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Haiku - Craig Cornish's Blog

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Blog Posted:12/23/2023 1:00:00 PM


For those of you who've known me for 12 years, my writing anything about a Haiku would be self  flagellation, but here goes. Over time here, there has been nothing more contentious than Haiku - knock-down-drag-out fightin' words...I'll meet-ya-behind-the-barn words - yet, after all the hullabaloo - zero,nada,nothing has changed, especially the fact that outside the proverbial boxing ring, except those stubborn and obnoxious few...a consensus about Haiku still is nonexisitent at best and pervasively exasive at least. So...the 5-7-5 contingent is mingling in the lobby with the 17 syllable any-form-max contingent, while the "free-stylers" (lunes) are sliding down the rail into the orchestra pit - snickering! Not a loon, as in crazy as, but a lune, which is "free-style Haiku" - Haiku which uses words instead of syllables (instead of 5-7-5 syllables, it's 3-5-3 words!? (hmm, interesting) but, as if the form hadn't already had too many relatives!  So, if you've read to here, you are either a masochist or still as confused as I am - sadly. advice, no matter the configuration (actually, this should apply - perhaps - to all poetry - in a way) keep it as simple as possible, while translating a feeling - a moment in time - an emotion that fires like a rocket, or glows for an instant like a firefly in the bushes...but...when it comes to Haiku, don't make it a continuation of a thought, but a surprise, or, as they say, an "ah-ha" second/moment, or realization that leaves the reader pensive and knowing and wondering and whatever they were'nt before they read your inspiration - if we can do that in 3 lines/17 syllables/11 words - SHOW me - you are the key! 

Thanks for your input Inky. truth is actually that contemporary Haiku writers for the most part do not use the 5-7-5 rule because somewhat, well, an old fashioned concept to attempt to mimic Japanese translation, which was found to be truly "lost in both translation and concept". You know that simply by translating your home language to English  - there is no set standard because some words require less...and some more, so many omit articles like "a" "and" and "the" etc to adhere to the syllable-per-line rule, so it makes the write very awkward? Instead, now, a more accepted (not rule, but guideline) is to have a 17 syllable maximum with no particular per line rule. Some do it in 12 or 14 total etc. Most classicists insist on no title - why? - because the Haiku should carry its own revelation without further explanation - in Haiku, a long title would become, in essence, a part of the poem - one of the no-no's. To true Haiku writers the "ah ha" is essential , because it is what leaves the spark of thought, a lasting impression other than just a cute 3 line poem which can be forgotten quickly. There are those on the soup that are internationally published like Paul Callus who is from Malta - he's exceptional. There's so very much more that it's nearly impossible to summarize especially for someone like me who is terrified of doing them incorrectly!

