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Best Poems Written by Maryann Porto

Below are the all-time best Maryann Porto poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Soul Sister

Soul sister how I miss your presence beside me.
Whispering words of strength into my ear.
Guiding me.
Resting your hand upon my shoulder.
Helping me to choose which path to travel.

Even when I have chosen incorrectly.
Your hand never wandered.
Your step never faltered.
You took the blame without shame.
Held me invisibly.
Until the healing warmth could be felt to my inner soul.

In life's little disputes it seems as though I have forgotten you.
The distance seems to have grown out of control.
As though my heart got colder.
A disbelief took over.

I know you have never left me.
You have always been there waiting.
Hoping I would return.
That I would call to you.

I am calling to you.
I search for your inner light.
Long for the warming touch.
I listen even deeper.

To hear your voice whispering into my ear.
A desire to feel the warming of my heart with your touch is growing.
It is what my soul has been missing.

Help me to heal my mind of the ugliness I feel in my heart.
Teach me to see the beauty which my eyes once saw.

Forgive me for allowing a coldness to grow.
Replace the hate with your loving kiss.
Allow me to feel you.
Hear you once again.

Copyright © Maryann Porto | Year Posted 2012

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Feel me.
I am the dark shadow that crawls in the night.

I am only but one.
Where I live there is no light.

A blinding eye of darkness that travels within the mist.
To make you fear what comes with the dusk.

Just another dark shadow hiding in the veil of night.

I am the itch you feel.
The chill that crawls up your spine.
I will make your hair stand on end.

I am here to take up your space.
Breathe in your air.

Create you nightmares.
Control your fears.

Wake you.
Screaming into the blurry haze.

Feel me.
I am the dark shadow that crawls in the night.

Copyright © Maryann Porto | Year Posted 2013

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Ode To Joe

Oh, how I love you so.
You are my morning pleasure.
My afternoon delight.
I crave you at night.

You sit in silence waiting my arrival.
Scenting the air with pleasure.

The taste of you flavors my lips.
Brings joy to my heart.
Splender to my soul.

I can not lie.
I fear I would die.

You bring my body to action.
Awaken my brain.

Each morning we sit together, watch the sunrise.
One is not enough, I need two.

As I wait for you to brew.
I listen to the birds sing their songs.
Anticipating what soon will come.

Oh, how I love you so.
You are my morning pleasure.
My afternoon delight,
I crave you at night.

Copyright © Maryann Porto | Year Posted 2022

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Dragons Heart

A dragon once saved my soul by giving me a heart, for my love, my magic was sincere.
I was trained in her enchantments, secrets learned in one lifetime briefly forgotten.
A real darkness once clouded my minds third eye.
The memory of that day would not stay away, in time she knew it would rise.
The mystery still carried, her love belonging, a guiding voice whispering.
Hearts never dying has kept me strong, my will never surrendering.
With my magic slowly releasing, my powers increasing, my true self is becoming known.
The lessons, the tests, becoming clear.
For there she still lays hiding, watching from the sky away from the unseeing eye.
The pleasure rises, to feel the breezes wavering from her silvery wings.
It embraces me, touches my skin.
A Knight Rider searches for the soul she saved, for he too carries a heart.
With her crafting she tied us together.
An existing bond that will last the ages, hearts forever drumming as one.
Find me, he has not, imaginably lost in these modern times, I must assume our tests are not done.
He will be aroused to uncover me;once exposed he will know where to find the key.
Discovering a life of sadness forever left to fading.
Souls will stop wandering;hearts will be exulting, tears of loneliness no longer falling.
The dragons passions will then be allowed to reign.
Our souls, our dragon's heart will permit us to find loves solutions.
The enchanted hearts who have found each other, we will be each other's keepers.
As the twin hearts souls are dancing, the magic will be set free.

Copyright © Maryann Porto | Year Posted 2012

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Forever By Your Side

You so long to see me in your dreams.
See my face.
Feel my touch.
Hear my voice.

You want to know if I am at peace.
Know here I feel no pain.

It hurts my heart so to see you cry.
Dry away your tears.
Rest your weary eyes.

Allow time to help you heal.
Enlighten your fears.

You will not forget me.
I will always hold a place in your heart.

Fear not my love.
Know I will always be by your side.

When I look upon you embrace me with your tender smile.
Let your laughter, your joy fill my heart.

Like a breeze I will caress your cheek.
Place a silent kiss upon your lips.

Remember the tenderness we shared.
Knowing it was real.

Somewhere in time I will come to call
My love, my friend, my soul, my mate.
We will meet again.

In a place where soul love lives forever.
A place filled with energies light.

Know I will be there to hold your hand.
To kiss your tender lips, to gently hold you through the nights.

Copyright © Maryann Porto | Year Posted 2012

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Knight Rider

Come enter into my dragons' darkened lair.

Kiss my sunless lips, 

Waken me, 

Watch me rise.

Come be my Knight Rider.

Passion that was once my dragon's fire has been left to be filled with darkness.

