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Forum Home » High Critique » Be Brutal-- LOST CAR KEYS

For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
11/15/2017 11:26:13 AM

Jared Day
Posts: 6

I've never understood how things work

gears turn and cranks crank

circuits connecting and forming a link

all of this stuff is out of my reach

its all so confusing, fuses and plugs

that plug into sockets

and HUDS that have numbers and belts that have notches

motors that whirr and shake so profusely

only do more to stump and confuse me

I'm not at all mechanically inclined

trust me I know, I've tried many times

I can't understand battery's without power

have to charge for almost a whole half an hour

drivetrain won't drive, forward or reverse

transmission whats that, this sticks stuck in first

the bumpers don't bump and the flashers won't flash

speedometer and fuel don't work on the dash

there are spots under the hood for the fluids it takes

and I don't understand how a carburetor.. carburates?

mufflers to muffle the sounds that it makes

drive shaft to control the turns that you take

key to ignition

ignition to starter

starter to the whatever the hell that you call er'

it's all so disturbing, it bothers me bunches

gas pedals, brake pedals, what are these clutches

automatic and manual drives drive me crazy

has anyone checked the oil here lately

the tires have tread to catch on the ground

hydraulics to make you go up and go down

there are switches and knobs

that serve no functions or jobs

there's gearboxes, spark plugs, fuel tanks and handbrakes

and I couldn't even tell you which one keeps the car in place

how it all works is way beyond me

I have a hard enough time just finding my keys
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11/19/2017 2:43:56 PM

Jared Day
Posts: 6
any thoughts on this?? anyone? Is it any good at all? What problems need to be fixed? any tips would be so appreciated. Thank You Everyone
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11/20/2017 5:20:42 PM

Stephen Wilson-Floyd
Posts: 49
I like the unpretentious tone of this piece. I like "how does a carburetor.. carburate..". I like the ending lowering the expectation. I am not a fan of rhyming and here is why: it is incredibly hard to do well. Anyone can rhyme, but each line needs to stand on its own and not feel like it was included just to finish the rhyme. This poem has some good. I would shorten it and try to play on words in a different way than "carburetor..carburate". That is good, but now its been used. You need to continue the shock value on to other car parts. Best wishes!
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11/22/2017 12:37:59 AM

Jared Day
Posts: 6
I really appreciate your feedback. I am taking it to heart and going over my poem. I see now that some of the rhymings seem forced or added in as a filler. I am defiantly looking into changing some things and possibly shortening it, and also trying to find some more of what you called "Shock Value" to add. Once again, thank you for the feedback.
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