One major thing leading or following the "ah-ha" is the juxtapostion

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Date: 12/27/2023 8:36:00 AM
I appreciate your information and your insights. A lot to peruse but I will absorb it, for I dearly enjoy writing Haikus. Have a splendid day!
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Date: 12/26/2023 2:17:00 PM
By the way, haiku are not written only in 3 lines. Two-line haiku are quite common (as shown on the site "Haiku Column"). Then there is the Monoku, a one-line haiku. [Note that a Monoku is NOT just any 1-liner as mistakenly used on Soup.] In haiku unnecessary words are to be avoided (adjectives and adverbs = better less than more). Here is another interesting link
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Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 12/27/2023 7:37:00 AM
Yes Paul, and the adjectives and adverbs advice, as we have alluded, applies to all poetry and certainly - less is more. It would behove everyone to read the article you have highlighted here.
Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 12/26/2023 7:09:00 PM
Thanks so much Paul for your valuable input. I've got to check out your references tomorrow. Like much else, the more you study, the more you find out you don't know.
Date: 12/26/2023 2:00:00 PM
Haiku and 5-7-5 syllables YES or NO? Please open the following link.
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Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 12/27/2023 7:25:00 AM
Very interesting Paul - I love his Haiku which won the National competition - meteor shower.../ a gentle wave/ wets our sandals and all of his thoughts about syllables and "feeling" were enlightening
Date: 12/26/2023 1:17:00 PM
Thank you Craig for being so generous in my regards. I had never written a haiku before joining Soup in 2014, and my first attempts were disasterous (as I soon realized!). I have learned a lot since then, but there is still a lot more to learn.// May I point out that I have now done away with 5-7-5 syllables (unless it happens unintentionally); to me a 'smooth flow' of delivery is more important. (Japanese phonetic syllables are different from ours.) How does one learn to write good haiku? There are countless articles that [try to] explain what haiku is, but even more important is to read as many haiku as possible by good haijin. I'm glad you wrote this blog; there is a need for awareness!
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Date: 12/25/2023 6:19:00 AM
Thanks for posting your thoughts on Haiku poetry, Craig. I've enjoyed reading your thoughts and the comments of others. One question, if there's is no title, how can I post it on Poetry Soup? The title field is required to post a poem. I try to use a one- or two-word title and try not to distract from the poem itself. the 5-7-5 form is the only way I know to write Haiku poems. Thanks for the blog post, A poet in Texas, Bill
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Callus Avatar
Paul Callus
Date: 12/26/2023 1:36:00 PM
Regarding 5-7-5; Japanese writers offer us haiku which often do not stick to that. Here's an example by Matsuo Basho: Old pond // frog jumps in // sound of water.
Callus Avatar
Paul Callus
Date: 12/26/2023 1:28:00 PM
Hi Bill...normally haiku have no titles, but what Craig said about using the first line (or part of it) as a referece to any specific haiku is correct.
Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 12/26/2023 7:22:00 AM
Bill, I must add a couple examples of excellent Haiku that were praised by a mentor Chris, a few years ago that were written with the 17 syllable max guideline. #1 (by Andrea) cherry blossoms/in an old bird nest~loved ones at my door (3 lines 14 syllables)--and #2 by Nikko, his weathered hands~gentle brushes through/empty spaces (3 lines 12 syllables). Truly inspirational Haiku.
Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 12/25/2023 7:25:00 AM
One suggestion is to use the first line of the Haiku, then you're not adding anything, also, it will/might be fun to coordinate (I'll ask him) Paul Callus, he's written internationally and everyone can try the 17 max method, which is the more contemporary procedure. Merry Christmas Bill
Date: 12/24/2023 8:11:00 PM
Ah my name is on the blog now hah. So happy to see that. And this is so insightful dear craig, thank you, that helps alot. I have few friends that keep entering international haiku contests , maybe this will help them. Will share with them. Also i guess depends on the judge too.. never know what the judge really wants for international contests..your blogs always teach us so much. Im grateful to be able to learn from this. Now i feel like my last haiku was wrong haha. But its ok. We learn. Thank you again.
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Richards Avatar
Suzette Richards
Date: 12/25/2023 1:54:00 AM
You are welcome:)
Empress Avatar
Ink Empress
Date: 12/24/2023 11:22:00 PM
Oh ok thanks suzette, no you can butt in always haha if its to educate me on something. Ah I’ve never tried international contests, im too lazy. But my friend tries alot. As she loves haiku. She is a british poet on insta, Maldives hmm yes it is and true. Thank you for sharing about haiku contest I might also try some international ones oneday. Hope holidays treat you well . Sending you light .. p.s. just followed haiku pond it looks interesting thank you for sharing
Richards Avatar
Suzette Richards
Date: 12/24/2023 9:45:00 PM
BTW I recently read that the the Maldives is the lowest lying country in the world. Climate change must be foremost in most inhabitants' minds.
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Suzette Richards
Date: 12/24/2023 9:43:00 PM
Hi Ink. Sorry to butt in like this, but I want to state that the judges of international haiku contests are consistent and there is usually a panel of them. The American Haiku Association and established magazines give a fair indication of what is what in haiku. There are also FB pages that regularly run haiku contests (My Haiku Pond, etc) and the winners' entries are out of this world. A worthwhile study, if you have the time.
Date: 12/24/2023 1:04:00 PM
My favourite thing to debate haha :) I love finding the essence of something that can hopefully then transcend the rules. Unfortunately haiku seem to have a shelf life for me, I look back on my old ones and they've usually turned :)
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Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 12/24/2023 1:28:00 PM
I'm in the same club DD--deleted 90%--many that won contests, but for the wrong reasons. I bragged many years ago to a Haiku mentor that my Haiku won first place (alone) before 20 first places were awarded - but then I found that the judge didn't know Haiku and my poem was totally wrong, so I deleted it. Wins have NO value when they are flawed and rules have no value when they are misinterpreted by either the judge or the writer.
Date: 12/24/2023 7:29:00 AM
Ah this is new for me, the “ ah ha “ thingy, i get what you mean now, i love being on soup as i learn so much about these forms. I find it confusing that some haiku do not follow “ 575 “ syllables sometimes… which you’ve also highlighted here. And i didnt know about having all words in lower case before i joined soup too. Thanks to poets like andrea and so many of you i am learning. Appreciate this blog dear craig, Hope Christmas treats you well.
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Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 12/24/2023 9:02:00 AM
I will add more to the blog above - thank you for your input Inky! I'm restricted here with character count.
Date: 12/24/2023 12:38:00 AM
I love the Facebook page Haiku Diem. I agree with your take on the haiku on offer here on PS ... too many rules. This can easily translate to many other poetry forms as well. I try to bear in mind that the Japanese are culturally quiet and not loud or in your face. Subtle is a win. I am branching out to the vignette (the small poems often written as a string) - less restrictive but still adhere to your sage advice it should be meaningful and not just random words.
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Suzette Richards
Date: 12/24/2023 5:37:00 AM
A Merry Christmas to you and yours, Craig.
Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 12/24/2023 4:41:00 AM
Yes, subtle with a little surprise and traditionally if you wish or is required by a judge, a seasonal reference - Merry Christmas as best you can Su
Date: 12/23/2023 4:27:00 PM
screw's Senryu...or... whatever else will do
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Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 12/24/2023 4:38:00 AM
Ho Ho Ho - Have a Merry Christmas John!
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 12/23/2023 4:53:00 PM

