden's roses yet lingered in it, while it vibrated only to the world's first brood of nightingales, and to the laugh of Eve. I see the pyramids building; I hear the shoutings of the armies of Alexander. Quote Right
Quote Left Leadership is not magnetic personality--that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not 'making friends and influencing people'--that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person's vision to higher sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations. Quote Right
Quote Left Twenty years of romance makes a woman look like a ruin; but twenty years of marriage makes her look like a public building. Quote Right
Quote Left It made me feel good, yeah, because we've been through so many wars together. And it feels good to kind of be able to enjoy ... the sweetness of it. And now to be able to move on, for the organization to move on, the city to move on and to focus on building this team, (I) wish him all the best with his team down on South Beach. Quote Right
Quote Left We've seen a very volatile stock market since February. Different styles and sectors, like technology or financials, coming in and out of favor with no clear direction. There's nothing really wrong with techs. They are certainly somewhat highly valued by any historic measure, but probably not as highly valued as they were in February. We think, actually, come the fall, we could see a big tech rally, and that would probably be related to the fact that the IPO calendars are really building at the big underwriting firms, the big broker dealers. Quote Right
Quote Left In short, the building becomes a theatrical demonstration of its functional ideal. In this romanticism, high-tech architecture is, of course, no different in spirit -- if totally different in form -- from all the romantic architecture of the past. Quote Right
Quote Left ... with her shoulders as bare as a building, with her thin foot and her thin toes,... Quote Right
Quote Left Building castles in the air, and making yourself a laughing-stock. Quote Right
Quote Left I have my own charity I am trying to get off the ground as well, which some of my concerts go toward funding, ... I am building a school-the Roberta Flack School of Music-in two brownstones I purchased in New York City. The purpose is to help other young musician artists just as I received good teaching and help from my family and friends back home. Quote Right
Quote Left Whoever places his trust into a system will soon be without a home. While you are building your third story, the two lower ones have already b... Quote Right
Quote Left I love art, and I love history, but it is living art and living history that I love. It is in the interest of living art and living history that I oppose so-called restoration. What history can there be in a building bedaubed with ornament, which cannot at the best be anything but a hopeless and lifeless imitation of the hope and vigor of the earlier world? Quote Right
Quote Left Easter means to me a new beginning. With this new beginning comes spiritual life, building a relationship with the Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, and letting go of the past. Quote Right
Quote Left A building has integrity just like a man. And just as seldom. Quote Right
Quote Left In short, the building becomes a theatrical demonstration of its functional ideal. In this romanticism, High-Tech architecture is, of course, no different in spirit-if totally different in form-from all the romantic architecture of the past. Quote Right
Quote Left This is a test of trust-building. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Building

Quote Left The sands of time move in and out with the tide, to revisit other shores, some over and over again, perpetuating lessons, rebuilding sandcastles, and bringing messages, like the whispering ocean voice carrying secrets from seashells, the notes written in ancient languages in glass containers for translation. Quote Right
Quote Left Faith comes first_ Before designing, building and launching up a lifetime dream Quote Right
Quote Left Ambition "Ambition is not about leaving behind what you have acquired for what you want to achieve but it is building upon what you already have." Quote Right
Quote Left Dreamers think success is a one hit wonder; successful people know success is built one step at a time many times over. Building a solid foundation ultimately creates more future successes. – Andreas Simic Quote Right
Quote Left Building her brand, she disrobes, naked, except for her earlobes. ('Marketing 101' by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left When building a structure, Upon a foundation of deceit . . . Its collapse will be imminent, And its failure complete. Quote Right
Quote Left the only way to get over your past is by building your future Quote Right
Quote Left politics is the art of building oneself by demolishing the rest faithfully. Quote Right
Quote Left "Fantastical creatures from other universes visit me in my dreams; they are building me for the next day's adventures." Quote Right
Quote Left "Tell the truth of building my own selfless power,For me to also teach others of your uniqueness forever" Quote Right
Quote Left Never underestimate your enemy, pushing a vulture from the tallest building in the world is not going to bear any fruits. Quote Right
Quote Left The Bible says that our real problem is that every one of us is building our identity on something besides Jesus Quote Right
Quote Left It's strange how we keep busy building a shell around us through life that we lose the courage to dig deep enough to discover our lost soul back again!! Quote Right
Quote Left Never let the immature actions of others dampen your spirit. Continue being positive, upbuilding, and kind. Quote Right
Quote Left Usually the darkest corners Where judging monsters hide Are in the buildings with a cross on top And righteous enforcers within. They piously talk about God, But mostly they point out the cobwebs In the corners of your life, Left when Jesus chased the spiders away. Quote Right
Quote Left Be busy in building each other up and there will be no time for tearing each other down. Quote Right
Quote Left We ourselves are building a walls around in order to destroy them then, and why? Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things