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BYRON modesty & fishing for praise -a quote - Brian Strand's Blog

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English experiential poet of open verse& creator of the FOOTLE (singular form)&EMAGI digital reverse ekphrasis.A regular @PS since 2007 ,with 10,000+ poems posted&sponsor of 1312+contests ( Amazon booksreviews (500+)GOOGLE my POETRY/ART BLOGS @ inc youtube links to my recitations.







BYRON modesty & fishing for praise -a quote

Blog Posted:6/30/2021 12:54:00 AM

Modesty is the only sure bait when you are fishing for praise so opined Byron

......should a poet 'true to  self'  care about getting comments if we get readers even if only a few

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Date: 7/9/2021 7:01:00 AM
It is nice for a person to read my work and take time to comment. It inflates my balloon so to speak but balloons do deflate over time and need the nice comments to help the writer to be inspired to write again. Some people probably don't need anyone to comment and are just happy to post them and go on their merry way. Maybe I am a little insecure. Sara
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Date: 7/1/2021 6:16:00 PM
Sometimes I get comments and sometimes I don’t. I’m happy when I do and when I don’t I certainly won’t chastise and complain about it. Maybe if we post enough poems somebody might read one of them a hundred years from now and then we will be famous.
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Date: 7/1/2021 1:48:00 PM
Another thought: As Jan had observed in the thread below, some poems get "reads" within seconds ... Maybe the logarithms are set to indicate site/poem reads. Hence all the hits, but no comments.
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Date: 7/1/2021 1:30:00 PM
To comment, or not to comment? That is the question ... At first, one might feel intimidated by the popularity or obvious stature of a poet, and shrink from commenting. A poem might not be readily understood, and again someone might be reluctant to comment. It was mentioned here that some poetry seems to attract more attention than others. Should we care if we are at the receiving end of this apparent luckluster show of support? I think we should continue to write (and share) to our heart's content and if we pick up a nod or two, all is well. We chiefly write for ourselves and not for an audience. Yes, it might be a form of imortality, but my family will most likely use it as kindling ;))
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Woodrow Avatar
Susan Woodrow
Date: 7/2/2021 7:44:00 AM
Richards Avatar
Suzette Richards
Date: 7/2/2021 2:26:00 AM
And the refrains came about after an ale or two addled the brain, because they could not remember what was already said ... ;)) Just listening to some efforts being made to sing our national anthem at a rugby match, will give you a clue to this phenoma. They sound like out of sinc acapella ,,, lol ,,, (I shouldn't laugh.)
Woodrow Avatar
Susan Woodrow
Date: 7/1/2021 11:56:00 PM
indeed but therein lies the loss of artistry and poetry is not a simple way of saying things (the devices alone make a head spin!) except perhaps in the days when rhyme and refrains helped minstrels recall lyrics etc to recite from memory...
Richards Avatar
Suzette Richards
Date: 7/1/2021 10:13:00 PM
It is said that if you have something important to say, say it simply. But I do fall in the trap of trying to say it in a unique way, and sometimes go over the top with some poems. :))
Woodrow Avatar
Susan Woodrow
Date: 7/1/2021 10:01:00 PM
I have found the more abstract my writes, the less comments so you do have a point re understanding...but I have always enjoyed abstracts because they are open to various interpretations but I think the fear is that something is perceived as misunderstanding? Even if an entire write is not understood, there is usually something that perhaps sets off a thought - that then becomes my comment usually...I like to see which tangent or new interpretation a reader takes my write but alas not enough is ever said...I was thrilled when someone talked about car struts when I talked about pigeon struts cos it never occurred to me as I wrote!
La France Avatar
Constance La France
Date: 7/1/2021 4:54:00 PM
well said Suzette, and lol my family will likely do the same ...
Date: 7/1/2021 4:31:00 AM
Modesty is fine provided it does not become the ' Uriah Heap' cloying humility.
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Woodrow Avatar
Susan Woodrow
Date: 7/1/2021 1:09:00 PM
which is why I qualified my statement with 'true' modesty, a rarity, as opposed to the Heep-type who makes a braggart far preferable lol
Date: 7/1/2021 12:41:00 AM
Being creative is indeed what this workshop is & always has been about.Long may it be so.
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La France Avatar
Constance La France
Date: 7/1/2021 4:52:00 PM
Brian, yes, may it always be so ...
Date: 6/30/2021 9:39:00 PM
a truly modest person would never ask for compliments but it is those not of the same inclination, like Byron, who'd make such an observation...and yes, a poet true to self would care for a comment, if only to see how the rest perceive what he /she has written...otherwise, you'd not be a poet but rather a diarist and diaries are supposed to be private, not public like PS :)
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Date: 6/30/2021 5:57:00 PM
Comments are nice to receive but to me they are not the be all and end all of posting on soup, I have some with lots of comments and others with barely a comment. As long as i am being creative that is the most important thing and if i can make folk smile then that is even better.
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Date: 6/30/2021 2:09:00 PM
Brian, thanks for the blog, well that is an interesting question for sure. I find that comments are like strokes of love in a way, it gives a poet confidence in their writing and makes them proud of what they have created and I see nothing wrong with that. But is it important to the true poet who write because they must, I think not, for it is in the writing the stroke of love is found. I have so many poems with no comments or just one and it does not bother me that much although I appreciate when others comment on my poetry, it gives me wings to fly, peace and tranquility _Constance
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La France Avatar
Constance La France
Date: 7/1/2021 4:51:00 PM
Jenna, exactly, well said ~ love and serenity _Constance
Date: 6/30/2021 11:36:00 AM
Ideally, comments are a way to gauge ones writings. Which would be especially more true if they came from fellow poets. However, gauging sincerity in comments is key. I have seen absolutely fantastic top class poetry receive zero or else just a couple comments- whilst also seeing very poor poetry gets loads of comments. Thus there is no totally reliable way to gauge progress by number of reads or the number of comments received on a piece..
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Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 6/30/2021 6:00:00 PM
In the past i've seen poems posted that get 100 plus 'reads' within seconds of being posted and no comments, and the only person who comments is the poet themselves but i suppose if it makes them happy then so be it.
Lindley Avatar
Robert Lindley
Date: 6/30/2021 11:49:00 AM
Great quote and blog Brian!!
Lindley Avatar
Robert Lindley
Date: 6/30/2021 11:43:00 AM
Yet, one must always doubt when a poem has a very high number of reads and zero comments. Ideally poets would tend towards honesty and poetic fellowship--were it not for the high competition level set.. There seems to be no easy answer to the negatives of this problem. Unless one decides to write and let posterity be the final judge of their work. As poets we are addicted to writing. I venture most of us want feedback and a great many of us have doubts about our own poetic journey. Doubts unless one truly thinks they are -already-- a great and magnificent poet akin to the golden poets of old. Some few come very close imho- but none have clearly reached that status, imho..