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Who Wrote about a Lamb Where?
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Some Tidbits on Writing
Date Posted: 3/27/2024 11:19:00 AM
Black and White
Date Posted: 3/22/2024 10:21:00 AM
Shizumano Taiyo Contest etc.
Date Posted: 3/3/2024 9:40:00 AM
Haiku 201
Date Posted: 12/27/2023 11:56:00 AM
Date Posted: 12/23/2023 1:00:00 PM
Why Do You Write
Date Posted: 12/19/2023 7:01:00 AM
Simply Complex
Date Posted: 12/8/2023 5:40:00 AM
Joyce Johnson
Date Posted: 11/29/2023 8:03:00 AM
Veterans Tribute
Date Posted: 11/10/2023 5:37:00 AM
10 Years ago and One Year Before he Quit Living
Date Posted: 10/28/2023 9:37:00 AM
Sometimes song lyrics are poetry
Date Posted: 10/14/2023 2:14:00 PM
Date Posted: 10/13/2023 6:19:00 AM
Golden Shovel Admissions
Date Posted: 10/3/2023 11:54:00 AM
Demi - Glace
Date Posted: 9/17/2023 8:23:00 PM
Date Posted: 9/3/2023 7:12:00 PM
A Sonnet for Becca
Date Posted: 8/26/2023 7:41:00 AM
Out my window contest
Date Posted: 8/16/2023 8:09:00 AM
One of a Kind is Now Two
Date Posted: 7/30/2023 7:39:00 PM
The Warden
Date Posted: 7/29/2023 11:12:00 AM
An Unanswered Joke
Date Posted: 7/4/2023 7:27:00 AM
Sitka Contest Result Thoughts
Date Posted: 6/20/2023 2:25:00 PM
Sitka Sunset
Date Posted: 6/18/2023 7:38:00 PM

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