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Best Poems Written by Heidi Sands

Below are the all-time best Heidi Sands poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The River and I

I move with the river, it moves with me
We move in synchronicity
My thoughts flow with currents
Push my feelings around the bends
It heals my wounds, the hurts it mends
It washes away worries and doubts
In motion it turns it all inside out
As peace consumes me all about
No hurdles, no rocks are in the way
I move by and beyond them everyday
Taking in everything passing by
        --- The river and I ---

Heidi Sands


Copyright © Heidi Sands | Year Posted 2017

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Small, simple flowers bright as can be
Weaving in and out of the breeze
Turning a moment into full simplicity
As I walk under the cover of green trees

I realize, you only have to stop to look
Some things in life are clear, simple, right
Just as the small flowers or the clear brook
Quiet simplicity, will bring answers to light

Heidi Sands


Copyright © Heidi Sands | Year Posted 2017

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I once encountered a mountain, I didn’t want to climb
So, I stood and viewed its beauty, left everything else behind
I once encountered pouring rain and didn’t want to get wet
I chose to watch and listen to soothing sound without regret
I once felt pain in my heart so deep, I couldn’t move so I had to re-start
All the things I had abandoned, so that I would not fall apart
I once stood in a graveyard, afraid to face the next day
Left gifts by a gravestone, while I stood and chose to pray
Many times through the years, beaten by loss and sorrow
Released by tears that I shed, with dreams I chose to follow
I once wondered while standing in a meadow, why I am still here?
So, I assumed it is to give more, open up and overcome my fear
Through the valleys and peaks of life, I know I did my best
To keep on going at all costs and challenge every single test
Moving through transition with things that came my way
Led me here so I am able, to write about it all today

Heidi Sands


Copyright © Heidi Sands | Year Posted 2018

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Path To Peace

I have fought through incredible things
Trauma and all kinds of life experiences 
One may think peace comes to one easy
But it doesn’t, as the years I have witnessed
Faith kept me going and my fight for survival
Staying authentic no matter what the issue is
Also what I believe in and standing by truth
All this can sound easy, but it is not always so
It is faith and the will to make it all happen
I have seen treacherous things done to others
That hit me deeply, wishing there is not cruelty
But there is a lot of it in the world out there
Unless we all try to do better still, as we can
       --- I have fought and I have failed---
   --- I have fought and I have succeeded ---
Up and down this road traveled in life will be
The consistency remains with who I am inside
To do the best I can through the journey I have
As we are true to ourselves, we are true to others
     --- I learn the reward is to be earned ---
      --- From genuine LOVE comes peace ---

*Inspired by a comment made by a true talented poet Victor Buhagiar

Heidi Sands

Copyright © Heidi Sands | Year Posted 2017

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To Find Within

*Inspired by photo*

From up above I see
Not what the clouds hide
But delicate blades of grass
Like my fragile emotions
Hanging over the cliff
Waiting to be acknowledged
With a soft touch
Soft as the baby blue skies
Seen in the distance
Transformed into strength
Of emerging mountain peaks
Through the fog of thoughts
That led me to this place
To find the answers
High enough to see for miles
That I climbed to find within

Heidi Sands


Placed 1st in the standard contest 65. Sponsor Brian Strand.
Placed 1st on the best new poems list.

Copyright © Heidi Sands | Year Posted 2018

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And So It Is

And so it is…
When the trees don’t speak, barely a whisper in the wind,
Wet petals stuck motionless to the ground as if pinned
When there is no language to read in the sky,
Even with all the clouds passing by

And so it is…
When a bird must show you what is wrong
Bellowing out its loud bird song
Yet, to be grateful for…
After all, we cannot ask for more

When something isn’t heard, something else will replace it
When something isn’t seen, there’s all the more pieces to see fit

And so it is….
I hear, I hear, I see and feel for you
Everlasting feelings from my soul, reel with every view
And what I miss along the way
Does not matter in my heart today
tomorrow, or yesterday….

And so it is…

Heidi Sands


Placed among multiple 1st placements in  All Yours (Jun17) Poetry Contest.

Copyright © Heidi Sands | Year Posted 2021

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I the Ocean

I the ocean
watch sailing ships
in the salty air 
pass over me

I hold mystery from
the cusp of the moon
an endless view
for all to see

Where laughing gulls
sit on driftwood,
my crashing waves deliver
to shore

Where Great Blue Heron
stalk the beach 
Where the tide pools
gather in the rocks

Sandpipers dodge 
the under toe
as wind collides my waves
with land

Leaving sea shells broken
in scattered pieces
of color in the sand

Lonely in winter time
on barren sand dunes,
my starfish lie
as if fallen from the sky

I am vast enough 
for the moon to see
as it moves me 
through the seasons

Heidi Sands

Written - 1990's

Copyright © Heidi Sands | Year Posted 2017

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My Writing Spot

I set up my writing spot in front of the window
Then, I found myself in this ongoing trance
Nature was on stage, it chose to put on a show
As the cold wind blew, I watched all the trees dance

The warmth from the woodstove, merged with sunlight
Writing slowed down to a sleepy, calm, inside
A Nuthatch caught my attention upside-down after flight
It seemed my muse had found a refuge to hide

So many distractions, I questioned my writing spot
As the world outside, kept with skipping on by
Yet, the things to write about, surely were a lot
So, I went back to the paper and let my pen fly

Here it all is, observations from inside-out
From warmth to the cold, to the living all around
From stillness to movement, silence to a shout
Writing can be magical from anything that’s found


Entry For the  “W” New Poems Poetry Contest.   Sponsor: Constance La France
Theme:  Writing

Copyright © Heidi Sands | Year Posted 2021

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Musical Notes

When things get rough
Music takes me away
Whether, notes fall with tears
Or melodies relax me,
I am released from all 
That overwhelms me
The music carries me, 
When burdens are too heavy
The songs peel away layers of pain
I travel to the place, music takes me
As I listen, the pain lessens
My heart a little lighter
My mind a little clearer
My soul filled with air
In this life I breathe
I can move on with strength
To do what I must do
I look back on my footprints
Impressions of musical notes
Are left shining on my path in life
For every step, music led my way
For every breathe I took,
With each tune I heard
For every tear I cried that healed me
I am alive, with every song to be heard

Heidi Sands   


Copyright © Heidi Sands | Year Posted 2018

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Wrapped In Colors

*Inspired by photo

As the sun sinks behind the hills
Color tints snow, where all is still
A bright sky ends a winter day
Into the night, leading the way
Highlights of beauty to recall
In solitude, a tree stands tall
Calmness reaches a restless soul
Regaining what loneliness stole
More to see than being alone
Wrapped in colors, nature has shown

Heidi Sands


Copyright © Heidi Sands | Year Posted 2018


Book: Reflection on the Important Things