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Best Poems Written by Karen Johnson

Below are the all-time best Karen Johnson poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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If I Could Change the World

Get ready for the ride of a lifetime.
Don’t get it twisted, sit back, relax, stay calm, unwind, 
trust and believe, all’s going to work out, all’s going to be fine. 
Welcome to the “Time To Change The World” traveler’s guide, 
where your safety, finance and peace of mind I hold with pride,
You’re guaranteed comfort right here on this slide; 
determination by your demographics, religion or color of skin? 
Not on this ride, all welcomed come on in. 
Are you ready? Excited? Well let’s begin. 
A wondrous world from the beginning to the very end. 
Now this is more than just a proposition, 
no longer a need for ammunition, 
gun manufacturing an abomination, 
a high priority is to save our nation. 
Once gun factories are shut down, 
farming communities would make the round, 
for where these buildings once stood, 
feeding the people would be the good.
Higher education about educating, teaching, serious learning, not the cost;
Walk the stage, new beginning, no burden of loans, not a loss.
Not to repeat the past learn from it, for it is our history;
That deep rooted Women’s inferiority complex will not be
The Black Man slave mentality no longer his-story;
The White Man superiority complex barely a memory.
The word free goes back to it’s original meaning
Not like in today’s commercials, “try it for free” shipping and handling intervening.
The new mentality is “Love Of One Nation, One World”
this goes out for every man, woman, boy and girl
Each and every family is guaranteed a home
Be it a family of ten or a family of just one alone. 
Cost of living is an affordable scale as it should be
Housing, food, clothes, jobs of which there are plenty;
set up and maintained for the many, being denied life’s essentials there won’t be any.

Copyright © Karen Johnson | Year Posted 2016

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There's a War In Our Streets

We must come together, yet I don’t see it in my lifetime
There’s a war in our streets that’s crossed the line
No where’s safe, school, church, home, blowing the mind
Prayers, peace rallies, marches, protests, would be fine
But the mindset of the enemy is laughing in agreement; lying
People walking around with their heads so far up their ass
As though everything is smooth as glass, this hell on earth soon to pass
That child that was murdered, it should be the last
Oh no another one and another one, life cold bloodedly crashed
Rise up people, could this be our future? In stone it’s not cast
It’s not Black, White, Crip, Blood, nor BGF warfare anymore
Politicians don’t give a damn trust and believe that’s for sure
Long as they got your vote, their money is right, the rest they can ignore
Yeah this is hell on earth, a prelude of what’s coming, to what’s in store
If we don’t come together the peace we once knew will be never more.
Wishing for a feat or word that would reverse what has taken place
The total disrespect of life, the declining mentality of the human race
One magic deed to turn it around, educate, unify to again savor the taste
Freedom from modern day slavery, savagery, jailhouse mentality whatever the case
If we don’t come together, wishing, praying marching and protesting is just another waste

Copyright © Karen Johnson | Year Posted 2016

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Letter To God

Dear God,                                                                                                                                                                       Are you listening, can you hear? This world succumbing to it’s own worst fear. Face down, whispers, shedding tears; standing, shouting, fist raised, screaming, prayers; only meant to be heard by your majestic ears. All that has transpired, just a test. Stand strong, steadfast, keep the faith, put forth your very best. Lessons taught six decades; maybe a smidgen less. Doing my best to pass the test, my breaking point at best, stress. Mind whirling, heart breaking, concept distorted why I exist amidst this Godforsaken mess. Gather 100 souls ask this quest, the ten commandments can you list? Maybe ten can supply your request. Chapter 20 verses 2 through 17 Exodus. I’m gearing maybe a little less. Let"s see if I can zip lock for you to digest: There be but one God yet many fools claim this crest. Then that green God money have them beating their chest. Man made idols publicly swarmed, hornet’s nest; athletes, actors, artist of screen, stage, the mic; I swear it’s not a jest. Blasphemous the way you spill his name expressed, "that God---- thing", "I swear to God knowing you lie, showing no respect. If the Lord created in six days heaven, the earth every direction north, east, south west, then proclaimed the seventh the Sabbath a day of rest why not respect his request? Parents offspring show no respect; like unwelcome guest and yet, continue to look to them when they expect, food, money, a roof, clothes or whatever else they wish to collect. Where is the honor here I've yet to detect? Commandments six, seven, eight should have topped the list to prepare us as we dress, never forget your bullet proof vest. Taking lives like you the boss, not a second thought the cost, families, friends mourning their loss. Marriage becoming a pipe dream locked away in a hope chest; straying, swaying when under duress, love be the answer you seek not lust. Honor your vows not destroy the trust. Not your property why be pressed? It’s thievery grabbing another’s treasure chest. Against your neighbor you should not bear false witness, a multitude with no problem throw them under the bus. When man say no my God says yes, no need to desire what my neighbor possess. You may be unimpressed but the Ten Commandments I just compressed, are you prepared for the request to compose the Ten Commandment list?

