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Best Poems Written by Jeff Bresee

Below are the all-time best Jeff Bresee poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Step Half Made

As lightening shone and thunder blew
I danced the dance that dancers do

They danced it back and asked if I
Would mind them dancing through the night

I thought no harm could come of this
Besides, such company I’ve missed

Thus, on we danced so unaware
That torrent rains beyond compare

Fell down in floods on higher ground
And like a wall came crashing down

Then somewhere in a step half made
The dance I danced was washed away

Now all that’s left for you to see:
Remains of the catastrophe

Oh, hopefully from this you’ll know
Don’t ever dance when thunder blows

Copyright © Jeff Bresee | Year Posted 2011

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70 Times 7

Unto what shall I liken my struggled walk in life
Unto a breath without air
Gasping and grasping
For that which I can clearly see
And ever try to be
But like unto the shining stars
Of heaven’s glory above
Lies as it would seem
High above my reach

Yet my hands are stretched heavenward

Unto what shall I compare the hope which I have for change
To the light of sun above the storm
Breaking through betimes
With the brilliance of gleam
And a glimpse of the dream
But even as the delicate flower
Of the desert plain
It withers and returns to the ground
Hidden once again from view

Yet my faith awaits the rains of spring

And what likeness portrays my will to go on
The waves of the wind driven sea
Ever striving to come ashore
Yet each time falling back
For gravity they lack
But like the shimmering beauty
Of the freshly fallen snow
Though it turns to grey and melts away
Yet is destined to come again

So also am I resolved to return in the season
And never surrender
Until seventy times seven

Copyright © Jeff Bresee | Year Posted 2010

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Memories Etched

I paused today
Put cares away
And finally let
The moment stay

Saw feathered skies
Through children’s eyes
Let time stand still
And realized

This life of gain
And gathering in
Pursuits of gold
Desires to win

They offer not
But jaded dust
Doomed to decay
By moth and rust

And time cares not
Nor pardon grants
For foolish charge
Or circumstance

But slowly slips
As grains of sand
Through trembling grip
Of aging hand

So lend an ear
And pause, I pray
Take time to let 
The moments stay

For precious times
Allowed to be 
Etch memories for

…Jeff Bresee

Copyright © Jeff Bresee | Year Posted 2010

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The Way To When

A million ways to spend a day
not tried them all but have to say,

that if I had the way to when
I’d quiet find and open then

the pages of the poet’s hand.
Then fly away to distant land,

or feel the fire of deep desire,
submersed in words, I’d never tire.

Or float through worlds that few have known,
no boundaries there, no thoughts of home,

nor caring what is real or dream
as feelings flow like crystal streams.

Which feelings I am lost to find
inside my heart, inside my mind.

In daily walk amongst the dead,
cast to the sea with boots of lead.

I feel that I would drown and die,
my only hope the thought that I

can find again the way to when
I’m all alone with such a friend -

the healing words of poet’s hand…
the only words I understand.

Copyright © Jeff Bresee | Year Posted 2024

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Lone Petal

The petal of a rose once fell 
then drifted slowly through the trees.
Upon the wind it tumbled long
until it drifted up to me.

At first I saw no value there, 
in just one petal all alone.
But then I stooped and picked it up,
and found that it was still a rose.

I felt its velvet touch my skin,
as its aroma filled the air.
I breathed to take the fragrance in,
and suddenly I was aware

of every moment it had lived.
I felt the roots from which it came.
I seemed to speak without a word -
that all of nature is the same.

How blind we are within this shell,
we ride along so ignorantly. 
We waste our time with buy and sell
and miss what otherwise would be.

It’s hard, I know, to just let go
and not be drowned with day-to-day.
But take an invite from this rose –
and smell the flowers along the way.

Copyright © Jeff Bresee | Year Posted 2024

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Catch 22

When forever finally comes to town
Not sure I wanna be around
When it stands outside to 
Knock upon my door

I’ll hide inside
Not make a sound
Turn out the lights
Get on the ground
Lay in the quiet
Shadow of the floor

And if forever’s not deterred
No worry, I’ll plan for the worst
I’ll wait it out
I’ll stock up every shelf

I’ll let forever
Knock all day
And hope it finally
Goes away
Don’t answer’s what
I’ll sit and tell myself

And if forever starts to pound
Hard on the door to knock it down
I’ll stack the furniture 
Up high and deep

I’ll nail some boards
Ill brace, I’ll wedge
I’ll cross my heart 
I’ll make a pledge!
That, “While forever’s there
I’ll never sleep”

For in the end I know I’ll win
I’ll never let forever in
Nor ever let it have 
Its’ way with me

And I’ll not step 
Outside again
Yes, can’t you see
I’m bound to win
Forever locked inside…
Is where I’ll be

Copyright © Jeff Bresee | Year Posted 2010

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Hear My Voice

Describe the way life was meant to be

Cuz every day just melts away

To anything


It’s been a while since I think I’ve seen

The way I saw before the flaw

I’ve come to be


Another cloud, another Christmas tree

Another chance gone by, another teardrop cry

For anything


And looking back at how it used to be

Can’t help but wonder why, you and I

Turned out to be


But hear my voice

Take the words I sing

Lift the notes up high

Pretend you want to try

To be with me


Yes, hear my voice

Hear these songs I sing

Try to understand

You’ll never see the man

You want in me




Describe the way life was meant to be

Cuz I don’t want to tip toe dance

Through everything


It’s been so long since I think I’ve seen

The smile upon your eyes, blue crystal skies

And memories


And how it hurts to think the things I think

Another word not said, another beat gone dead

Yeah little things


And thinking back on how it used to be

Well I don’t want to tip toe dance

Through everything


So hear my voice

Hear these words I sing

Cuz I don’t want

To tip toe dance

Through everything


Oh hear my voice

And hear the songs I sing

...Jeff Bresee

Copyright © Jeff Bresee | Year Posted 2012

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Silent Flight

What lies beneath a sea of numb
Where ships of heart were taken down
Sunk to the bottom with the one
I hated and I meant to drown

For in its hull it carried pain
Instead of what its purpose was
And thus I had immense disdain
Because it never carried love

So yes, I set it in my sights
Then fired all I had and more
Carpet-bombing through the night
To sink it to the ocean floor

And when it finally disappeared
I flew away and did not know
The others ships were likewise pierced
Doomed just as well to slip below

They sank at random, one by one
The ships of pride and hope and fear
Of aspiration, sad and fun
The ship of peace, the ship of tears

The ship of drive, the ship of will
No ship was spared, the plight went on
They fell, and fell, and fell, and fell
Until at last all ships were gone

So now in silent flight I go
No signals come as were before
No guidance from the sea below
No hope of landing…anymore

…Jeff Bresee

Copyright © Jeff Bresee | Year Posted 2010

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Days End

The days don’t seem to give a damn
They march in step of time
They stare ahead with eyes of steel
While never breaking line

They torchure me with disregard
They tread upon my soul
They seem so unaware I’m here
They simply come and go

I once believed the day would come
I hoped that it would give
The thing that I was searching for
A reason I should live

But in the end my hope was vain
Cause nothing’s ever come 
I’m tired of holding on and so 
I feel the fight is done

Thus here I sit as night rolls in
The choice is mine to make
The glare across the steel call out
“What action will you take”?

Copyright © Jeff Bresee | Year Posted 2011

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Dim lit, damp and distant corner

Torn from dream of vapor’s fold

Slow descent to worlds divided

Nothing hot and nothing cold


Long ago, this soul forgotten

Cast off in the ides of youth

Un-forgiven deeds left hiding

Neath the stones of burden’s proof


Wait to see if fate redeems her

Wait to hear if time repeals

Sentence passed down just to mar her

Word and deed like flint and steel


‘Jezebel’ they mock to call her

Waging war against the skin

Pressed on by the mob’s directive

Let the judgment now begin


Scrutinize each blood stained footprint

Left across the ice drawn field

Hide the ones who hold her province

Never bend, no never yield


For from that damp and distant corner

Ever flows the world of hate

Through the veins of those who think they

Hold the key to Heaven’s gate


…Jeff Bresee

Copyright © Jeff Bresee | Year Posted 2012


Book: Shattered Sighs