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Forum Home » Introductions » Hi Yal! I feel it in my bones!

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1/21/2017 2:27:50 PM

aunna jones
Posts: 7
Kind of new to this posting stuff but definitely not to writing! So I finally decided it was probably a good idea to pursue my writing career but now I have absolutely no idea where to start or what to do from here lol. Needless to say I am just trying to express myself the best "productive" way that I know how to, not only for myself but also for others. It is almost like a gut instinct, or an intuition type feeling I am suppose to do this work, of what exactly? I am not sure but something really positive, I feel it in my bones! I know there are a million other people who say that and feel they are 'unique" or "special" and they are right everyone has something deep in them they may never even know existed there. I feel like not only am I one of those millions but it's like I am suppose to help shine the light on them as well!

Honestly, I feel like I have these words that are not even mine very often, different people trigger it in me, it changes my own perspective, the feelings, thoughts, it's as if one day I am gonna meet somebody who needs something, a special kind of help expressing themselves, maybe a different way to communicate, i don't know yet, I just know it will be me who will be able to translate this type of mentality so weird right! yeah! I know story of my life! lol!

Well thanks for reading! have a nice day! =)
edited by aunnajones121314 on 1/21/2017
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