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Your Purpose - The Grahamburglar's Blog

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The Grahamburglar is not my real name. Please try not to look so shocked. There's not too much to know about me. I have always (ok, ok, not ALWAYS) enjoyed writing. I feel that it comes quite naturally, and while I am certainly not an expert poet, I enjoy playing with words, experimenting with new ways to describe or think about something, and I enjoy reading the work of others for inspiration. My life tends to alternate between too busy and too uneventful. Most frequently, it is during the lulls that I do my writing. I hope on occasion you find in my work something of value, and if not, well...

Your Purpose

Blog Posted:5/2/2016 8:23:00 PM

Hey All,

I know I am not well known on the site, sadly, my very hectic schedule makes it difficult to write as often as I would like. Today, I was thinking about why I write. I don't really know that most of my poems set out to accomplish or convey anything particular, but as I start creating them, they kind of take on a life of their own. 

So here are the questions: when you sit down to write, do you start with a purpose in mind? Do you have goals for your write before you start, or, like me, do you just kind of let your mind improvise the purpose as you go?  On a bigger scale, is a there a larger message, or unifying purpose, that tends to run through several, most, or all of your writing? If so, what is it? Do you put it in there intentionally, or do you tend to just wind up writing about a certain subject without really meaning to?

I guess I'm just curious about the process of writing that others engage in. So share your methods. Share your process. If you're comfortable, share your muse. I'm genuinely interested. 

