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Best Poems Written by Poet Destroyer A

Below are the all-time best Poet Destroyer A poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Indian Ink


Indian Accent, form the whispers inside
Chanting from long ago
Echoes come and go
Losing time in a soft eternal glow

A beautiful and delicate autumn mountain scene
Dry blue eyes enchanting melodies!
Voices fall from the sky,  rising hymns release 
   ancient demons CLINGING to the SOUL!

Darkness dwells under - gentle moonlight
Ancestors of the Spirit World!
Weaving Native smoke into the barren air
Indian spirits haunt the muddy   Earth
Moccasin makers rise from underneath,  
   While guardians of dream catchers - print the Universe
Smooth thread from the outer world. 
Arrowheads,   Ivory gems,   feathers, and illusions
I stumble upon a florid kiss.......   My veins!
Run cold, like ice through a desert night.

Winds of enchanted drums - cry out for rain
Hollow chimes mesmerize,  my ties,  my eyes
An ancient rage begins to flare --- MADNESS! 
   takes place among the sanity of  who   I am
The spear of perfumed buffalo scrapes my skin
I remove the veil that covers my eyes
The hands that cover my ears
Drying the scalp that bleeds on my face


Raven silk braids and feathers on my hair
Dancing in a horrid hallucination of Peyote,

Waking up from the “American Dream.”
Holding out my arms, I am free, I can fly,

Copyright © Poet Destroyer A | Year Posted 2013

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Like a Girl

I play like a girl, I hit like a girl
You say I throw like a girl, 
And when I run -- I run like a girl!
All that plus more, enjoy this one-size-fits-all

Who and what I want comes from being strong 
Classy and fabulous, this is my song!
I've been told, cut to size
The world is dark and gray when life becomes an insult
Take heed when I speak my mind, 
I am tough, outstanding, and beautiful!

Move ahead --- say it twice, I smell nice
A taste of Cool Water and Justice Perfume
I have a non-stop multitask fixation
As a woman, everything about me is hidden 
Magic and alluring are the only joy you'll need

I'm empowered at this moment!
Endorsing Myself, with a certain sorta mystique
I deliver an independent will, 
Don't ever underestimate my physique
I am a caregiver, a female who won't give up the fight
I remain firm and believe all women have equal rights
I walk and talk Like A Girl 
Wearing heels breaking the sounds of Wedding Bells

   I am, Mona's unforgettable smile, standing tall Like Miss Liberty
   I am, Betsy America's #1 designer, I am you and full of life.

The sound in your eyes isn't listening!
You imagine I am weak -- not strong enough -- brave enough, 
You call me different and difficult!
Still, you want my warmth -- my love -- my attention
I am not less, I am more
I am a woman -- I frown -- I cry -- I hurt and yell at the universe
Nevertheless, I make a difference, like a girl, I smile
A smile, never seen or felt before, both defined and undefined
Your heart will ask and implore for more

Like a girl, I'll drive you wild, looking pretty "You're In Love!"
My Self-confidence comes from who I am deep inside
Everything I've become follows the makeup on my face
Bare and nude, I am the Madonna flowering the mood

At the end of every day, I have one other thing to say
The Next Time You ask me to cook and clean
Because you think, I belong in the kitchen
You better believe I'm doing it my way

Copyright © Poet Destroyer A | Year Posted 2015

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The Rose

This is not a poem about a rose
Nor a poem about diligence and beauty
Today, I sit and stare at the walls
Walls    that bare the complexity of life
Every breath, every tear I shed in my room
Set out to pollinate every seed, every bud-
Life     once - was the perfection of everything
Now, water drips as I drown in my sentiments
       Sentiments that no longer hold meaning
I feel so empty now that you are gone.
This is not a poem about a rose,
Rather it may be I write about death
Death is a man with no face
A man who sits every night
Patiently,  he sits on the edge of everything
Waiting and waiting
For the thorn to prick the stem of who I am
Who I used to be  in hopes I end the suffering

Every night he sits at the bedside  
Watching and waiting 
As I gaze deep into the dark watery walls
I lost the strength and resilience in my eyes
Creating a dormancy that shuts out the light
In a place where darkness prunes itself another day
There and only there,
I draw the silhouettes where life once bloomed
The echoes of my heart still call out your name
A name that no longer exists by my side
Slowly musk withers into the air 
In remembrance,  you were once here
Perfection Gone   "And a rose is just a rose"

Copyright © Poet Destroyer A | Year Posted 2016

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Black Diamond Night

Black Diamond Night (a coal miner’s cemetery) 

Where the ebony, we call “NIGHT”,
Old black rocks sit under the twilight
Diamond shape eyes unclear and lonely, 
Sinister through hostile spirits only,

I stumble across these stones without a bone
A solitary confinement alone,
From a barren zone the light transcend
Only in time, our minds will mend

Endless valleys and limitless stones
These bones- these bones they sit alone
The abyss, of rotten cavities with no fill,
A system no power can unwell the drill
The blood that passed over without a spill
Peaks collapse into a spellbinding chill
They are trapped! They are trapped!
Another diamond in the rough
Is what they left

Obsessed with the dead without a death
A death that impatiently awaited their last breath
Gushing, into the gems of dead chemistry,
Diamonds holding its own intensity,
These lonely graves, on top of sycamore hill
Coal mining hearts that will never heal
If only shiny eyes could see?
These lonely bones inside of me!
Moving in every direction possible
Flowing in every direction noticeable
Sockets without eyes.
Stones hiding under the cobalt skies.
The mad sparkles, the madness dies.
Throughout this mess, we held in the blasphemous
Intervening lots of gems so miraculous
Into a stone of self-religion,
A black night filled of legions
Acknowledging the soul's capacity of free
Near the frail bones that sit alone,
Alone they sit in a morbid home.
Through a path unclear and all alone,
Troubled by the visions of my own stone
Where the night takes place in the dark
The ebony rides under the diamond bark
Along with the coal miners who never got to see the;
“Diamonds of another day!”

Copyright © Poet Destroyer A | Year Posted 2012

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With all the time on my hands, I gave my hands one job.
 My Hands   -The Artist-

My hands paint everything in my life
they paint my weakness, my strength 
they paint the fire in my eyes
they hold me when I'm cold when I need them the most,

Like an architect, my hands colored my childhood,
In one touch they drew the plans and layouts of my life.
My hands, very articulate, are they?
They continue to sew and show the way  
Sometimes, my hands paint the truth, sometimes they paint lies
---  Painting hurtful images on drywall
My palms, my fingers embedded calluses from every fall
Creating images, healing my heart
Sometimes my hands are the only friend I see. 

With no words to say, I caress the sky like a mime
My hands ride the wind, My hands paint the world, 
Young and pretty fingerprints 
They feel they hold, they grip, don't let go!

Clever so cute, It's time for motherhood
My hands painted your first hold, traced your first smile
A painting I treasure in my heart
Yes! A Rembrandt they became during birth 
Now you're all grown up, embarrassed to embrace the hold
When I'm old you will hold my hands and remember the gold.

My hands paint designs when it comes to love
sometimes a masterpiece, sometimes a mistake
sometimes my hands feel images I can't describe
Handicap moments when lost
--- My hands perfect when in love
They write songs when complete
So many interlock moments with you
Firm, the perfect match, my fingers spoke.

My hands  -The Artist-  they've been told!!!
Held so many times, always meeting, greeting,  
waving hello's and goodbyes ... (you see my hands, they smile too)

Painful, arthritis, cuts, bruises, pinching my way through reality. 
Reaching, holding on to dreams, 
clapping, snapping fingers, we are a team.

My hand's age in every turning page
Shriveled and old, still, you embrace and love the hold
My hands touched and made a difference,
My hands are employed by me!
My hands give and pray, right and Left, they know their duty!
When they are bored, they tap-tap and draw THAT annoying noise.

My hands know secrets, a fortune teller can't reveal
they hold the past, present, and future in every line.

I extend my hands, without flipping the bird
Thank you, Hands, I enjoy a good sign language show!

In my next life, or so, I will praise my hands
Yes so beautiful, tender, they love to feel.......

My Hands   -The Artist-
I can't believe with all the time on my hands,
I forgot to mention I'm left-handed.

Copyright © Poet Destroyer A | Year Posted 2013

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Alice Sweet Alice

~Alice Sweet Alice~

        *Like Sisters*
   Everyday -- Holding Hands 
Sunday Dress -- Pink Ribbons
         *Alice And I*

How can they say she did not exist?
This Sweet Girl I Named Alice

The way she looks at me
-Her eyes tender green
A body figure I can't describe
Together we played hide and seek
We swung in ways no one could see
This girl with pretty red curls
Who enjoys the sound of pouring rain?

Together we slept under the same breeze 
We carved our names on the same tree
Side by Side it Read Alice & I!
She whispered the day I fell off my bike
Alice Sweet Alice loves the way I look in red!

Every day I face the mirror
Alice puts her left hand on my right
We share the same identical scars,
Under the right and left palm.

The way she held my hand
Healed the scrapes in every fall
Beating from the bullies, she screams!
Again, Alice, whispers--- "Kill Them All!"
No one ever said a word,
When she stood by my side
Alice knew me in ways no one else did
She knew my eyes -When they cried!

Now I can't sleep,
Since Alice has fallen back into the abyss
Forever conscious in a self-hug
--- This is no dream, it is real!

The rage inside burns.
It took place the day she left!
Burning curtains 
Empty mirrors
This Girl Named Alice spoke of darkness,
then disappeared 

When I hear the sound of pouring rain
I stare at the shadows on the wall
Nothing feels the same,
I allow myself to soak in the darkness where it began.