My Past Blog Posts

Date Posted: 5/29/2024 1:40:00 AM
TO ALL MY FAITHFUL CONTESTANTS fare well and thank you
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Date Posted: 12/25/2022 1:06:00 AM
Date Posted: 12/24/2021 11:12:00 AM
TITLES & poetry
Date Posted: 8/20/2021 5:50:00 AM
POETIC motivation
Date Posted: 8/14/2021 1:49:00 AM
POETIC DEVICES an observation
Date Posted: 8/13/2021 1:31:00 AM
Date Posted: 8/11/2021 3:13:00 PM
POETICS an observation
Date Posted: 8/10/2021 3:33:00 AM
READING ALOUD the apex of poetry
Date Posted: 8/2/2021 3:58:00 AM
IMAGIST impressions
Date Posted: 7/19/2021 12:21:00 AM
Date Posted: 7/15/2021 1:07:00 AM
PROSE an observation
Date Posted: 7/13/2021 12:21:00 AM
JULY 4 an historic event
Date Posted: 7/4/2021 9:16:00 AM
BYRON modesty & fishing for praise -a quote
Date Posted: 6/30/2021 12:54:00 AM
A B C D E of poetry
Date Posted: 6/27/2021 2:03:00 AM
TEST MATCH SPECIAL an historic event
Date Posted: 6/17/2021 3:55:00 AM
To rime OR not THAT is the question inc UPDATE
Date Posted: 6/14/2021 12:28:00 AM
SHOW not TELL always is POETRY done WELL
Date Posted: 6/9/2021 1:21:00 AM
Date Posted: 6/1/2021 12:48:00 AM
PERFORMANCE or when poetry became an art inc UPDATE
Date Posted: 5/26/2021 7:20:00 AM
Date Posted: 5/23/2021 1:18:00 AM
Date Posted: 5/17/2021 12:43:00 AM
SHAVUOT a historic event
Date Posted: 5/16/2021 12:11:00 AM
POETRY is it really an ART
Date Posted: 5/12/2021 12:22:00 AM

My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
6/3/2024 CHANCE POEM 060324 Otherword play,
5/30/2024 S u Rr E a l i T y no B Imagismword play,words,writing,
5/30/2024 S u Rr E a l i T y no A Imagismword play,words,
5/29/2024 POETRYSoup Light Versethank you,
5/21/2024 PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE Biophilosophy,
5/19/2024 PENTECOST Coupletcelebration,christian,
5/18/2024 POEM NO 10,000 a retrospective Biocelebration,poetry,
5/18/2024 -CHANCISTA- Didacticart,
5/18/2024 CLERIHEW LI ecphrasis munch Ekphrasisart,
5/18/2024 MIRO on the carpet Ekphrasisart,
5/18/2024 SCAPIGLIATA Ekphrasisart,
5/18/2024 CIPHERS Ekphrasisart,
5/18/2024 word U S P XVII banksy Didacticart,
5/18/2024 BM VII classical beethoven Monokumusic,
5/18/2024 -CUTOUTISTA - Didacticart,
5/18/2024 CLERIHEW L ecphrasis rossetti Ekphrasisart,
5/17/2024 ABSTRACT POETICS Otherword play,
5/17/2024 LOOK CLOSELY rothko Didacticart,
5/17/2024 REQUIEM Elegyemotions,
5/17/2024 REALITY REVEALED Otherpoetry,word play,
5/17/2024 ABSTRACT DREAMS Otherpoetry,word play,
5/17/2024 IMAGININGS Otherpoetry,word play,
5/17/2024 - NOISELESSISTA - Didacticallusion,imagination,intr
5/17/2024 word U S P XVI hopper Didacticart,
5/17/2024 BM VI classical faure Monokumusic,
5/17/2024 CLERHEW XLIX ecphrasis zecchin Ekphrasisart,
5/16/2024 POETRY READ ALOUD Didacticpoetry,voice,
5/16/2024 A POETS CRUSH- Biohow i feel,inspiration,mo
5/16/2024 DIALECT RECITATION poetry reading Bioword play,
5/16/2024 A - an ABCDERIAN in A Word Abecedarianword play,
5/16/2024 A - ACROSTIC reversed Acrosticword play,
5/16/2024 - CONSONISTA - Didacticmusic,
5/16/2024 word U S P XV kandinsky Didacticart,
5/16/2024 BM V classical mahler Monokumusic,
5/16/2024 CLERIHEW XLVIII ecphrasis waterhouse Ekphrasisart,
5/15/2024 A - an alliterative verse Didacticchristian,community,educa
5/15/2024 PLAINSONGISTA Didacticmusic,
5/15/2024 word U S P XIV picasso Didacticart,
5/15/2024 BM IV clasical haydn Monokumusic,
5/15/2024 CLERIHEW XLVII ecphrasis rodin Ekphrasisart,
5/14/2024 -B R A S S I S T A- Didacticmusic,
5/14/2024 BM classical III jenkins Monokumusic,
5/14/2024 word U S P XIII rembrandt Didacticart,
5/14/2024 HUMEROUS PATTER belloc Couplethumorous,poetry,
5/14/2024 CLERIHEW XLVI ecphrasis malevich Ekphrasisart,
5/13/2024 IF ONLY YOU KNEW Epigramchristian,
5/13/2024 CIRCADIAN ALLITERATION Alliterationcelebration,
5/13/2024 - M E D I E V A L I S T A - Didacticmusic,
5/13/2024 word U S P XII lowry Ekphrasisart,
5/13/2024 BM clasical I vivaldi Monokumusic,
5/13/2024 CLERIHEW XLV cphrasis manet Ekphrasisart,
5/13/2024 A form WYATTS ALEXANDRINE Alexandrinepoetry,word play,
5/12/2024 - PERCUSSIONISTA - Didacticmusic,
5/12/2024 word U S P XI dali Ekphrasisart,
5/12/2024 BM ecphrasis XII piano Monokumusic,
5/12/2024 CLERIHEW XIV ecphrasis kupka Ekphrasisart,
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5/11/2024 -MUSICISTA- II Didacticmusic,
5/11/2024 word U S P X marc Ekphrasisanimal,art,
5/11/2024 BM ecphrasis XI piano Monokumusic,
5/11/2024 CLERIHEW ecphrasis XLIII maurin Ekphrasisart,
5/11/2024 N-A from 2009 Rhymenature,
5/10/2024 SONNET untraditional Sonnetword play,
5/10/2024 - MUSICISTA 1 - Didacticmusic,
5/10/2024 word U S P IX monet Ekphrasisart,
5/10/2024 BM X ecphrasis piano Monokumusic,
5/10/2024 CLERIHEW ecphrasis XLII hughes Ekphrasisart,
5/9/2024 MY CHOICE SUMMER FLOWER Bioflower,nature,
5/9/2024 - DISSONISTA - Didacticmusic,
5/9/2024 word U S P VIII matisse Ekphrasisart,
5/9/2024 BM IX ecphrasis piano Monokumusic,
5/9/2024 CLERIHEW ecphrasis XLI munch once more Ekphrasisart,
5/8/2024 -S T R I N G I S T A - Didacticmusic,
5/8/2024 word U S P VII vermeer Ekphrasisart,
5/8/2024 BM VIII ecphrasis piano Monokumusic,
5/8/2024 CLERIHEW ecphrasis XL munch again Ekphrasisart,
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5/7/2024 -CHORALISTA- Didacticmusic,voice,
5/7/2024 word USP VI cdf Shapeart,
5/7/2024 BM VII ecphrasis piano Monokumusic,
5/7/2024 DELUSION Otherdestiny,
5/7/2024 CLERIHEW ecphrasis XXXIX munch Ekphrasisart,
5/6/2024 WHEN SILENCE SPEAKS Didacticmusic,satire,
5/6/2024 -III IMAGISTA- hulme Didacticpoetry,
5/6/2024 word USP V seurat Monokuart,
5/6/2024 BM VI ecphrasis piano Ekphrasismusic,
5/6/2024 CLERIHEW ecphrasis XXXVII osbert Ekphrasisart,
5/5/2024 -II SONNETISTA- howard Didacticpoetry,
5/5/2024 word USP IV vincent Monokuart,
5/5/2024 BM V ecphrasis piano Ekphrasismusic,
5/5/2024 CLERIHEW ecphrasis XXXVI denis Ekphrasisart,
5/4/2024 CALLIGRAPHISTA twombly Didacticart,
5/4/2024 word USP III michelangelo Monokuart,
5/4/2024 BM IV ecphrasis piano Ekphrasismusic,
5/4/2024 CLERIHEW ecphrasis XXXV munch Ekphrasisart,
5/3/2024 word USP II munch Shapeart,sound,word play,
5/3/2024 ENIGMAISTA cdf Didacticart,
5/3/2024 BM piano III Ekphrasismusic,
5/3/2024 CLERIHEW exphrasis XXIV Ekphrasisart,

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