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Block Quotations

Block quotations. Find, read, and share Block quotations. These are the best examples of Block quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left My friends and my road-fellows, pity the nation that is full of beliefs and empty of religion. Pity the nation that wears a cloth it does not weave, eats a bread it does not harvest, and drinks a wine that flows not from its own winepress. Pity the nation that acclaims the bully as hero, and that deems the glittering conqueror bountiful. Pity the nation that raises not its voice save when it walks in a funeral, boasts not except among its ruins, and will rebel not save when its neck is laid between the sword and the block. Pity the nation whose statesman is a fox, whose philosopher is a juggler, and whose art is the art of patching and mimicking. Pity the nation that welcomes its new ruler with trumpetings, and farewells him with hootings, only to welcome another with trumpetings again. Pity the nation divided into fragments, each fragment deeming itself a nation. Quote Right
Quote Left The white American man makes the white American woman maybe not superfluous but just a little kind of decoration. Not really important to turning around the wheels of the state. Well the black American woman has never been able to feel that way. No black American man at any time in our history in the United States has been able to feel that he didn't need that black woman right against him, shoulder to shoulder -- in that cotton field, on the auction block, in the ghetto, wherever. Quote Right
Quote Left I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice who constantly says 'I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action' who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for someone else's freedom who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a 'more convenient season.' Quote Right
Quote Left We don't want to feel helpless, so we use fear, anger, addiction, or unbridled sexuality to block out our helpless feelings. The fact is that if we cannot openly face our feeling of helplessness, we cannot receive help. It is important that we accept our helplessness, taking it to God and allowing Him to be strong where we are weak. When we let Him be God, we receive continuous healing for our woundedness. But when we hide our pain, helplessness, and insecurity, we find ourselves at the mercy of our narcissistic, wounded false self with its insatiable craving for validation and anesthesia. Quote Right
Quote Left The presence of our political leadership, of our security forces in Kabul shouldn't be interpreted as a move to block the political settlement, ... it would, rather, help that political settlement. Quote Right
Quote Left They're endangering every attempt to build a block of peace again, ... This reduces very much the necessary trust for going back and negotiating with the responsible party. Quote Right
Quote Left What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to an human soul. Quote Right
Quote Left He kissed me. A kiss about apple pie a la mode with the vanilla creaminess melting in the pie heat. A kiss about chocolate, when you haven't eaten chocolate in a year. A kiss about palm trees speeding by, trailing pink clouds when you drive down the Strip sizzling with champagne. A kiss about spotlights fanning the sky and the swollen sea spilling like tears all over your legs. Quote Right
Quote Left A book tightly shut is but a block of paper. Quote Right
Quote Left I always believed it was the things you don't choose that makes you who you are. Your city, your neighborhood, your family. People here take pride in these things, like it was something they'd accomplished. The bodies around their souls, the cities wrapped around those. I lived on this block my whole life; most of these people have. When your job is to find people who are missing, it helps to know where they started. I find the people who started in the cracks and then fell through. This city can be hard. When I was young, I asked my priest how you could get to heaven and still protect yourself from all the evil in the world. He told me what God said to His children. 'You are sheep among wolves. Be wise as serpents, yet innocent as doves.' Quote Right
Quote Left It is often easier to become outraged by injustice half a world away than by oppression and discrimination half a block from home. Quote Right
Quote Left I do not ask to walk smooth paths nor bear an easy load. I pray for strength and fortitude to climb the rock strewn road. Give me such courage and I can scale the hardest peaks alone, And transform every stumbling block into a stepping stone. Quote Right
Quote Left The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards -- and even then I have my doubts. Quote Right
Quote Left A devotee who can call on God while living a householder's life is a hero indeed. God thinks: 'He is blessed indeed who prays to me in the midst of his worldly duties. He is trying to find me, overcoming a great obstacle -- pushing away, as it were, a huge block of stone weighing a ton. Such a man is a real hero.' Quote Right
Quote Left John Johnson Now this is something the other tour guides won't tell you. In this particular cell-block, Machine Gun Kelly had what we call in the prison system, a bitch. And one night in a jealous rage Kelly took a make-shift knife or shiv, and cut out the bitch's eyes. And as if this wasn't enough retribution for Kelly, the next day he and four other inmates took turns pissing into the bitch's ocular cavities. (short pause) This way to the cafeteria Quote Right
Quote Left Man's great misfortune is that he has no organ, no kind of eyelid or brake, to mask or block a thought, or all thought, when he wants to. Quote Right
Quote Left There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is on a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others. Quote Right
Quote Left From Chirac and Schroeder we have seen a rhetorical commitment for France and Germany to co-operate but when they have combined it has been to block reforms. They have not produced an actual agenda for advancing the union, unlike the days of Helmut Kohl and Francois Mitterand, when France and Germany really were driving Europe. Quote Right
Quote Left He's been a good senior leader, just being a good example of how to block on the line, ... That entire unit is working hard to improve, and Nick's been a huge part of that. He's earning all the recognition he gets, because he's really helping to improve that part of our team. Quote Right