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Date: 5/4/2016 9:06:00 AM
Here's a window into my process: Pretty much it. Poetry on a schedule, write it down before it goes away, put it together later. :-)
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Grahamburglar Avatar
The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/4/2016 4:47:00 PM
That's a good one Tom. I can certainly relate. Do you find that your writing tends to follow a theme, or do you just write whatever you can, when you can?
Date: 5/4/2016 8:12:00 AM
Its hard to just sit and write for me : ).. Manytimes, a word or a statement or a song hits me unexpectedly..I get inspired to write what I feel at that moment..I scribble some words and build up a poem around those words.A poem can take an can take a day..or I can forget about it ..then get o it later...days after..Its not always the same.Btw- Nice to have you back here...Hope I ll have some good quality time to visit your posts soon.
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Grahamburglar Avatar
The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/4/2016 4:43:00 PM
Yes. I think what you've described is how it is for me most of the time. Unfortunately, I seem to get my best ideas while cruising down the highway...haha, not an ideal time to jot down notes, so I often end up forgetting...then recalling much later and trying to piece it back together.
Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 5/4/2016 8:13:00 AM
Im always editing and editing..At times I wish to edit even after I see my poem published : )
Date: 5/3/2016 4:34:00 PM
i go by instinct and spontaneity using the tenet of natalie goldberg--- just write without editing, keep the words fresh and allow the images to just flow; then look at the whole piece where a gold mine lies.. after this, allow the poem to take its shape and edit... her book, " writing down the bones is like a bible to me... huggs
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Grahamburglar Avatar
The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/4/2016 4:51:00 PM
Sounds like I should be shopping on Amazon right now...haha, maybe I'll look for it after finals. Thanks for sharing. -G
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 5/3/2016 4:37:00 PM
I LOOOOOVE writing down the bones! Yes!!!! I lent it to another writing friend. LOL... never to be seen again!
Date: 5/3/2016 10:14:00 AM
Everyone here has explained beautifully, how their poems are created, and can take a life of their own, sometimes beyond our expectations. The challenges help create ideas, especially when I feel I have wrung myself dry,...however the ones that usually turn out the most satisfying are poems that simply erupt, fast and furiously in a rush of words without too much analysis.., just rushing through my head. Then, I'll go back and try to make sense of it all.....then refine, refine, edit and edit, until it feels right. I never seem to stop wanting to make it better than it was, however the first draft that came from the unconscious, is the spark that lit the fire.
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Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 5/3/2016 4:45:00 PM
YES! Exactly! Love this, Carrie!
Grahamburglar Avatar
The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/3/2016 4:30:00 PM
I agree, I love it when that flood of inspiration hits. I find that carrying my journal helps me get more ideas because when I start thinking about something interesting, I can jot down a few ideas, which I come back to later. Anyway, yeah, I think it's most satisfying when the poems just sort of start flowing, almost on their own.
Date: 5/3/2016 9:10:00 AM
Great blog topic! A long time ago I struggled to write poems. I did not know what to write about after I exhausted family and my favorite experiences. Then someone told me, something that changed my life forever. They said, "Do challenges. Just sit down and make yourself write." This was back in 2003. I sat down and did a challenge. I thought a while about the topic until the correct "Form" to write in came to me. I only need one phrase in my mind to set me off in a good direction. Sometimes the body or ending of the poem comes slowly. Other times I know very soon how it is going to end and I work toward that goal! It is magical and I pray it never stops.
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Grahamburglar Avatar
The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/4/2016 4:53:00 PM
Yeah, I don't care much about the contests being actual contests, I just appreciate them because they provide a list of ready-made writing prompts. Getting recognized at all is just gravy. =p
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 5/3/2016 3:18:00 PM
EXactly! the contests are perfect for motivating us. I know some people think it's all about writing for ourselves, etc. well, i am a competitive person and my personality type enjoys contests and challenges. (aerobics "just do it" kind of gal vs. Yoga and meditation types). I think the mind follows the body and how we work it!! We are all so different! If we feel confident and just tell ourselves, "I WILL write something for this challenge", nine out of ten time it HAPPENS. But once in a while I honestly am stumped and I finally will ditch that topic if nothing comes to me. Some people believe in numerology or where the moon or some other planet is "in their chart" I wonder if we are somehow influenced by our astrology?!! (On certain days I am so empowered to do several poems instead of just one)
Grahamburglar Avatar
The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/3/2016 12:28:00 PM
I should add, that in my dry spells, I've found this site to be a way to grease up the rusty gears. The contests with their built in writing prompts are a perfect way get things going again.
Grahamburglar Avatar
The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/3/2016 9:38:00 AM
Do you find that the more you write, the easier it is to come up with things to write? Sometimes, when I haven't written for a month, let's say, I find it much harder to get those wheels turning again. But when the mood strikes, sometimes I almost can't stop, and I'll write several poems in a couple of hours.
Date: 5/3/2016 5:48:00 AM
I write about the many various subjects that strike me, about my past life, future hopes/dreams etc. Always with the intent to reveal/inform, we are all human and make mistakes. Imparting wisdom and lessons learned to others as well as therapy for my addiction to this writing curse/blessing.. Yes, an overall purpose is to give to others and maybe let some know no matter how bad life gets there is always future hope to cling to, as is evidenced in my long life and current blessed living with loving wife, family and friends. As a poet , I believe writing should have a purpose (message), even if its only to entertain or say to the world- Hey, I exist..
