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Best Poems Written by Julie Hazell

Below are the all-time best Julie Hazell poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Big Beach Day Blues

We all went down to the beach today; it was hot as hot can be.  
The carpark was full, Dad got cross and my sister wanted a wee. 

The picnic basket handles broke, our food tossed in the sand.  
Then crunchy rolls, warm drinks and mush was all we had….and sand.

Our sun umbrella had a hole, our beachball was quite flat.  
It’s just as well we had 15+ and Mum remembered hats.

So, we got settled on our towels, Dad blew our floaties up.  
It’s great how blue his face can go, who cares? Surfs up!

The water was cold, still in we went, through seaweed long and gooey.
Until I screamed and threw a fit, I’d wrestled with a bluey!

Now Mum came running at a sprint, her fat bobbed up and down.  
With all the beach bods looking up and Dad just looking down.

She dodged the eskies and the towels, weaving here and there. 
But kids, dogs, buckets and spades, just didn’t have a prayer!

Well, little me was taking water when Mum and Dad arrived.  
I’d fallen flat upon my back, I gulped to stay alive!

They got me out and brought me to, I’d passed out in a haze.  
As they watched the lifeguard pick me up, yup one of my bad days.

The crowd it scattered and we saw a really yummy sight.
Mr Whippy had arrived, it filled us with delight.  

The sand was hot, we did a dance to get the ice-creams back.  
We just sat down to get stuck in and I wore mine in my lap!

When we were calm and all was well, we went off for a walk. 
Along the beach and through the dunes but all they did was gawk! 

My head was screaming from the aches, my feet all cut by shells, 
Dad decided to catch a fish and YUK it really smells!   

My sis’ and I began to build big castles in the sand. 
I only wished she’d lighten up and quit stomping on my hand!

The sun was getting low and so we thought we’d call it quits.
‘Cause if we weren’t at home real soon, I’d rip my sis’ to bits!

The car was packed, we’re all ticked off, the traffic moved so slow.  
The weather hot, the fan it broke, we had so far to go.  

Now sis’ and I had had enough, she’d wet her pants again. 
I couldn’t wait for this day to end so I could feel sane.

I’m thankfully in bed at last, I’m dying just to snooze.  
I’m bruised, cut, sunburnt a lot from my Big Beach Day Blues

Copyright © Julie Hazell | Year Posted 2023

Details | Julie Hazell Poem

Make It Stop

I'm beating my heart against a barbed wire fence.
Pain from all directions.
I don't know what to do..
It's killing me.

I just want this pain to stop,
It's ripping me up inside.
Tearing, gouging, blood letting.
It's killing me.

My lungs are filling with blood,
I can't breathe.
My heart still beats,
But it's losing the fight.

Make it stop!
I don't want to feel any more,
It's killing me.

Copyright © Julie Hazell | Year Posted 2023

Details | Julie Hazell Poem

The Latest Amputee

Soft brown eyes,
Silky black fur,
Large white bandage
Fear in her

Strange cold place
Cries of pain.
Confusion deep
Needle in vein.

Strong new scents
New people roam.
Warm soft towels
It’s not home.

Brain on alert
Nose sniffs hand.
Help is here
Can she stand?

Slow first walk
How will she cope.
Finding her balance
There is hope.

She stands unsteady
Improves by degree.
She will survive
The latest amputee.

Copyright © Julie Hazell | Year Posted 2023

Details | Julie Hazell Poem

The Secret

I have a little secret.
A secret to tell none.
Maybe I’ll tell something,
Maybe to someone.

I may just tell them one thing,
And then another clue.
Or maybe I’ll say nothing,
Until I speak to you.

Copyright © Julie Hazell | Year Posted 2023

Details | Julie Hazell Poem

Ya Jerk

I’m loud, raunchy, fun and games.
Just don’t shoosh me up!

I drink, joke, laugh and sing.
Just don’t shoosh me up!

There really isn’t any point.
It’s never gonna work!

I’ll never shut my mouth up tight.
So Get Lost, Ya Jerk!!

Copyright © Julie Hazell | Year Posted 2023

Details | Julie Hazell Poem

My Guard

My heart is cracked aches

I use it carelessly shakes

I must be wise now’s sore

It can withstand the blows more

I let it fall so hard

I must shelter it
..from pain

I should be more aware’s sad

From all the heartache’s had

I’ll never fall again hard

I must once more keep up
My guard.

Copyright © Julie Hazell | Year Posted 2023

Details | Julie Hazell Poem

My World

Your love is the world to me
Without you I die.
You are the reason
Birds fly in the sky.

Your breath is the wind
Your eyes are the sun.
Your touch is the moon
That brings me undone.

Your words are the sand
Whispering to me.
My heart is the ocean
Let me caress thee.

Copyright © Julie Hazell | Year Posted 2023

Details | Julie Hazell Poem

Keep It Together

Feelings kept together with the adhesive of emotion,
Will eventually fall apart.
Feelings crave nurturing and understanding,
The adhesive of life.

Emotions are swept in and out of our lives on waves of feelings,
Always ending crashing on the shore of existence.
Each experience ensure we learn and grow,
Till eventually life gives us the ultimate test...


Copyright © Julie Hazell | Year Posted 2023

Book: Reflection on the Important Things