Copyright © Karen Johnson | Year Posted 2016

Details | Karen Johnson Poem

Ahem Moment

Ever have that “ahem?” moment. nothing seems to go right;
though friends and family see your life tight, 
they don’t know your struggles, your sleepless night, 
the homicidal and suicidal demons you fight. 
From the outside all looks clear, 
you truly hold family and friends dear; 
your securities and stability engulfed in fear;  
it’s just sometimes to much to bear. 
You look to the heavens for guidance 
but in your mind so far the distance; 
you continue to fight your demons with resistance; 
in the end you pray the struggles will make a difference. 
“I’m only human why must it be so hard” you say, 
a daily question to your God you pray; 
silently screaming as on your face you lay 
those sleepless nights awaiting the dawn of day. 
Inside so emotional but outside chilly most, 
the you everyone sees truly a ghost; 
looking beyond self and this world to the Ivory Coast; 
to maintain the facade of your sanity at most. 
The world has changed not for the better, 
this has all been preordained down to the letter; 
the coldness can’t be bored with but a sweater; 
Questioning “why can’t they see” your tears stream wetter. 
I’ve been an old soul all my life, 
I overstand your struggles, your strife; 
the heart screams the cuts run deeper than any knife, 
there has got to be more than this to live this life.

Copyright © Karen Johnson | Year Posted 2016

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Not Always Blood

Not Always Blood

It was a childhood crush a long time ago; as a teenage girl you know; you just know.
I treated him as a little brother, such a little cutie, still a boy to me though.
Haven't seen him in three decades but he's like family
Whenever I think of him or his name resurfaces, a warm memory
He requested a messenger chat on social media which I happily accepted not long ago
Not an awkward moment, it was like time had stood still the conversation flow
He revealed "I had a crush on you just want you to know" 
"I already knew, I thought it was sweet"
His manner took on a serious tone he said "It's been too long maybe we should meet"
My crush has never gone away, you're in my heart and on my mind
You are still sexy and oh so fine, I’m happy I connected with you face time.”
Words a woman like to hear, it really got my heart to flutter.
But common sense took over and I kept repeating “You are my brother.”
To which he responded “My sister tells me you belong to no other,
Just stop by; we can just chill, we won‘t do anything you don‘t want to.”
Jokingly, “My darling little brother am I going to have to fight you?”
“I am a child no more but a grown man and would never do you harm.
When you were my brother’s fiancée and he hit you I wanted to break his arm.
I hated him for having a good woman who he never treated well
I can’t forget and have never forgiven him for putting you through hell.”
My son stopped by to visit, walking in he hadn’t a clue
He goes to the table and hears from my laptop, “Long time no see Nephew?”
It’s been a couple of weeks, he’s invaded my dreams, I can’t get him off of my mind
On my way to visit a one time childhood crush, now a grown man and mine, all mine.

Copyright © Karen Johnson | Year Posted 2016

Details | Karen Johnson Poem


Silent tears are wept as the world around you slept feeling like hours when only moments have crept, holding it tightly your sanity kept. How can this be, you want to know why as your family member in the morgue lie; far too much life left to die never to fill this void you cry. It's gone way past a sad affair loved ones dying, just not fair not safe in the streets, schools, church, nowhere, when bullets start to fly to late to care.The taking of life is not a game on a bullet there is no name; so many lives shattered what a shame yet it continues on the same. Waking this morning to go to the store never knowing he'll see his family no more. He won a fight a month ago the loser was simmering sore, he chose that morning to settle the score. Worked a double just getting off work, just want to get home, tired, not alert never noticed what around the corner lurk, a stick up kid wilds out and murk. Playing outside she was just a child in the sun. Corner boys had the fiend on the run they didn't realize he had a gun when a body fell; she was the one. On his way home no stress no strife how would he know those kids carried a knife; City police called to inform his wife they wanted his money but settled for his life. As the tears stream down your face the memories and pain can not be erased no matter the time, distance nor space lost love never to be replaced. Yes he hustled and use to sling turned his life around for love, a better thing, intending on buying his lady that ring; a player in the game felt he was still competition shot him on the spot his life ending. The breaking and entering went array nobody should be home, everyone is away, the man of the house was sick that day, when he shot that kid the police said okay. God have mercy on our children today we watch them grow up and around the way being charged as adults they have to pay with weapon in hand and a no love mentality. You can cry all day cry all night get angry ticked off, want to fight; play the blame game from dark till light all said and done it's still not right. You got to wake up before too late too many lives ruined through greed and hate time's running out no time to wait time to stop this madness of this deteriorating fate. Hear my words it doesn't make sense these untimely deaths this trend towards violence. I see your tears you have my heartfelt condolence for those who have past on a moment of silence.

Copyright © Karen Johnson | Year Posted 2016

Book: Shattered Sighs