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Application Quotations

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Quote Left The human mind is capable of excitement without the application of gross and violent stimulants; and he must have a very faint perception of its beauty and dignity who does not know this. Quote Right
Quote Left For a Jewish Puritan of the middle class, the novel is serious, the novel is work, the novel is conscientious application -- why, the novel is practically the retail business all over again. Quote Right
Quote Left The miracle, or the power, that elevates the few is to be found in their industry, application, and perseverance under the prompting of a brave, determined spirit. Quote Right
Quote Left This force, which is the best thing in you, your highest self, will never respond to any ordinary half-hearted call, or any milk-and-water endeavor, It can only be reached by your supremest call, your supremest effort. It will respond only to the call that is backed up by the whole of you, not part of you; you must be all there in what you are trying to do. You must bring every particle of your energy, unanswerable resolution, your best efforts, your persistent industry to your task or the best will not come out of you. You must back up your ambition by your whole nature, by unbounded enthusiasm and a determination to win which knows no failure... Only a masterly call, a masterly will, a supreme effort, intense and persistent application, can unlock the door to your inner treasure and release your highest powers. Quote Right
Quote Left We do not learn by inference and deduction and the application of mathematics to philosophy, but by direct intercourse and sympathy. Quote Right
Quote Left What I am doing is more important than a movie or audio of me doing it. Technology should never be used for technology's sake, but the application of technology to enhance learning, I am all for. Quote Right
Quote Left In Tamoxifen’s case, a drug first developed as a potential contraceptive languished for many years before its present application was found. Furthermore, its propensity to cause liver tumours in rats, a toxicity problem that thankfully does not carry over into humans, was not detected until after the drug had been on the market for many years. If it had been found in preclinical testing, the drug would almost certainly have been withdrawn from the pipeline. Quote Right
Quote Left Few things are impracticable in themselves; and it is for want of application, rather than of means, that men fail to succeed. Quote Right
Quote Left True law is right reason in agreement with nature; it is of universal application, unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands, and averts from wrong-doing by its prohibitions. And it does not lay its commands or prohibitions upon good men in vain, though neither have any effect on the wicked. It is a sin to try to to sic alter this law, nor is it allowable to attempt to repeal any part of it, and it is impossible to abolish it entirely. We cannot be freed from its obligations by senate or people, and we need not look outside ourselves for an expounder or interpreter of it. And there will not be different laws at Rome and at Athens, or different laws now and in the future, but one eternal and unchangeable law will be valid for all nations and all times, and there will be one master and ruler, that is, God, over us all, for he is the author of this law, its promulgator, and its enforcing judge. Whoever is disobedient is fleeing from himself and denying his human nature, and by reason of this very fact he will suffer the worst penalties, even if he escapes what is commonly considered punishment. Quote Right
Quote Left The shipment of our 400 000th development tool is proof of Microchip's leadership in this market. It reflects our commitment to going beyond simply offering silicon to providing engineers with a 'whole product solution' comprised of sophisticated development tools, field application engineer support and comprehensive technical documentation. Quote Right
Quote Left I think that a young state, like a young virgin, should modestly stay at home, and wait the application of suitors for an alliance with her; and not run about offering her amity to all the world; and hazarding their refusal. Our virgin is a jolly one; and Quote Right
Quote Left The main object of a revolution is the liberation of man... not the interpretation and application of some transcendental ideology. Quote Right
Quote Left The receipt to make a speaker, and an applauded one too, is short and easy.—Take of common sense quantum sufficit, add a little application ... Quote Right
Quote Left Engineering is the practice of safe and economic application of the scientific laws governing the forces and materials of nature by means of organization, design and construction, for the general benefit of mankind. Quote Right
Quote Left The instinct to command others, in its primitive essence, is a carnivorous, altogether bestial and savage instinct. Under the influence of the mental development of man, it takes on a somewhat more ideal form and becomes somewhat ennobled, presenting itself as the instrument of reason and the devoted servant of that abstraction, or political fiction, which is called the public good. But in its essence it remains just as baneful, and it becomes even more so when, with the application of science, it extends its scope and intensifies the power of its action. If there is a devil in history, it is this power principle. Quote Right
Quote Left It will generally be found that men who are constantly lamenting their ill luck are only reaping the consequences of their own neglect, mismanagement, and improvidence, or want of application. Quote Right
Quote Left There is a moral law in this world which has its application both to individuals and organized bodies of men. You cannot go on violating these laws in the name of your nation, yet enjoy their advantage as individuals. We may forget truth for our conv Quote Right
Quote Left Man's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done. Quote Right
Quote Left They who lack talent expect things to happen without effort. They ascribe failure to a lack of inspiration or ability, or to misfortune, rather than to insufficient application. At the core of every true talent there is an awareness of the difficulties inherent in any achievement, and the confidence that by persistence and patience something worthwhile will be realized. Thus talent is a species of vigor. Quote Right
Quote Left No man is without some quality, by the due application of which he might deserve well of the world; and whoever he be that has but little in his power should be in haste to do that little, lest he be confounded with him that can do nothing. Quote Right
Quote Left Technology means the systematic application of scientific or other organized knowledge to practical tasks. Quote Right
Quote Left Truth is the summit of being; justice is the application of it to affairs. Quote Right
Quote Left I think that a young state, like a young virgin, should modestly stay at home, and wait the application of suitors for an alliance with her; and not run about offering her amity to all the world; and hazarding their refusal. Our virgin is a jolly one; and tho at present not very rich, will in time be a great fortune, and where she has a favorable predisposition, it seems to me well worth cultivating. Quote Right
Quote Left The testing that we have done on systems has not revealed any problems before, so the nature of the noncompliance is likely to be very minimal. It's probably not a feature of the operating system that is used by the application. Quote Right
Quote Left It may well be doubted whether human ingenuity can construct an enigma... which human ingenuity may not, by proper application, resolve. Quote Right
Quote Left If there is not probable cause that a citizen is knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence gathering activities for, or on behalf of, a foreign power which may involve a violation of federal law, then (the Justice Department) will not recommend that the application be presented to the Court, Quote Right
Quote Left This is understanding a complex situation and applying your knowledge to it. Moving from not just what you know, but what you can actually do -- that's broadening the application of e-learning. Quote Right
Quote Left There is a limit to the application of democratic methods. You can inquire of all the passengers as to what type of car they like to ride in, but it is impossible to question them as to whether to apply the brakes when the train is at full speed and accident threatens. Quote Right
Quote Left Saving money turns out to be the universal application, ... That's why Wal-Mart is as big as Wal-Mart is. Quote Right
Quote Left Science is intimately integrated with the whole social structure and cultural tradition. They mutually support one other -- only in certain types of society can science flourish, and conversely without a continuous and healthy development and application of science such a society cannot function properly. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Application

Quote Left Nothing ever comes entirely to rest, the decay of death into memory into myth a prime example. Whatever only true for the moment of successful application. Absolute Truth is Faith~ Omnipotent. Quote Right
Quote Left From the lab to the field, from cells to societies, biotechnology carves the path from scientific insight to revolutionary applications. -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Aana tin tira I need justice human rights application government of world Quote Right
Quote Left The true application of Knowledge is through compassionate Wisdom. Quote Right
Quote Left Drive, hunger, application and endurance creates champions, the ability to repeat that when all is achieved creates legends Quote Right
Quote Left Your knowledge is asset to you. And mastering the knowledge to a real application assert worth to it. Quote Right
Quote Left The beating heart of creativity comes from application and a willingness to be burned at the stake. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs