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Read Poems by Serge Tolmachev

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Below are poems written by poet Serge Tolmachev. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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Biography of Marina - a birthday poem for my mum

Marina, Motherina, Baba, Mum! Reflect upon what your life has become: Born in Harbin to refugee Russians, Tossed out by Mao, with mild repercussions. Aussie girl, country girl, raised by grandmas, And grandpa and parents (both pains in her arse). Small school, to high school with penguin-ed nuns, Bespeckled and bikeless - childhood is done! Went off to college at Melbourne Uni, Made friends, stole a goat and earned a degree. Entered the workforce for airliner doomed, Later a teaching position assumed. Married a beardy fresh in from Hungry (also a Russian circuitously)... Moved to the suburbs - East of the border, Had a few children (not in that order). Two in-laws out back, who helped with offspring, Replaced by her mum, who started writing. Son and two daughters, she raised to adult, Some better than others - not all her fault. Each offspring took flight, with their other half. All but the youngest, who forged her own path. Some grandkids were born, they grew up a bit, Throw in some church stuff and that's about it.

Copyright © Serge Tolmachev | Year Posted 2024


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Book: Reflection on the Important Things