Quote Left The failure of women to produce genius of the first rank in most of the supreme forms of human effort has been used to block the way of all women of talent and ambition for intellectual achievement in a manner that would be amusingly absurd were it not so monstrously unjust and socially harmful. Quote Right
Quote Left My theory on housework is, if the item doesn't multiply, smell, catch on fire or block the refrigerator door, let it be. No one cares. Why should you? Quote Right
Quote Left The chess pieces are the block alphabet which shapes thoughts; and these thoughts, although making a visual design on the chess-board, express their beauty abstractly, like a poem... I have come to the personal conclusion that while all artists are not chess players, all chess players are artists. Quote Right
Quote Left Time has an undertaking establishment on every block and drives his coffin nails faster than the steam riveters rivet or the stenographers typ... Quote Right
Quote Left Americans will put up with anything provided it doesn't block traffic. Quote Right
Quote Left I choose a block of marble and chop off whatever I don't need. Quote Right
Quote Left There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost. Quote Right
Quote Left Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say that there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe. Quote Right
Quote Left When you come to a road block, take a detour. Quote Right
Quote Left There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there id only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost. Quote Right
Quote Left The ideas that come out of most brainstorming sessions are usually superficial, trivial, and not very original. They are rarely useful. The process, however, seems to make uncreative people feel that they are making innovative contributions and that others are listening to them. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Block

Quote Left Death is the ultimate writer's block. Quote Right
Quote Left "Your smile can break chains which block your destiny" By Alfonso Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris Quote Right
Quote Left Neuromuscular agent paralyzes body’s voluntary muscles and lungs and blocks movement and speech Summun Bukmun Umyun Zafar Supari Pagal Nashai Wehmi Nafsiati game over... Quote Right
Quote Left Writers block is an empty stomach. Quote Right
Quote Left "When having writer's block, try reading a book for creative ideas." Quote Right
Quote Left Don't go all the way around the block to walk across the street. say it plain, keep it reaL. Quote Right
Quote Left Learning slowly; like blocks that build everything! Then you are old before you know it and you long for the sweet memories you miss, and can not rebuild. Quote Right
Quote Left Don't let the shadows block your view of the sun. Quote Right
Quote Left A mouth full of ifs and buts is a mind full of mental blocks Quote Right
Quote Left I'm too open minded for gossip, it doesn't fill enough space to be valid, it'll block a narrow mind though Quote Right
Quote Left If only his muse was right* There be no blocks to his write* There be no death and last rite* For his plot clears to be alright* Quote Right
Quote Left Don't Block PEOPLE Direct traffic... Quote Right
Quote Left “ Sometimes writer’s from all genres, find themselves in a writer's block of some kind, bottom line.” ~ William Darnell Sr ~ Source - PoetrySoup Quote Right
Quote Left Tachycardia vs Bradycardia vs Heart Attack Tachycardia. When our heart pumps very fast without any physical activity and causes shortness of breath and trouble breathing. Bradycardia. When our heartbeat goes lower than normal and causes tiring and slow breathing. Heart Attack. When the heart ceases its activity. Causes may include the following: Disease, Cholesterol, Blockage, Lack Of Blood or Oxygen, Reaction and Shock. Quote Right
Quote Left Writer's block: The new and somewhat uncommon use of the word is... too many ideas, thoughts, feelings together at the same time to allow a free flow of words to be written or even spoken, in order to be recorded, often brought on by high emotions. Quote Right
Quote Left Fear blocks the mind and destroy's the soul. Quote Right
Quote Left To Son of Spock---I see you fishing on the dock---At rainbow skies you spin your mock---You bleed the colors with your unwanton talk---Apropos of trollers that shock and stalk---Why puddle in the mud when your poetry rocks---To waste this talent at the bottom is such a shock---I wish you cast godspeed and good stock---For I pity the day that you are banned and blocked--- Quote Right
Quote Left "It is this simple, people. Put your children first, and you will create the most joyful creatures your block has ever seen." Quote Right
Quote Left If you practice non-violence, you had better be PREPARED to block the punches. Quote Right
Quote Left The road to self discovery is paved with stumbling blocks! S.A. Milliner Quote Right
Quote Left Materialism is putting quantity before quality. What most people fail to realize though, is that at the end of the day, how many cars you have, or how big your house is, how much money you earn in any given year, doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Money is a tool, that often gets in the way; blocking our beautiful view of the life laid out before our eyes. If only more people could enjoy the view like I. Quote Right
Quote Left When the truth of state, becomes stuttering, two forked message, then it is now wonder when the sluts of hate think that they can strike out at the weak. Giving the want to be world wise asses the answers of netz and mental blocked a reason to inspire violence for the lie. Quote Right
Quote Left Writers Block Is A Myth: If one cannot write then, simply, one has nothing to say. Quote Right
Quote Left A block of wood is only of good value when it's dry and hard. Quote Right
Quote Left Would you be the last child on the block? Quote Right
Quote Left Life provides us with all the necessary materials for success. The Statue of David was just a block of stone before being hacked out with a piece of iron. Quote Right
Quote Left Sometimes it just takes the slightest whisper in a prayer to move the biggest of mountains that block our paths. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs