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Best Poems Written by Aloo Denish Obiero

Below are the all-time best Aloo Denish Obiero poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I am Africa, the cradle of mankind,
Where ancient footprints in the sands of time entwined,
The birthplace of humanity, divinely designed,
In my esteemed valleys, where life first aligned.

I am Africa, the cradle of civilization,
Where mighty empires rose with determination,
From the ancient Egypt's pyramids to the Great Zimbabwe walls,
From glorious Mali Empire to Kingdom of Kush, history recalls.

I am Africa, adorned with wonders untold,
From Victoria Falls, a sight to behold,
To the Serengeti, the great wildlife migration known,
The winding Nile River, nature's masterpiece shown.

I am Africa, land of majestic savannas,
Where lion roars and elephant wanders,
From Kilimanjaro's peak to the Rift Valley's floor,
Nature's grandeur timelessly spectacular, evermore.

I am Africa, rich in resources so rare,
From Congo's minerals beyond compare,
To Ghana's gold gleaming bright,
And Nigeria's oil, a source of might.

I am Africa, richly endowed with resources untold,
Diamonds, platinum, copper, and tantalum behold,
I offer fertile soils and abundant rainfall,
To sustain life's rhythm, from the great to the small.

I am Africa, proudly dark-skinned and beautiful,
Melanin-rich, skin kissed by the sun, dutiful,
From the Maasai warriors to the Zulu kings,
Cultures and values that makes a heart sings.

I am Africa, scarred by the slave trade's hand,
As ships sailed away with souls from my land,
The Atlantic's cruel passage, a harrowing tale,
Yet from that dark chapter, my resilience did prevail.

I am Africa, the sleeping lion now awake,
To reclaim my glory, no more to forsake,
I stand tall against any disdain, my destiny to behold,
Socially strong, economically stable, politically bold.

I am Africa, acknowledging and ready to confront my flaws,
To root out corruption and greed, oppressive laws,
United in accountability, good governance, equity, and might,
I march forward with determination, embracing the future's light.

Copyright © Aloo Denish Obiero | Year Posted 2024

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Ubuntu: I Am Because We Are

"I am because we are," a truth profound,
In Ubuntu's philosophy, our humanity's found.
Our shared existence, interconnectedness so strong,
In unity we thrive, together we belong.
To be truly human, the first maxim shows,
Recognize others' worth, let empathy flow.
Through others, our mirror, humanity's reflected,
Respectful relations bloom, connections perfected.

When choices arise, wealth or life to save,
Opt for life's preservation, the second principle crave.
For human value, far outweighs riches' gleam,
Thus, benevolence and compassion reign supreme.

Even the king’s power, the third tenet’s clear,
Springs from people's will, to whom he owes dear.
His status, a communal gift from voices below him,
Their will becomes his role, to uphold without a whim.

Solidarity's our strength, collectivity’s our might,
A life of sharing, a love life radiating light,
“Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu,” the Zulu recite,
Let’s live Ubuntu's truth, day and night.

Copyright © Aloo Denish Obiero | Year Posted 2023

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A Voyage To Uranus

Uranus, a wonder to explore,
A mystery to unravel and adore.
Seventh from the sun, a world of blue-green,
With secrets to unveil, like none you've seen.

Tilted axis, a unique sight,
At 98 degrees, it spins just right,
And negative 224 degrees Celsius,
Uranus is one of the coldest, no less.

Methane, hydrogen, and helium,
Uranus' atmosphere, a scientific realm,
Deeper within, a layer of ice,
A mantle of rock, so precise.

13 rings of dust and ice,
Water ice, their primary guise,
Faint and challenging to see,
Studying their composition, a scientific spree.

27 moons orbiting around,
Titania, the largest can be found,
Rock and water ice, its makeup,
Probing Uranus, a chance to shake up.

A cosmic puzzle, a scientific call,
Uranus, a planet that mystifies us all,
Why explore its chemistry, you ask?
To know our place in this cosmic task.

Copyright © Aloo Denish Obiero | Year Posted 2023

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The Mighty Thought

The power of thought is like a flame,
Burning bright within our brain,
It starts with a seed in the mind's eye,
And grows into a vision that can touch the sky.

Thoughts shapes our world and guides our way,
Through every moment, every day,
For what we think, we bring to life,
With every thought, we change our strife.

Our own thoughts can build or break us down,
They can lift us up or leave us to drown,
Guard your thoughts with utmost care,
And choose prudently every thought you dare.

With positive thoughts we can soar,
And open up infinite doors,
With negative thoughts we can stall,
And create a life that feels small.

So let us harness the power of thought,
And use it for the good we've sought,
For in our minds lies the key,
To unlock the life we want to see.

Copyright © Aloo Denish Obiero | Year Posted 2023

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The Quest For Wisdom

Where does wisdom reside?
Where does understanding hide?
Not in the land of living souls,
Nor depths of seas, where vastness rolls.

Hidden from eyes, from all living things,
Even birds in the sky, it elusively clings.
Destruction and Death have only heard,
A mere rumor, nothing more, of its word.

Mortals toil, seeking treasures confined.
From the soil, iron is taken, copper refined.
Silver mines and gold's refining cells,
In depths of earth, where darkness dwells.

Its value cannot be contained,
By gold or silver, it's not attained.
Beyond the jewels, the precious stones,
Wisdom surpasses all thrones.

God alone understands the way,
Where wisdom resides, where it stay.
He views all beneath the heavens above,
And measures wisdom with truth and love.

To humankind, this message He imparts,
"The fear of the Lord, wisdom's true start,
To shun evil, that is understanding's key",
Embrace wisdom's path, and truly be free.

Copyright © Aloo Denish Obiero | Year Posted 2023

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From Potential To Greatness

Potential is untapped power, not defined solely by past performance,
Potential is a latent ability, not useful until put to purposeful action,
Potential is a hidden capacity, not just a measure of immediate success,
Potential is unrealized aptitude, not limited by circumstances.

Potential is a dormant talent, not realized without effort,
Potential is undiscovered strength, not the previous achievement,
Potential is undeveloped skill, not solely determined by genetics,
Potential is the yet-to-be-harnessed reservoir, not useless, but remains so unless utilized.

Potential is a thirst for learning, not stagnant or unchanging,
Potential is the belief in progress, not bound by past limitations,
Potential is a mindset of improvement, not inhibited by fear of failure or self-doubt.
Potential is self-awareness and belief, not constrained by external opinions or societal expectations.

Potential is unexplored opportunity, not fully known until it is tested,
Potential is a seed of possibility, a gateway to greatness not yet fully explored,
Potential is getting out of your comfort zone, not only this but giving your best,
Potential is the YOU that is YET TO BE SEEN, so WHAT in you is yet to be seen, and WHEN?

Copyright © Aloo Denish Obiero | Year Posted 2023

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The Reign of Thornbush

One day, the trees sought a king,
A ruler their hopes would bring,
In the land where trees stood tall,
But in their quest, a cautionary call.

To the olive tree, they first appealed,
"Be our king," they fervently revealed,
But the olive, revered and grand,
Declined, oil slipping through its hand.

"Shall I forsake my oil's divine glow,
That honors gods and humans so,
To rule over trees, in earthly domain?
No, my essence, I shall not profane."

The fig tree, adorned with fruits so sweet,
Was beckoned to take the royal seat,
But it, too, refused their noble plea,
Preserving its purpose, fruitfully free.

"Shall I surrender my succulent prize,
The taste of delight that satisfies,
To govern the trees, in earthly embrace?
No, my harvest, I shall not erase."

Next, the vine was summoned to sway,
"Come, be our king," the trees did say,
Yet, it, too, declined the sovereign plea,
Sparing its nectar's celestial decree.

"Shall I relinquish the wine I bestow,
That warms both gods and humans, aglow,
To rule over trees, in this mortal realm?
No, my elixir, I shall not o'erwhelm."

Finally, they turned to the thornbush bare,
Desperate for a king, in their despair,
It offered shelter, with a warning clear,
A choice to embrace or face fire's sear.

"If you crown me king, your sovereign guide,
Seek refuge within my shade, wholly inside,
But reject this, and witness the fire,
Consuming cedars in a dreadful pyre!"

Too late did the trees learn a lesson profound,
As do good men who stay silent, unbound,
Choosing passivity in public affairs, they bear,
To be ruled by the malevolent, a price unfair.

