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Best Poems Written by Roses Roses

Below are the all-time best Roses Roses poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Shadows in the Mirror

Have I really been working on myself or did I just change from my work clothes to something more comfortable
Is this depression or is it just the pigment of my skin
Can I defeat you, detach from you or are you so fingerprinted to my thoughts that I'm simply running away from me
Sometimes I wish I could just escape me, myself wears a mask, and I am tired of getting dressed up just to still feel down
I'm black said my mind, I live in the shadows of sadness watching the sunlight from a distance
If only the heat from the suns smile would kiss me, maybe it would melt away my sadness
I'm black said my words, followed by you're different, they won't accept you, you don't fit in
I'm black says the mirror looking at a reflection of depression
I get so lost in my waning emotions my waxing moon can barely breathe
It's so cold that even the rays of light feel sad
I'm black, I'm depressed, I'm black, I'm oppressed, I'm black I'm obsessed with the idea of my feelings living on equal ground
I'm black, I'm depressed the two interchange while beginning to sound the same so much so I took depressions last name
When I look at me I see one broken piece
I can't find the rest of the lyrics to my song, maybe it's because the writer will never finish it
Maybe it's because I didn't cry enough to water my heart
I'm black, I'm dirt, but my soil is killing the last remaining rose
I am a rose with bloody red regrets for petals, I put my failures on a pedestal
So, every time I tried to look up it got me nowhere
I'm lost and I keep letting the grey line give me directions, because there's a thin line between joy and happiness, and in the middle is pity where you can find me
I'm black so they think I stole these 5 minutes of happiness, and so what if I did everyone deserves 15 minutes of fame and mine is coming soon
But right now, I just want to smile and actually feel the laughter hold me instead of the facade that hugs me like a long embrace
This morning I stopped running and looked depression in the face
My mind is not yours it is the Lord's 
p.s. let the battle begin

Copyright © Roses Roses | Year Posted 2024

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Prayer of Blessings

God is pushing me one way but I continue to fight his hand in reluctance-ly 
I come before him to repent of my sins, your servant accepting responsibility to remain humble- ly

I fall to your every word because I know you have a plan for me, 

However, sometimes I do not follow your direction because I am not perfect even though sometimes I may think I am perfect-ly

Made to do your will, but if I do not honor you I do not deserve your blessing. I deserve to lose because I live life so loose-ly

Spitting on the love you showed me as your blood shed for everyone including me,

I know you have a plan for me but I don’t deserve it, because I keep bowing to my sin crucifying you every day-ly

Leading to destruction without much construction, because I never used the tools you gave me to their potential-ly

I see what could be and I realize I am not perfect so I pray and say please no blessings if I am not honoring thee. 

Christianity is a constant battle, and perfection is something only one man reached, but we can still strive to be the best we can be. 

p.s. Now read this poem adding LY to the last word of certain lines, converting the word to its adverb form and becoming the starting point for the corresponding line.

Copyright © Roses Roses | Year Posted 2016

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Under My Skin

I wonder who I am sometimes, what seems to be a universal phenomenon. As everyone remains looking to be someone other than themselves, because those who are themselves are persecuted and dreams hung on the cross by society.

But as I wonder the colorful atmosphere of those around me tend to judgingly remind me exactly who I am and what I’m capable of accomplishing. 

Because they assume before they even get the chance to know me, my story, why I act, talk, or dress different, why I smell another fragrance, perceive, taste, and feel the world inversely. 

Under my skin they shoot before they ask, a trigger finger itching as the deadly explosion blast piercing the body of another innocent soul. Slavery is illegal now but we still hang.

Hang pictures up of loved ones taken through an unjust act, if you listen closely you can still hear the sound of invisible shackles as I walk and fall to my death…click clack, clic clac, click…a heart beating but dead now the heart no longer beats…

Under my skin if I put my hoodie up I might as well wear a mask, to hide the sinister agenda people assume I carry. Sometimes I just want some shade to block out all the negative rain on a summer day.

And when I succeed they assume I’m cheating, because my plateau has no high point or high ground. I’m a flat line, dead to success, and they put me here.

It’s a little misleading when all your hard work just falls off the deep end, because they look at you as if you have a red hand or you’re the bandit.

And if I bought it I could never own it because under my skin without acting I’ve already sinned.

How can you win when you can’t control the end?

All I can say is never stop praying and keep grinding until the end, because God controls the future. So never let someone else control you through “You cant’s or you’ll Nevers.”   

P.S. I am black lives, THIS IS JUST A POST SCRIPT.

Copyright © Roses Roses | Year Posted 2016

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Rose Gold

She’s my rose with a heart of gold

She’s my favorite winter time color

Craving your fragrance, classic look, with your vintage design to all be mine

Kissable lips soft like the clouds you have me floating on

As soon as my eyes see you I wonder why God would ever let such beautiful wings fly to earth

Breathing life into my heart

An ungodly gorgeous that rejuvenates my being as my soul dies in a wicked world

They say seeing is believing and I can only picture you with me

And like my eyes hold your gaze will you let me be the one to hold you every night

Because you make me see colors no one ever knew

Like roses and gold if one were to combine the two

p.s. we sounds so much better when I’m with you….

