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Best Poems Written by Cyrus Theuri

Below are the all-time best Cyrus Theuri poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Stop Hating Me

I did not choose whether to be born
And i did not choose where to be born
I did not choose when to be born
And i did not choose my mother to be

You did not choose your birth place
And you did not choose your birth family
You did not choose your birth time
And you did not choose your gender

So stop hating me because am not your tribe
And stop hating me because my family is not rich like yours
Stop hating me because am from a different nation
And stop hating me because am a different gender
Simply stop hating me for things i did not choose

Copyright © Cyrus Theuri | Year Posted 2016

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Its About You

Scars can be stars to remind you how you have fought and won strong battles before 
and give you strength to fight current battles 
But they can be painful reference points 
reminding you how you made wrong decisions before 
and making you feel inadequate to fight current battles 
It`s all about how you look at them

Birthday can be the happiest day in your life 
reminding you that you are an year older 
and one year closer to your dreams 
But it can be the most sorrowful day 
reminding you that you are an year older 
and one year closer to your grave 
It`s all about how you look at it

Criticism can be the ladder to your success 
when it gives you the desire to prove them wrong 
and stir stronger actions from you 
But it can be the root of downfall 
when you agree with the negative sentiments 
and see yourself as a failure 
It`s all about how you look at it

Six can be nine and nine can be six 
a square can be a diamond shape 
and a diamond shape can be a square 
It`s all about from which side you are looking at 
Everything in life has two sides 
Choose the side that works for you

Copyright © Cyrus Theuri | Year Posted 2016

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Hope At Dusk

This morning when i woke up
Not actually waking up because i had not slept
But when morning came
I watched as the people passed by me
Along this corridor that was my home
The only faithful counterpart i had
Because unlike many others it refused to possess doors
That the people would close for the street kid not to enter

This morning i overheard a conversation
As they vowed to throw me out of this corridor
Saying i was making it filthy and scaring away their customers
And because people like us cannot compete with the people
I knew it was going to happen

This evening when i came from my usual rounds
I met someone who opened a page of new troubles for me
Announcing that he was there to make sure i never slept in that corridor
Not because he had anything against me
But because the people had said so

Now as i sit on this river bank
I envy the waters and the power they possess
The people cannot throw them out of their channels
And the stars too amaze me because they can shine when they want
And the people cannot put them off like many other lights

The waters and the stars remind me something the people cannot do
They cannot control destinies, mine included
I therefore resolve to shape my destiny and give meaning to my life
So tomorrow morning when i wake up
Not actually waking up because i will not sleep
But when morning comes, i will begin a new journey
After all, may be it was not a page of new troubles
But a page of new hope to live like the people.

Copyright © Cyrus Theuri | Year Posted 2016

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The Cry of a Baby Elephant

I heard the bang bang sound
and i knew mama you were no more
just like many of our kind
hunted and slaughtered like worthless creatures
and when your value is taken
you are left to rot and your kid to suffer

Who's fault is it mama
that we carry a treasure they so much desire?
that we must continue to die
so that they can get it?
and when one of us falls
their thirst for us becomes even more?

Mama they are now coming for me
to take me through the same route as you
though i run as much as i can
i know they will eventually get at me
and though against my wish
i will soon join you mama
but perhaps together we can find a way
to rescue our remaining few.

Copyright © Cyrus Theuri | Year Posted 2016

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The Cry of An Orphan

Just because my mother died
I have no one to care for me
And just because my father died
there is no one to look after me
Just because my parents died
everyone thinks am a burden

Just because my mother died
i had to become a street child
And just because my father died
i have to fetch my own food
Just because my parents died
i have to live a life of scorn at the streets

Just because my mother died
i cant find a wife myself
And just my father died
i cant become a father myself
Just because my parents died
i live a poor street life

Just because my parents died
which was not my choice nor theirs
i lost my life
and i lost my hope
All these because my parents died.

Copyright © Cyrus Theuri | Year Posted 2016

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Underneath This Tree

Underneath this tree, on top of this hill
Where I once sat, when I first saw you
And my heart was smitten within me
For the beauty that my eyes met
Filled me with a passion so great
As to almost burst my heart

Underneath this tree, on top of this hill
Where more than once I sat, waiting for you to appear
Knowing too well that you would
And deep within my heart, reciting all I would have told you
If only I was bold enough
But with glazed eyes I walked away into nothingness

Underneath this tree, on top of this hill
Where I once sat, with you in my arms
As eyes talked to eyes, and my heart whispered to your soul
As we promised each other, the world of our future
By each others side, just us two.

Underneath this tree, on top of this hill
Where we promised each other
To make this love go the longest distance
And shine the brightest
And remain undying
Long after we die.

Copyright © Cyrus Theuri | Year Posted 2022

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I Rose

Several years ago today
They reckoned me unbefitting for their ears
Per the yardstick of the day
Their percipience was disparaging
But still I rose

By their clairvoyance I was infecund
Plainly no reason to cogitate about me
For they could not glimpse any merit in me
Fate was for me to be unremembered
But still I rose

Like a seed that sprouts and becomes a big tree
I rose
Like a prolific plant that bears great fruits
I rose
Now with relish they can eat of my fruits
And realize the mistake that they did
For in spite of all that, I rose.

Copyright © Cyrus Theuri | Year Posted 2022

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Whos War

Every time they incite me against you
they tell me you are my enemy
And every time they incite you against me
they tell you am your enemy
They themselves never have enemies
Not that they are at peace with everybody
But because there are no enemies at all

Every time they declare war between us
they tell me to fight for my constitutional rights
And they tell you to fight for your patriotic rights
But themselves never participate in the wars
Not that they have no rights to fight for
But because they use us to fight their wars

They turn their differences to our war
and make us fight for their power
And when they get to the high echelons
they never look back at us 
As we lay our slain,
they celebrate their victory

If the enmity is between me and you
We shall declare our war
And if the fight is for our rights
We shall determine whether to fight
We shall let their difference be their differences
And their wars be their wars
If somebody must fight,
Let it be them not us.

Copyright © Cyrus Theuri | Year Posted 2016

Book: Reflection on the Important Things