So rise, oh virtuous souls, heed the plea,
Engage in the struggle, let your actions decree,
Take up the mantle, courageously embrace the fight,
For evil triumphs, only when good turns a blind sight.

Copyright © Aloo Denish Obiero | Year Posted 2023

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A Bizarre Naked Dance

In Ongata Rongai's club, a memory song weaves,
A tale of Newton Karish and daring thieves,
Late '90s, New Year's Eve, a lively show,
A sold-out crowd, in high spirits, they'd go.

Karish, unlike modern stars who mime,
With a live band and dancers, he'd shine.
From 10 pm till dawn's early light,
He'd entertain with all his might.

Dancers lost in rhythms, the crowd in delight,
As midnight approached, spirits took flight,
But then, at 2 am, a sudden hush fell,
Speakers went mute, a foreboding spell.

A gang, six or seven, with weapons untamed,
Machetes, clubs, and rusty guns they aimed,
"KILA MTU LALA CHINI!" the leader's decree,
Patrons, sobered, herded, as fear grew free.

"EVERYONE, GET NAKED!" his next demand did ring,
So, they stripped down to nothing, a peculiar, shocking thing,
As the gang searched pockets, taking what they could find,
The crowd cowered on the cold floor, fear etched in their mind.

The gang's leader, bold with humor in tow,
Ordered the speakers to once again glow,
Onstage, Karish and his band stood bare,
Naked and vulnerable, in the chilling air.

"START SINGING!" the gang leader's absurd command,
Karish, his voice trembling, had to withstand,
"Muthoni Kifagio," the song he must perform,
A satirical piece, to ridicule and inform.

Adding humor to the tale's unique lore,
The gang chose a dancer, a man to explore,
An old, pot-bellied, short figure in a cowboy hat,
Dancing comically for the gang; imagine that!

The heist was brief, mere minutes had passed,
And the gang disappeared, leaving the patrons aghast,
Naked and frantic, like a colonial scramble they raced,
For clothes to wear, in haste, they embraced.

Karish and his band, furthest from the pile of clothes,
Landed mismatched attire, confusion arose,
Karish in a spaghetti top, a scent of perfume so strong,
His wife at home, his troubles, he'd explain ere long.

No offense, but imagine the scene so bizarre,
As the pot-bellied dancer, in a cowboy hat, old by far,
Wore lady's biker short, oh what a sight,
In an unexpected place, a humorous plight.

To this day, Karish worries and ponders,
How the dancer, in his unusual wonders,
Explained to satisfaction, to his wife's delight,
Why he wore lady's biker short that night.

Copyright © Aloo Denish Obiero | Year Posted 2023

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Love and Hope: My Anthology's Dedication Page

To my beloved mother, Prisila Adoyo Aloo,
Whose love and guidance have helped me grow,
This anthology is a tribute true,
A testament to the bond we share, through and through.

To the world, I send these words with care,
May they ignite hope and banish despair,
May every verse, every line, every rhyme,
Inspire hearts to bloom, stand the test of time.

Copyright © Aloo Denish Obiero | Year Posted 2023

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The Shooting Star

Deep in the village, far from city's charm and gleam,
Primitive childhood days, with toys of mud we’d dream,
Swinging on tall tree branches, our airplanes up the skyways,
Butt scooting down the anthills, our high-end cars on highways.

Once a moonlit night so clear, with dazzling constellations afar
Would unveil a gem so rare, the SHOOTING STAR,
The stellar herald, our surest destiny's bearer,
That carried our dreams, through heavens' mirror.

We believed, if to this celestial magic, you spoke your wishes,
Assuredly, your future dreams would come true, even riches,
But only while the brief light streak shone, could wishes find their way,
Once gone from view, chance lost, 'til next uncertain day.

"I want to be a pilot!" one would exclaim,
"I wish to be a doctor!" another would acclaim,
"I'll be a president!" a soul would declare,
Wishes rolled as swift, as the star's radiant flare.

Today we're of age, the dreamed future's here and now,
The city’s beauty familiar, cars and planes are real, avow,
In our dreams, we still believe, hope gleams on our brow,
Ready to embrace our destiny, oh shooting star, where art thou?

Copyright © Aloo Denish Obiero | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs