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Best Poems Written by Rhoda Tripp

Below are the all-time best Rhoda Tripp poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Man and Woman

She is                                          He's                             
                          a woman                                      a fine man
                       with a pretty                                  within his big
                        face and an                                 head, he has a
                         attitude of                                     simple plan. 
                            purity                                          To woo her
                             and                                                 and to
                            grace.                                               soothe
               She has strong shoulders,                         her as much as
            where you can rest your head                     he can.  He gives
           between two succulent boulders.               from his heart as he
          She has wit and charm. With such                has from the very
          grace       she is surely        armed.             start. It's all in his
          Your        heart she will         take.              nature to reach out 
            But     she'll be your best      mis-            his hand and take her.  
             take. Her hips sway as you feel                But somehow as you 
                  your heart carried away.                  have seen, there's much
                  In no time at all you will      standing in between. He knows
                   feel her heat from your      he must alter his approach, gets
                      head to your feet.                          her a golden broach. 
                      When you're amid                           His legs start to
                      fleshy        thighs,                            quiver as her
                       you'll          emit                                 thighs                        
                       sexy          sighs                                make him
                       but             you                                  shiver. 
                       will             see                                  Yes she
                       what           they                                 yearns
                       all do          see,                                  him so,
                       a girl           that                                  but he
                       is so            very                                  might
                      womanly.       A woman in                      never        
                       three letter     high stilletto.                   know.                   
                        t                   t                                 because
                        o                  o                          she has to go.
   abcdefghijklm e nopqrstuv   e wxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijkl

Contest:  Something Concrete
Hosted by:  Maureen McGreavy
Written 12/21/17

Copyright © Rhoda Tripp | Year Posted 2017

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Love Letter

In the back of my closet,
high upon the shelf,
there sits an old love letter
that I keep to myself.

Its pages are crumpled,
the edges a tad bit torn.
I can recite his words by memory,
although the writings worn.

He tells of his undying love,
and how we were meant to be.
Our vows whispered at the church,
they were our fantasy.

Like all things, neither tried nor true,
we had to be apart.
A victim of the ages,
he broke my sixth grade heart.

Copyright © Rhoda Tripp | Year Posted 2017

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For My Children

You’re all in charge of authoring a story
Of love and humor, suspense and glory
You’re writing starts with your very first thought
And doesn’t end til your life is naught.

Know, My Dears, these books; your own
There are no cowriters; authors unknown
Flip those pages and make your quills dance
Miss no opportunities, take a chance

If somewhere in those thick tomes of yours
You have questions “whys and what fors?”
Do not ponder and then overthink
For there’s no such thing as permanent ink

There will be some tearstained pages
Most likely in your middle ages
There will be words you’d like to forget
Or phrases in which you may regret

But when it reaches the golden stage
The best of the story in a later page
Grab a pencil and throw some sparks	
And don’t be afraid of eraser marks

Then once it’s written and you do find
There was a time of hurt when life’s unkind
Go ahead and toss out awful chapters
Because Momma loves Happily Ever Afters

Copyright © Rhoda Tripp | Year Posted 2018

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Death To Life

Sunset until daybreak Mournful tears disperse Grieving widow’s heartache Rhyming woeful verse Pencil topper lifted Graphite scribbled prose Candle holder shifted Table's withered rose Somewhere marvel science Infant newly born Crying pierces silence Breaching early mourn Joyful teardrops glisten Mother’s newfound joy Widow cannot listen Whispers, “It’s a boy.”

Copyright © Rhoda Tripp | Year Posted 2018

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Longing For You

Sunlight kissed the horizon; our young age, leaving dots and dashes upon our crisp page. Wild flower and Wonders, we both did grow; watching seasons change from spring to snow. Sunlight above and the noon overhead; teenage verbiage and words left unsaid. Wild flower and Wonders were left behind. Sometimes snowflakes choose simple design. Sunlight at five and silhouettes emerge; and words and meanings work to converge. Wild flower and Wonders, we slip into sleuth. Autumn overshadows the losses of youth. Sunlight gives way to the Wonders of moon. Wild flower whispers leave me longing for you.

Copyright © Rhoda Tripp | Year Posted 2018

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Rhyme Time Iii - Death

Are there robins hopping my frozen ground?
Sound of widowers voices all around.
Chilled to the bone, I make nary a sound.
My suit and tie are not keeping me warm.

Icy northern winds blowing in a storm,
I'm not feeling myself, out of the norm.
I feel my eyelids, the icicles form.
In the distance I hear taps being played.

Silent sobs emitted, my nerves are frayed.
Even in knee deep snow they knelt and prayed.
But there's nobody home, I am afraid.
I am not here, only my thoughts remain.

Taps is finished, such a solemn refrain.
Maybe it's me, am I going insane?
One mirror glance and I'd suffer disdain.
Someone has stolen my salt-pepper locks.

Moths have digested my Christmas wool socks.
Someday I will think outside of this box.
Wake me up if opportunity knocks.
Are there robins hopping my frozen ground?

Written 12/23/2017
Contest:  Rhyme Time III
Host:  Laura Loo

Copyright © Rhoda Tripp | Year Posted 2017

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From My Lips To Santa's Ears

Santa, I have an important request.
Please don't embarrass me with ho ho hos.
If you'd looked at my face you might have guessed.
I'm serious about fixing my nose.

I can sense you are stifling your laughter.
Your bowl full of jello, nicely restrained.
Proboscis happily ever after,
Would not appear that it's been candy caned.

Hire a team of rhinoplasty surgeons.
I create damaging winds with this thing.
Like the limb of an oak tree it burgeons.
Just yesterday a blue jay perched to sing.

Hurry, Dear Santa, its growth won't abate.
Go talk to Rudolph, as he can relate.


There may be some problems I must address.
Lies emitted from hole under my snout.
Pains me Santa, I readily confess.
Please be patient as I utter these out.

I lied to Sonya about her red dress.
Made her butt dwarf a Volkswagen fender.
I lied to the postman, my home address.
Marked the water bill "Return To Sender".

I fibbed a little to co-worker, Sue.
Her peanut butter cookies smelled like feet.
But tell me, what the heck was I to do?
I wrapped and hid it in a slice of meat.

Santa, I am a serial liar.
Instead of my pants, set my nose on fire.


I'll do better if button nose gifted.
I promise to be more a straight shooter.
A smaller nose, my spirits be lifted.
Seriously, would you want this hooter?

The fibs I told did no permanent harm,
But if you would like I can change all that.
Who "nose"?  I may lose my personal charm.
If I tell my friend Sonya she is fat.

If you leave money in an envelope,
I'll pay the water bill before it's due.
I can rub Sue's cookies with fragrant soap.
For a nose job, I will eat one or two.

Santa, I know you smell something is rot.
But I am here to assure you, it's snot.

Written 12/12/2017
"From My Lips to Santa's Ears"
Hosted by Phillip Garcia

Copyright © Rhoda Tripp | Year Posted 2017

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The Attic

They're treasures to me, so I don't mind.
My Aunt Ellie in tow, right behind.
I climb the ladder, lift wooden door.
There are piles of stuff strewn the floor.

She recites the story about Aunt Jean.
How she cursed her antique sewing machine.
Under material, maybe old drapes?
My cousin's old stereo, played 8 track tapes.

There's a carpet remnant, rolls of paper.
Aunt Ellie says the 70s, I think much later.
A box of dishes, perhaps wedding gift?
Not used Thanksgiving, too heavy to lift.

A pile of records, Walt Whitman Victrola
A photo of a young man on Venice gondola.
It was where my uncle asked Ellie to marry.
Damn, I sure miss my late Uncle Harry.

I relish the memories in this dusty loft.
Didn't realize Uncle Harry liked to golf.
Aunt Ellie glances around, teardrops flow.
All she wanted were her Christmas bows.

Written for Eve Roper
Photostory Contest
Took a 2nd place win.

Copyright © Rhoda Tripp | Year Posted 2017

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Are we sacred souls
who shed our flimsy flesh
like slimy serpents
shed their skin?
Be observant,
but show no chagrin,
for in learning life’s lessons
we lessen our scars in the next.
It’s the game master’s pretext,
yet a disaster for those
who guard their granite heart
as if, by giving love away,
they might have less.
Perhaps it is best,
to toss love about in tenfold,
for souls only glimmer,
when they reflect light.
But it is dark inside now.
So…alas … 

Copyright © Rhoda Tripp | Year Posted 2019

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Tips For Your Pencil Tips

Dear New Poet Friend,

Modern poetry challenges traditional, tired monologues.
My advice; make your writing energetic, eccentric, and eclectic!
Explore exciting words that reinvent the world in new colors.

Your reader wants an unforgettable experience in their otherwise ordinary existence.  “Shake the norm and create a storm.”  Take a walk and look at a tree.  Become the tree.  Experience it in a new light, and then write.  Describe the tree in breathtaking poem, and compare it to that of a rose!  Who cares?  Anything goes!  Do not see the tree, see the living creature that has weathered many storms.

If you can change your reader’s mind, do it.  If you are persuasive, use that talent.  Imagine changing just one person with your unique perspective.  Write from experience.  If you are familiar with your topic, it will be reflected in your writing.

Share your emotions, whether they be those of love, happiness, fear or doom.
Invest your whole being into your words, not just your surface thoughts.
Most of all, take words and twist them, then present them as new.

To my life, poetry has brought a sense of calm and clarity of purpose.  It has changed the way I view my surroundings.  I have become more aware of beauty and also the ugly truth.  I wish for you, new poet friend, the same or perhaps, better.

My favorite themes are:
1)	Fantasy or fairytale romances
2)	Summertime, sunshine, and beaches
3)	Living life on a farm

My favorite reference sources are:

Favorite poems that I have written include:
“The River Rock” (Pantoum)
“Hi Jack” (Rhyme)
“Burlap and Satin” (Lyrical)
“Plucked for You” (Triolet)
“Beautiful Transaction” (Free Verse)
“Man and Woman” (Concrete)
“Seashells” (Constanza)

My accomplishments include writing gossip articles for an online simulation game, and being former Editor in Chief for Artlixir Poetry (formerly Writer’s Universe).  One of my poems “The River Rock” will be featured in “Upon Arrival,” to be published by Eber and Wein.  I am currently authoring my first suspense novel “10:57,” and my lyrics to “Burlap and Satin” is in musical production phase.

My suggestion for a title would be:
“Tips for Your Pencil Tips” 
(Advice on Writing Modern Poetry) 

Written: 5/19/18
Contest:  Tips for Modern Poetry to Budding Poets of All Ages
Host:  Line Gauthier

Copyright © Rhoda Tripp | Year Posted 2018


Book: Reflection on the Important Things