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Grahamburglar Avatar
The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/3/2016 9:45:00 AM
I agree with you Robert, that there is a sort of unwritten law, perhaps implied in the very act of writing itself. When something is written, it should communicate, otherwise, the writer is stealing time and energy from the reader, and giving nothing back in return. I've actually toyed with the idea of trying to write something beautiful, that literally conveys nothing. I haven't figured out quite how I want to do that yet...
Date: 5/3/2016 5:01:00 AM
i just write without any thought to the outcome ( hence i get chewed over grammar and puntuation) i write as quick as the reader reads and quite often put it into a contest or just on here without actually reading it... i find that to be quite scary and exhilerating, to read my write for the first time,..then again i am plain weird, a song , a sentence, a throw away word all steer me to write in THAT! moment, i have no set subject, except the darker side of human nature which intrigues me , my personal philosophy is if you have to spend more than 3 minutes on a write, it becomes a task, one that may reap rewards, but not a captured moment... great blog
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Grahamburglar Avatar
The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/3/2016 9:50:00 AM
I do this too from time to time, but perhaps not quite as extreme. Unfortunately, I am too pedantic to just throw grammar and punctuation to the wind, unless it's an intentional act. But, I almost never spend less than three minutes...I think that is a real talent if you can translate your thoughts that quickly and still produce something coherent! The notion of capturing the moment is definitely an interesting intention.
Date: 5/3/2016 2:26:00 AM
No I start with good intentions usually a competition but if some thought pops in my head I go off on a tangent stepphen
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Grahamburglar Avatar
The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/3/2016 9:51:00 AM
Yes...this is exactly like most of my writing. I feel a little aimless sometimes, hence my line of questioning. I wonder if I were to have a more defined intention, or purpose, whether my writing might become more meaningful, either for me or others. Not sure though.
Date: 5/2/2016 10:13:00 PM
Really no formal process or method, it just happens when I see something that inspires me. I never know when it is going to happen, but when I see something, the right something, I know it's time. Before joining this site, those somethings could be years apart.
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Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 5/3/2016 4:35:00 PM
I am working towards becoming a professional writer (I was asked by a major Canadian publisher to rework a picture book manuscript and turn it into a first chapter book. I've done so and mailed it priority post on Monday. Hopeful, but not overly-confident. STRESSED would be the
Grahamburglar Avatar
The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/3/2016 9:55:00 AM
I agree! This site has been a bottomless well of inspiration. The community here is also very supportive and quick to offer their insights or give positive feedback. I really enjoy hearing how people interpret some of my writing...and very frequently, I will read a line, or an idea from someone else's work that ignites that little spark, and off I go. It's great.
Carmack Avatar
Rob Carmack
Date: 5/3/2016 7:54:00 AM
Stephen, one of the things I like about this site, so much to observe and learn and you never know when inspiration is going to hit you.
Pennell  Avatar
Stephen Pennell
Date: 5/3/2016 2:31:00 AM
rob spot Im the same my poems usually had a theme something happened in my world or the world ! never wrote so many since joining the soup lol
Date: 5/2/2016 8:48:00 PM
Interesting blog! How I write and why I write is never stagnant. Sometimes, a poem has been 'lodged' in me for years, even decades, and I finally have been able to release them. Other times, I become aware of something and the words tumble out (I recently wrote a poem about the Geneva Free port and how priceless works of art are put into crates. Monets, Picassos, Matisses ... CRATED. I had to write about it) I revise my work almost neurotically and I submit my work to journals. Some poems are written for my daughter... little love notes to the future her. Like all writers I've met, I write because I must. It is as much for self-preservation, as for self-expression. Cheers. Cyndi
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Grahamburglar Avatar
The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/4/2016 5:19:00 PM
Hey, good luck with your book! I hope it makes you rich and famous. And thanks for sharing your seems that we're all busy people just squeezing our writing into our schedules when we can, haha.
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 5/3/2016 5:16:00 PM
Lastly, as far as the poetry ideas that stew for years, most of these deal with specific memories/key events in my life that somehow marked/marred me forever. It's like they are there, but refuse to come out... they are scared to come out...
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 5/3/2016 4:44:00 PM
Three of my poems have been accepted by Room, a literary journal established in the 1970's in Canada. The poems they accepted ROARED out of me. They were revised, but their core philosophy immediately formed on the page.
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 5/3/2016 4:41:00 PM
So my file simply said, "colour blindness poem to be" I added images and words.. like a brainstorm... just slapped them on the page... later... it became a poem.This works for me (as the mom of a young girl, I do not get to write when I want to write)
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 5/3/2016 4:40:00 PM
I sometimes write one word into word and just title it about the idea... like... hmm.. okay, recently I had an idea about colour blindness. When I realized what it truly meant, it haunted me. I knew what I wanted to say, but I needed more time.
Macmillan Avatar
Cyndi Macmillan
Date: 5/3/2016 4:36:00 PM
I am working towards becoming a professional writer (I was asked by a major Canadian publisher to rework a picture book manuscript and turn it into a first chapter book. I've done so and mailed it priority post on Monday. Hopeful, but not overly-confident. STRESSED would be the
Grahamburglar Avatar
The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/3/2016 10:00:00 AM
I recall in school being told to outline, then write, then revise, revise, revise. Take a break. Then come back and revise some more. I was far too much of a procrastinator for that method to be useful. Are you a writer by profession? How do you keep track of your ideas? Particularly, the ones that you stew on for years or decades?

My Past Blog Posts

Your Purpose
Date Posted: 5/2/2016 8:23:00 PM

My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
4/3/2020 Do What You Must Free verseadventure,earth,freedom,n
3/16/2020 I'Ll See Myself Out Free verseaddiction,depression,disc
8/5/2019 Dam It All - Sos Free verseabuse,america,betrayal,ch
6/3/2018 Yesterday's Gristmill Free verseenvironment,memory,music,
5/7/2017 I'M Here Lanternebaby,care,children,family
4/14/2017 Requiem of a Phoenix Free verseanimal,birth,death,fire,m
4/7/2017 Butterfly Dreams Rhymeanimal,bird,butterfly,fan
11/11/2016 The Shoes of Another Free verseanxiety,betrayal,freedom,
10/27/2016 Rise Up Rhymecelebrity,character,class
10/25/2016 Orphaned Free versecorruption,crazy,fear,psy
10/14/2016 Schutzstaffel Quatrainheaven,holocaust,horror,h
10/13/2016 Lost Battles Rhymeconflict,corruption,loss,
10/11/2016 Immortality Kimoanalogy,character,growth,
9/18/2016 The Lament Free verseamerica,animal,memory,men
9/18/2016 Lest I Should Falter Rhymeaddiction,anxiety,death,d
9/4/2016 In Emerald Shadows Coupletabuse,analogy,betrayal,da
8/21/2016 Galactic By the Gallon Coupletfunny,humor,nonsense,spac
8/21/2016 Lacking Coupletamerica,conflict,judgemen
8/19/2016 Evening Prayer Coupletfunny,humor,humorous,inse
8/18/2016 The Truth Stood Downcast Quaterngoodbye,heartbreak,lost l
8/14/2016 War Machine Free verseage,forgiveness,remember,
5/14/2016 Summer Carousel Monorhymebeautiful,bird,magic,summ
5/13/2016 Nature Prayer Monorhymebeautiful,beauty,blessing
5/5/2016 Listen To the Warm Prosecute love,dedication,feel
5/5/2016 Growing Pains Haikuchildhood,children,family
4/30/2016 More Than the Eye Can See Free versetruth,universe,
4/30/2016 Where Pomegranates Grow Lyricconfidence,courage,creati
4/6/2016 Someone To Love Free versebest friend,childhood,dev
3/17/2016 Rough Stream of Thought Free verselife,psychological,truth,
2/21/2016 Pink Sky At Night Coupletchildhood,children,funny,
2/20/2016 Delicious Self Empowerment Free verseintrospection,
1/22/2016 Breathless -- Collaboration With Mystic Rose Quatrainaddiction,beautiful,beaut
1/20/2016 Spiked Punch Monokuanimal,dance,innocence,sc
12/20/2015 Christmas Magic Acrosticchristmas,giving,holiday,
12/18/2015 Happiness-Acrostic Acrosticbeautiful,child,children,
12/13/2015 Where Echoes Hide Free verseintrospection,
12/13/2015 Avalanche Coupletaddiction,allegory,beauti
11/18/2015 What More Am I Free versechild,christian,dark,hear
10/18/2015 Rusted Horn Free verseintrospection,music,night
10/11/2015 Climbing Trees Quatrainchange,flying,freedom,lon
9/30/2015 Thinker Free versewrite,writing,
9/2/2015 Expedition Free verseadventure,happiness,innoc
8/31/2015 Shrug It Off Free verseanxiety,
8/30/2015 Sense of Touch Free versebird,blessing,death of a
8/29/2015 Beautiful Wind Coupletwind,
8/22/2015 Quietly In the Night Free verseanxiety,dark,death,fear,n
8/22/2015 You'Re Old I do not know?appreciation,power,space,
8/22/2015 Quaking Aspen Personificationautumn,earth,nature,sun,t
8/20/2015 Tin Man Free verseabuse,anger,betrayal,brea
8/16/2015 Puttin' On the Ritz Free versebeauty,celebrity,class,cl
8/16/2015 Love Thy Brothers Coupletanti bullying,blessing,ch
8/13/2015 Memory Lane Coupletanxiety,child,crazy,gende
8/13/2015 Laissez-Faire Lovers Coupletcare,change,emotions,feel
8/13/2015 Nowhere To Hide Free verseage,destiny,future,lonely
8/1/2015 Summer Nights In the South Quatrainamerica,august,beautiful,
7/31/2015 Forgotten Hero Biogrowing up,hero,identity,
7/30/2015 Scorn Quatrainbetrayal,death,evil,money
7/30/2015 Rugged Path Free verseallegory,change,christian
7/26/2015 False Reality Lyricaddiction,anxiety,confusi
7/26/2015 The Crosses In Your Eyes Free versebetrayal,depression,devot
7/25/2015 Grave Robbers I do not know?art,betrayal,boat,grave,n
7/19/2015 Enter Your Plea Free versebullying,computer,judgeme
7/19/2015 Tied Up Free verseculture,freedom,life,work
7/18/2015 The Window Free versememory,
7/16/2015 Fallen Star Quatrainearth,hate,heaven,life,li
7/12/2015 I See You Coupletconfusion,corruption,emot
7/9/2015 Morning Dew Free versegood morning,water,
7/3/2015 Too Many Yesterdays Free verselonely,time,
6/21/2015 The Crone Quatraincourage,dedication,fantas
6/20/2015 The New Hire Coupletgirlfriend,humor,love,mon
6/17/2015 All the Stuff Shapeaddiction,earth,nature,si
6/14/2015 Piliferous Beast Free verseadventure,best friend,cra
6/14/2015 Dancing Bears Personificationdance,humor,humorous,sill
6/14/2015 Sweats and Sweets Trioletangst,break up,chocolate,
6/13/2015 Ageless Eyes Free versebeauty,best friend,muse,n
6/13/2015 Once a Poplar Quatrainabuse,corruption,death,ra
6/12/2015 God's Realm Free versegod,
6/12/2015 Advice For New Writers Free versewisdom,words,write,
6/8/2015 Eleanor Free versebird,cat,life,time,today,
6/5/2015 Jester Dreams I do not know?dream,
6/5/2015 My Cloud By Preston Free verseangst,silver,sky,perspect
5/31/2015 A Child's Prayer Free versebereavement,child,heartbr
5/31/2015 Ah, Bite Me Rhymeabuse,anger,break up,bull
5/31/2015 Allure I do not know?beautiful,beauty,flower,l
5/28/2015 Adopted Pluto Free versechildhood,fun,imagination
5/27/2015 Election 2016 Coupletbird,change,earth,funny,h
5/27/2015 Surf Trioletblue,love,love hurts,ocea
5/24/2015 The Bard Couplethero,language,poems,poete
5/22/2015 Sand Free verseintrospection,psychologic
5/22/2015 Lost Touch I do not know?introspection,
5/22/2015 Squiggles Free versewords,
5/22/2015 Gold For Silver Free verseblue,confusion,dance,dark
5/16/2015 The Reverends Yacht Monorhymecorruption,dedication,dev
5/10/2015 The Red Crayon Rhymechild,childhood,children,
5/10/2015 Daylight Burning Quatrainchildren,fun,funny,games,
5/9/2015 Battle the Bees Rhymeautumn,change,dedication,
5/9/2015 Bitter Free verseallegory,appreciation,cul
5/8/2015 Lady Fingers Proseadventure,brother,childho
5/7/2015 When Clouds Hung Low Rhymeallegory,bird,storm,symbo
5/7/2015 Auctioneer Free versecorruption,culture,hurt,m

