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Best Poems Written by Vineeth Shetty

Below are the all-time best Vineeth Shetty poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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How a War Ends

The birds of steel fly over the sky,
Oh, why! Oh! Why?
The steel troops advance,
That's when the fell upon my glance;
I had to return to base,
Fore' the Nazis made a chase.

I took my heels, then I ran,
Then I saw my own sitting in a van;
I staggered a bit, but I managed a jump,
couldn't mount, therefore I bump;
into scrap, I'd hit,
my own didn't even care a bit.

For the betrayal that he made,
Lord! Stab him with a diamond blade;
In a war, none are your ally,
so is war called a human folly;
he pushed the throttle, went away,
I thanked god, for my last day.

the bandits took me to execution,
I shriveled down for their persecution;
This was an end of a life,
an end of my everlasting strife;
to a limit of betrayal by friends,

Copyright © Vineeth Shetty | Year Posted 2023

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What Thee Knows'T of Toil

What thee knows't of toil, I ask in kind,
Of labor's sweat and tireless grind?
Forsooth, I've witnessed toil's weary plight,
And felt its weight upon my brow, despite.

To toil is to labor with all thy might,
To toil is to toil from morn till night.
In fields of soil, 'neath the scorching sun,
Bearing burdens heavy, toiling 'til day is done.

With calloused hands and aching back,
Toiling souls endure life's relentless attack.
From dawn's first light 'til twilight's gleam,
Toiling hearts strive, chasing a dream.

Toil knows no boundaries, no creed, nor race,
It dwells in each endeavor, in every place.
From the scholar's desk to the worker's toil,
Toil's arduous dance encompasses all soil.

Yet, in the midst of toil's demanding chore,
A flicker of hope, an ember to adore.
For toil's labor births a sense of worth,
A purpose fulfilled, a testament of birth.

So, let us not disdain the toiling way,
For toil bears fruits, though delayed its pay.
In toil we find strength, resilience, and might,
A testament to the human spirit's light.

So, what thee knows't of toil, my friend?
Have thee felt its burden, its demands to tend?
For to know toil is to know life's truest test,
And in toil's embrace, we find our very best.

Copyright © Vineeth Shetty | Year Posted 2023

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Passion of Poetry

An art ascending along time,
with words which aren't able to sublime;
An outbreak of your emotional state,
with lines small and meanings great;
An endeavor of peace,under a tree,
Is what I call poetry.

Ecstatic, depressed or calm,
ink your thoughts with your palm;
Mere words can be utilized,
to enrich your mental merchandise;
Emotions are yours cared faintly,
prioritize them with poetry.

Expression of your every visit,
GOD, how exquisite;
Evoke your nostalgic memories,
captivated on your personal diaries;
manifesting your inward pleasantly,
is so called POETRY.

Copyright © Vineeth Shetty | Year Posted 2023

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Bliss of Solitude

I was capturing the yonder skies,
when hath my belittled soul slowly dies;
THrough the time I've crept,
Solitude is the matter ,I've kept;
I was a colourless leaf slowly dying,
I was all alone and crying.

THEN my heart SPOKE,
For this world,Thou are a joke;
the more lonely, Are you,
The more brainly are you;
can not you get bliss,
Whatever state you call this.

push the throttle into the sky,
your heart may,but never shall brain cry;
With wonderous and awakening strength,
you smile with bliss,till last breath;
nor a friend's gratitude,nor an enemy's attitude,
what thou hath is BLISS OF SOLITUDE.

Copyright © Vineeth Shetty | Year Posted 2023

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Dreaming All Night

I've been dreaming all night
for a cherished sight
The dream of shooting up to sky
ill never down, I WILL pry
Shall I SOAR for an Oscar
the dream which I WILL CONQUER

ill never diminish on power
ill keep up till my golden hour
my faith on Victory is alive
For it, I shall dive, STRIVE AND THRIVE

Copyright © Vineeth Shetty | Year Posted 2023

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The Nuke

The wandering clouds, over the Japanese sky
With mirth and joy passing by
Unknown of the upcoming crisis
laugh of folks in merry bliss
The birds chirping, blessing good
never was it prominent and never it would

Soon the clouds turned gloom
detonated there, a very huge mushroom
"It Is WAR" echoed the west.
Unfortunately, the poor had not been blest
The west warned, but did not heed
the empire was left with bruises and bleed

For what was that ancient state?
Which got buried inside a crate
There was none left to weep
The nuke Wrought the area deep, the area so deep
Extermination, War and death
The ancient Empire took its last breath

What did the innocent do
who got irradiated in the faithless loo
Peasants, workers, poor got wiped
The remaining had themselves sniped
Once again, said the West-
"warned but did not heed!
Extermination and death is what we feed."

So was said, "Then arose A New Empire"
To reincarnate their diminished desire.

Copyright © Vineeth Shetty | Year Posted 2023

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Eclipse of Emotions

In the vast theatre of our souls;
Where your feelings play their roles.
Emotions dance in an endless array;
A symphony of colours, day and night.

JOY, unveils its majestically magnificent and mesmerizing wings;
Like the mother thrush, it sweetly sings.
It lifts us past the nine clouds;
In jubilant moments, when wrapped in merry shrouds.

Yet, SADness has its own grace;
a defected gust, a disconsolate embrace.
In sooth, it cleanses wounds, that time has weaved;
From tears, new strength is perceived.

ANGER, displayed as a fiery might;
The tempest fierce, a deadly plight.
For sooth anger drives us on
'Tis' the solution, when hope is gone

Love, is not an emotion but art;
A pure bond of trust, heart-to-heart.
A force even the almighty can't destroy;
A glamorous job, a man could employ.

So, I ask thou embrace these feelings, pure;
Through ebbs and tides, we will endure

Copyright © Vineeth Shetty | Year Posted 2023

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Tale of a Teacher

What doth he do? In the hall of learning
He, teaches us alphabets
Using which we simulate stupendous sonnets
he teaches us, with contrasting countenance
from mere additions to anatomy of hens
This is he does in the hall of learning
Where our fiery passion is brightly burning

Who is he? In the hall of learning
He is the Buddha disseminating wise
Wanting his pupils to rejuvenate and rise
His wisdom and knowledge dancing in blaze
showering us with his unperturbed grace
This is him in the hall of learning
Where the glory of mankind is gloriously gleaming.

Why is he in the hall of learning
Because he is the architect tinkering the next
He enchants and procures the greatest
He works not for pay but passion
He is the trigger for his disciple's ascension
For this is he in the hall of learning
a beacon of sagacity forever, beaming

Copyright © Vineeth Shetty | Year Posted 2024

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A subtle summer

In the gratifying embrace of the sun's glow
a delightful plight, a verdant tableau;
Where the blazing sovereign of light reigns 
scattering, a gleam of kaleidoscopic refrains;
The sweet sounds of the dulcet birds
coercing me to summon these words;
the pulpy fruits with its mellowing taste
with an azure sky, so simple and chaste;
I wished more of these benign days
For I could enrapture my mind by I single gaze.

Copyright © Vineeth Shetty | Year Posted 2024

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Positivity breeds it graceful wings
Disseminating compassion, to all the lowly things.
'Tis as lustrous as the mellowing sun
delivering exuberance to everyone.
Yet there are shadows, lurking 'hind the good
A true bizarre, A malevolent hood.
But optimism overshadows the Agelasts
It ostracizes the demon, nurturing the outcasts
And so do I bleat, embrace Optimism's virtue
Promulgate saguinity to folks you come through.

Copyright © Vineeth Shetty | Year Posted 2024


Book: Reflection on the Important Things