Copyright © Roses Roses | Year Posted 2017

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She was the fiery love

She was the lonely love

She was the unforgettable love

She was the protected love

She was the jealous love

There are different ways to love but there is only one true love

Were you running away from love or running away from yourself

Afraid that you’re not ready, afraid to be wrong

Every time I think we're moving forward you pull away like the tide 

Only getting close enough to see a glimpse of love but too scared to stay and see the whole thing

Returning to your deep depths where you don't have to worry about your true feelings

p.s. you can always run but never fully hide…

Copyright © Roses Roses | Year Posted 2017

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Good Morning

This must be what it felt like when God breathed life into man or when Adam first saw Eve

We paint white sheets with vibrant colors, the bed is our canvas and love is the only art

Yawning with happiness leaving my morning breath

Looking to my left, I could watch you sleep all day as you lay with the glow of an angel or mornings first light

As innocence, beauty, and desire radiate from your soft kissed skin matching the sun rays

I fell asleep to the scent of your Aruba wave hair staining my pillows

With my arms holding you like a fall breeze clasping the deep red and orange leaves

Waking up to your head resting on my chest and my arm around your lower back

Your legs intertwined and over mine

Site slowly venting to your heavenly morning glimmers and your rosy morning fine

She moans Buenos Dias

p.s. I want you like just five more minutes…

Copyright © Roses Roses | Year Posted 2017

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A Mothers Prayer, Forever Young

I love you I love you, I could never say it enough.

I love you I love you, may you never grow old because additional years make times tough.

I love you I love you, may you never stop smiling, because as long as you smile, you will provide light even to the darkest days.

I love you I love you, my arms are always open and prayers wrapped around you no matter the day. 

I love you I love you, I wish that forever you could stay this age.

This way I would never have to put these memories in the past or turn times unforgivable page.

And tell you I miss you I miss you, when will I see you again?  

P.S. I love you, can forever young be the end?

Copyright © Roses Roses | Year Posted 2016

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Concrete Heart

Because love is hard on the outside

And on the outside I have put up walls so high no one can get in

But every now and then one person would squeeze through the cracks in the concrete

To the softness I hide inside

Only to leave back through that which they came

And now the gentleness slowly turns hard

Concrete on the inside

As my walls go higher only as the cracks get bigger

Upon this the same process repeats

p.s. like concrete I was once soft but time molded me into something firm

Copyright © Roses Roses | Year Posted 2016

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Nostalgia: Trapped By Regret

When my eyes opened there she was, the girl that changes your world, the girl that defines love at first sight, the girl that you want to capture the moon for, the girl that makes you question what’s real, the girl you want to give the world.

You can see a million stars in her eyes, and when she speaks she freezes my heart,

She makes me so nervous I can hear my heart about to beat straight from my chest,

I briefly look away and close my eyes in hopes of regaining what little composure I have left, 

As I observe the ambience around me I see my feelings circling up and slowly enclosing as she sees right through my persona as if I’m trapped in a glass box of spirits,

All the sudden we are starring into each other’s eyes, such an intense moment I swear I felt a tear drop from the heavens, I guess angels really do cry

She reached out and ran her fingers through my hair at the same time pulling me closer until our foreheads kiss. 

I open my eyes, there is a silent pause that consciously spoke ever so loud, it was the pause before the kiss,

But this kiss I missed, I saw it in the distance as she regressed and I began to watch her exit my glass box of emotions,

The moment has passed, and I am held prisoner to my feelings frozen in time….

Caught up in the moments

P.S. I should have kissed you, THIS IS JUST A POST SCRIPT.

Copyright © Roses Roses | Year Posted 2016

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The Most Beautiful Girl

I asked her how are you so beautiful, like how is it even possible?

     I told her it is hard to find the right words to say, but if I could find them my response would relay,

Her smile alone is enough to make anyone happy for the rest of their life,

     She puts freckles on my heart

Every time I kiss her rose pedal cheeks,

     Her smile is an unconditional love

That is my favorite part of the day

     And she makes love hold on a little longer but the edges are frayed

She is the type of crazy people love,

     She is more meaningful than the embrace from a long departure and I wish I never had to let go

Beautiful like a summer rain, a drop dead gorgeous sunset eclipsed by blue rain drops falling from her baby blue eyes because she doesn’t see what I see,

     Every time I see her cliché’s rain down on the world causing the earth to quake and my heart to skip a beat,

I see a woman more beautiful than the word and its meaning, Hermosa, Beau, Schon,

     She is summer time fine, I can’t seem to ever get enough time with you, I miss her so much so I tell her you are my favorite summer

So beautiful I drop, stuck, struck by the constellations in her eyes

     As the summer sun drips off your skin and sparkles in your eyes it makes me feel as if I’m in a dream,

She is a diamond in the rough, a white rose in the tough,

     A dream under the moon walking on the beach

A flower child with butterfly wings, she flutters around my heart close enough to share but not close enough to keep,

     I wish I had three hearts so we could grow closer, closer, and closer and I could love you over and over and over again,

She has sand kissed cheeks hugging every curve like it’s the last goodbye,

     She makes me feel so good I’m starting to think it may be a sin,

She is a priceless beauty more precious than the site of the sun tasting the water as it descends and the moon ascends

     This feeling is slipping through my fingers and I don’t want it to end,

I am lost in her eternal beauty and I hope I never find a map,

      I saw the most beautiful girl in my future yesterday so I can’t even remember what happened today

Because as I looked in her eyes and saw a glimpse of forever

      And now I know there is a perfect out there and I remember what it feels like

p.s. now if you read between the lines you'll discover what she looks like verses how she makes me feel…THIS IS JUST A POST SCRIPT

Copyright © Roses Roses | Year Posted 2016


Book: Shattered Sighs