Leaving my silvery wings to wither.

In my cave of darkness I lie in wait.

My dragon heart stays unyielding.

Dreaming of a rider.

To spread my wings.

To release the inner fire.

Dispel me of my sleepless nightmare.

Break me from invisible chains that have taken away my magic.

Fly me deep into the endless sky.

Come enter into my dragons' darkened lair.

Fill my cave with passions light.

Let me taste your magic.

Come be my Knight Rider.

Copyright © Maryann Porto | Year Posted 2012

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Candles Flickering Light

Do you believe in love?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Do you believe love is like a seed?
     Plant it.
     Water it.
     Be patient.
     Watch it grow.

Do you believe it is like a weed, a wild thing?
     Growing uncontrollably.
     Taking life energies from everything in its path.

Do you believe it is more like a wild flower?
     Blooming in the spring.
     Waiting for a defrost.
     Its rebirth coming from the warming sun.
          The beauty fleeting.
          Sleeping in the end.

Instinctively we all should know.

Has my heart really turned from gold to cold?
Has my mind taken over much control?

Being jaded cannot fade away.
It lingers making me turn away, run away.

Ghosts of loves gone bad hang over me.
A cobra ready to strike up injecting deadly poisons into my veins.

Candles flickering flame casting shadows that will forever remain.

Breath held tight, not much room left for what should be loves energy light.

The Candles flickering flame has been blown out.
     Time passes.
     Flickers bloom.
     Sparks try to ignite.

Taking chances seem way to far out of reach.

Can the soul's candle's wick be relighted or is it now just too late.

Copyright © Maryann Porto | Year Posted 2012

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Devoted Heart

Be my soul’s keeper protecting me through the night as I sleep, as I dream.
Stay with me throughout my days.
Watch over me protect me from this crazy place.
Shelter my heart with your silvery wings carry my spirit gently in your keep.
Caress my soul with your loving breath.
Wake me from my weary heart, revitalize my energies light.
Reach down touch me give me the strength to carry on another day.
Help me to see the love that lives within.
Grant me the endurance I need to survive a darkening world.
Look down upon a wandering sprite.
Escort me to a brighter light.
Touch me with a smile.
Lead me to the brave who will be fighting chaos’s advancing enchantments.
Take away the idle minds
Teach me how to stimulate.
Help me to ignite the crusaders hearts.
Allow me to write the voices echoing in my brain.
Let the laughter, the smiles I create help to heal a lonely realm.
Be my soul’s keeper protecting me through the night as I sleep, as I dream.
Stay with me throughout my days.
With your gifts you have granted me, my spirit grows sounder.
My allure beginning to bloom, rays of light can now shine through.
Know in my devoted heart, I will never give up the fight.

Copyright © Maryann Porto | Year Posted 2013

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Can Hearts Know

Can hearts know love without words.
Does ones mind need to hear those words to justify what it feels.
What I feel deep within I can not express with the three worded pharse you may want to hear.
Nor do I want to hear it from you lips, my ears will refuse to listen.
Is it not better to feel it in each others touches.
See it in each others eyes.
Watch it in our smiles.
For it seems that once that sentence is set free changes begin.
Its as though a challenge has been set free.
Unlocking beasts we usually do not allow to be seen.
Jealousy, suspicions, judgments, convictions are all trying to take control.
Laughter suddenly changing to angry words that can cut, hurts so deep.
Repairs forever harder to be made.
Touches forgetting hoe to caress.
Lips faking smiles no longer wanting to be kissed.
Hands no longer wanting to be held.
O, how I fear those words more then any other I may hear.
Do not say those words for it may make me run away.
Show me so I will stay.
Kiss my lips with true emotions.
Hold my hand.
Caress me with your eyes, your smiles, your tenderness.
Touch my heart.
In return you will know what lies within my own.
Words are for those who know no other way.
Those who seek to latch on to something that they may not really know the meaning of.
The inner chambers know what is real.
The lucky ones who find their souls mate know what it is.
They do not need the words to express what lives within.
They do what it is.

Copyright © Maryann Porto | Year Posted 2012

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Growing Heart

Could it be that you were right?
I have discovered I do have a heart.
Can it be that you are my version of Lil' Cindy Lu Who.
Whose singing is making my tiny Grinch's heart begin to grow.
My eyes see brighter.
I can feel once again.
My steps have quickened.
I find I have a place to go, a heart to share.
My laughter catching.
Making sadness a memory. 
I smile in rapid succession, exposing the sparkles that fly from my eyes.
Even the weight that sits on my shoulders is beginning to lift.
Like a magic trick it is disappearing.
Who knew there where such things as a good poison for your soul.
With the poisons from the light that is growing in my soul.
The sorrow that was residing has begun to die away.
My morphing is changing me into what a real heart should be.
I need now to create a recipe.
Feed it to the populations.
So they too can feel their Grinch's heart growing.

Copyright © Maryann Porto | Year Posted 2012


Book: Shattered Sighs