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Fav Poems

Can Poetry Matter Versebird,humor,insect,love,me
Fortitude Ye Old Hero Rhymedevotion,faith,strength,
Essence of Being Free versehope,identity,life,light,
Beauty and the Beast Epicadventure,animal,beautifu
A Long Loud Sigh Free verseintrospection,drug,
Gift To Myself Free versebreak up,emotions,identit
September Terzanellenature,sad,sun,time,
Shattered Lives Rhymebest friend,betrayal,hear
Somewhere In Between Rhymelife,memory,
Shotgun Lullaby Free verseabsence,anger,angst,death
Rose Oracle Romanticismlonging,lost love,love,lo
Ancient Pose Free versebeauty,death,devotion,lov
My Cloud Free versebird,garden,peace,
In the Reflection of the Shadows Free versedeep,nature,
Snow -A Sleep Rhymemetaphor,
A Friendly Goodbye Free versebeauty,
Campfire Free verseanalogy,animal,earth,fire
Avoiding Beautiful September Versebeautiful,care,god,life,m
Conquering the Blind Scales of Patriarchy Iambic Pentameterabuse,change,conflict,ins
Pirate of My Heart Narrativefantasy,
Acid Rain - For Contest Free verseloss,
Tonight I Could Paint a Moonlight Free verseemotions,journey,life,
Rain Rhymemetaphor,rain,spring,
Peacocks and Predators Imagismanimal,identity,
While Feeding the Ducks Free verselost love,nostalgia,
Soul of Iron Quatraindeath,grief,longing,sad,
My Words Washed You Away Coupletgoodbye,lost love,ocean,s
Fading Glory Sonnetage,dream,introspection,n
One Brief Moment Rhymeimagery,nostalgia,

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things