My hair of red is not the same
These cuts are all that remain
The only clue in which Alice, was here!
Holding on to stainless blade, I sleep

Please call my name!
Why do they whisper?
Why are they saying she never held a breath?
I know she is real, she exists
Why else would I let her cut my wrist?

This Sweet Girl 
Finally, visits again ---
But, who is to believe?
For everyone says 
Alice lives inside my head.


Copyright © Poet Destroyer A | Year Posted 2013

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Midnight Secret

*Secreto de Medianoche*   
~On this very Night~
   I found myself in a

Camouflage in lace, 
I run my hands all over the place
Wet whispers drop in between
In a soft stroke,
I touch the tan on my skin 
Pure sweetness unfolds
The perfumes in the air  - Arouse 
   every sexual intention inside
Without a care, 
I'm lost in the moment,

Every feeling at this point,
   feels erotically insane, 
In a seductive way--
  the night whispers my name, 
A freedom flight - into the night.
                            (Like the wind)
Caressing my breast, my legs tremble
Beyond the haze, into another world 
Never pointless - A new sensation
My fingers slither, a play tonight

Circles in motion, 
Vibrations and self-soothing lotion, 
I touch myself gently, 
Thinking of you relentlessly,
Looking around, 
The night echoes a whimpering sound, 
Embracing the Secrets Inside 
I squeeze the dark damp sheets-
Moaning and moaning, repeatedly. 
Holding my silk pillow, groping my knees,
I run my finger on my lips - 
Satisfaction complete! 
Back into the realm of dreams. 


Copyright © Poet Destroyer A | Year Posted 2013

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Sleepless Night

Sleepless Night

Teardrops, bagged eyes, a way of sin
The mirror reveals a lost eternal soul
A conniving move against tonight's phantom glow
Voices circle around the insomniac moon
Like magic and beauty, "She's Gone With the Wind."

The idea of love, 
broken like yesterday's wishbone.
She is leaving today, her arms, my shelter
her wings now immense.
Beauty --- she's gone forever! 
Never will she suffer-
Never will she return-
All I have are lost memories,
tracing what is left.
One final deep breath
tequila vice to wash away the pain.....

At Last, Now I See!
Under the drunken stars 
I had an epiphany 
Stricken like a match
A sunken treasure 
At Last, I Knew
You did not belong in there,
you were there for the taking
Frail and sick, no longer sane.
Memories lost, no longer - her
My Mother! 

What has become of her since? 
You're a demon, who played us all
Made us cry, while she slowly withered away

The way you laid waste to her body
nipping both her legs
Fed her through tubes

She rapidly forgot our names' our faces'
I hate you Alzheimer
I hate the way you took her the first time!
I hate you Death
I hate the way you claimed her final days!

Sleepless nights and pillowed feathers,
Caress a precious moment around my tender skin
Pretending my mother tucked them in
Anything to help me get past my sleepless nights.

Copyright © Poet Destroyer A | Year Posted 2013

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"Mine all Mine!"

A thief I long to be
Your eyes original like the moon and sea

A lover in the world............
An Anthology, you walk and talk like the word "AMOR."

The words you send, I nicely tuck under my pillow
Every note every line you left behind 
I memorized till they became all mine
Unauthorized I scrape the concrete calluses off the tongue
Pirating the perfect dramatic monolog look,
Basking through the passage around your Bio, 
Lost in the musky scent -around the sonnet of your aura light 
Epic enough, I reach inside to feel every idyllic rhyme
A strong iambic meter curse, conjuring up the perfect verse
In you I lift a copy paste from your lips, 
No need to credit the sources in your bliss
The sweetest undamaged sensual memorandum book
A moment I stole and sealed without copyright proof

My dearest Poet, 
When you move across the room
I see a thousand arrows that follow from behind, 
Indulged when you speak and point out a verse per verse
I am a victim pampered by your words,
Sponging every line, adding them to my crib notes 
Improved wordplay that infringed my everyday diary
A haiku so tangible, it sets the perfect images in my dream,
Hypnotize after I read your first love poem
A printed feeling--
Borrowed from the sun


Copyright © Poet Destroyer A | Year Posted 2013

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Letting Go

"Letting Go!"

Behind that garden rail
Where worms squirm and roam,
They dig into every bad part of my day
I feel them crawling, making my hide their home
They feast on my will and my dead walking soul.

Slowly I am fading away into a cloud of nothing.
I find myself reminiscing the moment I meet you.
With scars and guilt, I won’t let go!

I’m cold and miserable inside
Different emotions, I can no longer hide
I can’t seem to heal the deep cut within
Echoes twist the mood that has no meaning
I sit with a jar full of tears, holding on tight
Afraid of letting go!

The hollow walls slay in every way
The abyss of a waterfall resides in my heart
This throbbing starvation, repeats the taste it longs for
I have no control, I can’t feed without you by my side.
I won't let go!


Copyright © Poet Destroyer A | Year Posted 2013


Book: Reflection on the Important Things